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Guest Occupation: Talk Show Host, Psychic Healer, Author, Editor, Speaker, Question Triggered Channel, Meditator, Personal Empowerment Facilitator
Guest Biography:

Lance B. Whitefamed & gifted psychic healer, author, and exceptionally adept practitioner of question triggered channeling, L.B. White, is Zany Mystic.

I was born in Santa Barbara, California in 1950 to pioneers from Kansas, who landed there not far from Dorothy. My journey has taken me to the depths and heights - ultimately a spiritual journey. In 2007, I wrote an irreverent account called Tales of a Zany Mystic, offered at Amazon Books in paperback and free on Kindle. One year prior, I was asked if I wanted to do a weekly radio show. This marked the birth of the internet radio series on BBS Radio: A Fireside Chat With Zany Mystic.  Shows are broadcast live and free.  Archived show are free to listen to and download; now on iTunes.  What began as a deep search underneath the surface of murky waters, looking for the truth about 2012, aliens, UFOs, metaphysical, mystical and esoteric, is today a beacon of light to guide fellow travelers through choppy waters, largely unseen.  A few years ago, friend and guest George Kavassilas and his wife Cynthia, asked me to edit their new book, Our Universal Journey.  Recently, Inelia Benz, another good friend and frequent guest, had me edit her new book, a huge sensation: Tales of a Psychic Vampire.

BOOK Information for Tales of a Zany Mystic - "A page turner!"

On June 21st, 2013 during the Summer Solstice, I recorded a series of 20 half hour interviews with Andrew Bartzis on Galactic History.  I personally transcribed the videos, added pictures and hyperlinks, then wrote the 21st transcript to give the reader an idea about who I am and offer a few thoughts.  The videos are free to watch and there is a small suggested donation for the enormous task of transcribing.  Today, I live quietly on a small ranch in Northern California with my true love, my four-legged Jack Russell Terrier.  I do pro bono healing work with a small group of friends, and am available for occasional sliding scale  phone consultations and book editing and creation.  Those who would enjoy having a personalized, signed copy of my book with a conscious charged crystal, write me via email. 

To follow me on Facebook, type in Lance White.  There, I host a group called Galactic History Discussion Group.  Email:


Guest Occupation: Mayan Wisdom Keeper
Guest Biography:

Within the traditional indigenous circles and within the native people of the Maya, Tat Erick is called an Aj Q’ij and a KamalBey (spiritual teacher). His entire life has been walking between the worlds, the physical/mental with the spiritual/elemental. And with this lifelong experience, he has become aware of the supernatural beings that hold and co-create cosmic natural elemental forces. In the ceremonies, he has received their blessings and their manifestations, so that it becomes more than a human ceremony experience, but a true dimensional spiritual experience. 

This incredible journey has guided him to create sacred spiritual sanctuaries north of Mt Shasta in Northern CA and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala- places of profound beauty, learning and healing. He is also the Founder and Spiritual Leader of Earth Peoples United, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting people with the natural and spiritual worlds.

With a foundation in oral tradition, Tat Erick shares with a global community via tele-class teachings and lectures at universities, schools, international gatherings and conferences. His wisdom and teachings have also been featured in various documentaries, magazines, journals and books.

Guest Category: Plant & Animals, Spiritual, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Author, Meditation Teacher, Visionary
Guest Biography: Radio Show #5

BBSRadio Station 1
March 22, 2015

Judi and Dov interview Gordon Asher Davidson about his book, ‘The Transfiguration of the World’ - How a Light Alliance is Transforming Darkness and creating a New Earth.

The book and the interview highlight the immense changes underway and points towards a response from the Light Alliance that is on going in reaction to the dark, controlling forces that have had their way for some time.

There is much reason to be optimistic, according to Davidson, for a creative unfoldment of joy is underway due to our ability to connect to the Matrix of Love. In his Book he states:

Love is the greatest expander and extender of consciousness there is, the link between all the worlds and dimensions, the ever present matrix which holds every atom and every galaxy in right relationship. As such, entering the matrix through any dimensional portal intimately and ultimately leads into an ever expanding revelation of the seamless unity of the whole, which is the One, the One Life.

Thus, the task of unfoldment for each individual unit of life is to discover their unique portal of entry into this Matrix of Love, the One Life. This point of entry can be love for oneself, one's family, group, nation or the world.

Once entered, the matrix steadily and naturally expands the focus of love, its reach and inclusive embrace, to all the worlds. In this understanding is hidden the secret of the human heart, and its capacity to endlessly expand into the Whole.

In interview we discuss transformation of the financial systems and how charging high interest rates is a problem, 911, the history of Atlantis and Lemeuria, and how to work with your subconscious, meditation, and the difference between Transmutation, Transformation and Transfiguration.

In addition, there is a discussion of what Cobra and others label The Event which Gordon calls The Day of Revelation. It will be fascinating to those who follow Prepare for Change to see how he has come to so many similar realizations and insights about the days ahead and he sees a tremendous amount of light coming to the planet in a very short time, and this will be the catalyst for positive change for the world.

Everything is lining up in readiness for massive positive changes on our planet.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, News, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Naturopath
Guest Biography:

If you believe that preventing disease is a choice that sure beats the alternative, you'll love my guest on Cosmic LOVE this Saturday.
Dr. Art Franklin is a Naturopathic Doctor who, since 1965, has dealt with over 30,000 cancer patients from all over the world, utilizing Nature's products that can't be patented by Big Pharma.
Art is now 81, lived a good life, helped a lot of people, and he'll be sharing what he's been doing to get about a 97% cure rate for even the 'hopeless' cases in hospice. Recovery is usually within 7 weeks. He was once one of those 'hopeless' cases with terminal stage IV cancer and given 60 days to live. That was 11 years ago, and he is still cancer free.
Dr. Art doesn't make medical claims. He doesn't cure cancer. The body heals itself when the right natural modalities build health in the biological terrain of the tissues, cells and organ systems of the body.  That's what natural healing practitioners do.
Welcome Dr. Art Franklin to Cosmic LOVE with your Presence,
Christopher Rudy
PS: The effect of the rare cosmic "triple-play" – see: 'Equinox, Solar Eclipse and Super Moon' -- will still be strong during the show, so this could be a likewise rare event:)

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Researcher of truth on the true working of the Universe.
Guest Biography:

I have just completed building, which is to open on Saturday, the most extensive exhibition of the true workings of the Universe.

I AM 67 YEARS OLD researching the truth for 40 plus years. I live in Lytham St Annes, UK.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Peace Activist
Guest Biography:

BRANDON BRYANT has helped America to kill 1626 people as a drone operator for the US Air Force. He has watched, from the safety of his desk, his targets "bleed out" thousands of kilometres away.

The carnage he has seen has left him permanently scarred; he has post-traumatic stress disorder and he is haunted by the images of his kills. 

In a moving but disturbing interview with NBC news, Bryant describes his five years as a drone operator at bases in Nevada, New Mexico and Iraq.

He recalled one operation where his team fired two missiles at three men in Afghanistan and how he watched the men die on a thermal imaging screen.

"The guy that was running forward, he's missing his right leg," he said. "And I watch this guy bleed out and, I mean, the blood is hot. I can see every little pixel if I just close my eyes."

Bryant said this Air Force recruiter had told him that by being a drone operator "he would be like the smart guys in the control room in a James Bond movie".

He said he quit the Air Force because the job made him feel like a "sociopath", someone who had "lost respect for life".

BRANDON BRYANT - Founder Project Red Hand

The founder of Project Red Hand, Brandon joined the US Air Force in 2005, started training for the drone program April 12th of 2006, flew his first mission on December 3rd of that year, and fired his first hellfire shot on January 26th the following year . After leaving active duty on July 4th of 2011, he was the first drone operator to publicly speak out about the realities of the program. Seen on Democracy Now, CNN, Fox, published in GQ, Time Magazine, and collaborating on the the first article by The Intercept, Brandon seeks to answer all questions and get as much information to the public as possible. He was a part of Robert Greenwald’s documentary “Unmanned” and in Tonje Hessen Schei’s documentary “Drone”. He has spoken in front of the Security Council, and schools and parliaments across Europe. He advocates for transparency, questioning the nature of justice, open access to the internet, and veteran support.


The short version:  We are a team of veterans, human rights activists, and concerned citizens who seek to expose corruption, elevate truth, and increase human solidarity.

Now for the long version. Project Red Hand is the uniting of conscientious thought leaders, whistle blowers, experts, and concerned individuals in response to a world of growing crises and abuses in power. Our oath as public servants is to support and defend all people who are at the mercy of authority through exposing the mechanisms of corruption, manipulation, and wrong doing wherever it exists. We believe that truth deserves it’s own narrative, and through public awareness initiatives, we advocate a critical position toward all who would see it diminished. In doing so, we hope that people like you will also stand up and join us in our efforts.

Guest Category: Education, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Radio Host, Filmmaker, Writer/Researcher
Guest Biography:

MAX IGAN is a researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of global awakening movement. This man is a must listen to for all those serious about stopping the NWO in its tracks. His real given name remains anonymous and his second name is Maxwell. His last name also remains anonymous. He lives in Queensland, Australia and at the time of June 2012 he was 54 years old. The pen-name Max Igan that he has become known by is a combination of his middle name and his sons’ middle name. As a matter of interest, Igan is the original Irish spelling of the name Ian, and no, he does not have any Irish roots, he just liked the name. :) He decided upon the name Max Igan as his pen-name & internet identity as a tribute to his son and as a dedication to him. Any and all work he has done on the internet he has done mainly for him, first and foremost.

Recently, Max was viciously attacked suffering injuries including broken ribs, after giving a

Pro-Palestinian Speaking engagement in Byron Bay in Australia. Pro israeli elements had flown in from israel specifically targeting Max Igan during his speaking engagement.

Immediately after the attack host host Steve Johnson interviewed Max here:

Please visit Max Igan's site:

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Spiritual event planner, marketer, entrepreneur, and personal development coach
Guest Biography:

Are you a wisdom keeper? Is your passion sharing the wisdom of the heart, and your path has led you to sojourn where few have tread, filling your life with found treasure and precious heart wisdom that so many are seeking but not sure where to find it? Then you are a wisdom keeper. My passion is bringing the wisdom keepers of heart wisdom to wisdom seekers through publishing, online marketing, and crowdfunding projects.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy