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February 3, 2015
Devara ThunderBeat

Devara ThunderBeat has had contact with the ETs and Angels since the age of four and has continued throughout her Life. The benevolent Star people and Angels have guided her with messages and innovative ways of Healing. (She is one of Dolores Cannon’s Subjects). Find out what is in store for us and our planets future. SPEAKER TOPICS: ET Contact – Missing Time - Sirius Agenda - The New World Devara’s Has been on 2013 -2014 MUFON 2014 FEATURED SPEAKER STAR KNOWLADGE CONFERENCE CONTACT IN THE DERSERT GALATIC U CONFERENCE UFO UNDERCOVER RADIO AWAKENINGS RADIO UFO CONGRESS GOD RADIO LA TALK RADIO GALATIC U RADIO HIGHER TRUTH RADIO SPIRITUAL IMAGE RADIO DOLORAS CANNON RADIO GARY SHELER TALK SHOW DONNA SHEBO RADIO SHOW SEERS OF THE SOUL RAIDO MELINDA CARVER RADIO SHOW JOHNATHAN GOLDMAN RADIO SHOW THE PARANORMAL AND THE SACRED XPERIANCERS TV SHOW ANOMALY 3D PARANORMAL TV SHOW


ABOUT THUNDERBEAT: Devara ThunderBeat is an International multi – award winning musician / composer, author, teacher, speaker, 22 DNA facilitator, certified reiki master and a pioneer in sound healing. Grand Father Martin a Hopi Shaman elder, honored ThunderBeat, to speak and carry on the messages of truth for all living things. Contact Devara ThunderBeat at 928-204-0752

February 3, 2015


I would love to speak to you about Heaven and Earth Oasis, a holistic healing treatment center for US Military veterans.
I would love for you to speak to the founder, Valerie Heath who helped millions of war veterans who were diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.
Chantal Benedict who also is a partner at Heaven & Earth Oasis, can speak to you about Quantum Wellness and her ability to change bone structure by one touch.

“…military veterans need the most help to heal physically and emotionally” - Valerie Heath, Founder

Heaven and Earth Oasis is a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles to provide a safe and peaceful healing space with an array of professional holistic healing treatments at no cost to U.S. military veterans.
Energy healing is recognized and currently in use by most of the military medical community as a protocol for treating post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) and other emotional and physical health issues incurred by brave men and women thrust into harm’s way to protect our fragile freedoms. Active duty service members and veterans have been seeking and receiving effective alternative treatments outside of what is provided in military and Veterans Administration settings. Heaven and Earth Oasis was formed to address this widespread need.

The Heaven and Earth Oasis staff is comprised of certified, licensed healing professionals offering an array of best practices from the healing arts: Reiki, DNA Theta, water therapy, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, biofeedback and other healing methods. Scientific research is continuing to demonstrate the effectiveness of these alternative therapies for PTSD, traumatic brain injury and pain management. As these are common symptoms of returning military service personnel who have defended our country, we provide them with training and individual treatments.

Valerie Heath

With her background and experience using holistic, non-invasive techniques to heal illness, Valerie founded Heaven and Earth Oasis, a nonprofit 501 (c) (3). The organization is dedicated to healing military personnel by applying an array of established alternative and complementary methods of treatment that work. Many of the methods we employ, such as Reiki, are now successfully incorporated by military organizations to help heal war veterans diagnosed with combat-related illnesses such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Chantal Benedict

As a master energy healer, I avail myself of the most effective non-invasive healing techniques to help relieve physical pain due to skeletal issues such as scoliosis, bulging disks, neck and hip aches. Chantal employs the laws of quantum physics and subtle energy to literally change bone structure using only a light touch. The result produces a complete and noticeable alignment in as little as one to four sessions.

February 2, 2015
les tindell

Opening a 'Portal' to an Advanced, Ancient, Alien Intelligence. An Empirical Demonstration of 'Functional Xenolinguistics'...: * In the year 1994 I discovered a collection of small inscribed stones capable of projecting streams of video images. * I labeled these stone artifacts 'Petro Photoglyphs'...properly defined as photographic recordings scribed onto stone surfaces. * Petro Photoglyphs illustrated within this research website were surface samples discovered in the mid-western United States. * A Petro Photoglyph will project streams of photo images defined as a hologram (whole recording)...forming a 'Visual Language'. * A process method was formulated to illuminate and record the 'Hologram Projections within a Sphere of Spectral & Spatial Perception'. * Modern technology is required to develop and translate the Petro Photoglyph inscriptions...defining them as 'Time-Capsule Projections'. * Ancient Stone-Scribed Holograms... deciphered through our knowledge-database of: history, mythology, religion and astronomy. * The 'Petro Photoglyph Images' developed within this research website are 'The Oldest Photographic Recordings Known to Humanity'.

United States

In 1994 I discovered a collection or library of small inscribed stone artifacts. For the the past 20 years I have been developing a plethora of hologram codex communications that propagate from the small inscribed stone artifacts I call...'Petro (stone) Photoglyphs (photo inscriptions)'. Petro Photoglyphs are the 'platform' for a visual language of hologram codices projecting an unknown language defined as 'xenolinguistics'. By 'Divine Providence' that my education in archaeology and career in microelectronics & lasers would lean to the discovery of stone artifacts inscribed by an advanced technology of detailed over-layered and connected photo-image masks developed on the stone surfaces by processes similar to photo-lithography. To date...I conduct the only research and am the only resource on earth publishing information pertaining to 'petro photoglyphs.

January 31, 2015
Dr Yashu Wheeler MD

Im an integrative MD with a passion for the body, mind and spirit connection to health and healing.....I teach people to sleep well without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.....have a listen to my free i tunes Storytime...... Have a listen to Storty


Integrative MD...worked in own family practice in New Zealand for 14 a trainer and speaker and work to empower people to focus on health not dis-ease....

January 29, 2015
Lynn K Russell

Lynn Kathleen Russell, author of THE WONDER OF YOU: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself, was the researcher for 2500 Dr. Jeffery Long’s book, Evidence of the Afterlife. After researching 2500 cases she found they offered messages about the wonder you are, the world, life and the paths as we travel through life.

“THE WONDER OF YOU: WHAT THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE TELLS YOU ABOUT YOURSELF” by Lynn Kathleen Russell. Ivey Enterprises, Lethbridge, Canada.

Lynn does something in this book nobody else has done. She shows you how near-death experiencers, in sharing what happened to them and what that meant to them, are actually describing the truth, the real truth, about each and every one of us. . . anywhere in the world! She gently and relentlessly, puts the full-brunt of the near-death experience in your lap, right where you live and love and have your being. Near-death states strip away the trappings of the mind, to reveal the substance of soul. Thank you, Lynn, for helping to awaken us.”
….. P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., near-death researcher since
1978, investigating nearly 4,000 cases of adult and
child experiencers. Latest findings in Dying to Know
You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience.

“There are many books about near-death experiences (NDE), but The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself is absolutely exceptional. Lynn Russell is a recognized NDE expert. She has researched over 2500 NDEs; more than virtually anyone else in the world. This book is scholarly in its depth of understanding the NDE, but also is very clearly written and easy to read. With each turn of the page you will find a treasure trove of insights and inspiration. After reading this book you will understand the profound truth of what a wonder you truly are. This simple but powerful awareness could change your life.”

Jeffery Long, MD, founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation
(, and author of the New York Times bestselling
Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences.

Buy, beg or borrow a copy of THE WONDER OF YOU, What the Near-death Experiences Tell You About Yourself, by Lynn Russell. This book will help to make sense and tie together all the books and stories of others’ near-death experiences. Plus it will reveal what those experiences tell us about ourselves. Ms. Russell describes her own life-changing spiritual experiences, and how, through them, she learned that there was no difference, no separation between her and all life forms on the planet—way before the term “oneness” was understood. Her background makes for a great foundation for this book; one I feel will become the new bible for NDErs. She did an extensive two-year research on NDEs with Dr. Jeff Long, M.D and his wife Jody Long, J.D., who later wrote EVIDENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE, The Science of Near-Death Experiences. She has studied over twenty-five hundred reports by people who experienced NDEs. Early on, she began to see a pattern that their experiences were deeper messages like buried treasures brought back from what we call death or the other side that were a legacy for all of us.

She relates some of these 2,500 stories, grouped by categories of their experiences. Although no two NDEs are alike, the similarities in what they experienced when they “died” are extraordinary. The incredible stories, and Ms. Russell’s way of weaving them together by topics, makes the book hard to put down. You will want to keep this book and make it a permanent part of your library, underline and mark it for future study. If you’re like me, you will experience a change in consciousness after reading The Wonder of You. I believe I will never look at death quite the same. The love of our Creator and the vast array of experiences awaiting our soul, when it’s ready to permanently exit the physical form, or experience its own NDE, is exciting to consider.
I LOVED this book. Kudos to Ms. Russell for excellent research and a job well done on a book that people of all ages will be helped and inspired by for decades. The Logos Center has pre-ordered 20 books—I’m sure we will place many more orders.

Anne Puryear
Vice-President, The Logos Center, Scottsdale, Arizona
Author of Stephen Lives! My son Stephen, His Life, Suicide and Afterlife
and Messages from God.


For almost 30 years, Lynn was a family counselor in Calgary, Alberta. She became the primary researcher for Dr. Jeffery Long's book, "Evidence of the Afterlife", and research over 2500 cases. Through her research she found wonderful messages to share with everyone about the beauty of their reality.

January 27, 2015
William T Hathaway

My new novel, Lila, the Revolutionary, has just been published by Nascent Books, a new imprint associated with Athabasca University in Canada. Lila is a fable for adults about an eight-year-old girl—smart, charming, and tough as can be—who sparks a world socialist revolution. No one ever told her she couldn't end poverty and inequality, so she doesn't doubt that she can Just Do It! Starting with the Nike shoe factory where she works. Like the boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes," Lila can see the reality that adults are blind to. And she's not shy about pointing it out. The book is a call to action: If Lila can do it, so can we. Her story convinces us that Yes, a better world is possible, and we're the ones to create it.


William T. Hathaway's first book, A World of Hurt, won a Rinehart Foundation Award. He is also author of the novels Summer Snow, CD-Ring, Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness, and a nonfiction book, Radical Peace: People Refusing War. He wrote the screenplay for Socrates, an educational film starring Edward Asner that was broadcast on PBS. He is an adjunct professor of American studies at the University of Oldenburg in Germany. A selection of his writing is available at

January 27, 2015
Jason Francis

I would like to interest you in an interview with Dick Larson. He has been a featured guest on radio stations in the United States talking about the emergence of Maitreya and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Maitreya is awaited by the world’s major religions as the Christ, Buddha, the Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna and the Bodhisattva. This is a momentous event that will lead to the transformation of the world. Maitreya’s message is very simple. We are brothers all. And only through the relinquishing of division and competition and the acceptance of unity and sharing can the necessary social justice be achieved, which will create trust between nations and, as a result, world peace. Maitreya has been giving television interviews around the world for several years. He does not use His real name or make any claims to status when interviewed. People have to accept His insight and advice based on the logic and the merits of what He says and not claims of status. Soon Maitreya will be invited to address the world: the Day of Declaration. If you would like to interview Dick Larson from his home in Los Angeles, USA, about the emergence of Maitreya I will happily arrange it.

United States

Who is Dick Larson? · He was a corporate business executive for 20 years before becoming a counselor and an educator. · He is a volunteer for Share International, a world-wide non-profit educational institution. · He has been a guest on radio talk shows nationwide, co-hosted a radio program, and produced a series of public access television shows that air around the nation. What is the source of his information? · His source is British artist and futurist Benjamin Creme, author of 17 books offering the latest Ageless Wisdom Teachings as well as information about the World Teacher for this age. · Larson hosted three television interviews with Mr. Creme and has spent time with him discussing the Ageless Wisdom Teachings – an ancient philosophy, not a religion – and the World Teacher. Who is Benjamin Creme? · Chief Editor of Share International magazine. The magazine focuses on political, economic, social and spiritual changes now occurring globally and is read in over 70 countries. · International lecturer and media guest appearing on radio and TV shows since 1980, preparing the way and creating the climate of expectancy that is facilitating Maitreya’s emergence. · He receives no payment for this work and makes no claims about his own spiritual status. What is Larson saying? · Historically, great teachers have appeared at the beginning of each new planetary cycle or age to offer teachings that will stimulate the next evolutionary step for humanity. Examples are Confucius, Krishna, the Buddha, Mohammed, and Jesus. · We are now at the beginning of such a cycle, and the expected teacher for this age—Maitreya—is here now, and has been working largely behind the scenes from his point of focus since July, 1977. · Maitreya has appeared to thousands of individuals worldwide, and, since December 2009, has been interviewed over two dozen times on a major American TV network and over 100 times in other countries, not yet revealing his true identity.

January 24, 2015
Tina Sacchi

Are you a Robotic Traveler that wakes up, burns through the day, crash and repeats this pattern day after day? Or are you more soulful and seize opportunities and enjoy all moments of life regardless what life presents you? How can we get more soulful and create success in our lives by the power of OUR authentic selves? *Obtain clarity and inspiration regardless of where you are on your path of life. *Eliminate obstacles, blocks and barriers that prevent you from being the real YOU. *Discover how to live your life to its fullest and in joy with the power of your authentic self. *Learn Tina's "SOFT" formula and "JOY" principles for living YOUR authentic life and Walking in Beauty.


Tina Sacchi is a best-selling author of My Spirit Is Not Religious: A Guide to Living YOUR Authentic Life. As a Holistic & Spiritual leader, Tina helps people self-heal on all four levels: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally by guiding them to release, resolve and heal limiting beliefs and patterns so that they live a spiritually open and authentic life. Tina is a TV and radio personality and hosted: Living A Spiritual Life with Tina Sacchi. She offers private sessions, events, and retreats worldwide.

January 19, 2015
Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer

As you know, Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® has been a guest on BBS Radio. One of the topics was his bestselling book Never Letting Go. Evidence of Eternity is Mark Anthony’s new book due for release March 8, 2015. It will make an excellent show topic because it is totally different from books written by other mediums. By bridging the gap between the spiritual and scientific, this groundbreaking and riveting page turner brings spirit communication into the 21st century while reaffirming that God and heaven exist, the soul is an immortal living spirit, and that we will be reunited with our deceased loved ones. Evidence of Eternity introduces new and innovative terms and concepts explaining spirit communication based on science, theoretical physics, theology and evidence. From karma and reincarnation to embracing the inner light, Evidence of Eternity is a cutting-edge perspective of life after death. If you would kindly provide me with your mailing address, I will be happy to send you an advance copy of Evidence of Eternity once it is available from the publisher in February.

United States

Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® is a world renowned fourth generation psychic medium who communicates with spirits. He graduated with honors from Mercer University Law School which included the study of law at Oxford University in England. Mark Anthony is licensed to practice law in Florida, Washington D.C. and before the United States Supreme Court. In England he studied Mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science. Mark is featured regularly as a psychic medium, paranormal expert and legal analyst in high profile murder cases on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX Television and on major talk radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM, Darkness Radio, and Sirius XM. He is a featured speaker about the afterlife at conventions, expos and spiritual organizations such as the Edgar Cayce A.R.E. and universities including Harvard, Brown and Yale. Mark Anthony’s best-selling and award nominated book, Never Letting Go is the definitive guide to healing grief with help from the Other Side. His groundbreaking new book Evidence of Eternity is due for release in March 2015.