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Guest Occupation: Founder of Primary the Ruling Class PAC
Guest Biography:

Bill Luznicky, founder of Primary the Ruling Class PAC Illustrating that the infighting among Colorado Republicans hasn’t abated, despite a string of election losses, Colorado Republican National Committeeman and talk radio host Randy Corporon is promoting a political action committee (PAC) called “Primary the Ruling Class” (PRC) taking aim at fellow Republicans who aren’t seen as “America First Patriots.”

Bill is a businessman turned author who wrote the #1 bestselling book, It's Not About Donkeys and Elephants: Branding the Real Enemy. The book turned into the Primary the Ruling Class movement which turned into the Political Action Committee, PRC PAC. Bill currently serves as the PAC's Chairman and Treasurer He writes nonfiction under the pen name, StressFreeBill He writes fiction under the pen name, William Lee Gordon

Guest Category: Literature, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author of 'A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues'
Guest Biography:

Steven Rogers retired from Harvard Business School (HBS) in 2019 where he was the “MBA Class of 1957 Senior Lecturer” in General Management.

He taught Entrepreneurial Finance and a new course that he created, titled “Black Business Leaders and Entrepreneurship.”

A 1985 graduate of the school, Professor Rogers holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Williams College. Prior to HBS, Professor Rogers taught in the MBA and PhD programs at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He received the Outstanding Professor Award for the Executive MBA Program 26 times and daytime program twice. Both are records.

In 2020, he published the 4th edition of his book Entrepreneurial Finance: Finance and Business Strategies for the Serious Entrepreneur. Professor Rogers originally published the book in 2002. He has also authored 30 HBS case studies, and recorded podcasts, many of which were uploaded to Black Enterprise Magazine.

In 2020 Steven became an Advisor to and part owner of 

He also joined the Steans Family Foundation as an advisor in 2020 to develop an economic plan for a poverty-stricken Black community in Chicago. The same year, he joined the University of Miami Business School as an Executive-in-Residence, where he teaches Entrepreneurial Finance in the Master of Science Finance Program.

In 2019, he toured 10 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) where he taught a workshop in Entrepreneurial Finance.

In 2017, he received the “Black Brilliance in Service” award from Harvard Law School’s Black Law Students Association, and in that same year, Poets & Quants Magazine selected him as one of “Our Favorite MBA Professors of 2017.”

In 2016, he was a volunteer professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point Army, where he received the West Point cadets’ sword for “Expert Teaching and Professionalism.”

He has taught in Africa, Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Philippines, and Vienna.

Before becoming a professor, he owned and operated two manufacturing firms and one retail operation. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Professor Rogers worked at Bain + Company consulting firm, Cummins Engine Company and UNC Ventures, a venture capital firm.

He also owned a real estate investment company that invested in residential properties on the South Side of Chicago.

He received the “Bicentennial Medal for Distinguished Achievement” by an alum from Williams College, and the “Bert King Award for Service” from the African American Student Union at HBS. Ebony Magazine named him one of the top 150 influential people in America.

Professor Rogers’ governance experiences span over two decades. He has served as a Trustee for Williams College, and the Visiting Committee for HBS. His corporate Board experiences includes SuperValu (Chairman, Governance Committee), Duquesne Light (Chairman, Finance Committee), Oakmark Mutual Funds (Chairman, Audit Committee and Investment Review Committee), W. S. Darley (Lead Director) and S. C. Johnson Wax.

He has completed five Triathlons and is part owner of the Chicago Sky in the WNBA.

Rogers has two daughters, Akilah and Ariel.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Premium Mentor, Coach and Consultant
Guest Biography:

Premium Mentor, Coach and Consultant, helping high-achieving individuals to Redefine And Redesign For A Thoroughbred Life. Helping business warriors to find new levels of intrinsic success - those misalinged millionaires seeking personal fulfilment and deeper happiness.

Kristen is an intuitive business mentor who specializes in self-actualization, personal power alchemy and mindset mastery. She also offers private leadership coaching and consulting.

A renowned as a ‘human potential powerhouse’, Kristen acts as a significant success catalyst for business owners and executives by tapping into their undercover business brilliance to increase top-line turnover and profits through a multi-pronged approach.

She creates a peaceful, purposeful and passionate space of clarity, elevation, direction and leverage for her clients by working across 3 key influencers which innately support (or hinder) every human:

→ Mindset Mastery,

→ Integration & Embodiment,

→ Physical/Energetic Expression.

Because all businesses are built by and for people, Kristen is particularly passionate about creating transformational shifts through mental resilience and emotional agility. She reminds her brave business warriors that they, themselves, are their greatest asset. As within, so without.

Her diverse background across three continents was the foundation for her visionary thinking, and she successfully guides others in Sales and Marketing, Human Capital, Creative Solutions and Leadership.

Kristen offers premium mentorship programs uniquely designed around the Thoroughbred horse as a symbol of our innately Perfect Pedigree. We’re all here to play in blissfully awakened 7- and 8-figure arenas!

Born into poverty, Kristen comes from humble beginnings where she often played barefoot in corn fields picturing life as a My Little Pony episode.

An entrepreneurial spirit since eleven, it wasn’t until she was thirty that Kristen finally ignited her business flames and registered her first company. She founded and fast-tracked three international businesses and became a millionaire within 3 years… only to discover that she was ultimately misfiring, misaligned and unhappy.

Kristen made a life-changing decision on Christmas Day 2015 to change her life and follow her heart. She promptly sold or gifted everything she’d ever worked for, including the businesses she’d built from the ground up, and moved to a small fishing village to start anew.

Shortly thereafter, with the closure of her last investment facilitation business under belt, Kristen enjoyed a sabbatical on a tropical island and worked with horses so that she could step away from the corporate environment completely. Thus, she created space for her highest purpose to start expressing itself through her.

Despite the judgement, ridicule and rejection from her immediate family and friends (many thought she’d lost the plot!), Kristen resolutely continued on her path and turned her privately trading equestrian enterprise into a mentoring, coaching and consulting business. She often jokes that if it weren’t for her spiritual awaking in 2016, she doesn’t know if she’d be here today!

A natural leader with spiritual gifts, it was only at thirty-six that Kristen began to honor her multi-faceted talents and skill sets in this world, including healing. Having already amplified her business tack room under the likes of Tony Robbins for the commercial world up to 2010, Kristen immersed herself in study material from Dr Deepak Chopra, Martha Beck, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr Sue Morter, Marci Shimoff and Ken Wilbur. To name a few…

Today, Kristen thrives as a premium mentor with a hybrid business model which incorporates coaching and consulting.

She excels at helping other business owners elevate their consciousness, reveal their untapped business brilliance, unlock their greatest potential by rewiring subconscious patterns, untether trauma ties, transmute lingering energetic resonance which limits their expansion, and step into fulfilling lives of wisdom, wealth and legacy-level leadership with confidence, clarity and conviction.

Her ideal clients are seemingly successful people whom the outside world admires or celebrates, but feel lackluster, lost, empty, misfiring, disconnected, over-stressed, lonely, anxious, overwhelmed or frustrated within. They question the purpose of their very being.

She created her 5-Step LUNGE™ Framework which incorporates three key influencing factors for every human: the mindset component, the integration and embodiment component, and the energetics component.

Today, she leads a consciously designed life of purpose, fulfilment, freedom, fun, faith and fortune; and she’s on a mission to help others do the same!

Download her 'R&R your Significant Success' Workbook here:



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Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Pets and Animals, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Star Seed Alchemist Spirit
Guest Biography:

Want to learn about the Starseed Manifestation Key? My guest is Scarlet Ravin, back for a 3rd time. Scarlet is the Founder of White Fox Medicine and Psilocyin™ love medicine. As a Star Seed Alchemist with an eye for the unseen Scarlet spends her time with her animals, nature and the fully active spirit world that seems to expand her horizons. Scarlet is the International Best-Selling Author of “Follow the Medicine,” as well as the latest book called: “Naked Starseed Ascension Handbook.”  

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Medical Journalist, Editor of both Lower Extremity Review, (LER, celebrating its 12th anniversary), & MVP Parent Magazine
Guest Biography:

Janice has been developing and packaging medical content for more than 20 years both in print and digitally. A journalist by training, she has written and edited for professional and patient audiences as well as for regulators and policymakers. While her sweet spot is periodicals (newsletters, magazines, journals), she also has extensive experience in books, multi-part projects, oral presentations, and training materials. Past positions include Editor-in-Chief of the journal Geriatrics, Managing Editor of the ADA’s Diabetes Forecast, Senior Publications Manager for Healthy People 2010, and Editorial Director of a medical communications firm. In addition to serving on the local university-affiliated Institutional Review Board for 4 years, Janice served as a patient/caregiver advocate on the Advisory Panel on Clinical Effectiveness and Decision Science for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) for 4 years.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Multi-decade President of Bruce Merrin Celebrity Speakers
Guest Biography:

Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers & Entertainment Bureau is celebrating its 46 year anniversary!

We have been a top ten grossing firm in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. In 1973, Bruce booked his PR client, actor Michael Landon, on the “Tonight Show” starring Johnny Carson. Bruce credits Carson for inspiring the idea to launch a celebrity speakers bureau. After the show at NBC in Burbank, Johnny Carson invited Michael Landon and Bruce to his Malibu home for dinner. When Carson suggested to Bruce that he create Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers Bureau, Landon offered to be Bruce’s first client. Carson became his second client. Then, Johnny’s world famous executive producer, Freddie deCordova, became client number three!

Early on, Bruce was told that the IBM meetings and conferences were so boring that their executives were falling asleep! So Bruce responded to the IBM meeting planner, “Are you tired of hearing the sound of one hand clapping at your sales meetings, management meetings, conferences and corporate parties?” The IBM meeting planner replied in one word: “YES!” Bruce began booking speakers and entertainers for IBM, and 34 years later, we still work with IBM.

Bruce has served as vice president on the Board of Governors of IASB (International Association of Speakers Bureaus), the worldwide leading speakers bureau organization. We regularly book clients with Fortune 500 companies, custom tailoring the speakers and entertainers for each event. We recently booked Bodine Balasco, famous business motivational speaker, for FedEx. Bodine presented his award winning speaking presentation in the afternoon. Then he dazzled the FedEx top executives with his close-up magic performance that evening. The FedEx event was so successful, that they re-booked Bodine for the next year. We work with each client based upon their budget, the location of the event, the theme and their wish list. We take great pride in our ongoing work with top companies like Microsoft.

We are based in Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world. Our personal contacts are unparalleled. Bruce can make your special event even more special. As FedEx has said, “You truly represent the best in the business.” Or consider famous comedian Phyllis Diller’s comment: “Bruce could book a leper with a hair lip!”

Bruce Merrin stands ready to assure you that you will NEVER HEAR THE SOUND OF ONE HAND CLAPPING AT YOUR EVENT when you work with Celebrity Speakers & Entertainment Bureau in Las Vegas. Let us help you find the perfect keynote speaker for your next event.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Liz Wendling is a nationally recognized speaker, sales consultant, and author of 6 books. Her two most recent are The Heart of Authentic Selling and Sell Without Selling Your Soul.
Guest Biography:

Liz Wendling is a nationally recognized speaker, sales consultant, and author of 6 books. Her two most recent are The Heart of Authentic Selling and Sell Without Selling Your Soul.

Liz is driven by the mantra, It's not WHAT you sell, it's HOW you sell that matters. Liz understands the sales challenges that professionals face when selling in today's competitive environment and shows them how to make a profound difference in their sales approach, language, and process —online and offline.

Whether it's for her one-on-one consulting, group coaching, multiple-day training, or workshops, Liz will customize programs around the specific needs, challenges, and objectives a business is facing.

Liz has coached thousands of professionals to build solid business skills, develop a success mindset, exceed their sales expectations, and prosper in any economy.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Entertainment, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Architect
Guest Biography:

Mr. Yumang, is the first and only practicing Regenerative Architect in the Philippines and probably the whole Asia. A licensed Environmental Planner and a property Developer and native tree enthusiast. He was conferred Asean Architect with specialization on Regenerative Architecture systems thinking and gain recognition for it’s timely significance. His creative thinking uncovers new world of possibilities for architects and ecopreneurs alike. Currently developing his own Regenerative communities that best exemplify his methodical systems Thinking, converging with competitive sustainable business model will surely benefit the Earth’s life form. Join me July 20th 2021 at 12 Noon as I interview one of Manila's  greatest architecture experts worldwide :) 

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Society and Culture