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Winifred Rule

My presentations and on-air discussions are a public service to hopefully benefit others and to enlighten people on the psychopathic personality disorder.  Psychopathy is an intriguing personality disorder rooted in lying, deception and manipulation.  It is the most dangerous personality disorder

I wrote a book, Born to Destroy, which is the first instructional book on the female psychopath.  It is my personal story.  Born to Destroy has received excellent reviews from psychologists, psychopathy experts, and professional literary reviewers.  The book uses my personal experiences to teach about psychopathy and to sensitize readers to be mindful of how female psychopaths act and behave.  The book was the basis for my selection as a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, an international society of psychologists and researchers who study psychopathy.

Over the last year, I have been honored to be a guest on a number of radio shows and have done several public presentations.  Please see my website for further information.  I also have a blog which I personally manage, and since my work is my mission, I personally answer all emails from readers across the United States and beyond.  There is much to learn about the psychopath and much misinformation to dispel.  My presentationand on-air discussions are intended to equip others with some tools to help spot a psychopath.


Winifred Rule is a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy and author of Born to Destroy, the first instructional book on the female psychopath, based on her experiences and lessons learned from living with two psychopaths.  Her work has been featured in libraries and curriculums of major universities in the United States and abroad.  Most recently, Born to Destroy was accepted into the collections of Columbia University and the Leninka Library, Russia’s Library of Congress, to assist psychiatrists, researchers and lay people to better understand the impact of psychopaths in everyday life. Rule has received certification in using the principal diagnostic instrument for evaluating psychopathic characteristics (Dr. Robert D. Hare’s PCL-R) from the Darkstone Group, the only organization authorized to issue this certification in the world.

Born to Destroy ... Psychopathy in Females, a Life Story
Tamra Oviatt


My name is Haley, I am the Media Manager for Tamra Oviatt.

I’m reaching out to you on behalf of Tamra, she sent me your information because she would be honored to connect and be a guest on your show. As a teacher, award-winning author, and speaker, she is a visionary leader in the human potential movement. Tamra has helped over twenty thousand people worldwide and has trained over 400 practitioners internationally.

Tamra is the founder of Sacred Activations ® LLC, which was given to her by God and is one of the most powerful transformational energy work modalities available today. Tamra is an award-winning author of three books, and the recipient of The 2016 International publishing people’s choice award, as well as being featured on over 100 different radio shows, telesummits, webinars, and events.

Tamra identifies the collective subconscious of humanity, which she was taught runs 95% of the world, and plugs into God energy, which provides the needed information to shift people promptly and permanently. Many people have reported instantaneous healings from chronic and life-threatening conditions, as well as limiting patterns and belief systems. Tamra's changing the world by working in the subconscious of humanity and teaching others to do the same, shifting hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people at a time.

Tamra’s vision is, quite simply, world peace. Together we can make a difference.

To learn more about Tamra, I have provided a link to her media page, as well as a link to her website.

If you are also interested in connecting, please contact me and we can schedule a chat with Tamra.

My contact email:

More about Tamra's modality:

Thank you for your time,


United States

Tamra Oviatt is a visionary leader in the human potential movement. Tamra is a sought-after teacher, award-winning author and speaker. As one of the most gifted and powerful healers of our time, Tamra is the founder of Sacred Activations which was given to her by God and is one of the most powerful and transformational energy work modalities available today. Tamra is an award-winning author of three books, and the recipient of The 2016 International publishing people’s choice award in the category of spirituality.

Tamra received the first activation in 2012 from Archangel Metatron and since then over thousands have experienced Sacred Activations around the globe. Since the inception of Sacred Activations, Tamra has brought through over hundreds of powerful activations for every area of life that has been gifted to her from God Ascended Masters and Angels. Tamra has clients worldwide and has trained over 400 practitioners internationally has helped heal all around the world and spread the gifts Tamra has to offer.  

Tamra identifies the collective subconscious of humanity, which she was taught runs 95% of the world. Tamra plugs into God energy which provides the needed information to shift people instantly and permanently. Many people have reported instantaneous healing from chronic and life-threatening conditions as well as limiting patterns and belief systems. Tamra's changing the world by working in the subconscious of humanity and teaching others to do the same, shifting hundreds of thousands and even millions of people at a time.

Sacred Activations
james granger md
I have a private practice in Marietta, GA. My office is a pain and addiction clinic that uses medically assisted therapy ( Suboxone) for opiate addiction. We treat pain with acupuncture and physiotherapy to decrease or negate the uses of opiates. Wee also treat motor vehicle accidents on an attorney lien.
I am available to  speak on the following topics:
Opiate addiction
Medically assisted therapy for opiate addiction
Benefits of acupuncture
Health care systems policies ( including physician practices) that contribute to the opioid epidemic.
Financial aspects of motor vehicle accidents when injured. 

Born in Washington DC. Honorably discharge from US army in 1988. Graduated from Howard University in 1992. Graduated from meharry medical College in 1997. Completed Ob/gyn residency in 2001 at Howard university hospital. Began practice in Atlanat Georgia focusing on personal injury and bioidentical hormone therapy in 2007. Began praciticng traditional Chinese martial arts ( Tai Chi) in 2008.  Published the book  "We have got it all wrong! Our failed sick care system" in 2012.Currently, praciting addiction medicine and pain management ( focusing on acupuncture as a treatment modality in Marietta, GA

Diane Goldner

Diane Goldner, an internationally known healer, has been helping people resolve physical, emotional and spiritual challenges for more than two decades, in Los Angeles and New York, and long distance around the world. She helps people heal everything from illness and pain to relationships, finances and self-esteem. A graduate of Barnard College, she began investigating healing as a skeptical journalist. After witnessing profound results, wrote How People Heal and A Call to Heal, and studied with some of the world's most powerful healers. She is a recommended resource in Christiane Northrup, M.D.'s New York Times bestseller, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. Her books have also been endorsed by Dr. Oz. Diane's 3rd book has just released and she woudl love the opportunity to talk about it.

United States

DIANE GOLDNER is an internationally known healer. She helps people facing physical, emotional and spiritual challenges involving illness, injury and infertility, and life issues involving money, relationships, boundaries, self-esteem and personal transformation. She works with adults, children and infants in Los Angeles and New York, and does long distance healing with people around the country and internationally. She also teaches healing and energy skills in workshops and webinars. A cum laude graduate of A cum laude graduate of Barnard College and a former journalist, Diane is also the author of How People Heal (published in hardcover as Infinite Grace: Where the Worlds of Science and Spiritual) and Yes, You Can Heal: The Secret to Transforming Illness and Creating a Radiant Life, the culmination of twenty years of experience as a healer. She is a recommended resource in Christine Northrup, M.D.’s New York Times bestseller, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. Diane has discussed healing on dozens of radio and television programs including CNN and Hay House Radio, and has given talks at Canyon Ranch, the University of Arizona Medical School, Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, and at healing centers and bookstores. She was the Healer in Residence at the Cornelia Spa in New York City during its Guest Expert Program. As a former journalist, Diane has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, American Health, and many other publications. She served as senior editor at Fame and as a contributing editor at Variety and at USA Weekend. She has written about healing for, and other publications.

Invisible Gardener

Hi. First off, I think you show invite me on as a guest because whatever you are doing along the lines of expanding consciousness, we must never forget our bodies and the environment it lives in. I can talk about my book "Dont Panic Its Organic". I can talk about Environmental Issues. I can talk about current issues we are having with the trees or the water or the air.  I can answer questions from folks about ants, gardening, roses, lawn. I can also talk about myself. As an Ordained Minister. I not only do healings for people but healings for the planets, for trees, for insects, for flowers. As an artist, I try to express myself.  I also write music. I call it Inner Gardening Healing Music. I actually write this music for the garden but it is also good for animals as well as humans, birds, dogs, etc..  I have learned how to use frequency to promote healing so my music works on healing the various energy centers of the body. I am gifted at birth with many tools I can use. I see sounds and hear color for one thing. I do various types of readings from past lives to current. An old friend sent me this: You will see my name mentioned many times. I started a church Astra's Garden then started a School: Living Institute of Survival Technolgy and then Invisible Gardener.

There go go

feel free to contact me.

I do a radio show here also

Please see my info on my radio show page on this station!

Dont Panic Its Organic
Dr Jean Logan

I am a conscious channel of Light for over fifteen years, receiving symbols and codes that are amazing powerhouses that can transform health, life and well-being.  I am the author of Unlocking the Power of Glyphs, Sacred Symbols of Light, Symbols of the Dawn, and recently released Sacred Symbols Healing Cards. My books are now in over 90 countries with all profits going to a provide services to indigenous children.


I wish to be interviewed about the healing power of the symbols and glyphs I receive and about the services we provide for children.

Denise A Pancyrz

Too many of us live with type 2 diabetes, Denise talks about living without!    Government guidelines keep us medicated and sick.  Reversing the effects of type 2 diabetes naturally can reduce and even eliminate diabetes drugs while restoring our health.  Over 30.3 million people are diabetic with over 84.1 million waiting in the pipeline with prediabetes. This is an epidemic that really doesn't need to exist.

Denise was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and prescribed four insulin shots per day along with a handful of medications. 

Told by the medical community she could never stop insulin or drugs – in fact, the dosages would increase with age.

Denise dared to step away from the traditional medical care and reversed her diabetes – no more insulin shots – no more medications.  All accomplished through holistic lifestyle changes.

Denise shares her amazing story of reversing diabetes in her book The Virgin Diabetic.

United States

Denise is a diabetes reversal coach, speaker and author of The Virgin Diabetic: Reverse the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes, Reduce Medication, and Improve Your Glucose Levels, Second Edition.  Like millions of Americans, she was burdened with type 2 diabetes, actually type 1-1/2 diabetes, was prescribed a handful of medications, four daily insulin shots, and endless trips to the doctors.  After hearing from doctors and diabetes educators there was no hope to stop the insanity, Denise realized she needed a new course to regain her health.

Denise is certified in Holistic Nutrition and Homeopathy. A Certified Six Sigma Green Belt, Denise spent a decade in the laboratory industry. After she received her diabetes diagnosis, she created her blueprint to reverse the deadly effects of diabetes. Denise’s blueprint paves the way for diabetics to truly learn how to reduce or eliminate medication and insulin while improving their glucose levels. 

Denise’s journey started in Chicago until she and her husband, Larry, found their paradise in Naples, Florida.  Denise and Larry love to walk on the beach, golf, and enjoy all that Naples has to offer.

Denise is co-Chair for the Blue Zones Project® Retail Food Committee—Southwest Florida, member of the ANA (American Nutrition Association), and the Marco Island Chamber of Commerce, and Marco Island Sunrise Rotary.

The Virgin Diabetic Reverse the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes, Reduce Medication and Improve Your Glucose Levels
Dr Paul Sambataro

AAPCP introducing “The emotional budgeting program”. This is a revolutionary mind development program to support the mind’s ability to process information, emotions in a social climate outpacing our biological development. This program has been clinically tested in an outpatient setting with successful results shown in children, adolescents and adults; associated with an overall positive change in solving problems and increasing overall daily functional tasks.

Clients who have gone through this program have found the reduction of anxiety and stress relief within 6-8 weeks short daily program exercises.

Budgeting for emotional success is based on brain functioning theories and principles oriented for productive functioning.

As a Neurocognitive Scientist I have assessed countless number of young students devastated by overwhelming anxiety and emotional turmoil disrupting their ability to problem solve issues in their daily lives. In cognitive testing this can impact processing speed and memory. I have also noted similar issues in adults in private practice which has led to an understanding that the inability to process and organize information input into the brain creates the sense of anxiety, stress and the state of being overwhelmed which limits function.

Many adults experience overwhelming anxiety and stress resulting in emotional pain. Relief for emotional pain is often sought through ineffective self-medication or self-harming behaviors. This program is designed as a supplemental to a strong therapeutic partnership with a therapist.

The emotional budgeting program is available on the website with a downloadable mobile web app and work books. I also offer consultations and follow ups associated with this program. The program has been designed with the understanding of how the brain delineates overwhelming emotions and the subsequent following behaviors that are a result of the brain seeking relief.

The workbook and program are effective because the brain is seeking to organize the chaos of unfilled data linked by the brain through synaptic pathways. When you work with our programs, your brain will comprehend the meaning of the exercise and begin to more efficiently organize information leading to relief from overwhelming emotion.

Thank you for your participation in the brain awareness revolution and we hope your gains meet or exceed the gains of others that have utilized this program.

Best Regards,
Dr. Paul Sambataro Ph.D.
Neurocognitive Scientist

Dr. Paul Sambataro is from Washington State, currently residing in Texas with his wife, Dr. Cynthia Sambataro. He first earned a bachelors degree in Wildlife Biology at Washington State University, followed a masters and Ph.D in neurobehavioral Psychology.  Dr. Sambataro is a retired as a school psychologist and maintains a private practice and conducts private consultations via secure web based portals. 

Sharry Edwards

Sharry Edwards has been accused of being too scientific by some, too esoteric by others. She is a bridge between both fields of inquiry.  Sharry is the acknowledged pioneer in the emerging field of Vocal Profiling using BioAcoustic Biology.  She has for many years provided the leading-edge research to show the voice as a holographic representation of the body that can be used to change the face of medicine.

Vocal Profiling can let us know the intentions of our leaders; the motivations of our partners; the foundation of our sense of well-being. 

Vocal Profiling software has been developed that can use the components of the voice to create a matrix of information about anyone, from fundamental DNA, to the hidden intentions of those who claim to speak for us.

Buckminster Fuller said “In order to change something, don’t struggle to change the existing model. Create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”

It is now possible to reverse diseases and traumas previously thought to be incurable, to reveal the secrets of our true nature, to enhance our lives, to predict what may be our fate through the frequencies of our voice. The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health has taught us that nothing is hidden from your own voice. Vocal Profiling computer software can evaluate the frequencies, architectures and harmonics of your voice. Vast frequency-based databanks can now be used to create a report of what you really think, who you are emotionally and the status of your health and wellness. The frequencies missing from your voice are just as important as those that are present. An entire matrix of information, from your DNA to your partner preferences can be evaluated. The research being conducted by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology is on the forefront of energy medicine; creating the doorway to our next dimension of health revolution. In addition, the techniques hold promise in answering questions about how our universe was formed, and how our aging and perception of time can be monitored using frequency.

United States

My sacred story eludes me because my unusual talent was present before my memory begins, hence I don’t know how my ability to make history by creating the future, will evolve.

No one acknowledged that I was different or had talents beyond normal human abilities.

From what I’m told, being raised in the foothills of Appalachia may have been the impetus for my unique hearing and vocal abilities. My adoptive parents didn’t understand how I knew what the animals needed/wanted, why headaches dissipated when I hummed or sang peculiar notes, where the water was in any forest, when a crop was willing to be harvested or how I could explain what people weren’t saying.  All of this was far beyond my own understanding.  I didn’t know I was unique. 

To my knowledge, my unusual abilities were not discussed even with family.  My caretakers may have been concerned that I would be intimidating to some people so they kept me away from others, cautioning me about talking to anyone and even delaying my entrance into school.

The time came when I was forced to display my talent for an audience.  My 16 year old daughter had slipped off a 12 foot-high, swinging rope into a few inches of water.  When I got to her from across the isolated, but crowded swimming hole, her lower leg was hanging off to one side.  I knew instantly that I was going to either watch her bleed to death or reveal what I could do in public.  I twisted her leg back together, wrapped it tightly in a tee-shirt, asked people to help me bring her to the river bank and starting making sounds. I don’t know if people stood in awe or fear.  I already knew that if I just let go and allowed the energy to flow through me that the right sounds would somehow flow through my vocal cords.

The doctors can’t explain why she didn’t bleed to death because we were 45 minutes from help and her leg was only hanging on by a large artery that had also been damaged.  The hospital ordeal latest over a month with four operations plus months of recuperation. Her leg is now intact and serves her well.

I knew that the talent that I had been treating frivolously deserved to be respected and revered; it had saved my daughter’s life.  I wanted to know how this could be real and how it could help others.

I vowed to discover how it happened, why it happened and how it worked.  I grieved that I could not explain the science behind what had happened.  I would dedicate my life to discovering how sound could influence the energy body and dictate its reactions to trauma, stress and disease.

My abilities have been substantiated in many universities and military labs but at first I didn’t understand that I hear beyond the normal human range or how my voice creates pure tone, something supposedly impossible for a human voice. 

It is a fact that a person can only vocally reproduce what they hear and, as a child, I was only hearing the sounds of nature – we had no electricity, no running water, no radio, etc.

The sounds I hear turned out to be the morphogenic resonance (of plants) described as a Signature Sound in ancient healing literature and an otoacoustic emission by modern science.  Although I was hoping that my children would inherit my unique talents; unfortunately, that doesn’t appear the case. Therefore, I set about using computer advancements to help duplicate what I was hearing and able to vocally reproduce it.

I didn’t want what I was capable of doing to die with me.  The information had served me well even though I often treated my talent with indifference using it when I needed it and hiding it from others most of the time.

The energy body is real.  Taming and understanding it will reveal how frequency is an ancient mystery being revealed as we attempt to understand the potential of using math as medicine; the medicine of the future.

I can hear and duplicate the sounds/frequencies that people need to balance and become well.  My mission is to provide the tools and solutions to the public in the hopes of making a difference and selfishly hope my time on the planet will leave it a better place.