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Guest Occupation: State licensed acupuncturist, author, researcher
Guest Biography:

Michael Edson is the co-founder and President of Natural Eye Care, Inc. He is a New York State licensed acupuncturist and co-author of Natural Eye Care: A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental Medicine and Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing, 2018. His latest book is Natural Parkinson's Support: Your Guide to Preventing & Managing Parkinson's (Nov, 2019). His upcoming book, Natural Brain Support: Ways to Help Prevent and Treat Dementia and Alzheimer's Naturally, will be published in 2020. His hobbies include the practice of Qi Gong, traveling, hiking, tennis, golf, movies, reading and chess.

Natural Parkinson's Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinsons - author Michael Edson


1) Name: Michael Edson

2) Company name: Natural Eye Care, Inc.

3) Interview title" Natural Parkinson's Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinson's

4) Mobile phone: 845-475-4158

5) Address business: 3 Paradies Lane, New Paltz, NY 12561​

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Inspirational
Guest Occupation: David "Avocado" Wolfe, J.D., Author and Speaker, Nutritionist, Superfoodist, Orator, Herbalist, Chocolatier, Organic Farmer, Tree Planter, Agricultural Alchemist, Essene Bishop.
Guest Biography:

Do you want to learn secret information in order to thrive and achieve your best life? My guest, David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe is one of the top health and nutrition experts today. Mr. Wolfe has 25+ years of experience in the health and wellness arena and has hosted 3,000 live events.  He is the celebrity spokesperson for the NutriBullet.  Mr. Wolfe’s Facebook fanbase is close to 13 million strong, making his influence one of the most widely commented and shared in the world. Mr. Wolfe is also President of The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, a nonprofit he founded in 2002, with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut and medicinal trees around the world.  David specializes in superfoods, superherbs, health technologies, peak performance, chocolate, organic farming and gardening.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Cannabis CBD farmer and CBD Production experts
Guest Biography:

Nancy Martin's Bio:

I have had many health problems since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia years ago. I always had HOPE that one day I would be WELL. I have been on the holistic path of wellness for many many years now. In early 2015 I came down with a bacterial infection in my mouth. In March of 2016 I came down with an upper respiratory infection which had me "down" by July and I went to a wellness clinic. My pain level from the fibromyalgia was a 10 of 10. I tested for H-pylori, ulcer, adrenal stress syndrome, and PTSD. We spent thousands on a year long program in 2017, but not much improvement.

In late 2017 and early 2018 I met a Tennessee CBD processor and bought two 1500mg bottles. I took 1ml daily. I had previously tried some oil produced in Florida that had no effect after 6 months. I had spent decades of suffering with the pain of fibromyalgia that was like stabbing/shooting in different areas of my body. Into the 2nd month on this high quality CBD oil my pain was reduced to occasional flutters. Into the 3rd month after upgrading to the 2000mg bottle I looked at Eric and said we need to learn to make this oil to help others who're suffering. Previously in 2008 I had declared to Eric that I wanted to help others and that it was heavy on my heart to do so. Three weeks later I came down with two different instances of flu and lost hearing in my right ear and equilibrium. I have always wanted to help others and now that I'm in better health due to CBD oil Eric and I have our own CBD processing business. I'm fulfilling my purpose to help others. I now know that if you feel better you do better and you have HOPE you can be WELL!



Eric Martin:

I began looking into Hemp in 2014 with the passage of the Farm Bill that started the Hemp Pilot Program for participating states. After reading online about cannabis based business into 2017 we had the pleasure of meeting a participant in the Tennessee Pilot Program who was processing a high quality CBD. Nancy saw personal results by the second month on his product. He encouraged us to process our own and get involved. We later trained with him on processing. Our lives have been changed by his generosity and friendship. We've "paid it forward" by helping others in this business as he helped us. We're a health and wellness based processor and strive for as clean, healthy, and nutritious product as we can make. Come on this journey with us to nourish your health, strength, and spirit!


Eric Martin

HopeWell Farm LLC

CBD Basics #1



389 Mount Herman Rd, Harrogate, TN 37752

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Nutrition, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: James Redfield was 43 when he published The Celestine Prophecy. He has been keenly interested in human spirituality all of his life.
Guest Biography:

James Redfield is the #1 Best Selling Author of the CELESTINE PROPHECY series of books, Lecturer, Filmmaker, Therapist, and Writing and Business Consultant. Together his books have spent over three years on the New York Times Best Sellers List. His awards include the prestigious Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate, The Auburn University Humanitarian of the Year Award, and The International New Thought Award. Redfield is perennially included in the Watkins List of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. James is currently engaged in a world-wide Celestine Prophecy “Inspiration” Tour.  Learn more at:

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: International Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Retreat & Seminar Facilitator
Guest Biography:

International Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Retreat & Seminar Facilitator, Winner of International Women’s Day ‘Outstanding Role Model Award’ and Nominated ‘Who’s Who of Australian Women’.

Kristine Matheson and was diagnosed with stage IV metastasized melanoma in 2005 and given a prognosis of six months to live. She always believed in the power of ‘food as medicine’ together with the use of herbs and supporting nutritional supplementation. Nourishing the body, mind, and soul together with letting go of fear.

Easter 2005, Kristine was diagnosed with terminal stage IV metastasized melanoma cancer and given a diagnosis of 6 months to live, at best twelve months.  Not willing to oblige, she took control of her own health, searched various alternative health protocols, that included raw food, nutritional supplements, meditation, and exercise. Kristine created wellness protocols that were to save her life within 5 months.  She remains in good health to this day with a passion to liberate 1 million people of cancer globally by the year 2020.

It took Kristine only five months to cure herself of cancer and due to her success, she went onto writing the first edition of what was to become a best-selling book From Cancer to Wellness: the forgotten secrets (2009).

A step-by-step handbook for beating cancer. She is also the author of ‘Holistic Wellness Recipe Book’ and co-author of Olivia Newton-John’s Livwise Cookbook.

Over the years prior to succumbing to cancer, she endured chronic fatigue, anxiety attacks, business stress, and sadly the loss of a child. These life lessons have been instrumental in her passion to treat the cause of disease.

Kristine has enthusiastically and successfully volunteered her time and experience in supporting many discouraged cancer sufferers worldwide take control of their own health, and triumph without the use of drugs or radiation. Her passion is to share her strategies to liberate 1 million people of cancer globally by the year 2020.

Kristine is the recipient of the ‘International Women’s Day Outstanding Role Model Award 2011’ and was nominated for Who’s Who of Australian women, 2011–2013, and was selected as the Professional of the Year in her field for the continued dedication to my work with Worldwide Who’s Who International 2015–2016.

The second edition of From Cancer to Wellness: the forgotten secrets were published in 2018. This book has many testimonials it. Together with her husband Wayne Matheson, cancer survivor, Nutritionist, Meditation Mind-Body Coach, and Personal Trainer we facilitate Seminars, Workshops and Retreats worldwide.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Political Activist, DC Statehood Advocate
Guest Biography:

Adam Eidinger is one of DC’s premier political activists, having been involved locally and nationally in a wide range of social justice issues. His causes include anti-war, cannabis and hemp politics, GMO labeling and DC statehood. 

Eidinger most recently served as the sponsor of the Committee to Hold Jack Evans Accountable, which collected signatures from residents registered to vote in DC’s Ward 2 with the aim of recalling Ward 2 Council member Jack Evans, who is under scrutiny for appearing to use his elected office to solicit employment from law and lobbying firms and for receiving money and stock shares from a sign company that benefited from legislation he promoted. The campaign fell short of the required amount of signatures needed to hold a recall election. 

DC Council members were poised to vote earlier this month to expel Evans, its longest serving member, from its governing body. Such a vote and expulsion has never transpired in the District of Columbia. On January 7, 2020, Evans submitted his letter of resignation, resigning his elected position effective January 17th. Evans, who has held office for nearly 29 years, is still the target of a federal grand jury investigation. 

Adam served as the sponsor of Ballot Initiative #71, for marijuana legalization, which electors passed by more than 70% in the 2014 General Election. Eidinger is a cofounder of, which was formed in 2013 to change the outdated marijuana laws in the District of Columbia. Adam was recently invited to the White House for a meeting to discuss removing marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances.

Adam is also a longtime DC statehood advocate who was arrested in an act of civil disobedience with Senator Brown in a protest in front of the United States Senate in 2011. 

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: President and CEO of Homeless Empowerment Program
Guest Biography:

Ashley Lowery, the President and CEO of the Homeless Empowerment Program in Clearwater, Florida, holds a B.S. in Marketing from the University of South Florida – Kate Tiedemann College of Business, St. Petersburg. She graduated in 2012 and was a member of the National Honor Society. She is currently in pursuit of an MBA from USFSP-KTCOB.  Before assuming her current position with HEP in July 2017, Ashley served as Director of Development, Director of Marketing and Marketing Coordinator, where she was able to gain thorough understanding of the ins and outs of the organization. Ashley is a past Achievements Director on the Board of Directors for Ad 2 Tampa Bay, a national club for young professionals in the advertising industry, as well as an Alum of Leadership Pinellas Class of 2016. She currently serves as a member of the Advisory Council for the Clearwater Chamber’s AchieveHERS, and is a member on the Homeless Leadership Board’s Providers Council.

Prior to working for HEP, Ashley worked as Marketing Assistant and Account Manager at a marketing firm in Pinellas. Ashley has a strong passion for fundraising, and considers herself fortunate to have the opportunity to dedicate her career to helping improve the lives of homeless individuals, veterans and families in our community.

In her free time, Ashley enjoys Crossfit, fishing, cooking and traveling. Ashley and her husband Mat currently reside in Seminole with their sweet daughter, Estella and their stubborn bulldog, Gino.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Military, News, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Photojournalist, Self-Employed at Tri-Vortex Institute
Guest Biography:
A Free & Alternative Life

is the Foundation

For Alternative Health Applications
Brian grew up in the “burbs” of Dallas and graduated from Irving High School in 1971. A knee injury during his junior year of high school ended hopes of participating in small college basketball so he focused all of his energies on newspaper and commercial photography. Brian’s mother, Vonnie, worked as an editor for the Irving Daily News and Brian photographed numerous assignments for the paper including covering Dallas Cowboys football games as a sideline photographer.

During Brian’s freshman year of high school, a medical doctor persuaded his father and five other individuals that the cure for their diabetes was the surgical removal of their pituitary glands. Keith Andersen was the last of the five test victims to die. The loss of his father from this controversial medical procedure two weeks after Brian’s high school graduation made him acutely and painfully aware of the shortcomings of traditional western medicine.

After the first semester of his freshman year, Brian transferred from East Texas State University to the University of Missouri at Columbia to pursue his dream of photographing assignments for the National Geographic Magazine. His advisor was Missouri photojournalism instructor Cliff Edom who coined the word photojournalism and had placed over 10 of his students with the National Geographic photo staff over a 40-year teaching career. Unfortunately, Edom was forced into retirement during Brian’s sophomore year and replaced with as award winning newspaper photographer, Angus McDougal.

Due to his very strong portfolio, Brian was one of the youngest staff photographer interns to work for a major metropolitan newspaper during the summers of 1972 and 1973. An odd set of circumstances set the foundation for Brian having a spot news picture he took to be published on the front page the very first day he reported for work at the Dallas Times Herald.
Subtle Energy Research

With his journalism background, Brian entered the fields of chemistry, physics and alternative health care as an investigator seeking the truth rather than a student seeking a passing grade. Brian was free to take any kind of risks and follow all kinds of paths and he did not care what others thought about his theories, directions, methods, or goals.

The starting gun had fired for the marathon that was to become Tri-Vortex Technology.
Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology