The Newsroom, Blogs, Articles, Featured Guests, Headlined Shows and Indie Music
This week on Paradigm Shifters:
Paradigm Shifting is a BIG JOB! Why do we need it at all? The world is becoming smaller and smaller. Resources are taxed (grand play on words here!) every where possible.
OUR GUEST this week is Linda Schurman, wonder woman astrologer. Read her latest monthly newsletter, SOOTHESAYER.COM. We'll ask for more detail about humanity, rising political challenges and feisty Weather attacks, as Linda explains what is going on in the universe. We find out which planets are ruffling our lifestyle and political feathers, or challenging the long term success we expect of riches and stability, and the arts of sharing, fairness, and the evolutiion of creating a life for all the 7.5 billions.
Where does Covid 19 fit in? Is it the whip that cracks loudly enough to inspire heartfelt global unity? Or to reorganize societies for dystopia or maybe utopia?
Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ November 24th.
Special Guest ~ Linda Schurman
tune in on
~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen several days later on:
A Message from Veronica --
Life is moving us all pretty quickly. It's time to Thank the Universe as we are forced to stretch into more of our real selves. And so is everyone else. Amazing huh?
Disinformation has been a huge tool to keep people confused and divided for centuries The hard part is figuring out who to believe and what to believe. A great question to ask yourself as you hear something, something condemnatory, or divisive, or threatening of any kind, ask "who would benefit from this information? Add would I?" The answer you receive is often quite soft and gentle, but actually soothes your anxiety.
Or ask simply, "is this true?" Sometimes your tummy lurches, or your heart pounds, or maybe you feel peaceful and at ease. sometimes it is a bit more complex. Just keep breathing deeply. Pray that your Guidance helps. Ask for a sign. It can be delightful, fun and informative. Test it.
Are you working your way through beliefs, learning about who you are really, wanting to heal or sort out differences with others, that could be rising in the turmoil of these days.
By popular request: Personal readings - $40 for 15 minutes. Time for a check into you, a friend, your growth, one or two questions. These are fun and lively.
Click on the "Private Session" button on my site:
I'd love your feedback on Linda's interview, to be podcasted in a week. Or archived on :
Love to you all, that you may be in a state of becoming, all ways.
Veronica Entwistle

Guests, JoAnn Windholz and Michael Thau
The Trump legal team distances itself from Sidney Powell but she continues to assert she will be filing a bombshell of a court case alleging election fraud. Investigative columnist Michael Thau helps us figure out what’s actually going on behind the scenes. Plus… big news about a Colorado county and certifying election results. Adams County GOP Chair JoAnn Windholz breaks the news on the show.
HEALING THE SOUL OF AMERICA - Former Democratic Presidential Candidate MARIANNE WILLIAMSON returns! America is in turmoil today. Discord and hatred are dissolving our communal bonds and undermining the spirit of social responsibility. Maria and I will discuss with Marianne Williamson what we all need to do to heal the soul of America in these turbulent political times.
Angels, Angels, Angels! is the new book just published by David Christopher Lewis of
David will be discussing his just-published new book on Angels. He has been visited by angels over 700 times over the last 16 years, and he will share some of their mystical and practical revelations: how angels are working with humanity today, and the name and mission of angels never before revealed.
Over the last decade, I've interviewed David Christopher Lewis on Cosmic LOVE several times. I've investigated his background and I'm convinced he's the real deal - the rare authentic clairaudient who can hear, clearly speak and precisely transcribe the voice of angels.
Angels are messengers of God who amplify the feelings and divine emotions of God, delivering guidance to mankind, along with hope and understanding as well as graces, virtues and blessings.
The more you tune into the truly enlightened messages of angels, the more you anchor that light in your life and the world at large.
Angels don't just warn us and save us from danger. They are our friends and servitors who inspire us on wings of higher consciousness.
Better to soar with the angels on thermals of grace than scratch with the turkeys on bugs of begrudge!
Welcome David to Cosmic LOVE with Your Presence,
Christopher Rudy
Linzi Levinson Masterful Coach, extraordinaire is my guest! Navigating COVID fatigue. How to date during COVID? How to connect? Do we have sex, zoom or just sext? How can we navigate these holidays during these crazy times?

Author, Radio Guest Speaker
Author, radio guest speaker on Technocracy, Transhumanism, Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Globalization.
Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale.
** Exciting Announcement! **
For the latest news on America Technocracy and everything that surrounds it: Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Green Economy, etc.
Stephen Bassett is a political activist, Disclosure advocate, and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group
This episode is about Close Encounter News on UFOs, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, Extraterrestrial Life, and Space. My guest Stephen Bassett who is a political activist, Disclosure advocate, and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group, founded in 1996 to end the government-imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial-related phenomena. Stephen has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of "Disclosure" — the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has given more than 1200 radio and television interviews on the political implications of UAP/ET phenomena. PRG's advocacy work has been extensively covered by major national and international media. In 2013, PRG conducted a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. In 2014, PRG launched a two-year political initiative that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG recently launched the new exopolitical podcast DisclosureWire.
Sports Medicine Physician with “Sports Medicine and Regenerative Therapeutics
"I believe in developing a lasting relationship with my patients. I am interested in their overall health and well-being in addition to their sports-related injury or chronic pain. In order to promote an optimal environment for healing, the wellness of the whole patient may need to be addressed." - Dr. Matthew Vogt.
Dr. Vogt is a Board Certified Family Physician with fellowship training in Sports Medicine. His passion is helping his patients avoid surgery through means of cellular orthopaedic interventions.
Dr. Vogt is trained in musculoskeletal ultrasound guided injections. He treats all joints of the upper and lower extremities, hip and pelvis. Dr. Vogt incorporates biologic cellular therapies into his interventional orthopaedic practice for degenerative joint conditions as well as for tendon and ligament tears.
Dr. Vogt is a Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. He promotes proper nutrition and exercise and makes recommendations on nutritional supplementation. Dr. Vogt also has great interest and experience in the management of sports-related concussion.
Outside of his medical practice Dr. Vogt enjoys spending time with family. He enjoys the outdoors, gardening, paddleboarding, cycling, and is active in coaching youth baseball.
Prior to his residency training, Dr. Vogt served as a Flight Surgeon in the United States Navy.
Director of Poland’s famous Wroclaw Zoo
Polish biologist. Since 2007, the head of the Wrocław Zoo, which reformed the garden, making it one of the most beautiful and attractive zoos in Europe. The author of the project thanks to which the Wrocław Zoo contributed to the discovery of the famous silver-backed chevrotain (Tragulus versicolor) - a species considered extinct. He is the author of 5 books about rare and endangered animals and over 50 scientific and popular science articles published in national journals and specialist foreign journals.
ZOO Wroclaw is the oldest and the most famous zoological garden in Poland. It was established as a joint stock company and the grand opening took place on July 10, 1865.Less than 20 years later, the Wrocław zoo was included among the leading facilities in the world. Today, Zoo Wrocław belongs to the European leaders in terms of breeding and attendance - it is visited by almost 2 million guests yearly, more than 12,000 animals live here, representing over 1,100 species.
Facilitator, Trainer, GOP Political activist and party member
Vickie was born in Hickory, North Carolina. Vickie and her family have been a part of the Colorado Springs community since 1996. Her family has a tradition of military service connecting Vickie to our military bases in Colorado Springs.
After graduating from high school, Vickie attended Montreat College. She was the first in her immediate family to attend college. She was active in her church, as a worship leader, church secretary, traveling soloist, and she was the singles ministry leader. Vickie worked in the Business Development office for the City of Hickory in North Carolina. From 1990 to 2002, Vickie raised her family, putting her career on pause for the most important job there is, being a parent. In 1997, the Tonkins family started a non-profit organization, The Destiny Project, Inc.
Vickie attended Colorado Christian University (CCU) in 2002 to complete her degree in Organizational Management. She helped start James Erwin Charter Middle School, hiring staff, and overseeing student discipline, while attending college. She graduated from CCU with honors in 2004. Vickie earned her Master of Arts Degree in Education Administration and Supervision from the University of Phoenix in 2006 while working full time. She earned a license in School Administration in 2008 and her license is still current. Vickie was a professor at the University of Phoenix from 2009 to 2017.
Vickie works for ComPsych Corporation as a Facilitator/Trainer in Staff Development for corporations. Vickie believes in the 2nd amendment and is a contract Representative for US Law Shield, sharing with others the right they have to legally defend themselves. She is active politically in Colorado Springs and in December 2015, was elected President of the Colorado Springs Republican Women's Club. Vickie was re-elected President, in November 2017, for another 2-year term. In March of 2017, Vickie was elected Bonus Member to the El Paso County Republican Party and serves on the Bylaws Committee for the Party. On May 15, 2018, Vickie joined the MLO Oversight Committee for D-11 School District.