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Guest Occupation: Expert on Egyptology, Archaeology, Professor at Calgary U, Author, Global Research, Television Host
Guest Biography:

Dr. Carmen Boulter hails from Calgary, Canada, where she taught at the University for many years.  She is best known for her groundbreaking internationally renowned DVD series, The Pyramid Code.  With 25+ trips and tours to Egypt, sacred sites and places unknown, she is a female counterpart to Indiana Jones.  Often called in to appear on television as an expert on the Pyramids and ancient sites, she will soon be hosting her own television show!

Carmen is changing the landscape of higher education by painstakingly creating a venue for anyone to learn about their favorite subjects, via Interactive-U.  It is a revolutionary concept, which she designed and participates in with passion.

In addition to the DVD Series, The Pyramid Code, she is the author of Angels and Archetypes, a deep look into archetypes, mythologies, goddesses throughout time, up to the present.

Each year she hosts an incredible tour of the Pyramids, with access to many places that are off limits to most.  It's a great opportunity to learn, experience and expand consciousness!  Check out her website, for more information on the many-faceted aspects of Carmen Boulter's ground breaking work!

Guest Category: Cosmology, Education Technology, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Physician, OB and gynocologist, fusion medicine physician
Guest Biography:

Dr James Pilc,  a Physician of Obstetrics and Gynecology and currently the CEO of James D Pilc LLC.  This corporation includes a complimentary practice of Meditative Healing and Fusion Medicine.  In this practice, as a Personal Meditative Guide, healer and awakening coach Dr Pilc teach self-awareness and healing techniques for any illness, chronic or acute.  Healing through Fusion Medicine includes Western and Eastern Medicine approaches as well as Meditative Self-Healing.

Through the above corporation, Dr Pilc has become an author of  Unstuck:  The Enlightenment of Medicine and Introduction to Meditation:  A Path to Ourselves.  He created meditative CDs/digital downloads for adults and children including Guided Meditation:  A Path to Peace,  Children’s Meditation:  A Beautiful and Magical Relaxation and Deep Mindful Exploration. He also created a meditation buddy for children to snuggle with during their relaxation.

After being diagnosed with bone marrow cancer in 2005, Dr Pilc came to meditation as a complementary therapy to help with healing.  His hope is to help those in need of physical, emotional and energetic or spiritual healing and to further investigate the connection between Western Medicine, Eastern Medicine and Meditative Self-Healing. He teaches group guided meditation classes and hold individual Meditative Self-Healing sessions to guide people to find the Core causative Agent of their disease and heal themselves.  He has offered meditation sailing aboard the Spirit of Buffalo, bringing it to WNY for the first time and lectured to national and international groups and organizations and interviewed on national radio shows in an effort to raise the global consciousness, help people reach complete healing, and create a new and improved connection with spirit.

Dr Pilc graduated from the University of Buffalo with a Bachelor’s in Science and Medical Doctorate and was privileged to practice Obstetrics and Gynecology in Western New York for more than 25 years. He managed and cared for a private practice of greater than 5000 wonderful people and currently live in Buffalo, New York with his husband and 2 sons.

His favorite quote is from Mother Teresa “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love”.  This is where healing begins.

Presently working with a group of highly motivated individuals, he is creating a Sciatu Fusion Center to serve Western New York.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Sex, Technology
Guest Occupation: Medical Intuitive and Healer
Guest Biography:

Marilyn Cramer, is internationally known for her alternative and complementary healing techniques.  She helps adults and children make permanent, healing changes on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and is founder/owner of LightHealer, LLC  in Woodstock, Georgia. She has certifications in Reiki Master, Somatic Healer, Thought Field Therapist, Clinical & Alchemical Hypnotherapist, BioGenesis Practitioner and Mental Coach and is a Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant and Telepathic.

As a natural Medical Intuitive, Marilyn can “see” inside the human body and help her clients find the root cause of their ailments.  There have been numerous times when Marilyn would see an enlarged or diseased organ, tumors, ulcers, clogged arteries, bacteria or viruses in the cells, parasites, fungus, etc., and she would strongly advise her clients to see a doctor/specialist.  With diagnostic testing, the doctor would discover the same thing – and Marilyn’s client did not know he or she had this illness/disease.

Over the years, Marilyn has worked with clients who had cancer, ulcerative colitis, PNH (a rare form of bone marrow cancer), Lyme Disease, Crohn’s Disease, liver failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Sensory Integrative Dysfunction (children), Tourette Syndrome, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), terminal illnesses, Fibromyalgia, extreme fears and phobias, extreme childhood traumas, and numerous other emotional traumas, diseases and disorders.  Marilyn uses a combination of methods with Reiki to facilitate healing. She also works closely with the Chief of Surgery at Northside Cherokee Hospital in Georgia, and with surgeons, Naturopaths (ND’s), MD’s and Chiropractors.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Human Rights Activist/Politician/Comissioner
Guest Biography:


After serving in the Georgia Legislature, in 1992, McKinney won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. She was the first African-American woman from Georgia in the U.S. Congress. She was the first Member of Congress to demand an investigation of the events of 9/11/2001. McKinney was criticized and as a result, she was defeated in 2002; however, she ran again and was re-elected in 2004.

In 2005, McKinney was a vocal critic of the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina. Cynthia introduced legislation to release documents related to the murders of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Tupac Shakur. She was the first Member of Congress to file articles of impeachment against George W. Bush; and she voted against every war-funding bill put before her. In 2008, Cynthia McKinney won the Green Party nomination and ran for U.S. President.

In December 2008, Cynthia made international headlines when her boat was rammed by the Israeli military as she was attempting to deliver medical supplies to Gaza. In 2009, Cynthia attempted to reach Gaza again, this time armed with crayons, coloring books, and school supplies. Her boat was overtaken in international waters by the Israeli military and she was kidnapped to Israel. Cynthia spent 7 days in an Israeli prison. Finally, Cynthia entered Gaza by land in July 2009 with George Galloway's Viva Palestina.

Cynthia completed a cross-country bicycle ride with Bike4Peace 2010. In August 2011, Cynthia visited 21 cities to end the bombing of Libya. More recently, Cynthia participated in Malaysia’s Perdana Peace Organization and served as a Juror on the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Palestine.

In 2015, Cynthia completed her dissertation on the transformational leadership of Hugo Chavez and was awarded a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change.

Cynthia currently possesses technical proficiency in the French language, but because Cynthia’s current research interest centers on Asia, Eurasia, and the U.S., she is now learning Chinese.

Cynthia is a member of the Working Group for the Great Caribbean Studies, Latin America Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), The Latin American Studies Association (LASA), and The International Leadership Association (ILA).

Cynthia has two books to her credit and several Chapters that she has authored in the books of others.
Mahathir Mohamad’s efforts to “criminalize war.” She has appeared in Kuala Lumpur several times, declaring that city the Peace Capital of the World. She recently reported on her experience in Libya in the “Arab Uprising” Conference organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation and served as an official observer at the historic Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal that, on 22 November 2011, found former President George W. Bush and former Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of the crime of aggression and other crimes against the state and people of Iraq.

ABOUT 'Ain't Nothing Like Freedom'

Elected six times to the House from the state of Georgia, Cynthia McKinney cut a trail through Congressional deceit like a hot ember through ash. She discovered legislators who passed laws without reading them. Party leaders who colluded across party lines against their constituents' interests. Black-skinned individuals shilling for the white status quo. She excoriated government lassitude over Hurricane Katrina, uncovering dark secrets. She held the only critical Congressional briefing on 9/11, introducing counter-testimony of scholars, investigators, former intelligence agents.

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she held Rumsfeld to account for malfeasance by military contractors and missing billions in the Pentagon's budget. Then she hammered him on the reasons for the failure of NORAD air defenses on 9/11. She read truth into the Congressional Record, held town halls and hearings, led protests, showed up while others played along to get along, took the side of the people against the will of the Party. And when she got too truth seeking and speaking, the Republicans rigged the Democratic primaries to boot her out, leaving behind a trail of achievements mostly won singlehandedly. But McKinney rose again like a Phoenix, answering the call to run as 2008 Green Party candidate for President, challenging the corrupt two-party stranglehold on American democracy.

Then it was on to the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, to be seized on the high seas and imprisoned in Israel. On to Tripoli, to serve as witness to the NATO terror bombing of Libya. On to Malaysia to serve on the War Crimes Commission... Often introduced as the Sojourner Truth, the Harriet Tubman of our age, McKinney reflects here on the Biblical figures of Esther, Deborah and Naomi. This is the Cynthia McKinney saga as it stands to date--what she saw, what she learned, and how she fought for change.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Brand Consultant
Guest Biography:


As a brand consultant for some of the most iconic celebrity clients at her husband’s company, CMG Worldwide, Stacey often browsed through thousands of archived images of legends like Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana and Ava Gardner.

She was inspired by their pictures, especially the jewelry that adorned them.

In 2011, Stacey’s vision led her to develop her first collection, Jewelry of Legends™, a unique jewelry line inspired by the fabulous baubles of icons like Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana (Princess Collection™). Soon after, Stacey successfully sold her pieces, from this collection, on HSN. Recently, Stacey has expanded the Jewelry of Legends™ collection to include jewelry inspired by Ava Gardner, Ingrid Bergman, Gene Tierney, Ginger Rogers, and Natalie Wood.

And, that’s not all. Stacey has an exclusive agreement with Heritage Auctions to recreate some of their most sought after heirloom pieces to hit the auction block. All of these timeless pieces are made of superb craftsmanship and radiate in color and cut. The coveted “Heritage Collection” jewelry is available exclusively from The Danbury Mint.

Stacey’s collaborations with The Danbury Mint has expanded to include a collection of “Simply Glamorous by Stacey Whitmore” handbags. This unique collection of handbags reflects the same incomparable elegance, timeless design elements and hallmark details that have made Stacey’s creations sought by women everywhere. “The Heritage Collection” and “Simply Glamorous by Stacey Whitmore” can be purchased by mail order or online at the

One of Stacey’s most exciting brand developments includes being the owner and brand creator behind Princess of Beverly Hills™. This real-life maltipoo, known best for her pink hair and accessories, has become a viral sensation on the Internet among young girls and women. Princess of Beverly Hills™ has a widespread appeal teaching a valuable lesson: treat others the way you would want to be treated. Her unique looks, coupled with her sweet personality, pulls fans in.

Stacey has partnered with DEMDACO to produce, market and distribute Princess of Beverly Hills™ merchandise that includes plush toys and accessories to be sold worldwide in 2015. And, soon audiences will be able to watch Princess of Beverly Hills™ show off her acting chops in the in the underdevelopment feature film “Heavenly Stars.”

With her passion for outstanding products, Stacey hopes to continue to help women find ways to treat themselves to the finer things without breaking the bank and inspire women of all ages to achieve their dreams and ambitions.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Music Composer, Musician, Formula Race Car Driver
Guest Biography:

Stefano Tomaselli is an Italian composer based in Los Angeles, California.  He started his music career at the age of nine, when he began studying piano with Professor Antonio Ranalli, student of Ferruccio Busoni.  His journey as a student culminated with a Master’s Degree in Composition under the guidance of Maestro Alessandro Cusatelli.  He also studied Organ with Professor Biondi, Violin with Professor Alessandro Albo and Drums and Percussion with Professor Messina.

Since he relocated to the US with the assistance of Academy Award winning composer Bill Conti, he has been collaborating on several projects with world-renowned tenor Placido Domingo.  His collaboration with the Maestro brought him to the attention of the Butler Opera Center in Austin (Texas), who commissioned him an Opera.

Stefano also writes music for the silver screen; he scored “Boy in the Void,” directed by Miroslav Macala (2012), “L’Homme Sans Musique,” directed by Stefano Arduino (2013) and “Amalia,” directed by Biagio Fersini (“Best Original Score” at the “Sonora Soundtrack Film Festival,” 2014), “Road to Juarez,” directed by David De Leon (2015) and he is currently scoring “Lyudmila,” directed by Biagio Fersini.

In addition to creating music, Stefano is also an avid Formula race car driver.  He has participated in race events across Europe.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author and Public speaker
Guest Biography:

Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including: sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining - a noble and inspiring Star Trek future.

Marshal is the author of “Crossing the Cusp: Surviving the Edgar Cayce Pole Shift”, “Being In It for the Species: The Universe Speaks”, “Survival Wellness Advocacy”, and the Planet X 101 Video Series.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Self Help, Sex, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Transformational Entertainment Producer Mary Arose
Guest Biography:

Mary Arose, founder of SacredHandProductions, is a transformational filmmaker, prayerformance artist, and devotional singer.  She discovered her love of singing through the chanting the divine names and since has expanded into various vocal styles - including pop, jazz and soul.  

She is currently combining her passions for music, performance and storytelling in a music video called “The Cosmic Seed of Awakening”. This video is based on the revelations of a medicine ceremony that unveils origin stories through animal totems and mystical archetypes.  Mary is collaborating with a film crew, dancers and musicians to bring this magical transmission to public audiences, with the intention of evolving concepts into live performance & music.   

Additionally, Mary will be performing in two upcoming events in Santa Fe on August 14 & 15. On Friday August 14  at 8pm the Santa Fe Oxygen and Healing Bar will host “Grief & Praise” a prayerformance and cacao ceremony that will journey through love, loss and redemption through storytelling, song and dance. On Saturday August 15 Mary’s music video will premier live at the "THE SEED” a blindfolded, authentic movement journey & multimedia experience. 

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Spiritual, TV & Film