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Monique Sherrell Brown
Monique Sherrell Brown

Monique is known for her passion and dedication to music. She has evolved over the last six years from cabaret singer to her new home as a soulful recording artist transcending traditional genre barriers (music knows no color).
Eat. Sleep. Catapult.

A 5 piece from Saint Louis, Missouri, Eat Sleep Catapult is a pop punk outfit, ready to have fun and make people of all ages and creeds dance. For fans of; Blink-182, Neckdeep and New Found Glory; Buspirone packs a punch that would make their predecessors proud. If interested I can send the .wav



Thank you for your time and consideration!
Eat. Sleep. Catapult.

A 5 piece from Saint Louis, Missouri, Eat Sleep Catapult is a pop punk outfit, ready to have fun and make people of all ages and creeds dance. For fans of; Blink-182, Neckdeep and New Found Glory; Buspirone packs a punch that would make their predecessors proud. If interested I can send the .wav



Thank you for your time and consideration!
The Crista Carroll Band

Crista Carroll thought her songs were going to be expressed in classic singer/songwriter style. That was before rock guitarist Brent Brehony expressed an interest in collaborating. Then drummer Aaron Ten Bears with his metal background joined the project and Crista's ideas of what she had envisioned for her songs quickly flew out the window. Along came Eric Harris on bass bringing his distinct melodic integrity and off they went!
Millennial Sob Story

 We're a rock band from Reading, Massachusetts. We're pretty chill and low key but love to make a lot of noise and feel feelings. Our debut single, "Easy" can be found on all streaming services, and we can be found on Facebook and Instagram @millennialsobstory. Stay tuned for our upcoming EP to be released later in August!!