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Marseille Kamaletdinov

Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in the field of investments and treatment of oncological diseases with the help of astrology. I work for an Indian astrologer astrology school in Odessa, Ukraine: answer any given question, and do all kinds of astrological works, including horoscopes.

Astrology - the most ancient extant areas of human knowledge. It considers any phenomenon, any process in unity with the rest of the world, based on the fact that everything in the world is interconnected and that the phenomenon is happening on the same level as, say, in the human body, like the phenomenon of what is happening at the same time, on another level, for example, , in heaven or in the state.Thus, astrology establishes a symbolic reflection of events occurring on different planes, being a descriptive tool, ie, Astrology - it is the language of symbols. It is like mathematics, which is also a language of symbols, because the number - an abstraction and character! Science uses mathematics as a language! That's the same Astrology - is the language of symbols to describe the reality of the event!


The answer to virtually any question asked, for example:

1. Is there any hope to get rich, and in what way?

2. Life expectancy mother and father or any man?

3. The birth of a child, when, and who: a boy or a girl?

4. alive or dead, missing persons and his whereabouts?

5. Disease: what I am sick and can it be cured, and when?

6. When getting married, get married, and with a family to be a partner in marriage?

7. Signs of health and long life?

8. When have an accident?

9. Who is the thief and come back if the property owner where are my clothes? 10 10 10 Who killed this man and for what, and where the killer now?

11. The outcome of the trial: who will win - claimant or the respondent?

12. Travel: when and where to go, and for how long?

13. Employment: Do I have to change it and whether I feel good there?

14. Who is my secret enemy?

15. What type of work to choose, to get material satisfaction?

16. Will I go to jail, and by how much, and if I die there?

17. Is my wife Changes: with whom and when?

18. Can I have sex with that woman, man?

19 Do I need to buy or sell this thing, or property?

20. Is this news or rumors true?

21. What kind of sports do me to become famous?

22. Will there be a dispute victory for me?

23 Is my ability to conceive a child and a wife of sex?

24. Is this person will recover or die, and when this happens?

25. Curse of the deities whom they are called - the souls of deceased or alive?

26. The sign of poverty and its causes?

27. How can I win the favor of women or men?

28. How do I achieve success in life, in work, reputation, love?

29. Treatment of complicated and mysterious diseases, against which medicine is powerless,

As well as the solution to many questions that can not be answered.

As well as the construction of horoscopes that will surely stand on the path of life and assist in the implementation of the interests of the individual and his desires to assist in any situation that will bring him good!

I can be reached on Skype too at marsel-kami

Dr Jeff Prystupa

Hi my name is 'Dr. Jeff' Prystupa. I am an alternative medical doctor with 30 years experience in research and patient treatment without drugs or surgery. I have a medical background, but chose to practice alternative care. Why? Good question. Ask me that on the air for the benefit of the audience. Want an entertaining, knowledgeable, fun, and articulate guest? Contact me for contrasting views to all standing icons from medicine, politics, history, conspiracies, religion, and sex, to vaccines. The audience will love the humor, passion, and wisdom. My name is Dr. Jeff Prystupa and I approve this message.

United States

Raised in the family chemical business, I witnessed firsthand the workings of modern industry. Having abandoned a highly-promising career in medicine, by leaving my research position at Sloan-Kettering over the issue of vaccines, I then embraced alternative natural health care and its methods. A big fan of JFK, I was devastated by his assassination at age 11. He was the one who put the word 'conspiracy' into my lexicon. I have a half-century of political perspective to share. I am concerned with the mis-direction of health care, the insurance company conspiracy, and the bleak forecast for human consciousness on our endangered planet. I have done climate studies, toxicoly studies, and write on these subjects. I practice alternative care, specializing in non-responsive medical cases. Graduate of Wesleyan University, Palmer College of Chiropractic, I hold several specialties, the last being a certified yoga instructor. For a really fun show, contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Dr. Jeff Prystupa

Lisa Loving Dalton

Falling For The Stars: A Stunt Gal’s Tattle Tales

By Lisa Loving Dalton

Behind-the-Scenes Tell-All About Doubling for Celebrity Superstars Also Reveals the Compelling Life Story of an Insecure Hollywood Arrival Who Rises to the Top of Her Field, But Pays a Hefty Price

How She Sought Non-Traditional Healing to Survive Her Stunt Injuries

Amazon #1 Bestseller

Lisa Loving Dalton spent years working with or stunt doubling for a galaxy of celebrity stars including Madonna, Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Katherine Hepburn, Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman, Darryl Hannah, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr., Liam Neeson, Cher and more...

Yet, what stands out in her new book Falling For The Stars: A Stunt Gal’s Tattle Tales is the indomitable spirit she assayed, despite the extraordinary price she paid for her stellar career—including misogyny, a miscarriage, and a life-long back injury. And each juicy story she relays in her fascinating chronicle, brings home an important life lesson for the reader—one that she learned the hard way.

Beginning as a naïve, insecure actress, trying to use extra work and stunts as a way into the motion picture industry firmament, Dalton rises to become one of the top stunt professionals on the East Coast, ultimately reaping the economic rewards and the ego gratification—while denying her true desire to act full time.  Dalton appeared in more than 200 films, television shows and commercials in New York, Hollywood and Texas, including work in Ghostbusters, Money Pit, Crocodile Dundee, Married to the Mob, FX, Legal Eagles, and Splash on the big screen and  ER, HBO’s Carnivale, Dr. Quinn and Melrose Place among her many TV credits.

Yet, Falling For The Stars —already an #1 bestseller-- also provides a magical behind-the-scenes look at the stars and moviemaking through the eyes of a woman who went toe-to-toe with the Hollywood elite, or at least walked in their stunt shoes. She knows first-hand the caring and humanity of such luminaries as Streep, Redford and Cher.

Dalton reveals what it took to hang over cliffs, get hit by a moving car, drop from five stories up, dodge an avenue of speeding cars—and to ignore the Universe’s more gentle prompts that it was time to quit and follow her passion into acting fulltime or teaching acting. The resulting career-ending spinal injury has a story of its own, how she researched medical and alternative paths that form the heart of what she shares with the world today. She is now certified in NLP, Hypnosis, and Neurological Repatterning—ways she learned to heal.

With humor and candor, Dalton inspires the reader to rise above one’s fears and limitations and go for the gusto. In her book, it is very clear that she knows full well that tomorrow is promised to no one and there is no gift greater than the present. And the present is what you make of it by finding the hidden gifts. Today, she helps actors burnish their gifts by performing and teaching acting around the world.

United States

Off-duty, you might catch Lisa cruising on her BMW motorcycle with her Shih tzu, Tibby Dalton (Friend him on FB). A biker since her first stunt in 1980, she has ridden in all 50 United States and 9 Canadian Provinces.​

As a celebrity golfer with her late husband, actor Ken Kerman, she has served many charities, with favorites Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Foundation, Barbara Sinatra Abused Children’s Center and Make-a-Wish Foundation. She is a proud stepmom of two and grandma of four. S.C.U.B.A., hiking and being a bird nerd flesh out her hobby list.

From a bullied dyslexic messy freckle faced klutzy pixie, Lisa Loving Dalton grew into a statuesque and skillful stuntwoman, actor, director, teacher, author, filmmaker, leadership/ life coach, and ceremonial minister. In 1989, Lisa suffered a severe spinal injury that altered her path.

To walk and function in chronic pain, Lisa researched medical and alternative paths that form the heart of what she shares with the world today. “I spill stuff, trip and drip all of the time so I made a career out of it. My advice: Embrace what is as perfect.”” If you catch her eating, you might notice she is wearing a bib. 

Lisa Dalton appeared in over 200 films, television shows and commercials as an actor and stunt player in New York, Hollywood and Texas. Folks love her work in cult favorite “Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon” as a bad gal in Sho’nuff’s Gang.  ER, HBO’s Carnivale, Dr. Quinn and Melrose Place are some favorite TV credits.

Her stunts include hits such as Ghostbusters, Money Pit, Crocodile Dundee, Married to the Mob, FX, Legal Eagles, and Splash. She doubled Cher, Madonna, Kelly McGillis, Grace Jones and Meryl Streep. She is an award winning Director/Producer of independent fiction films. 

Lisa teaches and performs in Russia, Europe, and the Americas, on stage and film, beginning in 1976 with as a founding member. She is on the SAG-AFTRA DFW Board, President of the Tarrant County Live Theatre League, President of the National Michael Chekhov Association (; John Maxwell Founders Circle Certified Speaker, Trainer, Coach; Chris Howard Certified NLP, Hypnosis, and Neurological Repatterning.

Off-duty, you might catch Lisa cruising on her BMW motorcycle with her Shih tzu, Tibby Dalton (Friend him on FB). A biker since her first stunt in 1980, she has ridden in all 50 United States and 9 Canadian Provinces.

As a celebrity golfer with her late husband, actor Ken Kerman, she has served many charities, with favorites Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Foundation, Barbara Sinatra Abused Children’s Center and Make-a-Wish Foundation. She is a proud stepmom of two and grandma of four. S.C.U.B.A., hiking and being a bird nerd flesh out her hobby list.

Through the NMCA, Dalton and Professor Wil Kilroy developed the longest running Michael Chekhov Teacher certification track globally. Lisa was the 2014 SouthEastern Theatre Conference (SETC) Guest Master Teacher. 

In 1998, Lisa co-created the Award-winning documentary From Russia To Hollywood narrated by Gregory Peck that aired on PBS. Other DVD’s she has authored include:

·      The Michael Chekhov Workout,

·      Michael Chekhov: The Dartington Years,

·      Anthony Quinn on Chekhov. 

She is the author of: 

·      Michael Chekhov Playbook: Discovering the Complete Chart of Inspired Action

·      Murder of Talent: How Pop Culture Is Killing “IT"

·      Falling for the Stars: A Stunt Gal’s Tattle Tales

·      Atmospheres: The Soul of Storytelling  

·      SynthAnalysis@: A Multidimensional Approach to Script Analysis with Stanislavski and Michael Chekhov

·      Foreword: Acting Exercise for Non-Traditional Staging: Michael Chekhov Reimagined by Anjalee Nadkarni (2017) London: Routledge

·      Foreword: Energize: A Balancing Act by Emmanuelle Chaulet (2008) Maine, Starlight Acting Books

·      Articles: Backstage, Soul of the American Theatre and Actors Ink

Dr Nadia Judith Bijaoui

Dr. Bijaoui is an inspiration for all those surviving catastrophes whether they are comas, deep health crisis, or familial loss. She has developed health methods that touch on the mental, emotional and phyiscal areas of our lives. Bio Health Education her company insists that our health is part of a whole which includes our relationship with society. She has turned her research into a book The Other Side of the Curtain: Recovering from Deep Comal.


Dr. Nadia Judith Bijaoui was eighteen and living in the South of France when pronounced dead after a serious motorcycle accident. Yet miraculously in spite of a grave head trauma she survived. Years later she moved to the United States and tried to forget the accident. Finally, she admitted how great an effect the accident had on her life. The reason for her survival and her recovered physical and mental faculties became her secret search for understanding. She found seven reasons or elements that helped her survive. Some of those elements started in her early childhood in Tunisia. Out of ther research and survival she wrote The Other Side of the Curtain: Recovering from Deep Coma.

Maggie Wilde

Maggie Wilde is The Potentialist. She is an award winning Author, Therapist and Coach specializing in Rewiring the Mind to Achieve ultimate Potential.

Maggie is one of Australia’s leading Clinical Mindset Therapists and her books and ground breaking C P R Brain Training Programs have won Silver and Gold Internationally, being recognised in areas such as Psychology and Mental Health, Health and Wellness and more. Maggie and her client success stories are regularly featured on national and international Television including Sunrise, A Current Affair, The Daily Edition, San Diego Living and more. Also featured in print media: The Sydney Morning Herald, Woman's Day, Take 5, Woman’s Health & Fitness and the London Daily Mail Femail Edition plus hundreds of appearances on local, national and international radio.

Her programs and books include: 6 Figure Business By Design (a 6 month coaching program for Practitioners in the Wellness Industry, Mind Potential - Unzip the Fat Suit Using Your Mind, Emotional Eating Solutions, Smoking Cessation Program. Her unique brain training system (CPR = Control, Program and Rewire) empowers clients and practitioners to create the change they've desired by rewiring 3 specific levels of the brain to achieve permanent change. 


Maggie Wilde is The Potentialist. She is an award winning Author, Therapist and Coach specializing in Rewiring the Mind to Achieve ultimate Potential.

Maggie is one of Australia’s leading Clinical Mindset Therapists and her books and ground breaking C P R Brain Training Programs have won Silver and Gold Internationally, being recognised in areas such as Psychology and Mental Health, Health and Wellness and more. Maggie and her client success stories are regularly featured on national and international Television including Sunrise, A Current Affair, The Daily Edition, San Diego Living and more. Also featured in print media: The Sydney Morning Herald, Woman's Day, Take 5, Woman’s Health & Fitness and the London Daily Mail Femail Edition plus hundreds of appearances on local, national and international radio.

Wilbur Allen

How ET Enters Our Airspace

Extraterrestrial Einstein Rosen Bridge Wormhole. I've located ET portals and documented them, Now I need to do a more extensive analysis of the events and locations:


Wilbur Allen: Director of Photography (Nocturnal Scientific documentation) Spectacular Imagery National Geographic standards!

Thank you Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Buzz Aldrin, Dr. Neal Armstrong and Stephen Hawking for acknowledging Thank you MSNBC/Fox News/Politico 

Discovery Science-Animal Planet-American Heroes Channel, NBCUniversal-The Weather Channel, Country Music Television (CMT-MTV), Gary Greenfield, Billy Booth, and George Noory John B. Wells.

With the support of AVID Technologies, Boris Fx, Nikon and NASA experts/friends. Tom Arnold and CMT (MTV) whose support is deeply appreciated, Howard Stern/Riley Martin, Eron McCauley, My Redneck Family in Shreveport: The Clampetts (Tommy and Tammy). The Navajo Nation, George Noory, Fox News, CBS News, MSNBC News, Politico, National Geographic, and my Friend: Ronald Reagan, Rest in Peace, Mr. President.

The development of Extraterrestrial based color technology for Motion Pictures Special Effects, and 3D Game Development. The assimilation of color texture bitmaps from ET objects.

UFO Colors are assimilated colors from ET Technology. 3D visual effects will never be the same! 

Mike Pataki (Korax, Klingon Commander: Star Trek Trouble with Tribbles) Rest in peace.

ABC News (Washington)

AVID Media Composer 7-8 with Boris Fx BCC 8.2-9.0; High Definition Workflow. 

Motion Pictures/Broadcast Standards. Full Color Night Vision. 

I can film anywhere anytime, under available conditions.


Thank You NBCUniversal-The Weather Channel for excellent production and accurate presentation based on HD evidence. Presenting the evidence correctly Karga 7 Pictures


UFO Forensic Files on Amazon Books
Jermaine Sain

When I think about surviving the industry, one local name sticks out to me, Jermaine Sain.
He is such an inspiration.  If you don't know who he is, I'm sure in the coming years you will because he is definitely on a path to success.  Just to tell you a little about him, he is a singer/talk show host.   

He hosts a talk show in Atlanta called When We Speak which talks to local and non local musicians, singers, and entertainers....

He is also the creator of the show.  The reason why we admire him so, is because he is a leader in the field of Atlanta Entertainment by thinking outside of the box and keeping his interviews very informative and gossip free.  So check out When We Speak when you get a chance. 

United States

Jermaine Sain is the host/ creator of a talk show called When We Speak. In addition, he has released several indie music singles such as: "Look At All You've Done", "He's Done So Much", and "Get Out".

After exiting the U.S. Army in 2003, as a Medical Sergeant, Jermaine began pursuing a career in music after he auditioned for American Idol in 2005, in Austin, Texas.

In 2008, Jermaine moved to Atlanta where he has had the opportunity to provide backing vocals for Kem (Grammy nominated R&B Singer) Heart (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame), and Barry Manilow, as well as for companies such as Pink Ribbon Story Foundation and Verizon Wireless. He made his first music video appearance in Kem's Glorify The King.

Jermaine's talk show, When We Speak, caters to entertainment with a close focus on indie music professionals.

There has been some recognizable guests on the show such as:

*Terrell Carter- Actor/Singer

*LaShun Pace- Award winning Gospel Singer

*Crissy Collins- Background Singer for Beyonce

*L'Renee- Background Singer for Kem

*Trina Braxton- We TV reality show, Braxton Family Values


Penny Cote Kearns MDiv

… Harnessing the power of metaphysics

You're here. It wasn't always easy, but you did it. You are ready for your next phase. You have choices. What do you want to do? How do you want your life to look? 

It's up to you. 

This is a distinctive period in history described as a gathering for the like-minded. My endeavours offer specialised client support created to be of assistance during this exceptional period.    

I am a meta-counsellor, which is an area of practice under the umbrella of metaphysician. As such I work with the powerful principles of body, mind, and spirit to support clients as they create their lives - as they create the magic that is them.

My consultant's practice is unique.

I am a philosopher and healer, with a passion for both the fundamental study of the nature of reality as well as the more esoteric practice as a healer, advisor, and partner. 

The path of self-creation is a path to our higher, eternal, selves. Yes, it is a metaphysical journey.

Consider, for a moment, that the world of metaphysics is changed.

Contemporary metaphysical concepts are based on a philosophy where the area of study and expertise is the nature of reality.  Metaphysics is the branch of thinking that directs its attention towards the first principles of things. 

It deals with such questions as:

what is truth what is consciousness what is time what is the nature of reality what is the relationship between, body, mind, and spirit 

We all have access to this unlimited awareness.

Aside from the modern day Western world, there endures an earlier and more esoteric practice of the metaphysician. This is one who works primarily with metaphysical laws and principles. The meta-physician is a type of practitioner, teacher, explorer who influences change in the physical world by employing knowledge of the meta–world. We do this because we have found that it is possible to bring change to the physical world by using awareness that is based in the non-physical.

My vision is of a unified new world based on unconditional love and compassion. A unified world begins with a unified self. This is a personal pursuit and an understanding that I share with clients through my profession. This vocation includes life counselling, healing, teaching, and writing. I also serve as an emissary for the spiritual or metaphysical community.

I am a seeker/student who is committed to my evolving awareness. This is the basis for my practice. My expertise is founded in innate talent, life experience, and over 40 years of research and study. 

Academically I have a Bachelor's degree in Metaphysical Sciences, a Master's degree in Divinity, credentials in theosophy, and life coaching. I am an intuitive empath and a Usui Reiki Master.

I am creator of the Transformational Life Educational Resources© program, author of the book Masterpiece - Creating Your Life as a Masterpiece and contributing author of the book Holistic Fashionista Memoirs.

My company is called JPCK Metaphysical Services.  

Espavo, (This is an ancient Lemurian word that means, “Thank you for taking your power.”)



I believe I have addressed my focus and purpose for this interview in the information already provided. Briefly, though, my passion is metaphysics, my purpose is personal enlightenment, and my focus is to give back from what I have been given.

Cynthia Marie Brewer

Spread the truth for free.  No pitch, just information...

United States

I am the lady that was unwittingly used in the International Human Genome Project in 1997.  The cover story was Dolly the Sheep.  It was in reality "BRE reproductive and Brain studies", "recumbent DNA research and development", "DNA sequencing" and "cloning".  There was no noticed, informed consent or agreement.  This is shrouded in secrecy and is not a conspiracy theory, but rather conspiracy truth.  Check under NCBI Taxonomy ID 9606 and Human prototype 5001.  No facebook, twitter or social networks.  My information is always pirated and removed.