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Guest Occupation: Online Marketing Strategist, Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker
Guest Biography:

Kathleen Gage is the "no-nonsense, common sense" online marketing strategist, speaker, author and owner of Power Up for Profits. Kathleen's clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice.

As an early adopter of online marketing, Kathleen is known for cutting through the fluff and helping people leave their sob stories behind so they can stop focusing on the past and start looking towards the future. She speaks and teaches about what she believes are the core elements of a successful life: accountability, integrity, honesty, and living with passion and hope.

Although Kathleen is recognized as a top leader in her field, this wasn't always the case. Kathleen made choices in her teens and early twenties that took her from a comfortable middle-class upbringing to a life of homelessness and being unemployable.


Kathleen Gage rose above seemingly insurmountable odds to become an award winning business owner, bestselling author, Internet sales and marketing trainer, and award winning keynote speaker.

With more than thirty years of experience in sales, marketing, management, public relations, and promotions, Kathleen has consulted with and trained organizations such as the U.S. Marine Corps, Novus Corporation, and AT&T. She has acted in leadership and advisory capacities for many organizations, including being past president of the National Speakers Association Utah Chapter, past vice-chair and marketing chair for the Central Region Council for the Department of Workforce Services of Utah, and a member of the legislative council for the American Cancer Society of Utah.

Kathleen has written dozens of information products and books, has hundreds of interviews to her credit, and is a highly skilled, inspirational keynote speaker. Her mission is to help people understand that their business is merely a means to get their message out to the world. She teaches that it's not just about what you do, but the reasons behind why you do it.

One of her most profound life changes was when, at the age of 64, Kathleen became a 100% plant based/vegan lifestylist, realizing that what she consumed directly impacted her ability to live the healthiest life possible. Since then, Kathleen received her certificate of completion in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell University.

Kathleen believes in shattering stereotypes and refuses to settle for the status quo. She participated in her first full marathon at the age of 61, her first sprint triathlon at 64 and is now an avid runner who participates in races of varying distances. Kathleen will be the first to say, "I'm not a fast runner, just a stubborn and passionate ole' lady who refuses to act my age."

She is on a mission to raise awareness about how a whole food, plant-based lifestyle is not only a very healthy way to eat, it is also compassionate to animals and the environment. Kathleen loves working with those who are open to the possibility of what plant-based eating can do for them and their bottom-line (both the one they sit on and the one that reflects their revenues).




Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Council member of wise council of Elders
Guest Biography:

Eloise Charet - Bear Clan

Eloise Charet-Calles, Bear Clan of Turtle-Island, was born May 20, 1951, in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec and grew up primarily in Montreal and on the family farm in Montebello, Quebec, the third eldest of ten children.

Eloise's up-bringing led her to seek a life of humanitarian service working in Mexico with local street children and in Morocco teaching the children of nomadic shepherds.

In 1974, Eloise and her sister Anna opened and directed "Canada House"- an orphanage in war torn Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Their work succeeded in enabling the successful airlift and placement of 80 Cambodian and Vietnamese. children to waiting families in Canada and the U.S. “We refused to leave without our babies and drew world attention to our cause. We stood by our motherly instincts and survived incredible tragedies to save the seed of a generation that was wiped out in Cambodia.”

From 1976-78, Eloise continued her work as a volunteer with several orphanages in Dacca, Bangladesh eventually returning to British Columbia, Canada.“I had a gardening/landscaping business in Vancouver, B.C. until my marriage broke up; then I had a huge garage sale and departed for Kathmandu.”

In 1986 Eloise and her children left Canada for Nepal, where she helped coordinate the production of the book Erosion and Sedimentation in the Nepal Himalaya, for which Dr. Galay won the "Canadian Engineer of the Year" award in 1988. During her time in Nepal, Eloise established a local restaurant, organized a soup kitchen and undertook home care for several handicapped orphans from Mother Theresa's Sister of Charity Foundation.

Returning to Canada in 1988, she lived at the family farm in Quebec and continued her interest in herbal medicine, health, nutrition and the raising of her five children. In 1990, she moved her family back to British Columbia and finally settled in the Kootenays.

Eloise helped to organize a cooperative store for cedar basket weavers in the small village of New Denver, located on Slocan Lake in the West Kootenays. On July 22, 1997 she hung up her apron and stood on the Old Sandon Road in New Denver, where she was arrested and chose to spend the next 55 days fasting in the maximum security Detention Centre for Women in Burnaby, B.C. rather than sign the undertaking assuring her compliance. “I was presented with a petition signed by every woman in jail in support of their sister Eloise and her cause for water. It was one of the most touching moments of my life. Throughout the court process I realized that corporations had more rights to water than the people.”

Eloise began the Cross-Canada WaterWalk on May 8, 1998 at Mile 0 of the Trans-Canada Highway in Victoria, British Columbia. In early June 1998, she took a break from walking to receive the Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition medal, presented by the Governor General of British Columbia and walked into Ottawa with her fellow waterwalkers on October 2nd, 1998.

“I discovered how tainted our water was and witnessed the suffering of many communities. In Winnipeg, the heart of Turtle-Island, I crossed paths with Bear Grandfather, who was sent by the Bear Grandmothers from the East to walk from Montreal to Vancouver for water. We both followed the red road, the path of legends. We both were cleansed in many sweats across the nation, and the water blessing ceremonies became more intense. Two Bear Grandmothers stood at the entrance to Ottawa with big braids of sweet grass to honour the WaterWalk pilgrimage. She is Bear Clan and as mothers, grandmothers they are very protective of the next generation and all generations to come.

Beginning in November 1999, Eloise stood outside for three cold months in front of the Nelson court house with her trans-Canada water samples, attempting to draw attention to our Canadian water crisis during the federal election campaign which was then taking place. She assisted with the creation of many local markets enabling small businesses to sell their products.

In 2003, she was arrested at the Smallwood Creek blockade in Winlaw. She made an appeal from her Bear Clan status to preserve our watersheds and pressed for community eco-logging, part of her evidence being her water samples.

From the year 2000 on, Eloise has taught cedar and other fibre collecting and weaving, claiming that we can get as much money in baskets from a tree as can be gotten in boards. She has worked alongside loggers throughout the Kootenays when gathering cedar bark, in the hopes of encouraging cable logging and more trans-formative industry in our area. She also travels to schools, first nations meetings and conferences to speak for water, demonstrating her water samples and talking about her experiences. Along with a small group of people, she stopped the herbicide spraying in our clearcuts, prevented a power project from destroying three drainage up the Duncan, stood with the Sinixte people on Perry Ridge. She was also candidate for Mayor in Victoria.

In the fall of 2005, Eloise held a roadblock in the Incomapleux with Henry Hutter for two weeks until the police arrived for arrest. Both Eloise and Henry stepped aside and let workers through, but maintained their position as an information camp. The very next day, a rock cliff slid onto a bridge and blocked the road, forcing all loggers to evacuate the valley. The Incomapleux was preserved another year. Pope and Talbot, the company involved, is suing Eloise and Henry.

In 2012, Eloise wrote a book on Cambodia called ‘Never without our children’ which has been translated into French and she was flown to Cambodia to be in a documentary aired on television.

In the following years, she has been teaching aboriginal studies in many schools, from basket weaving to food and medicine as well as trying to save the toads at Summit Lake. She has volunteered for many community events and remains as always devoted to small local business and caring for the environment.

“It’s hard to imagine that in these modern civilized times, we, the little people, are being branded as criminals and almost terrorist by the State. Good governance is equal to the quality of water given to all our children and that means pure, natural, clean water, not tainted and bleached as we are witnessing today. To pervert water and convince everybody that it is healthy is morally wrong. To legally permit any industry to destroy watersheds and to allow corporations to pollute the environment is a sin. Profit and business must never rule over life. Managing nature is the arrogance of all time. Our indigenous roots teach us that we are a small piece of this immense web of life and we must learn to respect all life as we should respect one another and Leave a Living Legacy for future generations.”

Guest Category: Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Sports Podiatrist, Author, Orthotics creator- marathoner- “The Running Doctor”
Guest Biography:

Dr. Robert Weiss is a foot and ankle surgeon who is a graduate of the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, and residency trained at The James C. Giuffre Medical Center (formerly St. Luke's & Children's medical center) in Philadelphia, PA.  Dr. Weiss is a known columnist and has written hundreds of articles on sports medicine related injuries, for The Norwalk Hour, The Hersam Acorn Press, The Westport News, and the Darien News Review.  He is a veteran of 35 marathons and is know to many as "The Running Doctor." 

Dr. Weiss is an inventor who holds 2 U.S. patents for a foot support system/orthotics which stabilizes the foot and ankle and helps as it relates to knee, hip, and lower back symptoms.  He is past chief of foot and ankle surgery at the former St. Joseph's Hospital in Stamford and on the staff at Stamford Hospital and Norwalk Hospital.

Dr. Robert F. Weiss suffered as a young man from serious foot and knee problems. He has made it his life's work to use the opportunity to engage in a healthy range of activities.

He has spent over 25 years in research development and clinical testing of a patented, high-tech, biomechanical orthotic for aiding with walking, and general foot comfort.  With the help of the patented product he went on to complete 35 marathons.

His orthotic treatment is directed to correct structural deficiency and muscular imbalance.  A prescribed orthotic device serves to control motion and position of the leg during locomotion.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Parenting Specialist & Coach in & out of sports & contributor to #HeySportsParents
Guest Biography:

Janis B. Meredith, sports mom and coach's wife.

I was brought up in a family who loved sports, married a man who has coached for 29 years (football and softball) and have had three kids play youth sports from age 4 to college.

I see youth sports a bit differently, with a view from both sides of the bench. I believe in character building for kids in sports.

As a communications specialist and freelance writer, my kids are now 30, 27, and 24 and all three played sports in college. I am also a certified parent life coach.

I've seen just about everything in youth sports-good and bad. And I feel strongly about helping parents and young athletes build character through the athletic experience.

Playing sports brings excitement and recognition. It may even help pay for college and open doors for the future. But nothing will ever be more important than the type of person your son or daughter becomes in the process.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Sam uniquely utilizes ancient wisdom with a modern perspective to empower people around the world so they can get past whatever challenges they're facing to live, feel and be better without a guru or expert telling them that they need to be fixed!
Guest Biography:

The Conscious Consultant is here to talk about how you are more powerful than you know. My guest is Sam Liebowitz, who is a mentor, coach, speaker, healer, serial entrepreneur and author of the #1 best-selling book, Everyday Awakening at Since 1993 Sam has owned several successful businesses. His current ventures include Talking Alternative Broadcasting, and Double Diamond Wellness in Manhattan. Sam has lectured in New York City, and was a featured speaker at TEDxUpperWestSide. 

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Soil Biologist and CEO/Founder of Kingdom Aquaponics™
Guest Biography:

Kingdom Aquaponics™ founder and Principal Leighton Morrison has a unique and diverse background. As a child Leighton gravitated to alternative energy, natural systems and sustainability after experiencing the 1973 oil crisis. He designed a passive solar house with indoor gardens for food production in mechanical drawing class in 7th grade. In his teenage years he began to breed fish for sale and incorporate them into a living garden system.

In the eighties he became obsessed with the project Bio Sphere 2 and the science behind it. In 1983, he started a construction company with a sustainability emphasis, and attended Boston Architectural Center. Leighton then started a marble and granite company in 1993 and worked for clients looking for an artistic flare and an alternative to man made solid surfaces. This reflected applied knowledge to another of his passions: geology. In 1996, he constructed a zero impact home on the coast of Maine and eliminated all nitrogen and phosphate discharge into the ocean from the waterfront property while fabricating exotic stone for discerning clients. 

In 2008, Leighton went back to his roots/passions and began the structural work for an aquaponic future. Through a process of discovery, beginning with a comprehensive plan for a stand-alone aquaponics facility in Vermont, he recognized a significant business opportunity. Instead of just focusing on the local “farm to table movement”, truly organic food production and food security, he investigated repurposing the waste streams of aquaponics and aquaculture.


Research and Development:

In 2012, Leighton set up a small scale aquaculture system with 100 tilapia at Rodale Institute. He worked with Dr. Elaine Ingham a world renowned soil biologist, blending his by-products with traditional compost and worm castings to prove the value of aquatic ecosystems by-products and how they can reduce the need for synthetics on the environment. For eighteen months, Leighton studied the art of composting, compost tea brewing, extract making and vermaculture to complete the proof of concept work necessary. By combining these products/ techniques and applying them to his knowledge of machines and forces, he was able to develop processing equipment to produce the end products that Kingdom Aquaponics™ is now offering.

Leighton then joined forces with James Sottilo of Ecological Landscape Management, a nationally recognized pioneer in organic land and tree care. Together they vetted the product while continuing to improve it with the tried and tested methods that James has implemented in his work. Leighton has successfully scaled up production three times over without compromising quality. The 4th generation processing equipment has already been designed and is awaiting demand so it may be purchased, installed and put into operation.

"The goal has always been to slow the environmental impact of humanity, and I’m honored to be on the forefront of bringing safe natural land care products to the masses ” - Leighton Morrison

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Science, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Teacher, Channel
Guest Biography:

Want to learn how spontaneous action is the doorway to more? My guest is Rebecca Dawson who has been a channel for information about the Earth, the human race and other planetary systems for over 20 years. Her identity and view of the world changed dramatically when she was 18 years old, after she spontaneously became a channel which wasn’t part of her plan for life, as she was enthusiastically studying to become an architect at the time. Now for over 20 years, after thousands of hours expressing the wisdom of aspects like St. Germain, Kuthumi, and Serapis Bey, Rebecca offers the latest channeled information on the current state of humanity and the planet, the mechanics of dimensional reality, and the nature of Consciousness. Rebecca is the author of three books and lives in Perth, Australia.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: intuitive therapist, medium, author, lecturer, certified hypnotherapist
Guest Biography:

As an intuitive therapist, medium, author, lecturer and certified hypnotherapist, Melinda has a very successful practice in Tempe. Countless people have benefited from Melinda Vail’s counseling and intuitive work. She has appeared on both local and national television and radio shows. Melinda is also an accomplished speaker at the national level and gives workshops across the country to promote spiritual growth. Her work with police agencies helping to solve cold cases and donating her time to provide grief counseling (like her suicide survivor workshops) has garnered her the nickname “The Medium Who Makes a Difference.”

As a medium, Melinda demonstrates with evidence and fact her connection to those who have died. Her methodology employed is what is known as “cold readings”. This is a technique in which the client and Melinda have no past relationship and Melinda is able to give very specific information, details and messages that fully support that she is indeed in the energy field of her client as well as communicating with the spirit of the deceased.

Melinda’s stage presentation skills are a delightful mix between Dr. Joyce Brothers and Joan Rivers.

As a teacher and author, Melinda demonstrates how energy works on this planet and inspires you to lead a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Melinda’s message is to teach individuals how to tap into their spiritual essence by providing the necessary tools to understand the energetic patterns created in childhood, which may prohibit balance in adulthood.

Melinda has spoken nationally at such events as "Celebrate Your Life" along with Sylvia Browne, Wayne Dyer, and James Redfield, author of the Celestine Prophecy; "Celebrating Body, Mind & Spirit" in Spokane, Washington along with John Holland and Wyatt Webb and "The Life After Life Conference ".

Her weekly Facebook show Wednesday Connections with Melinda allows viewers to call or email in their spiritual questions and have them answered live. Her YouTube Channel contains a library with hundreds of videos of Melinda’s body of work. Most recently, Melinda was interviewed as one of the most inspiring women in the world in an international publication yet to be published, as well as having been voted Phoenix Natural Choice Magazine Best Intuitive Award Winner three years in a row.

Melinda makes her home in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, Bill. Together, they have five children, eight grandchildren, and four dogs. Hobbies include hiking, dinner parties, travel, and comfortable home time.

Guest Category: Literature, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Emotional Health and Freedom, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive