Any global solution must naturally neutralize the psychopathic evil behind Gaza genocide, Ukraine conflict, Ebola bioterror and systemic "DUH" (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless). See: The Cosmic LOVE solution.
The last show on Cosmic Love I interviewed Stefan Vestappen on the subject of psychopathy as we've seen amply demonstrated in the Gaza holocaust and the world's response to it. Since that show I've published four articles that reference the urgent global context for needed global solutions as you can read with embedded videos at: (1) Overcoming Evil for Global Healing, (2) Truth-tellers Versus Warmongers, (3) Take Heart: It's Darkest Before the Dawn, and (4) The Choice: Global Golden Age? Or Global Tyranny?
Beyond the contagion of insensate violence, epitomized in Gaza, there is a global awakening to capabilities for interactive media solutions in 2014. There's no security without social conscience purity in our ubiquitous social networks.
Imagine what a Whole Systems Upgrade of Global TeLeComm will look like... and consider how Quantum Computing will reboot our collective conscience as the Family of Mankind in our All-Connected Global Village.
Realize that world peace patriots now represent the Global Netizens of Earth Uniting! And that our common enemy is willful ignorance and "cherished illusions" (BS in Belief Systems) that keep us divided and subservient to psychopaths who want WWIII with demoralizing in-our-face genocide in Gaza like a boot stomping on the face of our humanity, our sanity... our conscience.
Dawning Reality: Global Enlightenment
This show goes beyond faithless fear to fearless faith in the power of global humanity to wake up, wise up and rise up with social conscience in our global social networks.
Discussing on the show:
(1) Voting Solution: What voting will look like; interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm with a universal interface for culturing conscience in one's personal and social network 'holodeck'.
(2) Wisdom Solution: How 'Information's Ecology' will recycle knowledge in the way that empowers wisdom; organizing information IN FORMATION framed by the Constitution of Conscience.
(3) Love Solution: Why heart coherence is a universal standard that resonates with the harmonic order of the holographic universe and right brain thinking when in your heart.
(4) Healing Solution: How the synergistic integration of the first three solutions naturally leads to Universal Self Care and a global TeLeComm process for involving and evolving our individual and collective conscience.
Serious devotees of this peace process realize how global rEVOLUTION is optimized with a Cosmic LOVE Solution at: 'Our Choice'.
Guest Name
Christos Lightweaver
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