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Guest Occupation: humanitarian and Spiritual Warrior, Blogger, Book Publisher, Consultant and Datasets Connector
Guest Biography:


Myrna is a humanitarian and Spiritual Warrior who finds herself at the nexus of science and spirituality. After working for national magazines in Chicago for a decade, she did her first “life course-correction” – traveling the world solo for 18 months, blogging before it was a word. This was when she realized she is a seeker of truth and beauty.

Course-correction number two was starting her own media company 20 years ago, publishing 9 books and 80+ issues of Apogeo Spatial magazine (, which is about data from space to study the earth. This experience has given her a broad view of how data is used, allowing her to see hidden connections. As geodata became immersed into most datasets, and is being used to program algorithms for ML (Machine Learning) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), the need for ethics in AI became evident. She now consults with companies to create those boundaries so that humanity remains in the center of the process, rather than robotics or transhumanism (

Similar to how her role as publisher allowed for a broad view of geodata, seeing the earth from space expands perspective to wholeness, to Oneness (called “The Overview Effect”). This view shows the exquisite beauty of the planet without the visible separation of national boundaries. We can see that we are all here together – we are One. Images show truth, and the earth from space is pure beauty. This expanded worldview from viewing the earth from space or from traveling the world increases our consciousness.

She hosts a live show for Her Many Voices (, and serves on the Global Advisory Board at Geoversity ( She just wrapped a tv show about space interviewing astronauts and entrepreneurs, which will air on PBS later this summer (

Myrna’s third course-correction was getting divorced. The pain of divorce set her on the path of deep reflection, and personal and spiritual growth. She recently wrote about the power of intuition and empathy in the international best-selling book, “U Empath You,” sharing her personal story of healing and transformation.

The thread that runs through her life is the importance of health for humanity (physical, mental and spiritual), and how it is tied to the health of the planet. All of life resonates at certain frequencies according to quantum physics, and we can control our energy by consciously connecting our hearts with our minds, creating a healthy energetic coherence. As sovereign beings, we have agency and can create Oneness and unity. This is the nexus of science and spirituality.

Myrna lives with her awesome adopted autistic teenage son in Denver near a creek where she walks every day when she’s not traveling.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Creator of arctic beatbox and founder of OLOX records and Kut-Sür
Guest Biography:


Snow Raven (SUOR) was born in one of the most remote and cold inhabited places in the world – the Republic of Sakha – Yakutia (arctic Siberia). She was three years old when she started to learn the language of birds and animals. Her voice takes its breath from traditional Sakha culture and is truly an instrument. She is the creator of “arctic beatbox” – the reindeer breath and “Neoshamanic Healing” ceremonies, founder of OLOX records, and Kut-Sür: Temple of Shamanism and Science. 

OLOX records artist, Snow Raven headlined Lightning in The Bottle, Lucidity Festival, RelaxPansion, OmRising, Beloved and played multiple shows at Burning Man, SXSW. In 2019, Snow Raven became a participant of America’s Got Talent. Snow Raven also took part in the international forum Arctic Circle-2015 in Iceland and in the French-American Arctic expedition Pax Arctica (DeLong Islands) sponsored by the Prince Monaco Foundation. 

Guest Category: Beauty, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Award-winning filmmaker and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness Science and Energy Medicine
Guest Biography:


Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness Science and Energy Medicine. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous UFO encounters as well as  E.S.P (extra-sensory) and per-cognition experiences, which led her to become deeply connected to existential topics, the study of Consciousness and the mechanics of the universe.

After teaching Energy Medicine and consciousness work for over a decade, Cory founded Omnium Media, an entertainment and media platform that tackles various thought-provoking topics on the human condition and the nature of reality.  In addition to writing and producing, Cory appears regularly as a guest expert on supernatural phenomena and the science of consciousness at major conferences and television shows including The UnXplained with William Shatner and History Channel’s popular series Ancient Aliens.


Among several recent accomplishments, her latest films AMONG US and SUPERHUMAN: THE INVISIBLE MADE VISIBLE have won 9 film awards and 2 nominations at various festivals around the globe.

About “A Tear in the Sky”

Award-winning documentary A TEAR IN THE SKY takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy “TicTac” UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology.

What they find instead are thought-provoking clues into the true nature of the UFO phenomenon and the very fabric of our spacetime reality.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Paranormal, UFOs, Science, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Music and Dance performer
Guest Biography:


Mikayla Taylor is a Los Angeles native, born and raised in the City of Angels. She loves a variety of music and dance styles from around the world. She danced some as a child, and as a teenager studied hip hop…then found belly dance and fell in love with it. Mikayla has continued to develop her passion and skills in that art form ever since. 

She loves a full spectrum of creative expression, and enjoys trying new things just for the experience of it. Mikayla currently is writing songs for the first time. She is on a journey of artistic discovery and is looking forward to seeing how her musical abilities unfold. She believes in becoming and expressing the most authentic version of ourselves in this human form.

Mikayla is on a mission to express her full creative potential, as well as inspire others to do the same. 

Guest Category: Beauty, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Global political activist and businessman, author, founder of ISPO
Guest Biography:


John Bunzl is a global political activist and businessman with a new and compelling vision for citizen-driven global cooperation.

In 1998 the idea for Simultaneous Policy occurred to him as a potential means for removing the barriers which prevent many of today’s global problems from being solved. In 2000 he founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organization (ISPO) and launched the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign. In 2001, he set out the campaign in his first book of the same name. The Simpol campaign has since steadily been gathering increasing attention, recognition and support amongst citizens, activists, non-governmental organizations, politicians, business people and many others.

In 2003 he co-authored his second book, Monetary Reform – Making it Happen!, written with the prominent monetary reformer, James Robertson. In 2009 he authored a third book, People-centred Global Governance – Making it Happen!  In 2017, John co-authored The Simpol Solution – Solving global problems could be easier than we think, together with Nick Duffell. A number of John’s articles on global governance have been published by the Journal of Integral Theory & Practice, including Solving Climate Change – Achieving a Noospheric Agreement (2009), Discovering an Integral Civic Consciousness in a Global Age (2012), and Transcending First-tier Values in Achieving Binding Global Governance (2012).

He has lectured widely, including to The Schumacher Society, The World Trade Organization, The Lucis Trust and at various universities around the world.

John is a company director living in London. He has three children.

Guest Category: Business, Management, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Personal Development, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: ET-Channeling, guided meditations, epic journeys and self-reflective exercises; Wieteke inspires people to (re)connect with their own multi-dimensionality.
Guest Biography:

Today we are being gifted with a channeling session through Wieteke Koolhof with Arjun of the Yahyel.  My guest is Wieteke Koolhof. When Wieteke was just 3 years old, she started having multidimensional contact with different types of Extra Terrestrials. Her amazing life journey brought her into direct contact with a personal guide from a group of beings called The Yahyel. The Yahyel interact directly with other beings from the Pleiades, who reside in the 5th and 6th dimensions. Wieteke is an artist/life-coach and energy worker from the Netherlands, who is here with Arjun of the Yahyel who will channel through Wieteke, about our current state of affairs. The relationship between Wieteke and Yahyel serve as a gateway to bring forth information from the greater universe, parallel realities, as well as messages from clients' higher selves. 

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, News, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Poet, Speaker, Godmother of Canadian Slam,
Guest Biography:

Poet Oni Joseph - the Haitian Sensation:

Oni the Haitian Sensation is a brilliant Internationally recognized Canadian Poet born in Montreal, Canada. She is styled as The Godmother of Canadian Slam, and has performed her works globally, such as at the Austin International Poetry Festival, which is the largest poetry festival in the world. She created the first

Wax and Stylus for the Library of Parliament of Canada, where she was recruited by a Commonwealth literary scout who recommended her to the Queensland

Poetry Festival in Australia in 2005.

She predicted and then met World Icon, Nelson Mandela. Her family hails from Jeremie, Haiti, the City of Poets in the Cacique of Xaragua, birthplace of

Haiti's fierce poetic Queen, Anacaona. Jeremie is the birthplace of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas.(Dumas was the General-in-Chief of the French Army of the Alps.

Dumas's strategic victory in opening the high Alps passes enabled the French to initiate their Second Italian Campaign against the Austrian Empire.)

Oni was the first Canadian female slam poet to tour Europe,

and directed Canada's first Slam Poetry Festival, the Canadian Spoken Wordlympics.

Her ground-breaking HIV-AIDS slam poetry workshops were featured in Macleans Magazine. Her book Ghettostocracy was a book of the year in the Globe and Mail. It is used as curriculum to teach the Master's and PHD English and African Canadian Studies in Canada.

Poet Oni was the first Slam poet to curate Slam poetry at The Ottawa International Writers Festival, became Canada's first Slam Poetry Academic via the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Education and from the Stratford Theatre Festival, at York University in 2006 she was part of the first Etats Generaux du Slam in France.

Today, Poet Oni fosters Diversity, Equity and Inclusion conversations with Leaders and organizations ready to focus on employee engagement, fair human rights practices and create culturally inclusive work cultures. Reach out to Poet Oni for a refreshing way to bring impact with fun and poetry in your workplace:

Follow her on Twitter:…


Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, History, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Intuitive musical composer, hands-on healer and guide
Guest Biography:


Originally from France, André expressed an interest in music at a young age, working as a sound man for theaters in Paris. Over the past decades he has emerged as an accomplished hands-on healer and guide for the terminally ill, incorporating dolphin-assisted therapy, music and imagery into his practice.

Since 2002, André’s immersive studies with indigenous elders in Peru, Brazil, Hawaii and New Zealand have inspired his abilities as an intuitive musical composer, healer, and guide.

André’s vision for the future is to merge modern technology such as Virtual Reality with music and imagery for therapeutic use.

Creation, A Symphonic Journey

Creation celebrates a journey from the creation of the universe to the creation of new life, and the vibrant voyage in between. Creation was André’s first orchestral composition in 2012, and inspired him to compose more music in this style. Nearly a decade later, Chiara Mon Ange, a song evoked by the birth of his daughter in 2021, led to the album’s completion. Its musical progression invites the listener to plunge from the creation of the universe into the depths of the ocean, where dolphins guide them into mysteries of Egypt and the manifestation of The Great Pyramid. Rise Up, a song of rebirth, propels the listener toward a reunion of eternal souls and a celebration of discovering purpose and authenticity in one’s life, which ultimately and inevitably ends victoriously.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Earth & Space, Entertainment, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Music, Self Help, Spiritual