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Aliyah Marr

Author: "Unplug From the Matrix," "The Avatars of Eden," "Parallel Mind, The Art of Creativity," "The Tarot Key," "DIY Tarot," "The Creative Life in 360 Degrees"

Release your creative genius
You know you are missing something. Like losing the keys to your car, you can’t go anywhere until you find the key to unlock your creativity. I consider it my sacred privilege to empower others to step into their highest dreams. I assist you to become who you want to be, and live your life as you wish to live it.

Even da Vinci could have used a coach
Do you have a creative block? Perhaps you want to develop your creativity, or you are starting a new enterprise, and you need some high-level advice. In either case, I can help you. I am a creative projects consultant and creative coach for those type-A creative misfits like you and me.

Are you a creative genius?
There are more creative geniuses on Earth than at any other time in the history of mankind. We stand at the threshold of the most powerful leap in human evolution — this leap will not be physical or technological; it will be a quantum leap in human consciousness.

The tsunami of human evolution generated by the quake of creative empowerment is on our event horizon, approaching us as time disappears.

The wave of creativity that is sweeping the Earth will bring in a new paradigm of equality, prosperity, fair governance, and a sustainable economy.

Aliyah Marr is a Creative Consultant and Creative Life Coach, offering:

Creative Activations
The Creative Activation session cannot be described: there is a magical moment in this phone session when most people experience a release of their creative blocks. Once your creative blocks are released, your natural creativity can flow.

Creative Consultation | Life Path Creative Coaching
We can discuss your projects, go over your ideas, and resolve any blocks that you may have. Practical advice and direction in the fields of new business creation, on-going business support, marketing, branding, publishing, social media, multimedia, online media, website design, mailing lists, and print design. Good for business people, entrepreneurs; creative folks in any media or life-path.

Aliyah Marr, Creative Consultant / Creative Coach. Author of 11 books on creativity, personal development and social change: "Unplug From the Matrix" "The Avatars of Eden" "Parallel Mind, The Art of Creativity" "Celestial Journey, The Voyage of the Creative Spirit" "The Tarot Key, Unlock the Secrets of Your Soul" "DIY Tarot, The Fun, Easy Way to Learn to Read the Tarot" "The Creative Life in 360 Degrees"


Aliyah Marr
Graphic designer, creative director, author, business development advisor, creative coach, multimedia artist, inspirational speaker, and educator. Founder of the ThinkUpside Down counter-culture book imprint and social movement. Aliyah Marr is a creative director with a stellar list of Fortune 100 clients: companies such as IBM, American Express, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and Chivas; she is a published author with articles in major magazines, such as Create Magazine and Business Week. Aliyah believes in the transformative power of creative thinking and brings all her years of teaching, marketing, and design experience to the table in helping others become the creative architects of their own lives.

Creative Consultant / Inspirational Speaker / Vision Coach
With a Fine Arts degree from the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris France, she taught graphic design, art, interactive programming, and new media at Parsons (The New School), Pratt Institute and The School of Visual Art in New York City. She has created over 100 e-learning tutorials on design, created an interactive manual for the Hummer, and worked as a designer for two feature films. She writes books on creative empowerment, given keynote addresses and seminars, taught workshops, and has worked as a corporate trainer.

A Vision of the Future
Aliyah claims that there are more creative geniuses on Earth than at any other time in recorded history. The sheer numbers of creatively awakened, free-thinking individuals on the planet has precipitated a unique event: for the first time, the human species will evolve to a new level of coöperation and sustainability. We stand at the threshold of the most powerful leap in human evolution—this leap is not physical or technological; it will be a quantum leap in human consciousness. At the base of her vision is the empowered, free individual that Aliyah has coined, "the Conscious Creative." The tsunami of human evolution generated by the quake of creative empowerment is on our event horizon, approaching us as time disappears.

Graphic Designer / Creative Director
I have been a visual designer most of my professional life. I started out as an artist, became an editorial illustrator, then a graphic designer, and finally a multimedia designer. Along the way I taught graphic design and interactive programming at the three top design schools in NYC and published many e-learning modules and video tutorials. I have also written and published several books on creative development and creative empowerment. My work as an author has revived a long-time interest in books and book design. My design portfolio hows my design work and follows my interests as a visual designer, with an emphasis on book design, and interactive design / e-learning design. In addition you may find articles on social behavior as it relates to business and design: viral marketing, social networking, blogging, web design, advertising, UI design, virtual community building, video, cult marketing, communication, social media management, PR, experience marketing, branding, communication design.  

Bestselling Author

The Avatars of Eden

The Creative Life in 365 Degrees

The Tarot Key, Unlock the Secrets of Your Soul; A Modern Guide to the Wisdom of the Ancients

Parallel Mind, The Art of Creativity: The missing manual for your right brain

Unplug From the Matrix

List of all Aliyah's Books and Games

FreshAsylum Design Portfolio

Michael Tibbetts

This is Michael Tibbetts.  I am a 44 year career marketer/educator and, through God's Loving Grace, a “Family Healer.” I have shepherded my own Family's Healing Journey since 1985. During this same period, I have helped hundreds of other families to begin and nurture their own restorative pilgrimages. This is my Divine Mission, which God has used my entire life to prepare me for. As you well know from your own and others life experiences, we are all, as Henri Nouwen, a 20th Century Catholic Mystic would say, “Wounded Healers.”

Our Family Healing Ministry,"The Family Center For The Sacred Heart" is devoted to healing intergenerational family emotionaland spiritual wounds to transform family pain and conflict into joy. Thsi trasnforation also allows families to begin to "Walk Into God's Greatness For Them."

United States



Michael Tibbetts is a 44 year career marketer and educator and “Family Healer,” working for the past 31 years with families on a global basis  providing them with educational tools and spiritual resources for healing. He has applied the lessons gained from leading his own Family's Healing Journey since 1985 to help 100's of other families begin and nurture their own restorative journeys.

He is currently the Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer of his own Family Healing Ministry: “The Family Center For The Sacred Heart.” Please refer to this website for a complete Ministry Overview. This Ministry is currently serving families in 45 states and 30 countries due to the Ministry’s social media and telesummit  outreaches.

Michael's spiritual growth journey since 1985 has led him to become an inspired writer and speaker of “Timeless Wisdom”, as a “Healer Of The Sacred Heart.” He is passionately guided by his Divine Truth that the Family is the Sacred Heart Foundation of all Creation.  He believes that all people, places and events in our lives are placed there for our personal growth, in order to increase our capacity to give and receive God's Ever-Present Unconditional Love.

Ruth Anderson

With good company, I share concerns about the climate in which we find ourselves living. I have dedicated myself to stand as my own personal “Renaissance of One” to combat hate, bigotry, and other forms of low level energy. In juxtaposition of current anti-humane sentiments, my task is to spread the healing grace of God’s love through the writings of One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic in whatever means I possibly can, to as many souls as possible.


Dr. Ruth Anderson is a lifelong student and teacher. Retired after a satisfying and worthwhile career in special education and public school administration, Ruth embraced her second calling, that of an intuitive reader and healer. After becoming a Reverend of the Church of Inner Light, she was given a ministry to provide healing to souls with and without bodies in the ethereal realm called Open Clinic.

Furthering her calling, Ruth brought Divine Healing at Open Clinic to the physical realm. In Open Clinic, she uses her intuition and God’s healing energy, and is assisted by her healing guides, Reiki and Divine Mother, along with archangels Michael, Gabrielle, and Raphael. These experiences make her uniquely qualified to write about Open Clinic. Ruth lives in Colorado and continues to study energetic healing methods.

Johanna Bassols

I am passionate about metaphysics, DNA activation, levels of the mind,  frequency, frequency words, life after death, reprogramming, dowsing and elevating consciousness. I am not a medium, but I communicate to higher beings at any time, including masters of the Great White Brotherhood, Buddha or Angels of Light.


She is the author of the Soul Reprogramming Method and founder of the Healers of the Light Academy. Her curiosity for metaphysics since her early childhood, took her in many interesting introspective searches of the truth behind what is apparent.

At 12 years old, she was performing past life regressions, hypnosis and astral projections to her friends and relatives, teaching other children her age what she was found and passionate for. Being misunderstood by most in her immediate circle including her parents, she decided to take this search inwards for many years.

She studied Public Law at the Pontificida Universidad Catolica del Peru, and runs a successful real estate brokerage in Miami Beach, Florida.

After more than 25 years researching in metaphysics, frequencies, healing methods and other applied sciences. At the age of 35, she received her own DNA activation and download of information, spontaneously. This is when she started teaching her signature class: The Soul Reprogramming Method, a class taught by DNA activation, where she teaches how to reset and update the entire human operating system with the aid of metaphysical elements.

This understanding of metaphysical elements, opened many doors to explore various levels of consciousness and mental levels of the Universal mind.

She is an expert in the use of frequency words to trigger mental states and connect to various multi-dimensional elements and beings.

She is also an advocate for the practical application of metaphysical healing, and the elevation of the collective consciousness.

Now on presale: The Planet of Ideas by Johanna Bassols
Lainie Sevante Wulkan

Finn's Giant Leap written by Lainie Sevante' Wulkan is for the young and young at heart who join Finn on his journey in the transformation of believing in himself and trusting the knowledge, gifts and wonderment he was seeking was inside him all along. It's story to share to remind us all how to follow our heart, dream big and be all that we can be by believing we can soar high.  

With the world so challenging today, here's a book for the  conscious parent and grandparent to bring joy, positivity and hope to our young children.

As a follow up to Finn’s popular softcover book,  its musical singalong CD of the same name has just been released. Featuring a variety of musical tracks in different pop genres, the songs are inspired from the storyline winning the hearts of both children and adults alike.  Finally a music CD that can be played in the car over and over again for everyone.

"As a Life & Soul Coach who teaches about the art and science of taking leaps of faith, I love how this delightful story shows kids -- and adults -- how our 'wings' appear when we're eady to leap! It also helps to have support and someone to leap with -- like Finn has Syana. I look forward to reading this to my grandtwins!"

- Barbara Schiffman, YourLifeandSoul

Let's get the word out about this great book and CD and help expand positivity and consciousness to our future generations.


Lainie is a 30-year veteran in the entertainment and media fields.  She is the Host and Creator of Zeta Global Radio, a socially conscious and spiritual talk show featuring established and emerging leaders moving humanity forward in a positive way.  Guests have included Dr. Deepak Chopra, renowned Tai Chi healer, Mingtong Gu, award winning Dalai Lama Documentary Filmmaker, Leon Stuparich, bestselling Huffington Post writer, Carole Brody Fleet, CNN Hero of the Year, Jackson Kaguri, Grammy Winner Richard Kaufman and many, many more!

ZGR is in its third year and is currently listened to in 50+ countries with platforms on zetaglobalradio, Itunes, FB and spiritualcommunitiesnetwork and back on their mothership, BBS Radio, as of August 1, 2017.  With the taglines #expandingthemind and #nourishingthesoul, there are archives of the show available on her website on a myriad of topics to shift consciousness and perspective.

Lainie is also the Author of Finn’s Giant Leap, a positive messaging children’s book for ages 3-9.  Based on a story of believing in oneness, dreaming big and all we ever needed is already inside, the touching story of a frog who gets “his golden wings” to fly while meeting a fairy is capturing hearts young and old all over the planet.  Her newly released music singalong cd, features music inspired from the story. She is currently writing her follow up book, next in the series taking Finn and readers on a new mystical journey where Finn and his friends meet a magical unicorn.

When not on radio and writing books, she is helping others build their unique presence with media tools with her companies Cinder Cone Worldwide and Enlightened Audio & Sound.

Whether it’s a commercial, promo video, film, music or audio CD or Signature Branded Audio ID theme song, her company she owns with 30 year Music Producer and Film Composer, Howard Wulkan, will work with you to create the right branding to get noticed!

She and her Husband make their home in sunny Florida having grown up in Los Angeles and spent the last 15 years in New Mexico with two Daughters and their four cats, two dogs, hedgehog and chinchilla. When not attending to the needs of her brood, she’s busy doing tarot and intuitive readings, traveling and whipping up a creative feast in the kitchen.

Finn's Giant Leap - A Curious Frog's Magical Adventures
Mary Shores

Mary is the founder and CEO of a multi-million dollar business, and also the author of Conscious Communications, a life-changing new self-development book being published by Hay House in August.There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Mary in the last couple months; her direct email subscriber list has grown by over 5,000 subscribers in the last eight weeks! We are trying to keep that success going and we’d love to bring you along with us!


Mary Shores is the founder and CEO of a multi-million dollar business, one of the most unique collection agencies in the country. Recognized as a leader of innovative thought, Mary has spent over a decade teaching businesses and individuals how to inspire others, create new ways of thinking, identify and achieve their goals, and take action to create truly meaningful results. She is the revolutionary founder of the groundbreaking Conscious Communications system, which produces positive results through positive action. Mary travels across the nation giving lectures and teaching courses, and has been featured on local and national radio and television shows, podcasts, and blogs.

Conscious Communications by Mary Shores
Lillian Cauldwell

When I first entered the world of broadcasting, it was as a non-fiction author of the book, "Teenagers! A Bewildered Parent's Guide." I made appearances all over the United States through phone and personal bookings on radio, television and writing conventions. When I discovered that only celebrity sports figures, actors/actresses, and other famous people were the only ones interviewed live on radio and tv, it set me thinking. In response, I created my own Internet talk radio station, Passionate World Radio Network, at the tender age of 55 years, and have been doing it ever since. PWRNetwork is now in its 11th year of production with a listening audience of over 10 million people, 4.5 million 'on demand' listeners, and 4 million acquired in a two-year period in re-tweets from twitter. We also have a reading audience of over 13,000 people who consistently come and read our blog: Lillian's Travels, on our  

I also am an author, playwright, and coach. who helps people master their interpersonal skills while relearning their communication and speaking skills.

PWRNetwork was the first Internet talk radio station asked by The Miami International Festival, Miami, Fl, to participate at their fair and interview the national and international acclaimed authors about their books. That same year, PWRNetwork was also asked to participate at The National Publicity Summit in New York City to give one-minute advice to authors on how to market and promote their books.


Ms. Lillian S. Cauldwell has interviewed numerous bestselling fiction and nonfiction authors on the national acclaimed phone group tour, PBP Playback Producers. She has also been a Media Adviser at The National Publicity Summit in New York City (Steve Harrison). In former years, Ms. Cauldwell participated in the International Miami Book Festival and interviewed selected authors in person and by telephone. Lillian Cauldwell is known in the Media Industry as ‘Passionate’ and ‘Getting Things done!’

Ms. Cauldwell Ghost-writes blogs for top business executives including inter-active e-books from articles, blogs, commentaries, letters-to-the-editors, and vlogs for top business executives and authors. She helps business individuals master the techniques of presentation and interpersonal skills.

Clients engaged Ms. Cauldwell for her honesty, integrity, passion, getting things done, 25 years of research skills, 10 years of audio streaming and interviewing, versatility, communication and interpersonal skills.

Tink Serval

Being inquizitive, and caring by nature i love to combine my mystical and scientific  knowlde in an entertining and non dogmatic way. I love to promote more : aligned life , love and joy around the world. Radio, Tv, film, and stage are perfect medium to reach  engage and teach others who want to be the change .

Tink Serval, is a Life coach and performer.She is  the creator of : Tinkiology &  the playvolution, and the peace makers project. Bringing laughter and lightness of being wherever she goes.

Tink started her journey as a professional dancer, model, ballet teacher, personal trainer and choreographer.  She studied and performed in Europe, USA and Mexico.  While living in London, UK,  Tink won a scholarship to the Mime Centre,  for all performing arts,  by Adam Darious., majoring in improv, expressive mime, Comedia del Arte,​ choreography, stage and costume design and hair & make up.

Since then she has danced, choreographed and trained others for stage and television, world wide.  Despite the success she chose to keep her projects ​ close to home allowing her the joy of raising her daughter,  to study and... smell the roses.

She is a bi- lingual; French and English.  Living and working in  countless countries, an adventure that keeps her mind open to all cultures, and other ways of thinking, She is now fluent in Spanish and Dutch. (and getting by a few more.. coz its fun)

Alongside her performing career, Tink followed her life's long burning passion for "the meaning of life" vowing to become a "cosmic Sherlock Holmes”.

She  studied Body & Energy ​Work, Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Craniosacral, meditation, Life Coaching, Mysticism and Theoretical Quantum Physics.

Tink is truly a passionate uplifter, teacher, and performer, using her skills and intuition to coach and treat wherever she happens to be, offering online guidance sessions as well. Her one on one, and workshops are  unique, as she sees everyone as already whole. She combines her highly professional skills with a laid back atmosphere, allowing you to feel totally safe and un-judged, resulting in an accelerated expansion in consciousness  and alignment with your Source, hence, her aim is accomplished; Tink:  “My goal is that one session be sufficed, creating such a strong knowingness of your true I Am,  and a juicy sense of joy,  giving you easy and fun tools to continue getting your guidance straight from your Source. Kind of an anti-Christ of business, I believe that the more people on the plane twill choose to master the art of “inner peace”  and practice it daily , it will change the world.”

Her  You tube channel:  Tinkiology,  features Tink's spontaneous  way of interviewing, presenting the art and culture of Puerto Morelos, Mexico where she lives most of the time.

Tink on a mission: The channel is now dedicated to: Tinkiology & The Peace Makers - World Tour,  to inspire and teach others; how to live from true inner peace, through (free) workshops, and interviews with inspirational Peace-makers.

Here is the first video, featuring Sandra Dayton, a Peace Maker in Puerto Morelos: 

Appreciating your visit,likes and subscription to the channel. STAY TUNED, FOR MORE & JOIN IN TH US BEING THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE.
Janie Lin Smith

Janie Lin is a Business Alchemist and a Wealth Consciousness Revolutionary. She is certified in 13 different healing modalities, including Reiki and Life Coaching, and has 17 years’ experience in practicing energy healing. Janie is intuitive, empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, extrasensory and psychic. Janie Lin has the gift of alchemy, which means she can literally create something from nothing. She does this by what she calls energy tuning.

Janie Lin has a deep understanding of how the energetics of things work and function. From 20 years’ experience in business and creating businesses, she also has a deep understanding of how things work in the physical world as well, and the programming and beliefs that society has determined how business works and doesn’t.

When people work with Janie Lin, they show immediate results in money flows. Her clients have gone from not knowing what their Soul Gift is to uncovering it and increasing their income by 500 - 800%. Janie Lin works with Business owners, Coaches, Healers, and Entrepreneurs. Her practice is now globally online.

Janie Lin is the voice and the catalyst of your Million Dollar Muse.

Janie Lin is a Business Alchemist and a Wealth Consciousness Revolutionary. She is certified in 13 different healing modalities, including Reiki and Life Coaching, and has 17 years’ experience in practicing energy healing. Janie is intuitive, empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, extrasensory and psychic. Janie Lin has the gift of alchemy, which means she can literally create something from nothing. She does this by what she calls energy tuning.

Janie Lin has a deep understanding of how the energetics of things work and function. From 20 years’ experience in business and creating businesses, she also has a deep understanding of how things work in the physical world as well, and the programming and beliefs that society has determined how business works and doesn’t.

When people work with Janie Lin, they show immediate results in money flows. Her clients have gone from not knowing what their Soul Gift is to uncovering it and increasing their income by 500 - 800%. Janie Lin works with Business owners, Coaches, Healers, and Entrepreneurs. Her practice is now globally online.