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Scott Smith

Scott Smith at Shaktify provides an energetic solution to life's various issues.  Through simple processes you can affect change in almost every facet of your life.  Effects can be realized in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being.  Shaktify is a holistic approach to change, to growth, and to the realization of a deep inner peace.

Life Pattern Reprogramming™ (LPR™), is a Shaktify program that allows a person to reprogram themselves in the direction of how they would like their life to unfold. The process reprograms various aspects and layers of the self to allow for and manifest these changes. 

Inited States

Scott Smith is an energy worker, master of the Core of Being, and modern day mystic.  In service to the Light, he shares his intuitive spiritual guidance and techniques for purification and healing.  Scott has studied various sacred practices to enhance his ability to serve humanity through his gifts and talents.  Scott’s studies have taken him on a mystical journey through many world religions including Judaism, Catholicism, Hinduism, the Lakota tradition, Buddhism, and Quantum Physics.  Working with Divine Love, Divine Peace, and other transformational energies, he has combined the core energetic elements common to these traditions, simplifying and unifying them into techniques for physical healing, emotional cleansing, mental focus, spiritual expansion, and deep inner peace.

His latest technique , Life Pattern Reprogramming™ (LPR™), is proving to be very helpful to people in differing ways.  It allows a person to choose how they would like various aspects of their life to unfold.  By participating in a series of simple guided processes, they reprogram themselves to allow these changes by dissolving the old patterns and habits, and also creating the propensity for the new way of being to manifest.

Currently based in the Chicago area, he assists others via individual phone and Skype sessions, webinars, and workshops.  During workshops, he shares and teaches simple methods to raise your vibrational rate and advance you along your path, and also makes himself available for individual, in-person, intensive sessions.

Scott does not believe in titles.  If you need his, it is Rev Scott Smith, DD, SSC

Ivory Angelic

I have a unique background for a person in my profession.  For nearly 20 years I worked in the field of mental health.  This gives me a unique perspective on intuitive readings, and healings.  I am known for my close bond with angels.  I see them during readings and outside of readings as well. They come through in every reading I do.  Being a medium, I have seen spirits since I was about two years old.  I continue to see and hear them daily.  My focus with energy healing is addictions and trauma.  My style is personable, warm, and caring.

United States

Ivory LaNoue, known as Ivory Angelic, is a spiritual medium, intuitive (clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant), energy healer, and spiritual counselor. She is based in Sedona, Arizona. Her clients come to see her from all over the world.

Ivory has been a professional psychic since 1996, and mentored with Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, for mediumship. In a mediumship session with Ivory, she hears spirit speak, they show her scenes and symbols, she sees physical aspects of your loved ones, and passes on messages to you from them.

When spirit is around her, Ivory feels them and will let you know. Often spirit emphasizes a message’s importance by surrounding her with a lot of energy. Ivory’s style is kind, loving, and calming. Ivory is highly rated for her ability to communicate with spirit.

In a psychic reading, Ivory knows only your first name. She uses Oracle cards to tune into your energy. She will pull four cards for you, to start, and go into depth about what she sees about your past, current, future, business, relationships, spirituality, and any specific areas you wish her to address. Ivory will keep pulling cards and going deeper into your reading until your time is up. Her style is kind, honest, caring, and warm. Ivory has a stellar reputation as a psychic.

Ivory has been on an intense spiritual journey since 1986 when she had a profound spiritual awakening. She is currently working on her PhD in clinical hypnotherapy and will become a minister soon. Ivory has a very calm manner and is able to help you through spiritual dilemmas, understand your own spiritual awakening, moves to the next level spiritually, as well as explaining unusual occurrences you may be experiencing.

Though Ivory can give Reiki, she prefers providing QiGong energy healing as she has learned that it is much more powerful. With Qigong, she can heal people of very serious ailments that western medicine cannot. She specializes in helping people who are survivors of abuse, persons with addictions, and many physical and emotional issues. She has been giving Qigong energy healing treatments for over 17 years.

Other types of healing that Ivory offers are Tapping; and Sound/Energy healing.

Ivory LaNoue, known as Ivory Angelic, is a spiritual medium, intuitive (clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant), energy healer, and spiritual counselor. She is based in Sedona, Arizona. Her clients come to see her from all over the world.

Ivory has been a professional psychic since 1996, and mentored with Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, for mediumship. In a mediumship session with Ivory, she hears spirit speak, they show her scenes and symbols, she sees physical aspects of your loved ones, and passes on messages to you from them.

When spirit is around her, Ivory feels them and will let you know. Often spirit emphasizes a message’s importance by surrounding her with a lot of energy. Ivory’s style is kind, loving, and calming. Ivory is highly rated for her ability to communicate with spirit.

In a psychic reading, Ivory knows only your first name. She uses Oracle cards to tune into your energy. She will pull four cards for you, to start, and go into depth about what she sees about your past, current, future, business, relationships, spirituality, and any specific areas you wish her to address. Ivory will keep pulling cards and going deeper into your reading until your time is up. Her style is kind, honest, caring, and warm. Ivory has a stellar reputation as a psychic.

Ivory has been on an intense spiritual journey since 1986 when she had a profound spiritual awakening. She is currently working on her PhD in clinical hypnotherapy and will become a minister soon. Ivory has a very calm manner and is able to help you through spiritual dilemmas, understand your own spiritual awakening, moves to the next level spiritually, as well as explaining unusual occurrences you may be experiencing.

Though Ivory can give Reiki, she prefers providing QiGong energy healing as she has learned that it is much more powerful. With Qigong, she can heal people of very serious ailments that western medicine cannot. She specializes in helping people who are survivors of abuse, persons with addictions, and many physical and emotional issues. She has been giving Qigong energy healing treatments for over 17 years.

Other types of healing that Ivory offers are Tapping; and Sound/Energy healing.

Songs that heal, channeled by Ivory
TLC - Telsie Boese

Healing the body without medical assistance for there is .0001 % of the world population that can not take pharmaceutical drugs and that would be me. Visit my web page to learn more.


My name is Telsie and you say it like T L C - I started to use that on the phone for when I said Telsie most often they heard other names. Saying TLC they then heard Telsie.  That was when I was a real-estate agent.

Then as I turned my attention on metaphysical beliefs and looking back on my life's journey TLC (Tender Loving Care) became my signature for my purpose and name.  TLC-Telsie


Take a look at my videos and TheOrb and if you find interest in talking to me great.

If you also go to my web home there you will find what I am about and what I do.

TheOrb is about sharing stories, positive energy and it is for everyone.


Videos for TheOrb and healing


introduction to TheOrb my web home for healing


let the power that created you heal you


as for a bio, never have had the need.

I have written a book call: The Soul

Also do all my own graphics.


My passion is healing the body through meditation and visualization and supporting others through their journey.

I ask for no payment for what comes to me is free from the Divine Source and I at the present need payment.

Blog Radio interview with Astrid Stromberg and TLC-Telsie on the book "The Soul"…;

Yogi Ramadin

Similar to Non-Violent and Compassionate Communication, Connective Communication offers a conversational framework and helpful guidance to get your goals met in conversation. Connective Communication can be used in almost any communication and applies widely to your life.

This communication framework is guaranteed to help you improve your communication immediately and for the rest of your life to come.

Learn how to have your most powerful and satisfying conversations ever!

Tune in to your innate spiritual wisdom with Connective Communication.

Yogi Ramadin will introduce you to: setting the stage for a satisfying conversation, how to invite and consider others and how to conclude the conversation feeling seen, heard and supported.

United States

Yogi Ramadin is a Hatha Yoga Teacher who enjoys empowering community to create mutually rewarding, heart and spirit opening communications. He is also a lifetime student of interpersonal communication, intimacy, and humanistic psychology.

Currently he is building community around Connective Communication and bringing wellness to the workplace with his health and wellness company, Whole Being Health. 

Navigating Tricky Conversations Skillfully
Filippo Voltaggio

Almost everyone has a dog, cat or other pet story, and some more funny or amazing than others.  So many of us enjoy hearing them, reading about them, and sharing them.  What makes this story unique as chronicled in the new book “The Little Dog That Could,” is the personal journey that the author, Filippo Voltaggio, takes along with the dog, and the journey that the reader takes along with the two leading characters. 

This is a true story, book and conversation that has something in it for everyone.  From just another great dog story, to healing, miracles and metaphysical insights.  According to Best-Selling Author and CEO of SANGE Events, Speaker, Author Network, “This book is a must read! Filippo has delivered the keys to unlock the mystery of life.  The big picture as he shares his personal sacred journey is each of our journeys. It is now one of my Top 10 Favorite Books."

The latest AMAZON Verified Purchase reviewer, A. Kerchner, also called it “A Must Read!” and added “I could not put this book down. I absolutely loved it. I felt as though I knew the author. I could feel and relate to the changes and challenges he was going through while telling his story. I applaud the author's ability to interject his humor throughout.... Such an uplifting story.”

An interview with Filippo about “The Little Dog That Could,” will delight and entertain the listeners and will leave them wanting more.  It is sure to be an inspiring conversation.  With his many years of experience on stage as a singer and actor and a veteran radio host himself, Filippo knows how to tell stories and to answer questions, making an interview with him easy and fun for everyone.

“The Little Dog That Could,” is currently available in Paperback and on Kindle through AMAZON and is on it’s way to people’s hearts all over the world.  The latest French review to come in said, “I read the book slowly because I did not want it to ever end.  I knew there wasn’t a book two yet, so I wanted to savor it.” 

Allow “The Little Dog That Could,” to touch your audience on your show this Season with an interview with the co-protagonist, and author, Filippo Voltaggio.

United States

Filippo Voltaggio is currently an Author, Public Speaker, Radio Show Host and Life Coach. Among the many life changes that have earned him the moniker "Master of Change," Filippo started his professional career working his way up to Junior Management in a Fortune 500 Top 3 Company. Despite many Industry awards and accolades, he left to pursue his childhood love, music.

As a singer/songwriter and entertainer, he put two CDs on the market, appeared before Presidents, sang on PBS as a soloist with full orchestra several times, and received many awards, include numerous Sergio Franchi Awards and NIAF Grants. He and his songs have been featured in several Hollywood films including "A Walk in The Clouds" with Keanu Reeves and "Noise" with Tim Robbins.

In yet another life change, Filippo temporarily put his singing career on hold to pursue another of his loves, hosting. After an initial foray into terrestrial radio broadcasting with his show, "Filippo and the Chef," he landed on his current hit, as the host of "The LIFE CHANGES Show."

In a short time, he has already earned President Barack Obama's "President's Call to Service Award" and the "Master Award" from the Save the World Foundation.

Concurrent to his career changes, in addition to his Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Management, Filippo's lifelong interests in the Esoteric Sciences have lead him to pursue and achieve certifications in Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy, and as an Energetic Alchemy Master, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healer, Theta Healer and credentials of Ministry.

As a Life Coach and Group Leader he has created two courses of his own, "The Life IMPROVment Workshop" and "The Life Coaching Boot Camp," the latter being both a group and on-line course.

Though Filippo has authored many magazine articles, and though writings of his have been featured in book, "The Little Dog That Could" is his first full-length, non-fiction book. True to the underlying theme of his life, the book is a true story full of life changing experiences between him and a little dog he rescued, or arguably a little dog that "rescued" him. Among many heart touching moments, the story offers the reader the opportunity for many life changes of their own.

The Little Dog That Could
Blake Bauer

Dear Producer/ Host

You Were Not Born To Suffer says best-selling author and teacher Blake Bauer. Find out why his simple message of unconditional self-love is resonating with audiences everywhere. Blake is a Chicago native whose own young life was almost destroyed by drug addiction. He was thrown out of college and suffered separation from his family. He understands why so many of us feel that our lives are out of control and mired in disappointment and struggle. His practical ideas have evolved from his study of Qi Gong as well as other alternative health practices. He is a warm, articulate and informed guest who will inspire your listeners. If you would like to see a review copy of his book, please let me know. To book him



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—Los Angeles, California—September 20, 2015

Drug Addict, Hell-bent on Self-Destruction, Turns Life Around, Writes Bestseller, You Were Not Born To Suffer And Helps Thousands Worldwide

A Decade After Hitting Rock Bottom Chicago Native, Blake D. Bauer, Now Teaches Others The Secrets To Turning Their Lives Around.

Blake Bauer is a wisdom teacher helping thousands of people turn their lives around. His book, You Were Not Born to Suffer, has touched a nerve and is an Amazon bestseller. Blake is invited to speak to packed workshops and conferences all over the world. For the Chicago native, however, it wasn’t always this way. Only a decade ago he was bouncing around from rehab to rehab. According to Blake, “By the age of 18, I had been arrested three times for drug possession and driving under the influence of alcohol, suspended from high school on numerous occasions and kicked off my senior year football club as team captain. I was clearly an out of control teenager.”

So how did he transform his life? What exactly can others learn from Blake’s inspiring story? What are the secrets to Blake’s success? “In my heart I knew it was possible to be happy and find my life purpose, but I wasn’t sure how to achieve this. After pushing everything and everyone I cared about away, I finally realized something needed to change. I went from being extremely arrogant to feeling deeply insecure. I knew I couldn’t keep on going back to the toxic habits that had ruined my own life and many of many family members’ lives,” says Bauer.

Blake attended five different universities, enrolled in numerous professional trainings and studied countless forms of alternative medicine, psychology, Chinese medicine, nutrition, herbal remedies, hypnosis and meditation as well as studying with spiritual teachers and masters. Eventually he discovered a self-healing approach that worked effectively addressing the root cause of his mental, emotional and physical pain. Bauer states, “It has been liberating for me and thousands of people like me to understand that underlying all addiction, depression and illness there is simply unresolved mental and emotional pain – all of which is connected to that fact that we have never learned how to love and care for ourselves practically day to day.”

His book, You Were Not Born to Suffer, offers a refreshing integration of ancient and timeless wisdom, synthesized from various spiritual and medical traditions, that go straight to the heart of our deepest wounds, needs, desires and dreams. It inspires unconditional love, respect, acceptance and forgiveness in the places often the hardest to embrace. Bauer also outlines how to effectively direct thoughts, words and actions toward creating the “best” in every aspect of one’s personal and professional life. “Considering the prevalence of addiction and depression, there is a huge need for simple, practical tools that empower people to understand and heal their mental and emotional struggles in the here and now.”

So powerful and simple is the work at the foundation of Blake’s book that he has recently completed a 20-city tour of Australia where he spoke to over 5,000 people. Bauer has built a successful private practice around his work and is invited to speak internationally. Along with his book, Blake Bauer has also produced an audio version of the book. Blake Bauer is also a Qi Gong Master and has produced a DVD entitled Qi Gong for Self-Healing, Self-Love and Self-Mastery.

If you would like a review copy of his book, “You Were Not Born to Suffer” please email

You Were Not Born To Suffer - on

Facebook: Blake D. Bauer

Facebook: You Were Not Born To Suffer - Book

Facebook: Self Love Seminars


Gail Torr

Galaxy Media

310 429 6885

United States

Blake D. Bauer is an internationally recognized author, counselor, and alternative medicine practitioner. His bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer and pioneering work center on loving yourself unconditionally as the key to healing yourself, fulfilling your life’s purpose, and realizing your full potential both personally and professionally.

Based on his training with spiritual teachers, healers, and masters from all over the world, Blake practices and teaches various forms of meditation, qi gong, qi gong energy medicine, and dao yin (a health and longevity yoga). Blake’s formal education also includes traditional Chinese medicine, five-element Chinese medicine, nutritional medicine, herbal healing, psychology, past life regression therapy-hypnosis, and various other forms of traditional healing and alternative medicine.

Bringing together the most effective spiritual practices and holistic approaches to health and wellbeing, Blake’s work and teachings have successfully guided thousands of people internationally toward greater psychological, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual freedom.

William Stillman

Internationally known, award-winning author William Stillman is available to discuss autism and a predisposition toward spiritual giftedness documented in his Autism and the God Connection trilogy. Stillman can also discuss how he developed his own psychic gifts and is available to offer mini-readings to callers during live shows. Psychic healing, comunicating with animals, investigating hauntings, and working with law enforcement on missing person and unsolved homicide cases are additional topics of discussion.


Psychic medium William Stillman is the internationally known, award-winning author of the Autism and the God Connection book trilogy that explores aspects of spiritual giftedness in many people with autism. These books encompass Autism and the God Connection, The Soul of Autism, and The Autism Prophecies. His book Conversations with Dogs: A Psychic Reveals What Our Canine Companions Have to Say (And How You Can Talk to Them Too!) was published in 2015. His next book, Under Spiritual Siege, about spiritual warfare with negative energies, will publish in May 2016.  

        Since 2004, Stillman has worked professionally as a psychic and spiritual counselor at Alta View Wellness Center in Harrisburg, PA. His accuracy in discerning the truth and making predictions that come to fruition has been acclaimed by his clients as truly extraordinary. He has been consulted on missing person and unsolved homicide cases.

        Stillman has been interviewed on numerous radio shows of a paranormal nature including Coast to Coast AM, the most listened to overnight radio program in North America. He has been interviewed on the Web series CharVision by internationally renowned psychic medium Char Margolis, who called Stillman “really fascinating,” and he has been a guest on the popular YouTube series “Swedenborg and Life.”

        Stillman has been a repeated guest speaker for Lily Dale Assembly near Jamestown, NY, the country's oldest spiritualist community. He also volunteers his time as an investigative resource to the Pennsylvania Paranormal Association.

Barrie Gellis

I was one of the original class members in Jane Roberts' ESP Classes in Elmira--and I am now ready to do media interviews. I can talk about Seth's concepts and what Seth class was like. I have given five Seth presentations and can talk about any or all of them.

My most-recent presentation is called: “The Secret About The Secret” or “The Secrets Left Out of The Secret’s “Law of Attraction.” The presentation highlights Seth's discourse on what has since been called “The Secret.” But it includes the FULL SECRET, including descriptions of the love, compassion and goodness inherent in all people. THIS involves our very purpose for choosing physical existence in the first place. Seth's concepts empower each person to become accountable in a loving way for their own lives — while caring about the well-being of others.

I have given the following Seth conference presentations. Their titles are: 

How Deeply Embedded In The Seth Material, If At All, Is The Concept Of Not Hurting And Actually Helping Others? (11-22-09) "Helping And Not Hurting Others--Overlooked Keys To The Seth Material"  (11-14-10) Seth2: Is There Any Connection To Alien Contact? (For Your Patient Consideration – I Don’t Know The Answer But Believe It Or Not, The Question Is A Valid One) [11-12-11] The Doctrine Of Both: Is Physical Reality Real Or Not? (10-27-12) The Secret Left Out Of The Secret (10-7-15)


Barrie Gellis, M.A., is a published writer and former member of Jane Roberts’ ESP class in Elmira (one of the New York Boys) and was referred to as "our poet" by Seth in the 10-31-72 class. Barrie doesn’t simply "explain" Seth or repeat Seth’s concepts but he creatively expresses concepts in new, often poetic discourse, building upon what Seth said, drawing new connections and ideas....while also interpreting Seth’s concepts very clearly as well. 

His most-recent presentation is called: “The Secret About The Secret” or “The Secrets Left Out of The Secret’s “Law of Attraction.” The presentation highlights Seth's discourse on what has since been called “The Secret.” But it includes the FULL SECRET, including descriptions of the love, compassion and goodness inherent in all people. THIS involves our very purpose for choosing physical existence in the first place. Seth's concepts empower each person to become accountable in a loving way for their own lives — while caring about the well-being of others.

Barrie has given the following Seth conference presentation:

How Deeply Embedded In The Seth Material, If At All,

      Is The Concept Of Not Hurting And Actually Helping Others? (11-22-09)

"Helping And Not Hurting Others--Overlooked Keys To The Seth Material"  (11-14-10) Seth2: Is There Any Connection To Alien Contact?

(For Your Patient Consideration – I Don’t Know The Answer But Believe It Or Not,

The Question Is A Valid One) [11-12-11]

The Doctrine Of Both: Is Physical Reality Real Or Not? (10-27-12) The Secret Left Out Of The Secret (10-7-15)

He has been the most-active-online ESP Class member for fifteen years and continues to be so, creating approximately 15,000 posts and counting.  He has created a number of ongoing Seth message and Face Book boards — as well as hosted a bimonthly cyber Seth chat for ten years.

Having published more than eighty poems in various magazines, he has written 4000+ poems, and is the author of the poetry book "Outside Is a Secret Key," available at or Amazon. It is collection of 100 poems that relate to experiencing inner and outer life, including Seth concepts, as well as poems that Sue Watkins included in her book, “Conversations With Seth.”  

Taking all this into consideration, including his online posts and his 4,000 + poems, and being called "our poet" by Seth, Barrie believes himself to be a Speaker. 

He was a certified Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation Specialist and an English teacher in a New York City high school for twenty years. Additionally, he has produced two public access TV shows for QPTV in Queens, NY.

Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg

"God" and I have been chatting since I mostly left the Church in 2005.

And the Truth is, it's all very simple : History is a single fight between two ideas:

Self-Sufficiency versus Hierarchical Authority, Autonomy versus Law.

See below.

United States

Self-sufficiency VERSUS top-down Authority.

Every single political >fight< is contained in that conflict.  Every single one.

Examples of "divide and conquer" by Authority are:

Evolution vs. Special Creation, Spherical vs. Flat Earth, ET Disclosure vs. No Life But Here,

Conservative vs. Liberal, Heterosexuality vs. Andrygyny, Money vs. Trade/Barter,

Maritime Law vs. Common Law, Think Tanks versus Morality Teachings, 

Church Authority vs. Holy Spirit Authority, New Age vs. Scripture.

Can you see where this can go . . . in YOUR DOMAIN?

I'm fully prepared to address WHATEVER YOUR ISSUE IS, in such a dialogue.

Yahweh and I talk about this all the time, and my books EXPLAIN this conflict--simply.

If you host a show and you'd like a knowledgeable Guest, give me a shout.

Emily Windsor-Cragg, yes, the Duke's daughter