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Guest Occupation: Inspirational Speaker, Wealth Coach, & Best-selling Author
Guest Biography:

Inspirational Speaker, Wealth Coach, & Best-selling Author

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Researcher, gamer
Guest Biography:

Born in Seattle, grew up on South Whidbey Island, founded the Brimstone fireworks company in college, shut down by the ATF my junior year in 1990.

Spent 3 years as a sous chef at a Greek restaurant, won the first computer pinball world tournament in 1994, hired by a PC game publisher in Boulder Colorado the same year, played computer games for a living until 1997. Stayed in the Boulder technology sector ever since.

Never married, never had kids. Most of my extensive free time is spent trying to unravel the hidden truths of our civilization, and the never ending search for the meaning of life itself. If I had to pick a single motto, it would be, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst". A close second is, "Don't regret what you've done, regret what you haven't".

Contact me at

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Physician Scientist
Guest Biography:

TIM TAKARO MD is a physician-scientist trained in occupational and environmental medicine, public health and toxicology, at Yale, the University of North Carolina and University of Washington. His research is primarily directed toward the links between human exposures and disease, and determining public health based preventive solutions to such risks. His work includes use of biological and other markers for medical surveillance, exposure assessment, and disease susceptibility with a focus on immunologic lung disease, human health and war, clinical occupational and environmental health and population resiliency in the health effects of climate change. Current research on human health and climate change focus on water quality in BC communities and building and mapping watershed resilience in Nicaragua. Current research collaborations include projects in India, Iraq, Mongolia, Nicaragua, the U.S. and Canada.

In March 2015, Dr. Takaro was awarded with the President’s Award for Leadership in Sustainability at Simon Fraser University.

Guest Category: Education, Medicine, News, Science
Guest Occupation: Owner / Trainer
Guest Biography:

Why Age is just a Number?

Reverse the aging process

Learn easy steps to make healthy changes

First 3 callers will get 30-minute online consultation with Chris 

Chris been before on the show talking about :

Life Changing Fitness

Chris Cray is the founder of Total Body Fitness Personal Training company (1998) with a holistic approach to fitness. Chris has been involved in fitness for over 30 years as a College Athlete, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Teacher, Personal Trainer and Research Development Coordinator. He has developed programs with success for multiple populations including athletes, corporate groups, amputees, stroke victims, terminally obese, those suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, and much more. Growing up as an obese child with family members suffering from diabetes, Chris is motivated to help others to achieve a healthier and happier lifestyle.

This call is dedicated to bringing awareness how fitness can change your life and your lifestyle.

We will talk what is the #1 step that Chris is using that is making the difference to achieve the end result.

Why New Years resolutions don't work, make you disappointed ,why you give up and how you can make it work

We will talk about different Myths that people use and what is holding them if you STRUGGLE yourself and you feel stuck and disappointed with fitness and how is not working for you this show may help you to get some answers. So bring your questions and ask Chris! 

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Musical Artists, Composers, Arranger, Musicians
Guest Biography:

Big Lucky Band

It was a vintage swing night in Hollywood, and the freewheeling, speakeasy spirit of the roaring ‘20s was making the dancers crowd the floor. On the stand, torch songstress Val Peterson was at the mic, singing a tune that would have made the Great Gatsby proud. That’s when he walked in. Paul Frederick: composer, arranger, musician. In his hand, a weathered, black case. In the case, a clarinet.

“Who plays clarinet, anymore?” Peterson thought as she watched Frederick assemble his axe to sit in with the band. “Who sings like that, anymore?” Frederick thought to himself as he put a reed on his horn and listened to Peterson finish a chorus. They nodded at each other, and he started to play. With just a few notes coaxed from the licorice stick, Peterson had her answer.

In such moments bands are born. Call it lucky. Call it Big Lucky…

As fans of classic songwriters and performers – Porter, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Shaw – Peterson and Frederick bonded instantly that night in Hollywood, and Big Lucky was born. From there, they set out to evangelize the greatest music of the past, but with a hipster chic style that’s all their own.

Whether performing as a trio or tearing the roof off with a full, 18-piece orchestra, Big Lucky has been wowing audiences and critics from their native Los Angeles all the way to Paris and Budapest with their unique, retro-lounge swing and glamorous sound.

In 20xx they caught the well-tuned ear of NAME, a vintage and rare Gatsby-era jazz connoisseur who commissioned the band to create their album, “The Venture Capital Follies of 1929.” To summon the speakeasy flavor of the roaring ‘20s, Frederick drew upon his skills as a composer/arranger to create original arrangements for a full dance band while Peterson studied 100s of period recordings to capture just the right sass and flavor.

Critics praised the album’s attention to detail, its superlative sound quality, and the excellent musicianship. The album led to Big Lucky’s first appearance at the famed Biltmore hotel in downtown Los Angeles and guest spots on HBO’s hit shows, “Entourage” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

Recently, the band inked a deal to create original songs with their patented, vintage ‘20s lounge flavor for international music library XYZ. They’re also hard at work recording their follow-up album. “Around the World with Big Lucky.” Blending the band’s love of 1950’s and ‘60’s movie themes, Peterson’s unique ability to sing in five languages, and the virtuoso accordion stylings of Nick Ariondo, the new album promises music fans a whirlwind tour of continental, folk, and gypsy sounds served up ala “martini chic.”

With the finest touring and studio musician in Los Angeles behind them, Peterson and Frederick’s Big Lucky brings the best in jazz, standards, swing, pop, and lounge to discriminating music fans the world over.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Advanced Mortgage Planer & Real Estate Portfolio manager, Public Speaker
Guest Biography:


Joshua grew up in a magical little town called Oakley, Utah. He grew up as 20th century Huckleberry Finn in the mountains, rivers, and farms of the majestic Uinta Mountains. His youth was founded in harvesting the bounty from local farms, growing food in gardens, and the spirit of a community that deeply values independence. This left a ever-lasting love for nature, profound respect for the environment, and strong sense of independence.

The eldest son of woodworking artists, his parents instilled a thirst for knowledge, a strong work ethic, and the courage of life long artists to follow his passions and dreams.

Upon graduating from high school he traveled the world serving in the U.S. Navy as a Gunners Mate Guns. He entered the military as a boy full of pride and blind patriotism. He left as a man with a more true understood what it means to be a patriot and deep respect for being a Citizen of the Republic of the United States of America

In early 2,000’s, Joshua served as the Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for a Nutracuetical company Kleos Laboratories in Salt Lake City Utah.

He graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Biology from the University of Utah in 2003 and began his adventure in real estate within the mortgage industry. The majority of his professional career has been in Advanced Mortgage Planning & Real Estate Portfolio management. He specialized integrating mortgages and real estate investments in a similar manner as traditional financial portfolios. The focus of these strategies was to optimize both the assets and liabilities within the portfolio for maximum risk protection, increased liquidity, and sustainable prosperity. for generations to come.

He has practiced portfolio management at many levels within the finance spectrum. Creating individual portfolios, consulting to Mortgage Banking institutions, and managing mortgage portfolios.

His main focus is the development and creation of Prosperity Homes. Prosperity Homes homes are high quality homes that create 3E (Energy Economic, Environmental) Independence. Achieved through synergistic integration of energy production (solar), electric vehicles, sustainable food/water systems non-toxic materials combined with energy efficient designs. The result is beautiful homes which produce power, grow food, harvest water, save money, add wellbeing to our lives and with the environment.
Prosperity Homes are the culmination of everything he has learned real finance and from years deeply studying the systems Energy, Environment, & Economic systems. Analyzing the core problems from the top or Global perspective, down to the most fundamental levels, the level of us as individuals citizens, families, and communities. Applying the principles developed in financial portfolio management, to create holistic solutions in the 3E’s Energy, Economics, Environmental

He views the significant problems of today as grand opportunities to fundamentally restructure our energy systems from the bottom up and rebuild our economies from the inside out.
Transforming our lives of over-consumption of debt, excessive leverage, & dependence on distant dark energy which is keeping us locked in a ever cycle of struggle, suffering, and pollution into super-production into a driving force of sustainable wealth, locally produced energy, ever more pristine environment, and prosperity that echoes for generations.

Joshua Tree is a powerful public speaker who has spoken to thousands of citizens, mortgage, real estate, and financial professionals about the power and strategies of Advanced Mortgage Planning.  He currently resides in Los Angeles CA with the love of his life, working in his dreams, and living his life’s purpose with passion

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management, Philosophy, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Consultant
Guest Biography:

Because of her love of nature, the great outdoors, Earth’s bountiful gifts of natural resources, clean air and water, animals, marine life, wild life and all plant life “Lexie” Alexandra May Hunter has been an environmental activist for 40 years. She began doing volunteer service in her hometown community of Barrington, Illinois when her children were young where she acted as The Environmental Awareness Director for her children’s school district. Ms. Hunter is also a published photographer and writer & master equestrienne who now resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

During the course of her 24+ year business law career she has become an environmental law expert and has practiced as a Contract Manager concisely drafting, analyzing, advising, negotiating and successfully closing very complex technical high revenue deals for American based corporations. She has a sub specialty in environmental law, intellectual property, media law, commercial real estate,  the UCC,  labor law, corporate governance, railroad law, health care and IT, estates and trusts as well as training employees on best practices, corporate policies, labor law and complex legal issue matters.  She is highly adept at handling extremely complex issues often in very contentious adversarial settings where she navigates easily and brings the parties to a meeting of the minds that is a win-win for all involved.  She is an expert at analyzing complex verbiage, issues and concepts and boiling down the ambiguous complexity to the root cause principal issues at hand making it easy for understanding and communicating. She is an expert researcher and draftsperson.

Alexandra became aware of the currently in effect geoengineering program approximately 3 years ago and she set to devoting all of her time and energy to conducting an in depth thorough fact based analysis and research of the entire scope of the history, chronology, laws, science and technology, engineering, congressional oversight and removal of such oversight, the United Nations and countries participation, the military industrial complex, the banking system, the past & current day political system, non-governmental organizations (“NGO”),  private foundations, entities, trusts and individuals funding the many facets of the program as well as all of the principal persons involved with regards to the global implementation, operation and cover up of the covert program. On June 25, 2014, in a precedent setting action at the State level, Alexandra delivered actual legal notice of the currently in effect program & non-consent at a public meeting in Kingman, Arizona to State Senator Dr. Kelli Ward and 2 lawyers, Sherri Zendri & Beth Hager of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”).  During her speech she recited the precise Arizona laws which govern the scope of the issue, the historical & scientific facts, fact based background and present day on-going activities thereto and the affirmative truth that the state of Arizona does have legal jurisdiction over the currently in effect program.

After attending the first anti-geoengineering conference on Los Angeles, California in August of 2012 where she initiated, built and has maintained relationships with all the content experts on this matter, she has devoted her entire life, attention and abilities to this dire global survival matter. She has been a guest on many radio interview programs and has been interviewed by Robert Phoenix of Austin Texas, Sonny Thomas of Ohio, Larry Becraft, Esq. of Alabama, Dr. Dan Koontz of Phoenix, Tony Palleresco of Canada and Dave Kelman of Nevada to name just a few.

Alexandra has been helping the anti-geoengineering community by drafting a 70+ page state specific Resolution document that is intended to be presented to all state level elected representatives. For serious minded activists who are interested in Ms. Hunter’s expert services they can contact her at her email address which is;  She can also be found on Facebook, TSU, and Twitter.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Politics & Government, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Over the years, Elana Freeland has been a Waldorf school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and ghostwritten books on diverse topics. Her second major in college was biology. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Freeland has self-published a fictional American history series called Sub Rosa America about the “deep politics” behind the downfall of the United States since John F. Kennedy's assassination.

In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, the book that connects how the chemical aerosols whiting out our skies and ionospheric heaters around the world work together to assure seven major military operations of global control.

In October 2014, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons, and now she has begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth about the next operation to be served by global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Inside the electromagnetic lockdown of the Space Fence, humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future. . She now lives in Olympia, Washington.--

Elana Freeland, MA
Sub Rosa America series
Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
Guest Category: Earth & Space, Politics & Government, Science, Technology