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Guest Occupation: Actor Model Philanthropist
Guest Biography:

J.R. Lemon was presented the 2001 Watkins Award as the nations top African American Scholar Athlete.  He played for and graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Management Science and Engineering.  J.R. briefly played professional football for the Oakland Raiders prior to starting his modeling career and exploding his acting career.  He is an action character on the Madden Game starting in 2009 and has appeared in several other follow ups to the game.  He has stacked a claim in the film industry as an up and coming actor who will one day be classified as an A-Lister if the requirement is about putting in the work.  J.R. is a tireless worker who is always pursuing excellence in whatever is does just like his extraordinary football career and academic credentials.    

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Entertainment, Sports & Recreation, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Dr. Dale Foster and his wife, Lee Ann have been working together to help people become independently healthy and happy for over 20 years. Dale is a PhD clinical neuropsychologist with over 30 years experience helping people optimize their lives with cut
Guest Biography:
Dr. Dale Foster and his wife, Lee Ann have been working together to help people become independently healthy and happy for over 20 years. 
Dale is a PhD clinical neuropsychologist with over 30 years experience helping people optimize their lives with cutting edge neuroscience and brain training technologies. Lee Ann is a Master's level psychologist and epigenetic mind-body wellness coach who helps people transform their trauma and access their innate wellness and wisdom for over 20 years. 
In their Memphis TN based practice, NeuroSource, LLC, they help children and adults tap into their innate brilliance and healing capacity in order to bring their gifts to the world and enjoy life to the fullest. 
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Mystic
Guest Biography:

Dave Barnett, also known as Dave the Mystic, from Littleton, Colorado.

Dave is an energy medicine practitioner, healer, and intuitive with more than 30 years' experience. He has multiple technical degrees, and enjoys telling people he’s a rocket scientist, so yes—he’s an aerospace engineer.

In the early 1980s, Dave had some turning points in his life that led to a passion in discovering and developing his gifts in energy healing.

Dave is a strong believer in health issues having many potential causes in different energy planes. He works with different spiritual guides, and communicates with them freely.

He’s trained in many modalities and has gifts in healing, reading the Akashic Records, energy and entity clearing, changing core beliefs, and discerning spiritual gifts.

Dave uses many healing modalities with clients, such as Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch Program, Psych-K, the Yuen Method, Theta Healing, Matrix Energetics, herbs and oils, crystals, sound healing, entity and energy clearing, Akashic Records reading, soul retrieval, and karma burning.

Because all of these modalities can be used both in-person and long distance, Dave works with clients all over the world.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Emotional Health and Freedom, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Healer
Guest Biography:

Karim Hermani grew up in Karachi, Pakistan where ancient practices permeated his family's culture.

In his childhood, he lived in an extended family. His mother wasn’t allowed to talk to Karim’s grandfather as a matter of chastity. It was how women were expected to behave in traditional eastern cultures. His grandfather was an arrogant, controlling human being and had a bad temper. Karim often felt powerless around him. His father lacked an authoritative presence. It was his mother who went the extra mile in making sure her children, were protected from abuse and given the best education possible. Many of my values later in adulthood are the consequence of how she brought us up. Despite the challenges posed by us living in an extended family, he emerged into adulthood as a discerning, self-aware human being. The horrors of his childhood continued to haunt him throughout adulthood, however. He was put on this spiritual path to confront his karma and achieve the higher consciousness that would help him put a spotlight on all his fears and childhood trauma.

It is not what happens to us, but our attitude toward it that creates the real impact in our lives.

Karim was able to outgrow his childhood inadequacies after I coming face to face with a karmic partner from past lives. I was guided to marry her and later break up with her. It was in facing my karmic inadequacies revealed through our relationship that I have now emerged fully into my power and self-awareness. I have the tools to help others achieve the same, as I have paid the price to overcome the very limitations that held me back from making headway throughout my life.

What was the pivotal moment when you knew what you came here to do?

Karim experienced a lot of failure in my life. Yet, every time he failed, he knew that it was meant to help him reach out for another level. As he explored my spiritual path, he found many different masters and healers who had developed practical methods for helping people transform their lives. I used many of their tools and technologies.

The inherent problem he found throughout his journey is the amount of hard work and effort before he experienced a change in his life. He had to use many different technologies and this consumed a lot of time and energy. His hunger for change grew and this made it even harder to invest the amount of time and energy that were required to satisfy it.

He kept looking for a better way, a simpler, easier method to effect change on the subconscious level, without having to invest the same amount of time and energy to achieve it. This led Karim to a point when he was able to channel his first spirit guide, Ahsan. Ahsan helped him develop a vision for a new technology that would provide for his need to effect drastic and immediate change in a timely manner, without having to work hard for it. It took six years and a lot of trial and error to finally perfect the Life Success Codes technology, which is now fully automated and instantaneous in its results.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help
Guest Occupation: CEO - Help Heal Humanity
Guest Biography:

Serena Bufalino is a force of nature. She is rooted in service to others and hauls herself over every obstacle using the pitons of hard work, dedication, and determination. What began as a career as a teacher under the Section 23 program with Toronto’s at-risk youth, has evolved into a lifetime of service work empowering and inspiring people across the globe. Serena has taught in detention centres, mental health hospitals, and group homes.

In 2011, the Haiti School Building Project was born, when her Section 23 students, insisted “Miss B, you say we can do anything, so let’s build a school.” In partnership with John Callaghan of Third World Awareness over $100,000 was fundraised and a school in Canaan, Haiti for one hundred students was constructed.

Today, Serena, alongside a group of global movers and shakers, runs Help Heal Humanity and intends to change the world one “yes” at a time. Serena holds a BA from McMaster University


  • 2015 winner of the McMaster University Alumni Arch Award.
  • 2017 Excellence Award for Teaching from the Toronto District School Board.
  • Nominated as one of the top 100 teachers in Canada by the Toronto Star and won an honourable mention in 2015 and 2016.
  • Ranked third overall in Toronto for putting in more community service and hours than any other volunteer in the GTA.
  • Won the Ontario Heart award in 2015 for displaying courage and strength in working with at risk populations and caregiving for those most in need.
  • Nominated one of Toronto’s Best Influencers by Elle Magazine

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Help_Heal_Humanity (Instagram)

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HHHumanity (twitter)

Help Heal Humanity (linked in)

Serena Bufalino (linkedin)

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Composer, Performer
Guest Biography:

Faranak Shahroozi is an Iranian-American composer, performer and pianist known for her lyrical, romantic and captivating melodies. Faranak's passion for music started at the age of 5 when her parents hired a private tutor to teach her basic musical notes and theory. Following the revolution of 1979, her world as she knew it changed forever. Because of the Iran-Iraq War of 1980, Faranak and her parents packed their bags and left their hometown of Abadan and moved to the capital city of Tehran.

In 1984, she moved to the United States, where she pursued her passion for music and received her B.A. in Classical Music from Cal State University. The dramatic changes in her life had a direct effect on her musical abilities and emotional connections, which led to a series of musical compositions and ultimately captured the attention of famed producer Preston Glass. By the late ‘90s, Faranak became the face of music in Napa Valley, where she lived and performed for many years.

Join me on Tuesday march 30, 2021 at 12 Noon as I chat with Faranak Shahroozi as we discuss beauty behind the music.....

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Founder & Owner at Healing Movement Systems
Guest Biography:

Instructor Joe Pinella has studied and practiced the ancient Chinese healing arts of Qigong and Tai Chi Kung for over 50 years. As a youngster, he had the unusual opportunity to study in a Chinese Buddhist temple in NYC. At the formal request of a family friend who was a monk, Joe was accepted as a student and taught in the traditional Chinese manner.

Life happened. Joe went on to become a successful businessman. Sometimes he practiced, sometimes not. He did not realize the amazing gift he had been given until later when he was put to the test.

This test came in 1991 when his car plunged 200 feet down a mountainside and he landed on his head. His doctors saved his life. They completely removed two shattered vertebrae and four disks. Every other disc in his spine was ruptured. They inserted metal plates in his neck and told him that he was a quadriplegic.

He ignored the advice of his medical team to “accept his fate and learn to be a disabled person”. Joe turned back to his training in Qigong. These gentle arts use breathing techniques, graceful movements and visualizations to stimulate and enhance the flow of qi (or life force) in the body, which in turn promotes healing and health.

Joe did those exercises in his mind for many months until gradually his body started to respond. Over the course of seven years, he regained full use of his body with no pain and no limitations.

Today he teaches others how to move freely without pain.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Health & Transformation Coach at Emerging Wings Health
Guest Biography:

Hi, my name is Debbie Steinberg the health coach at Emerging Wings Health. I help empower people on their health journeys toward a total transformation, one healthy habit at a time. I get them started, have regular weekly check-ins, and help connect them to resources that will help along the way. Created by Dr. Wayne Anderson, the program I partner with works for all shapes and sizes. If you want a change in your life, let’s talk.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety