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Ivory Angelic
Your Pitch

I have a unique background for a person in my profession.  For nearly 20 years I worked in the field of mental health.  This gives me a unique perspective on intuitive readings, and healings.  I am known for my close bond with angels.  I see them during readings and outside of readings as well. They come through in every reading I do.  Being a medium, I have seen spirits since I was about two years old.  I continue to see and hear them daily.  My focus with energy healing is addictions and trauma.  My style is personable, warm, and caring.


Ivory LaNoue, known as Ivory Angelic, is a spiritual medium, intuitive (clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant), energy healer, and spiritual counselor. She is based in Sedona, Arizona. Her clients come to see her from all over the world.

Ivory has been a professional psychic since 1996, and mentored with Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, for mediumship. In a mediumship session with Ivory, she hears spirit speak, they show her scenes and symbols, she sees physical aspects of your loved ones, and passes on messages to you from them.

When spirit is around her, Ivory feels them and will let you know. Often spirit emphasizes a message’s importance by surrounding her with a lot of energy. Ivory’s style is kind, loving, and calming. Ivory is highly rated for her ability to communicate with spirit.

In a psychic reading, Ivory knows only your first name. She uses Oracle cards to tune into your energy. She will pull four cards for you, to start, and go into depth about what she sees about your past, current, future, business, relationships, spirituality, and any specific areas you wish her to address. Ivory will keep pulling cards and going deeper into your reading until your time is up. Her style is kind, honest, caring, and warm. Ivory has a stellar reputation as a psychic.

Ivory has been on an intense spiritual journey since 1986 when she had a profound spiritual awakening. She is currently working on her PhD in clinical hypnotherapy and will become a minister soon. Ivory has a very calm manner and is able to help you through spiritual dilemmas, understand your own spiritual awakening, moves to the next level spiritually, as well as explaining unusual occurrences you may be experiencing.

Though Ivory can give Reiki, she prefers providing QiGong energy healing as she has learned that it is much more powerful. With Qigong, she can heal people of very serious ailments that western medicine cannot. She specializes in helping people who are survivors of abuse, persons with addictions, and many physical and emotional issues. She has been giving Qigong energy healing treatments for over 17 years.

Other types of healing that Ivory offers are Tapping; and Sound/Energy healing.

Ivory LaNoue, known as Ivory Angelic, is a spiritual medium, intuitive (clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant), energy healer, and spiritual counselor. She is based in Sedona, Arizona. Her clients come to see her from all over the world.

Ivory has been a professional psychic since 1996, and mentored with Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, for mediumship. In a mediumship session with Ivory, she hears spirit speak, they show her scenes and symbols, she sees physical aspects of your loved ones, and passes on messages to you from them.

When spirit is around her, Ivory feels them and will let you know. Often spirit emphasizes a message’s importance by surrounding her with a lot of energy. Ivory’s style is kind, loving, and calming. Ivory is highly rated for her ability to communicate with spirit.

In a psychic reading, Ivory knows only your first name. She uses Oracle cards to tune into your energy. She will pull four cards for you, to start, and go into depth about what she sees about your past, current, future, business, relationships, spirituality, and any specific areas you wish her to address. Ivory will keep pulling cards and going deeper into your reading until your time is up. Her style is kind, honest, caring, and warm. Ivory has a stellar reputation as a psychic.

Ivory has been on an intense spiritual journey since 1986 when she had a profound spiritual awakening. She is currently working on her PhD in clinical hypnotherapy and will become a minister soon. Ivory has a very calm manner and is able to help you through spiritual dilemmas, understand your own spiritual awakening, moves to the next level spiritually, as well as explaining unusual occurrences you may be experiencing.

Though Ivory can give Reiki, she prefers providing QiGong energy healing as she has learned that it is much more powerful. With Qigong, she can heal people of very serious ailments that western medicine cannot. She specializes in helping people who are survivors of abuse, persons with addictions, and many physical and emotional issues. She has been giving Qigong energy healing treatments for over 17 years.

Other types of healing that Ivory offers are Tapping; and Sound/Energy healing.

United States
Songs that heal, channeled by Ivory