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Guest Occupation: Spiritual Retreats Facilitator, Guest Speaker, Channeler Energy Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Danae Shanti has lived an extraodinary and mystical life, having had a powerful awakening in 1987 that took her life in a new direction. She went from being the executive director of the South Hampton Chamber of Commerce in New York to sharing messages internationally from Angels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Guides. This began Danae's new career as a portal for offerings from higher dimensions into this world on behalf of benefitting humanity. She has lead Spiritual Retreats to Mount Shasta, was a Guest speaker at the Crimson Circle Annual Gathering, the marriage of channeling and music came together in what are now called medicine songs. has helped thousands of people internationally to awaken their spiritual capacities.

Today she is devoted to leading peope to access and understand their inner guidance through her gifts as a channeller, energy intuitive and medicine singer.

This work comes through the forms of public events as well as soul readings, spiritual coaching, emotional integration processes, and medicine songs.

THE INTUITIVE VOICE - An experiential workshop with Danae Shanti

I would love to talk about accessing the many levels of Guidance we all have available to us at ALL TIMES. This can include the non-physical realms of Guides, Teachers, Angels, Archangels and beloved departed family members.

These communications from loving sources can assist us to find our own intuitive voice as we open our inner listening channels. When we can trust ourselves and senses, and listen as well as speak from this intuitive, connected place, our lives transform.

Whatever our unique expression is, it’s coming from a place of our divine guidance. Through this practice we can be a healing channel of transformation into the world.

I have a workshop called 'The Intuitive Voice' which is an opportunity for people to explore communication & relationship with their guidance. During this Interview I can touch upon:

- Personal stories of my own mystical experiences in working with teachers in the etheric realms
-Communication from Teaching Guides specifically available for the audience
-Teaching tools, tips and exercises for learning how to tap into your own guidance


'Upon leaving Danae's "Opening Your Listening Channels" workshop I turned on my phone, and began to drive home, thinking about how imagination and intuition are so intertwined, both rooted in cosmic origin. Then a text message came to my phone from my deceased daughter's phone. It was the photo attached, that my nephew sent to my daughter a few months before she passed. The day before, I was looking at the photos stored on her phone and sent several favorites to my email. I saw the one, here, attached, and thought it is cool but did not send it to my email, I just passed over it. I guessed that my wife was looking at the photos on my daughter's phone and sent this to me knowing the kind of workshop I had just attended. I texted my wife's phone, thanking her for sending it and how appropriate the timing was to send it. She replied that she didn't know what I was talking about! Well, all the hair on my body went straight up and I talked to my daughter all the way home. When I got home I found her phone was off and the battery was dead!' ~ D.M

''Danae Shanti's "Opening Your Listening Channels" workshop opened my doors of perception by using the crucial tool of breath to center, be present, and feel the source, (or resource,) of my higher self. When our breathing brought us to a fully present state, Danae taught how to become a conduit of guidance. By trusting our feelings and thoughts, and as she said; "letting SPIRIT drive the bus," everyone in the workshop felt the power of the intuitive wisdom that our guides freely share when we open ourselves to receive' ~ D.M

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Residential Design Specialist
Guest Biography:

Jennifer Beaman Pippin, FAIBD, CPBD, CGP owner of Pippin Home Designs, Inc., is a nationally acclaimed Residential Design Specialist and a recognized expert in sustainable and green building practices, with a focus on creating new homes and renovation projects. Pippin owns a green home and studio, which has been open for tours, as a teaching resource on living sustainably.

She goes by ‘Jenny’ or ‘Pippin’ and grew up in eastern NC on a working tobacco farm, working in the field with her family from the time she could walk until she got her driver’s license and could get a ‘real’ job. She cropped tobacco, drove the tractor’s and loaded and unloaded the barns, even going on Saturday mornings to the warehouse with her uncle and cousin to assist her uncle, the auctioneer, in marking the sold bales of tobacco for $2.00/day. Her first real job was as a stock room clerk for a children’s clothing store, unpacking tagging and putting new merchandise on the floor during the week and cleaning the store on the weekends. After graduation from High School, she worked as a waitress at a Pizza Hut, then a Steakhouse in Raleigh for a couple of years, to put herself through college, first at NSCU for a couple of semesters, then on to Wake Technical College, where she received her degree in Architectural Technology. All the while working to support herself and an abusive alcoholic mostly unemployed husband, who was her high school ‘sweetheart’.

Jenny worked at a local design firm during her last year of college through their coop program, then after graduation worked at a large spec home builder for several years and divorced her husband. Later, she met and married her second husband who was a land surveyor, whom she met doing drafting work on the side for them. They moved into a passive solar home in the country and Jenny was intrigued with this style of architecture and began to study solar and energy efficient design and was determined to share this knowledge with others. Jenny was being ‘green’ long before it was in vogue. During this time she was involved in a serious car accident where she was run off the road by a car that left the scene of the accident, which left her in a body cast with a broken back, laid up horizontal for months, until she could be placed in a back brace and was allowed to work again part time for a while. After her recovery, she went to work for a small custom home design firm and learned this is where her passion would take her. She then moved with her second husband to Lake Norman and began her own Design firm full time. After 14 years, she divorced her second husband, who had created a highly successful land surveying company with her help, but blew it all getting involved in cocaine. He lost his business, his wife, his home his friends and eventually his own life.

Jenny went on to buy her own home and renovated it in 1999, then buying and renovating her own office building in 2004. Jenny met Wes in 2004 and they were married in 2005. In December of 2006 they began the process of an extensive renovation to their home, which ultimately became a certified ‘green built home’ and Jenny moved her office into their new home Studio and put her office building on the market for sale in Jan. 2008. During this time, Jenny became very successful with her firm until the bottom fell out in October 2008 with the economic collapse. Every client she had at that time put their projects on hold and Jenny and her staff were left with nothing at all to do. She had finally assembled the best team she had ever worked with and she had to let them all go.

The bank she had financed her office building with through an SBA loan swooped in quickly and foreclosed on her building, since it didn’t sell right away, after refusing to work with her in any way to make different payment arrangements, refinance, etc. This was an incredible blow to her self-esteem, as she and her building were both very well known in the community. Shortly thereafter she began the process of fighting the bank on her own home foreclosure and went ‘down the rabbit hole’ of learning about the fraud in the financial industry, as well as in all aspects of our lives, and learned that it was going to take ‘intestinal fortitude’ to stand up to the system, as one friend put it to her. Jenny was upset, very angry and up to the challenge! She stopped making payments on a rental home they owned, stopped on both of her business credit lines and on all of their credit cards, when they decided they would no longer aid and abet they corrupt system and started down a path of learning various remedies to their situation and to save their home from the bank theft.

She fought the bank’s trustee and attorney at numerous hearings at the Clerk of Court’s office where she objected to the foreclosure of their home on 3 separate occasions. She actually prepared documents on her own without a lawyer, utilizing suggestions and templates, along with loads of research, and moved their case to Federal Court where she demanded a jury trial in a quest to have the truth of the matter heard in open court. After 2 and a half years filing into the case various documents, Courtesy Notices and Affidavits, none of which were ever rebutted by the bank, along with over a year time period where the bank never even responded to the first filing, the judge remanded their case back to state court, refusing to grant a trial by jury and have the truth exposed in his court room, where it would have set precedent for other homeowners to follow. He knew the Clerk of Court would not be required by ‘law’ to look at any of the evidence Jenny had filed into the case. The lawyer for the bank quickly set up the next hearing date and the Clerk allowed Jenny to speak her mind, quote numerous codes and statutes related to the case, and the attorney and Clerk denied all evidence, whereby the Clerk signed the order for foreclosure. Jenny stood up over the Clerk, looking down upon her and basically told the Clerk that she was “corrupt” and aiding and abetting the corrupt system, whereby the Clerk threatened Jenny with contempt of court and asked Jenny if she wanted to spend the night in jail, whereby Jenny said no, she did not intend to do that. The Clerk did not follow through with her threat, but did hand her a wet ink signature original signed ‘Order’ for Foreclosure.

Jenny immediately filed a Notice of Appeal into the case the next day and then the Clerk’s assistant called to say that they would not stay the sale of their home without them paying $10,000 non-refundable money. Jenny and Wes refused to pay the money and the sale was held 21 days later on the courthouse steps. Jenny and a friend witnessed the ‘sale’ and served the substitute trustee who conducted the sale with a Courtesy Notice. Then, Jenny and wes moved out of their beloved home into a rental house, all the while maintaining their home, keeping the electric on, mowing the yard, and keeping their boat on the dock, and moving a few others they met through the OPAL gatherings into their home, even hosting the OPAL tour in December. By the time their one year lease was up at their rental in February of this year, they decided to move back into their home since nothing was happening with their lake home. Then, 4 days later they received a letter from the lawyer with the Notice of Appeal Hearing date scheduled for March 10th. Jenny asked the lawyer to postpone the Hearing, but they refused.

At the hearing Jenny and Wes submitted a Praecipe into the case, along with their I AM documents and Declaration of Rejection. The judge acknowledged seeing the Praecipe in the file, even asking what it was on the record, then proceeded to ignore the documents and dismissed the Appeal. Jenny continued to file more documents into the case, whereby the Clerk ordered her assistants not to time and date stamp any more of Jenny’s documents into the case file, as it was now considered a ‘closed’ case. Since then, Jenny has recorded into the Catawba County Register of Deeds a 112 page filing, where she uses the I AM documents as the underwriting and grounding documents for cause, for cancelling the original DEED OF TRUST and all subsequent alleged contract documents, along with cancelling the Order for Foreclosure and the Order Dismissing the Appeal.

So, here we are 6 years later and a literally a truck load of documents completed and Jenny and Wes still have their home, the bank continues to mail letters stating that “the loan terms originally agreed to in the transaction documents you signed remain valid and enforceable throughout the life of the loan. These terms are in no way compromised, altered or amended by your sending this correspondence”. Yes, the Sheriff has yet to send his deputy’s out to evict them.

Jenny is a fighter, determined to stand up for what she believes is right, to expose the truth. Her many credentials include: a Certified Professional Building Designer (CPBD) since 1989, and is a professional member of the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) since 1988; Pippin holds diplomas in Classical Architecture, Green Building and Renewable Energy Technologies and is a Certified Green Professional, with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). She is also the past chair of the Lake Norman HBA Green Building Council and a well-known speaker and lecturer on Green Building and Sustainable Living practices. She was recently nominated as a Fellow in the AIBD, the highest ranking membership level in her professional organization.

She is the recipient of numerous design and business achievement awards, including: the ‘Environmental Leadership’ award in 2013, by the Charlotte Hornets’ Nest Girl Scouts Council; the 2009 ‘50 Most Influential Women of the Year’ award from Mecklenburg Times; in 2008, The Charlotte Business Journal recognized Pippin with three Green awards: Green For-Profit Business of the Year, Green Advocate of the Year and Green Residential Renovation Project of the Year and she also received the Special Project – Green Renovation Stars Award, from the NC Homebuilders Association for her own home. In addition, she was awarded the prestigious 2004 Charlotte Woman Business Owner of the Year Award, from the National Association for Women Business Owners; the 2004 Top 25 Women in Business Achievement award, by the Charlotte Business Journal; and the 2008 Top Women Business Leader in the Golden Crescent award, from Business Today.

With 30 years of experience in Residential Design, her award-winning homes can be found all around the Lake Norman area in NC and multiple states nationwide, featured in numerous local and national magazines, and in television programs including HGTV, NASCAR Today, and Desperate Design. The vital concepts of environmental consciousness, Universal Design, and Feng Shui are all combined and incorporated into every project she creates.

Her many local and national awards and credentials speak to her professional capability. The homes she and her firm designs reflect the diversity and uniqueness that has given her the reputation as the Green Home designer for "homes with a view." Pippin utilizes the natural features of the site, the views and the movement of the sun across the property, to create a comfortable home uniquely suited to its environment, providing healthy, durable and loveable homes, incorporating the unique visions of each individual client, to make them authentic to the homeowner and the site.

Increasing her talents and expertise, Pippin regularly attends continuing education courses and workshops, learning about energy efficiency, solar design, universal design, the various market segments, high performance home design, renewable energy technologies, etc. These qualities speak to her commitment to remain on the cutting edge of design, for the ultimate benefit of her clients.

Phone: 704-363-8037

Physical Address: 7390 Gabriel Street, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673

Mailing Address: 516-D River Highway, PMB 174, Mooresville, NC 28117

Guest Category: Business, News, Careers, Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Technology
Guest Occupation: International Award Winning Author, Speaker and Seminar Leader
Guest Biography:

Ayn Cates Sullivan, MA, MFA, Ph.D. is an inspirational author and teacher. She holds a master’s degree in spiritual psychology from USM, and a masters and doctorate in literature from Columbia University and King’s College London. She currently lives with her husband, two children and variety of horses and pets on a ranch in Ojai, California. Her educational experiences coupled by life lead her into the study and practice of what makes one whole.

Ayn’s many inspirational books include Tracking The Deer, Consider This: Recovering Harmony & Balance NaturallyThe Windhorse: Poems Of Illumination, and an award winning children’s series including: Sparkle & The GiftSparkle & The LightSparkle & The Fireflies (2015) and A Story Of Becoming.

Ayn practices loving partnership as a way to fully know and realize oneself with her husband of many years, John Patrick Sullivan. The two can sometimes be found riding horses in the Topa Topa Mountains of Ojai or playing in the Pacific Ocean.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Co-founder/CEO of BBS Network, Inc. (BBS Radio)
Guest Biography:

Douglas Newsom is co-founder and CEO of BBS Network, Inc. (BBS Radio)

Doug is Kundalini Experiencer! A keen, bright eyed participant of thought and activity. A unique soul traveling new roads - deeper, more aware and full of Energy!

24 years experience in corporate business development from inception through till profitability and/or fully operational status. A creative, operations and entrepreneurial background; responsible for the successful creation, startup, management and development of a veritable dozen companies over the course of his career, and has raised in excess of $25 million in private equity on behalf of start-ups.

Deep experience in corporate finance; financial structures, funding strategies, methods, planning and structural implementation.

Deep experience in public relations, investor relations and the development and creation of investment materials.

Deep experience in research, organization, formulation, writing and implementation of business plans, offerings and agreements for the formulation of corporations, joint ventures, associations, partnerships and limited liability companies.

Background in sales and marketing of consumer products.

Advanced communication and problem solving skills.

Proficiency in computer hardware, software and the Internet Web development.

Specialties: Bilingual - German

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: MetaPhysician
Guest Biography:

Any global solution must naturally neutralize the psychopathic evil behind Gaza genocide, Ukraine conflict, Ebola bioterror and systemic "DUH" (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless).  See: The Cosmic LOVE solution.
     The last show on Cosmic Love I interviewed Stefan Vestappen on the subject of psychopathy as we've seen amply demonstrated in the Gaza holocaust and the world's response to it.  Since that show I've published four articles that reference the urgent global context for needed global solutions as you can read with embedded videos at: (1) Overcoming Evil for Global Healing, (2) Truth-tellers Versus Warmongers, (3) Take Heart: It's Darkest Before the Dawn, and (4) The Choice: Global Golden Age? Or Global Tyranny?
      Beyond the contagion of insensate violence, epitomized in Gaza, there is a global awakening to capabilities for interactive media solutions in 2014.  There's no security without social conscience purity in our ubiquitous social networks.
     Imagine what a Whole Systems Upgrade of Global TeLeComm will look like... and consider how Quantum Computing will reboot our collective conscience as the Family of Mankind in our All-Connected Global Village.
     Realize that world peace patriots now represent the Global Netizens of Earth Uniting!  And that our common enemy is willful ignorance and "cherished illusions" (BS in Belief Systems) that keep us divided and subservient to psychopaths who want WWIII with demoralizing in-our-face genocide in Gaza like a boot stomping on the face of our humanity, our sanity... our conscience.
     Dawning Reality: Global Enlightenment
     This show goes beyond faithless fear to fearless faith in the power of global humanity to wake up, wise up and rise up with social conscience in our global social networks.
     Discussing on the show:
     (1) Voting Solution:
What voting will look like; interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm with a universal interface for culturing conscience in one's personal and social network 'holodeck'.
     (2) Wisdom Solution: How 'Information's Ecology' will recycle knowledge in the way that empowers wisdom; organizing information IN FORMATION framed by the Constitution of Conscience.
     (3) Love Solution: Why heart coherence is a universal standard that resonates with the harmonic order of the holographic universe and right brain thinking when in your heart.
     (4) Healing Solution:  How the synergistic integration of the first three solutions naturally leads to Universal Self Care and a global TeLeComm process for involving and evolving our individual and collective conscience.
     Serious devotees of this peace process realize how global rEVOLUTION is optimized with a Cosmic LOVE Solution at: 'Our Choice'.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual, Divination, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: Founder of The Light Party
Guest Biography:
Da Vid is a wholistic Medical Director of The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation, and an artist who has created a revolutionary art form entitled Artainment. In addition he is the founder of a wholistic new political paradigm party dedicated to Health, Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom For All.
One of his great passions is The Alcatraz Conversion Project, a Spiritual Visionary Project that seeks to convert Alcatraz Island from a place of pain and suffering into  a “JEWEL OF LIGHT“.  It aims to activate Powerful Forces for Cooperation, Reconciliation & Healing.



 Let us begin   with a profound philosophical concept: God/Goddess All That Is dwells within  us as us... In our heart of hearts, at the core of our being, the Supreme Being is intimately known to us as our own immortal Self, Our magical, mystical, and majestic I AM Presence. God/Dess  All That Is. There is no way we can separate ourselves from That which Was, Is, and Shall Be. We have always been one with life, we are one with life, and we will always be one with life. Any belief contrary to this constitutes denial. This denial, rooted in the belief in separation (sin/ignorance), generates fear. Fear, a third dimensional experience, is the root cause of dis-ease and the seven o'clock news. And what is it that we are afraid of? Is it the fear of death and/or the fear of the unknown, and/or becoming who we really are? In truth, it's all, and none of these, because in truth we already know the truth... THE TRUTH IS... and whatever we believe it to be. After profound philosophical deliberations I have come to realize my truth which is: God/Goddess Is, and so am I... And in this New Age of Awareness, we all are becoming conscious of this profound truth... God/Goddess Is, and so are We.
This is what the ancient prophets meant when they spoke of the coming of The New Age, the Second Coming of Christ Consciousness. We are referring to  ChristMichael , who is Archangel of Humanity, a vast solar being who resides within our day star ) and whose body is the evolving body of humanity. The esoteric understanding of Christianity, an evolving solar religion, is rooted in the awareness that the Son is the Sun. The ancient Egyptians who prayed to Ra (synonymous with Christ) were fully aware of this truth.... Indeed "The Son of God" is our Sun, the source of life itself... Scientists today are in agreement that we are living in a multi-dimensional holographic universe, where all is energy, all is light, and all is consciousness. E=MC2
As we become progressively aware of the fact that we are living in an infinite organic, multi-dimensional ever expanding, YES UNIVERSE, we are given the unprecedented opportunity to transform our lives in accordance with the understanding that we live in an infinitely abundant, benevolent, and super intelligent universe, governed by the law of love.
We are individually and collectively in the process of restructuring our fear/time based reality into a BuddhaChrist Conscious reality wherein "Health, Peace, and Freedom for All" abide. This transformation, guided by infinite intelligence and love, constitutes a Global Metanoia, the Armageddon (the end of the world). "The end of the world," a psycho-physiological event, constitutes the end of duality, and resides in the conscious understanding that life is free and so are we! This profound planetary transformation is being assisted by many factors/forces. The Earth has moved into the Aquarian Age, due to an actual astronomical event known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Aquarius is the zodiacal sign of humanity, truth, and science (the search for truth). Truth sets us free.
Aquarius brings us into the influence of the all powerful Violet 1Ray, which is the frequency of freedom. The Piscean Age, ruled by Neptune (sacrifice) and Jupiter (religion), was a sacrificial and religious period initiated by Jesus, The Christ. The Aquarian Age, initiated by The Cosmic Christ of the Violet Flame, The Lord Saint Germain, and The Ascended Masters of Light, is governed by Uranus (freedom). This is a spiritual age of unprecedented freedom and liberation for all of humanity.The Violet Flame is being consciously invoked by planetary Light workers, to assist in our transformation into  spiritual freedom. The Violet Ray, a direct transmission and emanation of light form the Great Central Sun of All Creation is serving to transform and transmute fear on an atomic and sub-atomic level. The Violet Flame is accelerating an evolution/revolution into a higher frequency of light where "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."
In fulfillment of prophecy, cycles within cycles are culminating together as we rapidly evolve into The Eternal Here and Now (the Fifth Dimension). This is substantiated by Hindu cosmology which reveals that we are now in The Diamond Age. The Diamond Age, an age of intense purification, is a transitional period between the Kali-Yuga (an age of ignorance/sin) into a Satya-Yuga, a glorious Golden Age of Light (The Aquarian Age, the New Heaven, the New Earth).
The Mayan Calendar places this cosmic moment in the Earth year 2012... This prophetic moment constitutes the Earth's  initial Ascension into the Fifth Dimension, a higher harmonic of light where peace, love, freedom, and multi-dimensional realities co-exist in joy. Also the Earth becomes an official member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Planets. In time what this means is that our beloved Space Brothers from other advanced, intergalactic civilizations will be free to visit, and share their awareness with us. How exciting!!
To summarize: We, humanity, are now passing through a gateway in our psycho-spiritual development. We have now come to a turning point in our evolution. We are witnessing, participating in, and experiencing the disintegration and reintegration of the socio-economic and philosophical matrix of this planet. We are becoming increasingly aware that we are co-creators of our own destiny. Our future is being created NOW, through the choices we are all making. We are part and parcel of a Poly-Tantric Multi- Dimensional Mind whose experience of itself is ecstatic. We are programmed for bliss!
We shall come to know that our limits are limitless as the light of pure reason shines within and without, dissolving and evaporating the shadows and the illusions of our collective "past," leading us onward, inward and upward, into heretofore un-imagined realms of pure experience. We are awakening to our true selves as sons and daughters of the most high, as children of the light, empowered by this light to live a life of freedom, love, and joy, consciously co-creating and manifesting a life here on Earth, which reflects the wisdom, love, and intelligence of our Creator.
Through the agency of grace (the spirit of guidance and education) we the collective and individualized embodiment of the one reality, partake of this reality, a sacred divinity. We are now experiencing a progressive transformation of consciousness, which is leading inexorably to a "time" where "There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there by any more pain; for the former things are passed away." The keys to our collective liberation, our ascension, are faith and applied knowledge, along with the determination and forbearance to follow our intuitions and inspirations. Now is the time to celebrate our Ascension into a Golden Age, a New Epoch, A New World where Peace, Health, and Freedom for All . . . IS . . . Amen, Selah, Allelujah!!!
Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: American Ninja Warrior Competitor
Guest Biography:

James McGrath is an American, who has competed five times in the American Ninja Warrior tournaments. In his first attempt, on American Ninja Warrior 2, his run ended early, when he failed on the Quad Steps.

On American Ninja Warrior 3, he was a walk on competitor from Seattle, WA who slept in a van to be a walk-on. In that competition he placed 29th in the Qualifying Round and 13th in the Semis. He did very well in Boot Camp and that earned him a spot in SASUKE 27. In the tournament, he was able to blitz through the first two stages with little trouble, completing Stage 1 in with 22.24 seconds to spare and had SASUKE 27's fastest Stage 2 time with 18.84 seconds left on the clock. However, he ultimately failed on the Ultimate Cliffhanger after failing the transition to the small fifth ledge.

He also competed on American Ninja Warrior 4 and was one of the favorites to earn total victory. He had the 2nd fastest time in the Northwest Regional Qualifiers, and the fastest time in the Northwest Regional Finals, giving him a late run in the Las Vegas Finals. He easily beat Stage 1 with just under 19 seconds to spare, making him of the 24 finalists to advance to Stage 2. However, his downfall came at Stage 2, where he suprisingly failed on the Slider Drop by making the bad choice of jumping before the drop, shifting his weight to one side and not landing the left side.

In American Ninja Warrior 5, McGrath completed the Venice Beach Finalists with the fastest time and he cleared the First Stage in the Las Vegas finals with 38.47 seconds left. In the second stage, he blazed through all the obstacles and finished with the second fastest time on the stage with 35.66 seconds left on the clock. On the third stage, however, he wasn't able to hang on while transitioning to the second board on the Floating Boards and failed.

In American Ninja Warrior: USA VS Japan, James was apart of team America. In the first stage, he went up against Yamamoto Shingo, and he beat him when he couldn't make it up the Soritatsu Kabe. Then, in the second stage, he went up against Asa Kazuma, he beat him as well, as he failed the Double Salmon Ladder and James did a victory lap on the stage. In the third stage, James went up against Urushihara Yuuji, where he went out on the Floating Boards again, but Yuuji also went on the same obstacle and James won the match barely by beating him to the second board by a few seconds. He was the only competitor to attempt all three stages.

So far, in American Ninja Warrior 6, he has completed the qualifying round in the second-fastest time. In the Venice Finals, he failed the Body Prop but still finished in the Top 15, qualifying him for the Las Vegas Finals.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, Outdoor, Indoor, College
Guest Occupation: Author, teacher, speaker, publisher, personal and spiritual consultant, and Naturopathic physician
Guest Biography:

Penny Kelly is an author, teacher, speaker, publisher, personal and spiritual consultant, and Naturopathic physician. In 1979, while working as a tool and process engineer for Chrysler Corp, she experienced a full, spontaneous awakening of kundalini that completely changed her life. She left Chrysler and returned to school to study the brain, consciousness, perception, cognition, intelligence and intuition. This was followed by over a dozen years of work as an educational consultant specializing in the brain-compatible and accelerative teaching techniques of Dr. George Lozanov. 

In 1987, she moved to southwest Michigan and for 25 years has operated Lily Hill Farm and Learning Center. Today she travels, lectures, and teaches a variety of classes and workshops including Developing the Gift of IntuitionOrganic Gardening, and Getting Well Again Naturally. She maintains a large consulting practice,writes books and poetry, raises chickens, beef cows, and grows organic vegetables and small fruits.

For some years she has been involved in scientific research and investigations into consciousness at Pinelandia Laboratory near Ann Arbor, MI and has been the subject of some research as well.

She holds a degree in Humanistic Studies from Wayne State University, and a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Clayton College of Natural Health. Penny is the mother of four children and has written six books.

The Evolving Human - A True Story of Awakening Kundalini

The Elves of Lily Hill Farm – A Partnership With Nature

Robes - A Book of Coming Changes

Getting Well Again, Naturally – From the Soil to the Stomach

Consciousness and Energy, Vol. 1 – Multi-dimensionality and a Theory of Consciousness, and

Consciousness and Energy, Vol. 2 – New Worlds of Energy

Penny lives, works, and writes in Lawton, MI, the far southwest corner of Michigan.

Guest Category: Food, Nutrition, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Animal & Plant Communications, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive