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Patricia Cori

She’s been dubbed a “real life Indiana Jones” by fans and the media – an inspiring icon of truth and a living model of the adventurer within us all. Internationally acclaimed author Patricia Cori is one of the most well-known and established authorities on the realms of the mystic, whose views of the world challenge the status quo and confront the issues that concern us all today. She’s a pioneer of the alternative thought community. She loves to “stretch the imagination” with visions of what might very well be, as science fiction becomes reality every day in our rapidly changing world. With fourteen books, published in more than twenty foreign languages, she has been a key voice in the alternative media for decades, bringing paradigm-busting information to the public since 1996.   The former host of the popular radio show, Beyond the Matrix, she has herself been interviewed on hundreds of talk radio and TV programs, including CNN, Coast to Coast a.m. with George Noory, WABC, Fade to Black with Jimmy Church,  Exopolitics with Alfred Webre, Playboy Radio, the Urban Journal Radio, KJAC Radio Montreal, 21st Century Radio, Fringe Radio, Unity FM, and a host of others. She has also appeared in documentary films.  Her latest work, The New Sirian Revelations, Galactic Prophecies for the Awakening Human Collective, has just been released Dec. 5 2017 to the enthusiastic response from her global audience. Twenty years since she first reconnected and attuned to a group of extra-dimensional light beings that her readers have come to know as the Sirian High Council, this collective returns, through Patricia’s dedicated process as their Scribe, with new revelations that affirm the veracity of earlier prophecies, while transmitting new visions for the human race. They affirm that we are ascending through the outer reaches of the fourth dimension into new levels of conscious awareness and parallel realities, as we prepare for our imminent emergence. Their messages delve into crucial issues facing humankind and the planet today, to include the merging of mind and AI, exoplanetary migrations for our species (and what that means for planets that will receive us), coming clean about cloning, the care and feeding of the human soul, and the slipping of the time-space continuum.

"Infinite in its extent, The New Sirian Revelations presages a planetary renewal that significantly and convincingly bridges the cosmos and the collective consciousness of our global human community."  -Michael Bernard Beckwith Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center 

"The Speakers of the Sirian High Council have transmitted to us a deep dive corroboration of the science-based discovery of the Omniverse. -Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd,  Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe 

For more information please contact:     

Patricia Cori

US: 1-415-644-5224

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it,” stated Albert Einstein. In her newest book, Patricia Cori’s readers are taken on a journey of conscious awakening that bridges fact with fiction. Just as George Orwell might now be considered a prophet, The New Sirian Revelations offers a visionary perspective of the state of our planet; how it came to be dominated by dark forces; and what we can do to transcend this deliberate form of manipulation that propagates the agendas of the masters of mankind.

During an extraordinary out-of-body experience in 1996, Patricia Cori was summoned by a group of interdimensional light beings identified as the Sirian High Council, to serve as their transmitter. Many credible scholars have written about the corrupt hidden forces that have controlled humanity for millennia, causing untold suffering and endless war. Patricia Cori’s messages from the Sirian High Council validate the academic works of intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky. In her newest book, she delivers insights about the agenda of the dark forces and how humanity can break free from its subliminal programming to achieve the level of consciousness that will prevent an apocalypse.

“The secret government still holds a monopoly on the disclosure of exoplanetary life and communications from other dimensions,” notes Cori. “Considering a recent New York Times expose about the Pentagon’s mysterious U.F.O. program, it is safe to assume that information provided by the government about this secret operation will only support the propaganda that they intend to disseminate about life beyond your planet.”

During her remarkable journey with the Sirian Light Emissaries, Cori’s previous books have shared messages of hope and positive transformation. She now conveys revelations that affirm the veracity of past prophecies and transmit a new vision for humans wherein the truth shall set us free.

About Patricia Cori: 

Patricia Cori is an internationally acclaimed author and thought leader. The former host of the popular radio show Beyond the Matrix, she has been a guest on hundreds of radio and TV programs, including CNN and Coast to Coast FM. Previous books in the Sirian Revelations series are The Cosmos of Soul, Atlantis Rising, and No More Secrets, No More Lies.

The Sirian Prophecies - Galactic Prophecies for the Awakening Human Collective 

ON SALE 12/5/2017 


TR: 9781623171711 / $18.95/$24.95 

EL: 9781623171728 / $12.99/$24.95 

Page Count: 256 

Trim Size: 6 x 9 

Illustrations: 19 B/W IMAGES 

BISAC 1: Body, Mind & Spirit - Channeling & Mediumship 

BISAC 2: Body, Mind & Spirit - Parapsychology - Esp (Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy) 

BISAC 3: Body, Mind & Spirit - Mindfulness & Meditation

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Annemarie Osborne, publicist at or by phone (949) 237-2906.

Paula Reynolds

Travel Professional

United States

Biography of Paula Reynolds

Paula Reynolds is the founder of the American Tour Guide Association. She is a Certified Travel Industry Specialist and a leader in hospitality when it comes to tourism.  Paula is passionate about travel and decided to make it her career. She started on the west coast and migrated to the east coast and now serves all 50 states. Paula has traveled to 38 countries and still counting. One of the qualities Paula brings to the industry is custom itineraries based on American themes. American Tour Guide Association won 2017 Best Tour Services in the USA by Lux Hospitality and is nominated for 2018. 

Kimberly Pendarvis

Greetings. I am interested in meeting a radio personality that would like to have me on their show to talk about my most recent work, 74 tears on file, a Sci-Fi genre. I am looking forward to talking about the different angles of the book. Having me on will be a pleasure.

United States

I was born and raised in Montgomery Alabama. Since then I have travelled to many different states such as Georgia, Florida, Tennessee. I began writing almost 20 years ago. I started off as an artist who they began to make stories out of my work. Since then I have written three novels, two historical fiction novels and one science fiction novel.

Lance Eberhardt

My family was recently featured on the television show The Dead Files. Our episode aired this past May. Although the show did a great job telling our story, it's more of a Cliff Note's version of what happened to us. There was so much more that didn't make the show. Our experiences that lead up to contacting the show were terrifying and heartbreaking. It left us drained emotionally and psychically. It is something that we are still recovering from. Part of our recovery, and a goal of ours, is to share our story with others. Our hope is that it will help one family come forward and get help. There are so many people out there that are too afraid to talk about what's happening to them for fear of being ridiculed or made fun of. No one should suffer in silence. 


Lance Eberhardt and his family moved to the small rural town of Kearney Missouri 9 years ago and they currently live on a small horse ranch on 15 acres.  Lance was attracted to the area because of the rich Western history, as it was the birth & burial site of the outlaw Jesse James as well as many others who lived or passed through the area.  He & his wife, along with their 4 daughters thought that escaping the larger cities would be a better & safer place to live.  However, that proved not to the case as unexplained things starting happening and escalated to the point of violence; attacking the family from all angles. Seeking help was hard as some didn't believe or were too scared to help.  It wasn't until they sought the help from The Dead Files that they finally got control of their home and can finally live somewhat of a normal life.

Joel Salomon

This is the book description for Mindful Money Management: Memoirs of a Hedge Fund Manager:

Have you ever had an investment go against you? You bought a stock and it immediately dropped ten or twenty per cent. You bought real estate in 2007 and within two years you had lost 30%. How did you react? Were your prepared? Did you have a game plan? Were you prepared to buy more? Did you make a decision out of fear or out of faith? What are your hidden beliefs around money?

Mindful money management gives you a roadmap to success by one professional money manager:

How he overcame adversity in the stock market

What mindful practices he used along the way

His recommendations for how to deal with doubt, fear, stress

What happy habits he used in the most difficult times.

Mindful money management is a must read for those wanting to get access to many of the techniques Joel teaches in Prosperity Coaching. He can be reached at


In 2016, Joel shifted his focus to assisting individuals as a Prosperity Coach where he works closely with his clients to help identify and overcome the roadblocks standing in their way of personal financial freedom.

In 2012, Joel launched his own hedge fund, SaLaurMor Capital (named after his daughters, Lauren and Morgan). This was a dream that Joel had had from the early 1990s. Since inception he outperformed the hedge fund index and in many significant down months, he was able to consistently generate positive returns for his investors. 

Prior to SaLaurMor, Joel was a portfolio manager at Citi where he managed a long/short equity and credit portfolio focused on insurers, asset managers, and specialty finance companies. Joel successfully grew that portfolio from under $100 Million in 2008 to $700 Million in 2011. In each full year as portfolio manager, he generated positive returns, including in 2008 when the market collapsed 40%.

Joel has spent over 20 years analyzing, rating, and reporting on global insurers. He has over a decade of experience investing in financial stocks, and working at insurance and reinsurance companies.

Joel was designated a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 1992 and has been a Chartered Financial Analyst since 1995. 

Joel holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Rochester where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a double major in Mathematics and Statistics.

Joel Salomon is committed to helping people become financially free.   He can be reached at

Thomas R Clay


I'm a "Mr. SuperMom" that has full custody of two gifted kids that have special needs. I've recently launched a wellness pilot project called The SuperMom Project. Through the project, we educate and coach the implementation of proven alternative and holistic treatment options for the special needs kids and the SuperMoms taking care of them.

The Problem: 15-minute doctor visits and another prescription are NOT providing real answers and solutions for these women and children.  

We are using the pilot to create and document hundreds of success stories that can be shared to inspire and motivate others to act and move forward. 


Thomas R. Clay

2 Time Amazon Best Selling Author, Energy Medicine Specialist and Medical Intuitive

United States

Thomas R. Clay,

Is a Mr. SuperMom and the founder of the Health Design Institute and has been a health and wellness coach for the last 20 years. He is the co-author of a book series titled, The NEW Health Code for Women: How to Shine Bright Without Burning Out and the founder of a community outreach project called The SuperMom Project. The Health Design Institute provides the resources, tools, and support that modern women and their families need to thrive in this demanding world. 

Thomas has a new book in the series coming out mid-2018 titled, The NEW Health Code for SuperMoms and SuperWomen: Caring for the Special Needs of Your Loved Ones Without Burning Out 

Richard Gordon

The Secret Nature of Matter & Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal

By Richard Gordon

Quantum-Touch Founder Richard Gordon Discovers Proof of Energetic Interconnectivity

and Impact on Matter Through Experiments Anyone Can Do

Using a Simple Quantum-Touch Technique That Has Instantly Brought Relief to Thousands—He Shows that Healing Energy Can be Passed On Through Humans and “Inanimate Matter”

Dear BBS Host:

When Richard Gordon was evolving the acclaimed Quantum-Touch healing technique that today is practiced by 1,400 certified practitioners around the globe in 50 countries, doctors were saying it was impossible to permanently align the occipital bone at the base of the skull and “pelvic torsion”—twisted hips where one is higher than the other. Let alone do it without manipulating the patient!

Yet, it became readily apparent that Gordon’s Quantum-Touch methodology could do just that—as people began to achieve what he ultimately termed “Spontaneous Postural Alignment (SPA).” It was just the most visible of the many pain-relief miracles that Quantum-Touch produced—visible because you could instantly measure the before-and-after correction that occurred.

Now, that easy-to-learn, seemingly-miraculous correction has opened an astonishing doorway on the Nature of Matter. Gordon wondered if he could pass this healing energy from person to person or from object to object, and so he began a series of simple experiments that anyone could do by following the directions in his newest book The Secret Nature of Matter.

In 58 individual unique experiments (many done multiple times over) he showed that by imprinting healing intention using a specific method onto a coin or a person, that person or object could pass along an immediate SPA correction to a third party just by instantaneous touch—and it was immediately measurable! While scientists have been meticulously researching the mysteries of Quantum Entanglement, Gordon discovered “Conscious Entanglement,” the ability to effectively group objects together in the mind.

While many books today explore the intersection of spirituality and science, this astonishing book offers very specific visual-with-the-human-eye evidence of the energetic, interconnected nature of the universe.

Gordon notes that a vast majority of people interested in his work are simply thrilled by the ability to rapidly bring down pain and to accelerate the healing process.  But this ability to initiate SPA opened an entirely new way for him to explore the intersection of mind and matter.

Were the results a surprise to Gordon? “Yes,“ he says, “I was astonished that any of this was true.  I would not have believed it just two years ago.  I was surprised that matter could hold energy/intention and be passed on with visible effects, and in many cases cause the body’s own healing mechanism to be stimulated.”

Since founding the Quantum-Touch Organization more than 18 years ago, Gordon has been showing people the remarkable power of hands-on healing.  In his first international bestseller Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal, he chronicles the way that energy follows thought -- and the process of body awareness combined with  specific breathing techniques, directed into one’s hands can significantly impact a vast variety of structural problems, illnesses, emotional or mental disturbances, chronic diseases and or cellular or organ disruptions. Anyone can do Quantum-Touch with proper training, and can even use it on pets!

Gordon’s journey as a healer began as a skeptic, but experiences with the incontrovertible healings of himself  and others –- many at the hands of the remarkable  healer Bob Rasmussen, a friend and neighbor, opened the way for Gordon to immerse himself in hands-on healing and pave the way for what would become Quantum-Touch.

Today, Gordon teaches Quantum-Touch around the globe. Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal -- which boasts a foreword by Dr. C. Norman Shealy, President of the American Holistic Medicine Association -- has been published in 17 languages. Gordon is a sought after speaker.

If you would like to interview Richard Gordon on Quantum-Touch and on the astonishing findings he illuminates in The Secret Nature of Matter, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Richard Gordon is considered a pioneer in the field of energy medicine, with more than 40 years of experience. He is the author of four best-selling books, now published in 17 languages. Gordon attended the Christos School of Natural Medicine, had been on faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute. With certified practitioners of his work in over 50 countries, Richard’s work was praised by Dr. C. Norman Shealy (founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association) as “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”

Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch Organization, is a visionary and a pioneer. With 37 years of experience in the field of energy medicine, Richard is the bestselling author of Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, now published in 17 languages, and Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience, available in 10 languages.

Elise Hicks

Elise Hicks is not a woo-woo or guru astrologer…she is a Quantum Astrologer.

Quantum Astrology is what Elise calls the point where Science, Psychology, and Astronomy merge…and this point is our Soul.  This is why she calls what she does “S.P.A. for the SOUL™,” which is exclusively offered by Elise.  We can go to a spa for our bodies, so she wanted to offer a service that feeds our Souls.

Our Soul is the trinity of the quantum field, our mind, and the universe.  The quantum field is what science is now proving—that everything is energy, comes from and returns to energy, and is influenced by our consciousness; but we also have our mind—the result of our natural and social environment; and we are all interconnected in this universe—created and affected by specific mathematics and physical laws.

“S.P.A. for the SOUL™” addresses why we are here, who we are, why we are the way we are, and what we can do to create our dreams, become who we want to be, and use math and physics to serve our Soul’s purpose.  We do this by tapping into the quantum field (the realm of possibility, miracles, and magic) while understanding our mind and body—the ways we process and experience life.

Elise will therefore discuss Quantum Astrology, S.P.A. for the SOUL™, as well as the astronomical aspects taking place and how they will affect us, but also remind the listener that we can rise above them by consciously and directly accessing the Quantum Field via 8 daily steps, which she will be offering as a FREE pdf through her website to all visitors, but which she can touch on during the interview.

Lastly, Elise works in conjunction with her husband, William R. Hicks, who is a gifted and therefore exclusive “SOUL Portrait Artist,” who is commissioned to paint what speaks to a person’s individual Soul.  He is also a graphic artist creating “Astricons” of Elise's clients’ charts—an Astricon includes their Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign in a round icon.

United States

Elise Hicks has been a practicing astrologer and metaphysician since her father’s gift of an astrology reading for her eighteenth birthday.  What was truly special about this gift is the fact that he had been given only six months to live when she was just twelve years old.  Happily, he lived nine years longer!

His healing journey became the white rabbit event that triggered much discovery for both of them.  She often refers to her Dad as her first guru.   Now, some 40 years later, her studies have evolved into a field that incorporates metaphysics, quantum physics, and psychology into her astrology practice.   Her goal is to empower her clients into self-discovery and limitless possibility.

Elise Hicks, Quantum Astrology, S.P.A. for the SOUL™

Angelica Rose,  An Angel Walk-in, Angel Messenger, Angel Love Coach assisting with living your purpose since 1991, a Certified Hypnotist, Writer, International Radio Host, Minister of LOVE, and Author of Books, EBooks, Relaxation CDs, MP3s, MP4s, Talk on Spiritual Oneness and Inspirational Stickers. Angelica also created an online series called, Spiritual Journey From Human Consciousness to Spiritual Oneness on MP3 and MP4.  

​Angelica's mission is to is committed to ANGELIC LOVE FREQUENCY. Angel assists those who have a loving heart and are choosing to Live a life of Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Love, and Vitality. 

​As an Angel Walk-In, She provides Angel Messages without human filters. For those committed to Love, she offers Energy Transcending Sessions, Angel Love Coaching, Monthly Channeled Events, Meditation Classes, Hypnosis Sessions, Public Classes and Speaking Engagements that provide deeper awareness, greater clarity, and heightened levels of love, joy, peace, vitality, and prosperity. She does this with the help of channeling  Pure Love Beings including the Angelic Realm where she becomes a conduit for their pure loving energies as well as channels messages.

Media Expertise:

Angelica also has media expertise in a variety of areas such as, broadcasting an educational radio show on KEZX, producing, "The Entrepreneurial Television Show," publishing educational articles in a variety of national publications, being a guest on KIRO television, "Merissa at 9," and numerous talk radio shows, and being interviewed on a variety of national magazines. She broadcasts I love Angels on Blogtalk Radio.

United States

Interested in sharing the message of tranformation to support those ready to move more into a oneness connection to higher vibrations of love. I channel the Angelic Realm and Pure Love Beings.