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Guest Occupation: President Natural Solutions Foundation
Guest Biography:

MAJOR GENERAL ALBERT N. STUBBLEBINE is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, class of 52) who enjoyed a distinguished 32 year career in the U.S. Army. He retired as the Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Prior to this assignment he commanded the US Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM). During his active duty career he commanded soldiers at every level. After his retirement he served as the VP for Intelligence Systems with BDM, a major defense contractor. He has brought these experiences to leading-edge medical research and development in collaboration with his wife Rima E. Laibow, M.D

He is a long-term out-of-the-box thinker who redesigned the U.S. Army?s Intelligence Architecture while serving as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army?s Intelligence School and Center. This intelligence restructuring earned him his place in the Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Among his other accomplishments, he participated in a special task force which defined the requirements of the U.S. Army for future conflict. Many of the innovations he developed helped the U.S. to conduct the First Gulf War effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate.

Having defended his country for 32 years and having then worked for the remainder of his career to build better ways of being and becoming well, Bert is determined not to let the forces which are threatening American?s health freedoms prevail. Formerly a warrior for America's military, now he is a warrior for America?s health and personal freedom.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, Medicine, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Photographer, Author, Native American Researcher, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Connie Baxter Marlow, grew up in Pittsfield, Maine.  She graduated from Dana Hall School in Wellesley, Massachusetts. In 1968 she graduated from UC Berkeley with an honors degree in Economics.  While at Berkeley she studied photography in the West Coast style of black and white landscape photography. She is the great, great granddaughter of James Phinney Baxter, 6-time Mayor of Portland, Maine and great grandniece of Percival P. Baxter, Governor of Maine 1921-1925. She is a direct descendent of John and Priscilla Alden and Alice and William Mullins, Mayflower Pilgrims.

Her visionary, philanthropic and courageous ancestors inspire Connie to carry on their mandate to make the world a better place.  Her life's work has been to communicate information she feels she has discovered regarding the nature of the universe as it is held in the knowing of all people and carried in the "way of life" of the indigenous peoples of the world, and manifested in the evolution of the American Spirit through the literal application of America's Freedom Documents.

In 1972 Scrimshaw Press published Connie's book of photographs on Mt. Katahdin and Baxter State Park, Greatest Mountain: Katahdin's Wilderness.   Connie created that book to communicate the vision of her Uncle Percival, who gave the 200,000 acres and 50 mountains that comprise Baxter State Park to the people of Maine to be held "forever wild" , because she felt that if people knew of his vision and his mission they would honor the "Deeds of Trust " established by Baxter. 

Greatest Mountain:Katahdin's Wilderness was republished in 1999 by Tilbury House Publishers.  The new edition reflect s Connie's 10 year involvement with the Native Americans. It includ es the Wabanaki connection to their sacred mountain through writings by Arnie Neptune and Dennis Kostyk, as well as Connie's evolving worldview as her experiences with the visionary elders of the United States and Mexico influenced her life and her thinking.

In 2000 a photography exhibit entitled Greatest Mountain: Exploring the Mystical Nature of Katahdin evolved out of the Katahdin book.  In 2002 this exhibit hung in Concord, Massachusetts and a film series entitled The American Evolution: Voices of America evolved from the events held in conjunction with the exhibit.  The film series features Henry David Thoreau through interpreter, Richard Smith; top Thoreau scholar and editor , Bradley P. Dean, Ph.D.:   Arnie Neptune and Barbara Beckwith, Penobscot elders, Muslim Imam, Feisal Rauf, Greek/American sociologist Kyriacos Markides and Mt. Katahdin and discusses the profounder aspects of being American, bringing in the Native American perspective and Thoreau's life-long interest in the Algonquin Indian.  Information on the film series and copies of it are available for purchase.

Connie has spent extensive time with visionary Native American elders throughout the United States and Mexico and most recently the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert of Africa.

She, her father Jack Baxter and daughter Alison Baxter Marlow and partner Andrew Cameron Bailey have a photography exhibit Rhythms of Creation: Impressions of Indigenous Peoples of the World which has toured New England, and hung in Mexico, Colorado and Utah and is currently on permanent exhibit in Sedona, Arizona at Page Springs Bed and Breakfast and Vacation Home at Rancho Feliz. 

Connie has a multi-media presentation entitled “Divine Discoveries at Ground Zero: An Uplifting Look at the Events of 9/11”  in which she presents substaniating evidence that indicates that the events of 9/11/01 triggered the opening of the human heart and the rebirth of America, with a significant Hopi Connection. She is currently working on an America History Course book and DVD entitled “An Expanded Look at American History” in which she traces the role of inspiration and trust in bringing profound freedom to the human condition through individual action and America's role in the process.

She has lectured throughout the country at high schools, colleges, peace conferences and other events on a variety of  inspirational topics.  

She is the mother of three grown children, Alison, Consi and Jonny whom she raised in Aspen, Colorado.  She currently lives with her partner Andrew Cameron Bailey at Rancho Feliz in Sedona, Arizona where they welcome guests to the Page Springs Bed and Breakfast and Vacation Home.

Andrew and Connie are working on a soon-to-be-released film entitled "In Search of the Future. Where have we Been? Where are we Going? What do the Wise Ones Know?"  This film features visionary elders, futurists and chaos theorists and questions the assumptions which drive the prevailing paradigm. They are also working on a book concerning the nature of the universe.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, History, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder and CEO of Empowered Language Systems, Martial Artist, NLP Master Practitioner, Personal Empowerment Educator
Guest Biography:

Mark England has been studying methods and techniques for personal empowerment for the last decade. He has a Masters Degree in International Education, is an NLP Master Practitioner, has had a full time private language practice last eight years, and is the Founder and CEO of the Empowered Language Systems. In his spare time Mark likes to travel, dance, and practice martial arts, and have fun.

About The Empowered Language System

The Empowered Language Systems is an educational system that helps people use their language in a more intelligent and empowering way.

A vast majority of peoples fears and stumbling blocks stem from a lack of a quality education about how language works. There is a whole lot more to language than just its grammar. Language heavily influences our imaginations and our energy (emotions and feelings) and getting properly trained in that process can mean all the difference in your world.

“Education is the key that opens the golden doors of freedom” – George Washington Caver

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Guest Biography:

Dr. David Hanscom is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in complex spine problems in all areas of the spine. He has expertise in adult and pediatric spinal deformities such as scoliosis and kyphosis. A significant part of his practice is devoted to performing surgery on patients who have had multiple prior spine surgeries. He works for Swedish Neuroscience Specialists in Seattle, WA with eight neurosurgeons and a physiatrist.

Dr Hanscom completed his medical degree from Loma Linda University in 1979, .a residency with internal medicine in Spokane, WA from 1979-1981, an Orthopedic surgery residency was at the University of Hawaii from 1981-1984, .a six-month orthopedic trauma fellowship in 1984 at UC Davis in Sacramento, CA. and completed his spinal deformity fellowship in Minneapolis, MN at Twin Cities Scoliosis Center in 1986.

He is the founder of the “DOCC” project. It stands for “Defined, Organized, Comprehensive, Care.” This is a structured rehabilitation protocol for chronic pain, which involves improving sleep, managing stress, engaging in long-term conditioning, obtaining adequate pain control with aggressive medication management, re-setting goals, and educating the patient so as to regain control of their decision making.

He is the founder of the Puget Sound Spine Interest group, which was formed in 1987. It is a non-profit educational group, which provides a regional forum for physicians to share ideas regarding optimum spine care.  “Awake at the Wound” is a process, which brings athletic performance principles into the operating room. He co-founded the program with his golf-instructor, David Elaimy, in 2006. David Elaimy is also a performance coach who has been giving golf-based performance seminars in the financial sector for over fifteen years.

He had written many articles and his latest book Back in Control: A spine surgeon’s roadmap out of chronic pain, publish in 2012 is still a top seller on Amazon.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: National Speaker
Guest Biography:

Within a 5-year period, Joyce OBrien’s husband, Kevin, was paralyzed after a brain hemorrhage and both Joyce and Kevin were diagnosed with late stage cancers.

Faced with their devastating diagnoses, and fearing leaving their baby girl an orphan, Joyce, an Executive Vice President on Wall Street, left a successful 18 year career to begin her healing journey.

Ten years ago, Joyce and Kevin were blessed with healing stage 3b and stage 4 cancers, chronic fatigue, depression and more. Joyce’s life mission became clear and she invested years in training, research and studying with top doctors and experts in holistic health to discover many of the secrets of what makes us sick and how to heal.

Joyce, trained in Biological Medicine and Microscopy, is a national speaker empowering, inspiring and educating her audiences with the tools to improve their health – body, mind and spirit.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Researcher
Guest Biography:

Located in the back of Nice city (French Riviera), the plateau of the pass of Vence is the seat since long times of strange events of nature very diverse.

Pierre Beake was interested there since the end of the Seventies. A spectacular observation personally implying him at the beginning of the Nineties will lead Pierre to be even more strongly invested in the study of these strange phenomena, and to tie bonds of friendship with other investigators.

It is the starting point of a new period of investigation which will lead to a disconcerting form of interaction with what seems to hide behind these demonstrations.

Guest Category: UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Numerology, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Basketball Coach/Mentor
Guest Biography:

Lewis is a former high-level professional basketball player who played internationally in Chile, Venezuela, Korea, Poland, Cyprus and the CBA. He is a former star player for Weber State where he won two Big Sky championships. He has coaching experience in the ABA and was a featured coach in the Eurobasket Summer League (ESL) from 2008-11. Lewis is the founder of the Utah Sports Academy a program that has positively impacted thousands of youth through a variety of sports programs and educational platforms. Lewis serves as a mentor to aspiring professional athletes for the Global Basketball brand. Lewis is a dedicated father of four beautiful daughters and works hard developing sports programs in the Salt Lake City area.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College