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Guest Occupation: Air Force Captain, Air Traffic Controller, Missile Launch Officer, Engineer, UFO Phenomenon Whitness
Guest Biography:

Captain Robert Salas, retired, graduated from the Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He also held positions at Martin Marietta and Rockwell and spent 21 years at the FAA. In the Air Force, he was an air traffic controller and a missile launch officer as well as an engineer on the Titan 3 missiles. He testifies about a UFO incident on the morning of March 16, 1967 where 16 nuclear missiles simultaneously became non-operational at two different launch facilities immediately after guards saw UFOs hovering above. The guards could not identify these objects even though they were only about 30 feet away. The Air Force did an extensive investigation of the incidents and could not find a probable cause. At a debriefing about the incident, an officer from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations required him to sign a non-disclosure form and told him that he was not to talk about the event to anyone including his family or other military staff. At a time during the Cold War when minor technical anomalies were openly communicated amongst the staff, this incident was not and to this day Captain Salas thinks this to be very unusual.

In March of 1967 ten nuclear missiles were shut-down (rendered to a 'no-go' status) after a craft of unknown origin breached the air-space over Malmstrom AFB in Montana. It hovered over the nuclear installation in plain sight of security police. Multiple events of this nature were also reported at a number of nuclear installations in the continental United States.

Seven USAF officers came forward in September of 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington DC to present their testimony and notarized affidavits concerning unathorized incursions of craft of unknown origin affecting nuclear assets.

Read more at the following link...

...evidence is extensive and reveals that UFOs have been often witnessed around nuclear weapons facilities. Cases have been documented where UFOs have actively interfered with nuclear weapons and even taken them offline.

Guest Category: UFOs, Politics & Government, Technology
Guest Occupation: Writer, Author, Trainer, Pioneering Doctor, Scientist, Musician, Entrepreneur, Producer, Renaissance Woman, Counseler, Advanced Healer, Life Coach, Psychologist, Kahuna
Guest Biography:

Dr. Aurora Juliana Ariel

Whether its pioneering work in the psyche, bringing out her landmark discoveries in global conferences, writing books, leading TheQuest Trainings, or expressing her musical talents, Aurora Juliana Ariel possesses the proverbial Midas touch. Her brand of alchemy is the sacred sort, yielding a gold one can only discover within. Pioneering doctor and scientist, author and musician, entrepreneur and producer, mystic and healer, Aurora is a Renaissance woman for the New Millennium.

Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD, #1 Best selling Author, Creator of TheQuest and Award Winning Author of the Earth 2012 series, is a pioneering doctor whose research and work have given her a profound understanding of the psyche and the tools to heal an ailing humanity. She holds over 35 certificates and degrees in advanced healing methods as well as a BA, MA, and PhD in psychology. She is also a Kahuna in the Hawaiian Tradition, the successor of Hawaiian Kahuna, Shaolin Grand Master Pang.

Working with countless clients over many years with miraculous results, Dr. Ariel’s landmark discoveries led to the development of a breakthrough Counseling Theory and Practice, and the founding of the Institute of Advanced Healing to bring out TheQuest worldwide. She is passing on her vast body of knowledge in her books as well as TheQuest 7 level Certificate Training Courses via TheQuest University, which was founded in 2010. Level 5 is the one year Life Coach and Counselor Certification Course.

Graduates of TheQuest Spiritual Leadership Training (Level 6) can elect to set up chapters in their respective areas. Designed to serve communities around the world, these centers include TheQuest Counseling, Life Coaching, support groups, classes, and trainings.

January 2010, Dr. Ariel launched the TheQuest Global Outreach Program under the Institute of Advanced Healing, and the creation of rehabilitation models for prisons, battered women, youth at risk, veterans with PTSD, and addicts. Sponsors can gift TheQuest books to prisons, rehab centers, safe houses, abuse, addiction, grieving, and Youth at Risk programs, hospitals, hospice, libraries, and schools through their tax deductible donations. Certificate Training Courses for Counselors from these programs (Level 4) are available through TheQuest University.

Understanding that individuals worldwide are suffering from subconscious patterns they have no control over, and concerned how this is adversely affecting the planet, Dr. Ariel developed a complete Self Healing System for the layperson, which is laid out in her groundbreaking book, TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny. Determined to get TheQuest to millions of people across the planet, Dr. Ariel began gifting the book to the world for FREE forever Christmas 2009.

Inspired to translate her knowledge into healing and life transforming media productions, Dr. Ariel launched her multimedia company, AEOS, to release her five collections of music, books, and films. In 2008, the company launched the Earth 2012 series and her first solo music CD, Renaissance of Grace, her 2nd album to date. Her first book, Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest, How To Find Peace in a World of Chaos, which highlights TheQuest as a remedy for a world in travail, won a 2009 Visionary Award.

Her 2009 releases include TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny, and Earth 2012: Time of the Awakening Soul books, as well as her Nuevo Flamenco World Music CD with Bruce BecVar, Gypsy Soul: Heart of Passion.  In 2010, she released her 3rd book in the Earth 2012 series, Earth 2012: The Violet Age, A Return to Eden. On 11.11.11., Dr. Ariel released her 5th book, Letters From the Inner Self: The Indwelling Spirit, and on 12.21.11, her 6the book (4th in the Earth 2012 series), Earth 2012: Oracles of the Sea, the Human Dolphin Connection A host of exciting music, books, and films are soon to follow.

Committed to positive world change, she founded the Earth Vision Foundation and the Earth Vision Alliance to bring forth her vast humanitarian endeavor, the Earth Vision Center project, which is a living library of the advances of our time set within a pristine natural environment. Dr. Ariel is currently seeking key alliances and an island or large property in the South Pacific for the first Earth Vision Center, Lemuria Rising. The Center will also be the international headquarters for the Institute of Advanced Healing, TheQuest University, and AEOS multimedia production studios. More About the Earth Vision Center Project

Dr. Ariel is available for speaking engagements, to present her landmark work at global conferences and events, train counselors in TheQuest, give coaching, counseling, and trainings for individuals, companies, and organizations committed to positive world change, and to hold TheQuest certificate training courses in countries throughout the world.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Mental Toughness Expert, U.S. Marine, Psychologist, Founder of Copenology, Professor, Director, Success Coach, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Dr. Clint Pearman - Author, Speaker, Mental Toughness Expert

I believe: most people live and operate 2 to 5 times below their God given talent, potential and desire, living lives of subtle quiet desperation never achieving their dreams and goals.

My mission: is to be the source or force of motivation, education, inspiration and empowerment that compels everyone that crosses my path to develop their God-given talent, potential and desire and experience their dreams and goals.

Proverbs 9:9  Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.

About Dr. Clint: Originally from New York, Clint moved to Florida at the age of 13 when his parents retired. While in Florida, he was a standout athlete at Lake Weir High School playing and lettering in football, basketball, baseball, and setting records in track and field. Being around coaches the first 18 years of his life, along with the influence of his dad and big brother he developed a winner's mindset that didn't stop when he graduated from high school.

After high school, Clint spent the next 31 years of his adult life in the world's premier leadership and mental toughness training and development organization, the United States Marine Corps. While in the Marines he completed a Bachelors in Business Management, Masters in Organization Psychology, and a Doctorate in Psychology. As a continuous life long learner, at the start of 2009 he was back in school studying health and wellness.

During his last 10 years in the Marines he focused on and studied how the Marine Corps develops some of the most mentally tough people on the planet, put them in the most difficult and stressful situations imaginable and not only expect them to succeed but to excel. With this information he conceived and developed the Mental Toughness Paradigm (MTP) - How ordinary people achieve extraordinary things. The MTP identifies, and explains the 3 fundamental components required for all extraordinary achievements: mental programming, bio/chemical conditioning, and behavioral automation.

In 2001 Dr. Clint Founded the North American Center For Optimum Performance Enabling Neuroscience (NACOPEN) R&D to research brain science discoveries that can contribute to optimum human performance. NACOPEN R&D then converts and synthisies this research into practical daily applications that can be used by ordinary people to achieve more success, live up to their potential and do extraodinary things.

In 2002 Dr. Clint founded and developed the new science of success called Copenology; an interdisciplinary field that studies all scientific research related to how we succeed or fail to live up to our potential. Dr. Clint has successfully applied Copenology principles in a variety of fields ranging from sales professionals at world class companies, weight loss programs in the US Navy, entrepreneurs, network marketers, homeless shelters, couples trying to improve their relationships, and many other endeavors where optimum human performance is important.

Today America's leading Copenologist and Mental Toughness Authority Dr. Clint speaks to groups large and small about how to get your brain to help you live up to your personal and professional potential and achieve your dreams and goals. His latest book, "The Gift: Twelve Ingredients to Improve Your Life," is a compilation of 12 very important ingredients to success that most of us were never taught while growing up and many of us still don't know them.

A few other things Dr. Clint has done you might want to know about:

• Professor Central Texas College

• Director Drug Education For Youth, Santa Ana, Ca

• Conducted Leadership and Management training: James Hardie Building Products the world leader in Fiber Cement Siding

• Conducted Soft Skills Training: World Vision a Global Leader in community development, disaster relief and advocacy.

• Conducted Sales and Customer Service Training: USAA a world leader in Financial Services and the worlds leading customer service company.

• Co-Host Success Talk Radio: Blog Talk Radios first show focused on encouraging, enlightening, educating, and empowering ordinarily people to achieve extraordinary things.

• Founder/CEO/President: The Synergistic Coaching Solution; the world's first success coaching program for the ordinary everyday person.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Grand Elder, Shaman, Daykeeper, Teacher, Author, Speaker, Yoga Educator, Mayan Tradition Expert, Tata
Guest Biography:

Hunbatz Men - Mayan Elder & Solar Priest
Humbatz Men has recently translated a special Mayan codex dealing with extra terrestrial beings that the ancient Mayans were aware of.

Hunbatz Men - Mayan Elder & Solar Priest lives in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. He is a Shaman, Daykeeper and teacher of traditional Mayan wisdom passed down to him through generations of Mayan elders. He has committed his life to transmitting these sacred teachings to others who have an interest in the vision and practices of ancient indigenous cultures. He believes that modern peoples can benefit from understanding the world view that the teachings of the Mayas express. This path of sacred sacred wisdom teachings is offered through Maya Mystery Schools, and draws students back into the higher consciousness of the universe, back into Cosmic Consciousness, which they have forgotten. The ultimate purpose of Hunbatz Mens work is to restore our planet to harmony with natural and cosmologic cycles. He believes that the way to help Mother Earth and her children return to a state of harmony is to raise human consciousness once again closer to the Cosmic Consciousness of advanced ancient peoples.

In 2008 Hunbatz Men founded and is Director of the Cosmic Initiatic University of Yokhah Maya in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. This program offers study in depth of the mystic knowledge and hidden practices of Maya yoga, including philosophy and practices. Education in yokhah (yoga) provides a foundation in cosmic philosophy and practice of techniques based in ancient Maya knowledge and traditions, guiding us to live in harmony with the cycles of our Mother Earth, Father Sun, and the Cosmos.

Grand Elder Grandfather Cirilo Perez Oxlajs Mayan spirit name is Wakatel Utiw, which means Wandering Wolf in his native language. He is regarded as the Voice of the Jungle and the Messenger of the Maya; we also know him as 'Tata' which most affectionately, 'Grandfather' in his native language. Wandering Wolf is responsible for guiding us through a prophesied evolutionary transition called the Shift of the Ages. He relays not only potent messages filled with hope and promise, but also grave warnings about the changes we must make. He tells us we are living in the time when the ancestors, as well as men and women of wisdom, return to usher in a new era of global harmony and a new phase of human evolution.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Astrologer, Author, Columnist, Editor in Chief
Guest Biography:

Cal Garrison is a practicing astrologer with 40 years of experience. At present she goes between doing horoscopes, writing books, and working with with The Flower of Life. Her work has appeared in Glamour Magazine, Nexus Magazine, and Sage Woman, to name a few. Editor in Chief at Drunvalo Melchizedek's online magazine, 'The Spirit of Ma'at', Cal is also a syndicated columnist for the Associated Press and an author with six books to her credit, and another one on the way. A single mother with three grown daughters, Cal lives happily in the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual, Astrology
Guest Occupation: Author, Lecturer, Writer, Engineering Consultant, Conspiracy Theorist, Mystery Researcher
Guest Biography:
Mike Bara is a New York Times Bestselling author and lecturer. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as an engineering consultant for major aerospace companies, where he was a card-carrying member of the Military/Industrial complex. A self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA (co-authored with the venerable Richard C. Hoagland) was a New York Times bestseller in 2007.

He describes his new book The Choice published by New Page books, as “The unified field theory of physics and metaphysics.” The Choice peels back the layers of mystery around the Mayan calendar, 2012 and the future we can expect if we don’t heed nature’s warning signs. Mike has made numerous public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics and the link between science and spirit, and has been a featured guest on radio programs like Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. He is a regular contributor to the History Channel programs “Ancient Aliens” and “America’s Book of Secrets,” both of which are now showing on the H2 channel.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Associate Chief Nurse, Clinical Specialist in Mental Health, Message Therapist, Naturopathic Medicine Doctor
Guest Biography:

My training is ongoing. I stay abreast of the newest treatments in Natural and Western Medicine. Unlike many providers who are educated in either Natural or Western Medicine and then pick up the other as they go along, I pride myself in having a very strong preparation in both areas.

I attended Case Western Reserve University for a dual Masters of Science in Nursing. At the time, it was rated among the highest nursing schools in the country. I was awarded a highly competetive scholarship which allowed me to pursue a dual Masters as a Nurse Practitioner and as a Clinical Specialist in Mental Health. Upon graduation I sat for certification exams in both areas and was one of only 40 people in the United States to accomplish both certifications.

I practiced for 10 years at the Palo Alto Veteran's Medical Center where I worked in outpatient settings, and was promoted to Associate Chief Nurse. Meanwhile, I attended coursework in therapeutic massage (and became AMTA certified) and herbal medicine. I established the first holistic clinic called Point of Balance in the V.A. System.

At age 45 I decided to return to medical school and chose Naturopathic Medicine. I attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, a four-year, onsite, fully accredited naturopathic medical school.  I also worked part-time in an urban mental health clinic to pay my living expenses at school. Still, I finished my clinical rotations with a 4.0 average.

I established The One Medicine April 1, 2006. I am fully reimburseable by many insurance plans including Presbyterian, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare, United Health Care, and others.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Ancient Aliens Series Star, Consulting Producer, Publisher, Ancient Anstronaut Expert, Mystery Places Explorer
Guest Biography:

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is the star and Consulting Producer of ANCIENT ALIENS - THE SERIES and publisher of Legendary Times Magazine, the only Ancient Astronaut publication in the world.

Giorgio has often been described as the real-life Indiana Jones and as the world's leading Ancient Astronaut expert, Giorgio has starred in and appeared on the History Channel, the Travel Channel, the National Geographic Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and many other international television and radio programs talking about the latest discoveries in the Ancient Astronaut field.

He is the Publisher of Legendary Times Magazine, the world's only and definitive Ancient Astronaut Journal and the Director of the Center for Ancient Astronaut Research (A.A.S. R.A. - Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association).

Legendary Times Magazine and the Center for Ancient Astronaut Research were founded on June 17, 1998, by co-founders Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Ulrich Dopatka, and Erich von Daniken (Chariots of the Gods) as Erich von Daniken's official international research organization.

In 2010, Tsoukalos starred in and was the Consulting Producer for The History Channel's very successful 6-episode ANCIENT ALIENS: THE SERIES which was produced by Prometheus Entertainment. ANCIENT ALIENS is the best and most compelling Ancient Astronaut documentary ever made next to when CHARIOTS OF THE GODS came out as a movie in 1972. ANCIENT ALIENS features the world's top Ancient Astronaut experts such as Erich von Daniken, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David H. Childress, Buzz Aldrin, Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Bill Birnes, Christopher Dunn, Michael Cremo, Dr. Robert Schoch, Dr. Steven Greer, Linda Moulton-Howe, George Noory, Peter Fiebag, Dr. Algund Eenboom, Philip Coppens, Nick Pope, Dr. Luis Navia, Rev. Barry Downing, Dr. Uwe Apel, Rodney Dale, and many others.

Tsoukalos also appeared on multiple episodes of UFO Hunters in 2009 giving his expert opinion on the Ancient Astronaut Theory.

Tsoukalos has traveled the world extensively (54 countries ...and counting). Today, he is one of a few people who have actually visited and explored nearly all the mysterious places our planet has to offer.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Paranormal, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film