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David Tabatsky

It’s not easy to find Holocaust literature that can captivate and educate young readers, especially boys, as Anne Frank did in her iconic diary. Author David Tabatsky is now providing a new account of this tragic and triumphant time in history, told through the eyes of a Jewish teenager in his gripping new book, The Boy Behind the Door: How Salomon Kool Escaped the Nazis. The story is inspired by real events in the life of Salomon Kool, the youngest member of his Amsterdam family, who managed to flee the Nazis throughout World War II while the Netherlands were occupied by German forces.

Inspired by a real boy and real events, David Tabatsky’s new book, The Boy Behind the Door: How Salomon Kool Escaped the Nazis, shares the story of a Dutch teenager who survived World War II by eluding the Nazis time and time again as German forces occupied the Netherlands.

The Boy Behind the Door opens in 1940 as Sal is about to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah. Amsterdam is invaded, and after the Nazis make life more and more impossible for its Jewish residents, he finally must hide behind his bedroom door while German soldiers barge into his home and take away the last two members of his family.

Sal is left to his own devices to evade the Nazis over and over again. With the help of resistance fighters and brave non-Jews, Sal barely survives the war. When he returns to Amsterdam as a young man, he eventually finds out that his entire family, including his parents and three siblings, have perished in concentration camps.

The rest of the story follows Sal as he navigates the aftermath of the war. The Holocaust has changed his life forever, along with his beloved hometown, and the world will never feel the same for him and so many other survivors.

Tabatsky's storytelling brings this significant time in history to life. “This is a powerful story, powerfully told,” says Michael Berenbaum, director of the Siri Ziering Holocaust Institute at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles.

According to Tabatsky, “Sal’s story is a moving document of a period in world history we must never forget.”

It can be difficult to find Holocaust literature that will interest and enlighten young readers, especially boys, but The Boy Behind the Door is appealing and accessible to emerging adults of all reading levels.

United States

David Tabatsky is a writer, editor and performing artist based in New York City. David’s two passions have driven his career as a performer and writer. He has performed as an actor, clown and juggler around the world, in venues such as Lincoln Center, Radio City Music Hall, the Beacon Theatre, throughout Europe and Japan, and most notably at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Tabatsky is the co-author of several books about cancer, and the author of Write for Life: Communicating Your Way Through Cancer. He was the consulting editor for Marlo Thomas’ bestseller The Right Words at the Right Time, Volume 2: Your Turn. Tabatsky released his memoir, American Misfit, in 2017.

Carlena Evans

Would you be interested in an expert interview with Carlena Evans, daughter of the late actor Mike Evans from GoodTimes and The Jeffersons, about her international children’s program Kidsplosion?

Since its inception in 2011, Kidsplosion has grown to secure various partnerships with several cities, countries, schools, and organizations. Branching from their five locations in Georgia, Carlena has expanded the Kidsplosion brand all the way to Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Dubai! 

Additionally, Carlena is available to comment on:

The importance of allowing children to have creative freedom to discover, develop, and display their talents The impact of providing underprivileged communities with resources to develop their potential Her future plans for Kidsplosion and their recent establishment in Uganda

Carlena was recently featured in New York Weekly and HNGN.

Please let me know if you’re interested in any of the above topics, or if you have any other ideas where Carlena may be a good fit. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Warm Regards,

De’Launa Carriere


A visionary with extraordinary purpose, Carlena is a vessel whose task is to ensure that every child and teen on the planet realizes their worth, potential, and abilities as early as possible. Enriched with an amazing scholastic and professional resume, Carlena graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in Communication, and a minor in English, from Cheyney University. Unrelenting in her work ethic, she continued her matriculation through post-secondary education and was awarded her Master of Education from University of Pittsburgh in the spring of 2010. She accomplished this feat all while defying the odds of being a single parent.  

Carlena J. Evans, M.Ed. possesses an incomparable desire for youth and adults alike to realize that nothing is impossible! Gifted with a heart of gold, her genuine efforts are unparalleled in her advocacy for children, students, women, and mothers everywhere.  Despite Evans' infinite successes, she never fails to acknowledge, "Kidsplosion is GOD'S vision and I am honored to be used."

Angel Dawn


I am up-and-coming Psychic Astrologer, Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher who has a lot to offer to your listeners. As an expert within my field, I have an extensive base of knowledge honed from years of intense study within my field and from working with my clients.

I have been interviewed on major podcasts, published in leading publications and look forward to participating on other reputable platforms to share my knowledge. I help guide others to accessing their own inner guide and awakening to the truth of their existence.

I'd be happy to collaborate on any topic: Astrology, Psychic and more for your podcasts.

Thank you.

United States

Angel Dawn is a multi-talented, Modern-Day Mystic as an International Psychic Astrologer, Evidential Psychic Medium, and a Spiritual Teacher. She is also a Certified Spiritual Advisor with LWISSD, A Certified Practitioner of the Akashic Records, an Animal Communicator and a Reiki Master who incorporates a strong healing component in all of her work. She advises clients, businesses and the general public using her profound spiritual gifts. She has worked with major publications such as the Reader’s Digest and Bustle, podcasts, and filming for shows. She continues to work with an international client base providing private readings and has also delivered mediumship demonstrations with the public.

Tom Paladino

Why Tom makes an amazing guest: Tom Paladino is on a personal mission to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health & enhance their quality of life. Scalar Energy (or Scalar Light) works with the Quantum Field (the consciousness of the Universe) to activate the body's own innate healing ability.

Tom's technology works through a person's photograph and has the power to break down the molecular bonds of over 400,000 pathogens, bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and much more in the body. He has programs for anti-aging, hormones & nutrition (to name a few), and Scalar Energy also helps with balancing chakras, removing toxins, deepening spirituality, improving cognitive function & overall wellbeing. Scalar Energy also works for pets, animals & plants.

Potential Topics: 

The benefits of the new and emerging technology of Scalar Light/Energy. Why Scalar Light Healing may be a vital component in the future of integrative health & harmony. How everyone can be treated by way of a photograph (no matter where they are in the world) to treat unbalanced energy due to stress, environmental factors & disease which have a negative impact on the body, mind & soul. How to know if your brain waves are irregular & how scalar light can correct brain wave imbalances. How a scalar light instrument interfaces & automatically corrects a chakra that is out of balance.  
Sample Questions:
1)   Where does scalar energy originate and describe its nature?
2)   How does scalar energy transmute matter?
3)   How does scalar energy / scalar light turn on the ability to form our own nutrients?
4)   How does scalar energy enhance the energetic state of beings by way of releasing stress via their photograph?
5)   What is the future of scalar energy and how will its acceptance serve to change the world for the better?
6)   What unique experiences have you witnessed when working with scalar energy in your laboratory?
7) Explain how scalar energy is not bound by time or distance?
8) Explain how scalar light balances the 7 major chakras and the 12 meridian points?
9) Describe how scalar energy is to human enhancement as photosynthesis is to plants?
United States

Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy.

Tom theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, “the storehouses,” for scalar energy. He further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.

Stephanie James

Stephanie James

The Book: Becoming Fierce: Stephanie’s second book -Now available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

“A …provocative book, stimulating considerable thought, and igniting the heart space, while providing the practical insights to build the inner strength and courage to overcome.

Becoming Fierce is an astonishing revelation of balance, poignancy, and meaning.  Stephanie James has captured beautifully, the essence of universal wisdom and self love.”

 Pauline Nguyen

International Speaker, Award Winning Author, Spiritual Entrepreneur

“In Becoming Fierce, Stephanie James brilliantly teaches us how to transform our deepest challenges, grief and pain into the greatest gifts we have to offer to the world. If you have ever longed to find your purpose and true power, this amazing, transformative book will lovingly guide you, step by step, into a bold, beautiful, and deeply meaningful life.” 

--Laura Davis, author of The Courage to Heal and The Burning Light of Two Stars

“In a culture plagued with self-doubt and distraction, Stephanie’s book is a welcome voice gently bringing us back to our true nature. Helping us to redefine what true strength, power and fierceness really is.  Pointing us inward where we can find qualities that we forgot we were endowed with and helping us remember the deep meaning and purpose in our lives that can bring us true joy."

Tarek Mounib, Filmmaker/Producer  Free Trip to Egypt, Founder of Kindness Films

The Film: When Sparks Ignite, now available on The MoreU Channel on Plex Network.  MoreU is host to Jack Canfield, Tracy Nichols, Les Brown,  Brian Tracy and many more!  

When Sparks Ignite is a documentary about how the difficult and challenging times we face, can then become a match point that ignites something amazing inside of us that becomes our gift to the world.  With a cast of 12 international thought leaders, the viewer is taken behind the scenes of a large event to become a listener in the “Lights of the Round Table Discussion” that inspired a life-transforming summit. 

Larry Dossey, Jacob Israel Liberman, Steve Bhaerman, and Sedena Cappannelli are among some of the bright lights that illuminate this film and it’s essential message, 

Your. Healing. Matters. 

As one of us heals we become the pebble in the pond and we radiate those concentric rings of healing out and better help others to heal. 

Trailer available here:

To book Stephanie, contact her at:

And check out her website for more information:

The Latest Event: Becoming Fierce Women’s Empowerment Retreat -June 24th-26th

There has never been a retreat like this before.

Hosted by Stephanie James with some of the most influential thought leaders, change makers, and wisdom keepers in the world. Natalie Ledwell, Pauline Nguyen, Cynthia James, Sedena Cappannelli, Misa Hopkins, and Dr. Cari Shaefer.

Participants were able to connect at a personal level with leaders coming together to inspire their life, ground them deeply, and take them to the next level of their being. This was an ultimate immersion experience where participants experienced huge transformation, as they released old blocks and negative beliefs to open energy channels that reignited passion, purpose and a sense of inner power within. This phenomenal event expanded the authenticity and  aliveness of the participants and truly allowed them to Become Fierce.

Filmed by an award winning film crew in Estes Park, Colorado, for a seven- part network series, to be released by Plex Network this January. 

As we are inspired, we help inspire other women around the world!


Author, filmmaker, transformation coach and professional speaker, Stephanie James has a new film, a new book,  and an amazing live retreat, all coming out in June.  A dynamic speaker with a powerful message,  she is a fantastic guest to have on your show. 

Becoming Fierce by Stephanie James
Matthew Kenslow

In spite of his disability, the talented juggler, pianist and college graduate recently added published author to his list of achievements.

Matthew Kenslow is a pianist, juggler, motivational speaker and college graduate who was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (part of the autism spectrum) when he was 6 years old. In his thought-provoking book, Juggling the Issues: Living With Asperger's Syndrome, Kenslow takes readers inside what its truly like for someone living with the disability.

"My main message that I tell hundreds of people is that I have not given up on my goals, he wrote in the books preface. I persevere on my aspirations. If I can do that, certainly everybody else can too."

Told through a series of stories about his personal experiences, Kenslow sheds light on common traits found in those with Aspergers, such as the way their minds work, their lack of social and conversational skills, and poor eye contact with others, and how those challenges have impacted his everyday life. Simple tasks take longer for Kenslow like reading or organizing his thoughts while remembering things like the Periodic Table or the books of the Bible come more easily.

We find patterns in things, and that is the key, he wrote. what is difficult for me can be a piece of cake for most others, but what is challenging for most others can be two-plus-two for me.

Juggling the Issues: Living With Asperger's Syndrome is an important read for anyone whose life has been touched by Aspergers Syndrome. Kenslows insights aim to lend understanding, provide inspiration, and encourage readers to put aside differences and embrace the gifts that others have to share with the world. He currently has over 13,000 subscribers on YouTube and 375,000 followers on Instagram. 

United States of America

Matthew Kenslow has grown up with a form of autism known as Aspergers Syndrome. Life has been an adventure as he pieced together all of his surroundings amid both praises and taunts. His mission is to teach others from a firsthand perspective about how autistic people interpret things differently from the rest of the world. He believes God has blessed him with the gifts to juggle, play piano and recall facts about the American presidents, geography, science and mathematics. He juggles at elementary schools and encourages the students to never give up on their passions.

He has earned the Gold Medal of Achievement (which is equivalent to the rank of Eagle Scout) through Royal Rangers, a program he has been in since he was 5. Now, he is giving back to children and teenagers, teaching and mentoring them in a wide set of skills and knowledge. He graduated from Orange Coast College with an Associate of Science degree in Chemistry and with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from Vanguard University of Southern California. He aspires to be a middle school math and science teacher. Currently, he is a student teacher for Enhanced Mathematics at his former middle school, Ensign Intermediate School, seeking to be done by December 2022, and is an employed substitute teacher for NMUSD.

The book cover of Juggling the Issues: Living with Asperger's Syndrome. Man balancing while juggling seven balls. Yellow background with two white clouds.
Chris Westfall

The title is the story of our times. People are frustrated; millions are quitting their jobs and wondering what’s next. It’s the entrepreneur’s economy, built on the hustle culture. This book helps both company employees and gig workers to see that everything can be easier, with special insights into the power of the coaching conversation.


Chris Westfall is one of the most sought-after business coaches and keynote speakers in the world. He has helped launch over five dozen businesses, and has appeared on ABC NEWS, NBC TV and CNN. A regular contributor to Forbes, he has worked with thousands of leaders at Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations and high-tech startups. A coach to entrepreneurs and executives around the globe, his clients have appeared on Shark Tank, Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank-Australia. He regularly consults with top-tier universities and is the author of three other books, including Leadership Language.

Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You

World Wellness Weekend (WWW), a pro-bono event promoting healthy lifestyles in alignment with the United Nations’ SDG3 “Good health and well-being for all,” is excited to announce it will be hosting a global initiative for wellness called "LIVING WELL TOGETHER," launching Friday, September 16th, 2022, at sunrise in Fiji, until sunset Sunday, September 18th in Hawaii, coordinated by 130 volunteers or “WWW Ambassadors & Coordinators'' in 900+ cities. 4,000 participating venues in 140 countries will be geolocated on the World Wellness Map for millions of people to find fun, free, inclusive group activities, classes and workshops nearby. Activities will include: Yoga, Fitness sessions, Guided Relaxations and Meditations promoting “Inner Peace & World Peace”, Cancer Aware webinars, activities in Hot Springs, traditional heat ceremonies in Saunas, Tree planting in Brazil and Vietnam, and dance classes.

WWW has partnered with the Wellness Tourism Association, where city officials and visitors’ bureaus are invited to promote their ‘Wellness Tourism’ throughout the year. With the support of 60 associations and federations such as IHRSA, ISPA, CIDESCO, and ROTARY Clubs in Latin America, venues will inspire local residents to be more active, more often, encouraging finding a fitness partner or “wellness buddy” to set goals towards longer, healthier and happier lives.

WWW has been aligned with the UNITED NATIONS since 2017 and is one of the partners of the European Week of Sports organized by the European Commission. The 5 Pillars of Wellness include: SLEEP & Creativity, NUTRITION & Immunity, MOVEMENT & Vitality, MINDFULNESS & Serenity, SENSE OF PURPOSE & Solidarity.

In the USA, Peggy Sealfon, WWW City Ambassador in Florida, Carol Phillips in California and Judi Culp Pearson in Oregon Wellness Ambassador, joined by her Coordinator Michelle Crisanti will be leading the charge on healthy lifestyles, raising awareness with different venues, including the Hot Springs Association, reaching 100+ geothermal properties from across the United States and Canada, with a collection of yoga, meditation and water-based wellness activities. The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs, Colorado will provide a session of breathwork, stretching, and meditation around the Mother Spring.

“Wellness is not just a decision you take to improve your mental & physical health: it is also an act of influence to inspire those around you to become the best version of themselves”, says Jean-Guy de Gabriac, founder World Wellness Weekend and international wellness advisor since 2001.


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#WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessForAll #WellnessByAll

United States

Jean-Guy created World Wellness Weekend in 2017. He also manages Tip Touch International, a training company dedicated to raising the bar in Guest Experience. Since 2001 Jean-Guy has been consulting hotels, spas, salons, and hot springs around the world. He has lectured at over 50 international conferences, empowering people and has contributed over 300 articles on spas, professional development, and personal growth. Jean-Guy serves as Initiative Chair of the Global Wellness Institute, Conference producer of World Spa & Wellness Conventions (Dubai, London, Phuket), Judge of the World Spa & Wellness Awards and Judge of the World Championship Massage.

Adam Masters pHD

Adam Masters is an ordained minister and pHD in Metaphysics and health expert.  He can talk to your audience about how to solve any incurable health ailment, work to cancel any medication or elective surgery.  His specialty is blood, cellular and energy healing. Try Adam for your show. 


Adam Masters self taught himself how to heal disease and create health to be one of the top healers internationally.  Results are the closest to the truth one can get.