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Guest Occupation: Daughter of Frankenstein (Boris Karloff), Speaker
Guest Biography:

Daughter of Frankenstein (Boris Karloff), his only child!

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: CEO, Free Energy Technologies Researcher, Exotic Energy Explorer, New Energy Congress Founder, Writer, Speaker, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Sterling Allan is the primary driving force behind,, and most recently 

Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. In May, 2012, Sterling founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market.

PES is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Sterling founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate. From this ongoing review, they generate a Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies listing.  More recently, they shifted their focus to "exotic" modalities, emphasizing the Top 5.  They also endeavor to facilitate the emergence of some of the more promising exotic technologies into the marketplace.  

Sterling has made the term "free energy" more acceptable by relating it to solar, wind, geothermal, and other well-understood technologies; while also making the more exotic approaches not seem so crazy. 

Prior to his focused involvement in free energy over the past eight years, Sterling was an activist in promoting principles of freedom and defending them against forces conspiring to establish world tyranny. For example, he spearheaded the "Draft Ron Paul for President in 2004" signature campaign. When Paul declined, Sterling threw his own hat in that ring. 

He is presently involved in launching an intentional community, Safe Haven Villages, featuring sustainable building and growing methods and utilizing renewable energy. Sterling's graduate studies at BYU and the University of Arizona were in Bioelectrochemisty, studying the interaction between external electrical stimuli and physiological systems.

Sterling is the founder of a dozen-plus organizations whose functions range from preparedness and alternative religious and political thinking; to defining, teaching and researching better ways to live as a society. He has proven experience in creating, managing and sustaining organizations, as well as in using websites as a way to teach, publish and disseminate information.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Biology & Chemistry, Technology, Free Energy
Guest Occupation: Investigative Journalist, New World Order Researcher, Christian Outreach Worker, Writer
Guest Biography:


I have been performing in-depth investigative journalism nationwide for 17 years now. My reports have become famous worldwide. I am also proud to confess I am a BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIAN, a true BELIEVER of Jesus Christ, which means personally that I adhere to high standards of morality and integrity, including in my research and in my personal life. I cover urgent subjects which include the deadly emerging NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA in America.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Religion
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Gluten Sensitivity Expert, Celiac Desease Expert, Clinician, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Dr. O'Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker specializing in Gluten Sensitivity & Celiac Disease. He is the Sherlock Holmes for chronic disease & metabolic disorders.

He is a clinician par excellence in treating chronic disease and metabolic disorders from a Functional Medicine Perspective. He holds teaching Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Life Sciences. Dr. O’Bryan is always one of the most respected, highly-appreciated speakers. His passion is in teaching the many manifestations of Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines.

In sensitive individuals, Gluten Sensitivity can trigger Auto-Immune Disorders, Epilepsy, Thyroid Disease, Diabetes, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and more. Perhaps one of the more surprising messages is the impact of Gluten Sensitivity on the brain. The “dimmer switch”, that occurs in the brain (especially in children), is one that parents and care givers would never suspect.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master, Dowser, Nurse, DNA Reconnection Facilitator
Guest Biography:

Cindy Bentley - Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master & Dowser, Registered Nurse

Now is the Time to Be the Magnificent Being You Were Intended to Be! Bring More Clarity into Your Life!

Cindy Bentley assists you in reconnecting and activating your DNA from 2 strands to 12 strands. With 12 strands activated, you will bring in more Divine Light to access your higher self and increase your Spiritual Growth and Evolution.

She first performs a genetic clearing, releases energetic blockages consisting of unconscious negative patterns and programs, and then removes auric attachments and karmic imprints, to allow the healing and activation to take place. Your frequency increases and your consciousness expands, creating more awareness. Carrying a higher vibration attracts higher vibrating frequencies to you.

DNA Reconnection offers many benefits and the list increases with time. Key benefits include increased:

• Joy and love
• Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healings
• Peace and calmness
• Vitality and stamina
• Confidence and security
• Deep emotional release
• Discernment and clarity about people and situations
• Recognition of your life purpose
• Lucid dreaming
• Self-expression and speaking your truth

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Light Worker, Healer, Reiki Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Like many light workers, Stephanie Lodge didn’t find the light, the light found her. For the past twenty years, Stephanie has spent hundreds of hours researching spiritual methodologies, healing modalities, ancient mythologies and truth movements in order to acquire enough knowledge to understand the real purpose of life.  It wasn’t until she stopped searching, however, that the truth finally came streaming in with little effort. Over time, the information she received in “channel” would be validated in different ways, giving her the confidence she needed to guide others with the knowledge she received.  Not only were her channeling sessions informative, but soon she was guided to do a new method of healing that combined several rays (or streams) of light specific to balancing the planetary “shift” of human consciousness.

She calls these rays “angelic” because the term “angel” comes from the word “angle,” which is an important aspect of light – its geometry. Angels are simply concentrated beings of light, like mobile stars or starlight if you will, that can stream their divine consciousness into a human mind in channel. Through this mind the “angelic light stream” flows, providing light as knowledge, healing frequency, sound vibration or any other form it chooses to create.  It is a power and a privilege that Stephanie feels honored and humbled by.  She’d like to say that there was some “miracle” or specific event that was the precursor to her suddenly being able to channel in angelic wisdom, but truthfully it was simply her intention and desire that connected her to the light and its emissaries.

Today, she uses her connection to the “stream” to provide healing and guidance to individuals and groups, with often profound effects. As founder of Angelic Light Stream, Stephanie is constantly revising the ALS programs as new information emerges, currently completing the Halonetix System for Ascension and perfecting Conscious Light Training techniques that allows others to begin their own journey into streaming directly from Source.  She is also working on a series of young adult novels to help the next generation of light workers begin their own journey into enlightenment.  On a practical side, she’s a certified Reiki I Practitioner, and is currently exploring other certifications, like Integrative Energy Therapy and Quantum Transcendence to learn additional techniques to enhance her existing intuitive methods.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Afterlife Expert, Researcher, Professor, Theologian, Author, Writer, Scholar
Guest Biography:


Stafford Betty, Ph.D., is an expert on afterlife studies and has been a professor of religious studies at California State University, Bakersfield, for almost forty years. He has authored seven books and published numerous articles in scholarly journals and the popular press. He lectures frequently on the subject of life after death and regularly teaches a course on death and afterlife at CSUB.

He has conducted a content analysis of descriptions about the spirit world communicated through mediums, and reveals 44 specific details of the afterlife in his book The Afterlife Unveiled - What the dead are telling us about their world. What he has found could be considered a "road map" of the afterlife.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Science, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Missiologist, Theologian, Outreach Worker, Messianic Jew
Guest Biography:

Michelle Beadle is a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus) and the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. Born and raised in New York City, she received Jesus as her Messiah and Redeemer in 1974 during her senior year at Cornell University. She has a Master's degree in Social Work from Tulane University and a Master's degree in Missiology and Jewish

Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Michelle joined CJF Ministries in 1994 as a full-time outreach worker in New Orleans and its surrounding areas, representing CJFM in the southeastern region of the United States. Her ministry focuses primarily on bringing the Good News to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and sharing the Jewish roots of Christianity in conferences, churches, schools, Bible studies, and women's groups. Her work includes one-on-one Bible studies with Jewish persons who are interested in learning what the Bible has to say about the Messiah; the discipleship of new believers; and tract distribution at various locations throughout the greater New Orleans area—including the campuses of Tulane University and the University of New Orleans. Michelle also leads small group Bible studies.

Along with her husband, David, and two children Michelle planted the first Messianic Jewish Congregation in the city of New Orleans.

Guest Category: Religion, Judaism, Christianity