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Dr Alison J Kay

Detox Stress From Your Life

Yoga & Meditation Expert and Award Winning Author of the international best seller, Vibrational Upgrade: A Conspiracy for Your Bliss: Easing Humanity’s Evolutionary Transition

Dr. Alison J. Kay

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As fast paced as the world moves today it would be nice to detox and lose some of the stress surrounding our everyday lives. There is so much we can do for ourselves holistically to help recharge our minds, bodies, and spirit. 

We’ve all felt stuck in place at one point or overwhelmed and over stressed. Dr. Alison’s book will help you to focus on how to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, and how to relax and not take life too seriously.  

Award-winning Author Dr. Alison J. Kay has over twenty years of experience in energy medicine and can guide you through the steps to destress your life, including moving to and living and working in Asia for 10 years, while studying subtle energy and holistic health and wellness tools and longevity, in great part due to wanting then help Americans learn a different way. She can provide insight on how to live a more fulfilling, peaceful, and happy life. Her experience allows her to demonstrate how our mind, body and spirit are innately designed for optimal well-being and health.  

Dr. Alison J. Kay can answer the following questions:

* How can we easily detox the stress from our lives? 

* How is meditation simpler than we may think and key in living a peaceful and happy lifestyle?  

* What is an energy clearing and how would that help me feel lighter?

* What are a few simple holistic tools I can begin to help me feel more joy? (take out please: How does one begin to live a holistic lifestyle?) 

Meet Dr. Alison J. Kay:

* Founder of the Vibrational Upgrade System

* Yoga and Meditation Expert

* Holistic Lifestyle Strategist geared towards thriving instead of just getting by

* Chi Gong teacher trained in Asia

* Award Winning Author of  the international best seller Vibrational Upgrade: A Conspiracy for Your Bliss: Easing Humanity’s Evolutionary Transition

* Twenty years in energy medicine with satisfied folks from all across the globe, all ages, now thriving! 

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Take Life Too Seriously? This New Book Tells You How Not To

Vibrational Upgrade: A Conspiracy for Your Bliss: Easing Humanity’s Evolutionary Transition

(Tampa, FL) Award-winning author Dr. Alison J. Kay has taken her twenty years of experience in energy medicine and comprised a book demonstrating how our mind, body and spirit are innately designed for optimal well-being and health, a concept the author presents that is very much informed by her ten years living in Asia studying subtle energy and holistic health. Dr. Alison’s study and implementation of the holistic lifestyle that takes subtle energies into account over the years has provided her with the keys to a healthy and happy life, which she now shares with all of us in her latest book.

Dr. Alison is the founder of the Vibrational Upgrade System, which has garnered her the nickname “lightning bolt” as it speaks to the power one feels from her energy clearings. Dr. Alison notes that while you may not be consciously aware of the energies you will however feel the shift and notice changes in your perspective as well as your way of thinking. This is because the work Dr. Alison is doing is mostly within the unconscious and subconscious - the subtle - so it is therefore not consciously registered, and also why it has been able to seem like you’ve been blocked in one or another aspect of your life.

Dr. Alison focuses on how to move forward when feeling stuck in place, how to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, and how to relax and not take life too seriously. She provides personal transformation stories from her clients to show the different ways in which having these blocks cleared have released more of their subtle energy (chi, prana) to flow throughout their system, affecting mind, body and spirit, and even for some their spiritual awakenings, and how this all has assisted then with transforming their lives. Dr. Alison’s approach proves that the ancient system is more relevant in today’s day and age than ever before, while using cutting edge science to provide conscious understanding for clients, students and her audiences to then better manage their own systems - and have more ease in their minds, bodies, spirits and therefore lives.

She provides the tools and the supportive energetics necessary in the book to attune oneself to the greater innate, universal forces of well-being, vitality and abundance, while redirecting our perspective to see holistically and thus be able to see and make new life choices. Dr. Alison’s approach of using Chi Gong as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic principles will ensure you a new happier and more vibrant (take out healthier) lifestyle.

Meet the Author:

Dr. Alison Kay is not only an author, but also a yoga and meditation teacher trained in India and a Chi Gong teacher trained in Asia. She has spent the last twenty years teaching yoga, mind body fitness, longevity and holistic health. Dr. Alison not only teaches these concepts but she practices them in her everyday life.


We are now learning what it means to be a conscious co-creator on our planet. Where what we desire to create is NOT out of reach, instead it is completely within our power to learn how to, with increasing ease and comfort and adeptness, choose FOR ourselves, our lives, our living, our communities, our planet and less choosing AGAINST all that we desire. 

Those of us on the cutting edge have spent the past few years clearing out the unconscious blocks to being more able to go for what it is we desire, and where we’ve sabotaged our own thriving, so that by now, anything that remains in the way of you choosing more of what you desire to birth is more subtle and nuanced. 

We’ll be addressing these more nuanced aspects of how we’ve been programmed to not believe nor go for what it is we really want, and instead continue to exist within the new level of status-quo the past few years of work in consciousness has created. How do we go for more than we ever have before? How do we allow ourselves to move forward into unknown newness even while our little ego-mind is programmed to prefer the familiar? How do we open up our systems to have a more finely attuned receptivity that pulls towards us more support, guidance, and power to create what it is we’re desiring? All of this, including Clearings and Activations with high vibration downloads and transmissions, and more we’ll be playing with - so come play and free up even more of you!


Dr. Alison J. Kay is a Master Mind-Body Energy Medicine practitioner for more than twenty years. A world-traveler who was also both a teacher and administrator within The International School System in Asia for ten years, she intensively studied ancient practices that work with subtle energies & holistic health practices while there. Before, during, and currently she facilitates outrageously rewarding energy medicine sessions for clients worldwide - which has earned her the nickname “lightning bolt” due to the voltage behind her vibrations that she then uses on behalf of her clients.

She is the founder of the Vibrational UPgrade System and her more than twenty years of experience includes working in and teaching yoga, meditation, chi gong, energy medicine, mind body fitness, fitness nutrition, longevity and holistic health with a specialized focus on the chakra system.

Dr. Alison is considered one of the leading experts on using the chakra system as the road map for thriving in mind body and spirit, while applied in a unique way. She authored her cornerstone book What If There's Nothing Wrong? in 2013 and on July 26, 2016 she released her second book Vibrational UPgrade - A Conspiracy for Your Bliss; Easing Humanity's Evolutionary Transition that has since become a #1 international best-seller. She is launching new programs all the time in an attempt to satisfy the demand and to be able to get this highly potent work out to more people.

John Naughton

My journey began with an interpretation of the prophecy "The Revelation of Christ" and ended unlocking the code originally written into the Bible. There are three locks that reldease the code originally written into it. The three locks are - Revelations, the parables and Genesis. The story that these three part os the Bible tell is about the Evolution thru Creation of the Collective Spirit and Consciousness of mankind. The hidden hand of the story is the healing of the broken spirit which exists in each of us individually and all of mankind collectively.

United States

Through the gift to interpret dreams, visions and priophecies the prophecy was interpretted. 

After completing a masters degree and then working in industry of 20 years Phoenix left his career to assist his arents in their golden years. This is when he realized he could interpret the prophecy.

Revelations - Your Role in God's Plan to Replace Darkness with Light
Margot Esther Borden

I would like to be interviewed on my work as an integral psychotherapist and on my forthcoming book Psychology in the Light of the East:

How can we realize our full potential? Is the answer found in the scientific approach and rigor of Western psychology or in the esoteric wisdom of the East? The answer lies somewhere in between.

This book offers a comprehensive view of existing schools and further possibilities for psycho-spiritual development. Students and practitioners of psychology will find useful perspectives and resources for development and practice of an integral approach. Those seeking self-discovery and healing will gain a deep, holistic understanding, enabling them to choose a method and a practitioner to walk alongside them.

Ultimately this is the story of the author’s search for truth—from the evolution of psycho-spiritual beliefs in East and West, to her own psychological development, spiritual growth, research and thirty years of clinical practice accompanying individuals in their quest. Margot Borden realized that the general perception and corresponding approaches to psychology were too limited. In some cases the full human element was missing and, in others, the spiritual. Eastern and Western models of Integral Psychology close this gap, offering wonderful and limitless possibilities.

Psychology in the Light of the East conveys a vision of human potential and psychology that transcends the borders of East and West and opens the scope for a multi-dimensional, pluri-disciplinary and inclusive theory and practice for psychology. The reader is invited to go beyond current psychological scopes of treating symptoms or simple well-being, toward an invitation and means for transformation from ego to soul-consciousness.


Margot Esther Borden is a psychotherapist, coach and author. Her publications include: Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradigm (Springer, 2010) and Psychology in the Light of the East (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017). Her work is based on a practical and non-denominational understanding of spirituality which opens doors and invites others to deep healing and a life of congruence, meaning and fulfillment for people, organizations and the planet. Margot is based in Mumbai and consults on Skype and in-person in India, Europe and the U.S.

Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradigm
Sharon Brown

We are suing the state of California over mandatory vaccination.  In connection with our lawsuit to halt mandatory vaccination, we are very excited to announce that my office today filed a Notice of Appeal with the L.A. Superior Court! In other words, our appeal is officially filed! “Game On!”

The Triple RRR Executive Team and I are thrilled because we believe our appeal we will create legal precedent that will apply to all Californians concerning #SB277 -- which calls for mandatory vaccination -- which we believe is flat-out unconstitutional.

Candidly, though we were disappointed with the trial court ruling, we’ve always known that one side would surely appeal -- and we've always been committed to go the distance. And now, the issues surrounding mandatory vaccination will be decided by the Second Appellate District in DTLA, (a district that we believe will side with us). 

On appeal, our legal argument is simple and straightforward -- the state cannot mandate that schoolchildren undergo medical procedures that come with known and appreciable risks. There must be a right to opt-out! No California court has ever decided this legal issue and we believe we will indeed set precedent. (Note, our lawsuit is the only SB277 case on appeal, and the ruling in our appeal will likely affect all other SB277 legal claims.)

On a very serious note, my clients know what lay at stake. The ruling on appeal will either (a) usher-in the Holocaust, or (b) bring a halt to medical tyranny. My clients are wholeheartedly committed to bringing a halt to medical tyranny in California. And I do believe we have the winning argument -- the state cannot mandate that schoolchildren undergo medical procedures that come with known and appreciable risks. Period!! Thank you for all your positive thoughts, prayers, and all the questions. Your support has been overwhelming!

United States

Plaintiff - Parent of two beatiful children. 

Patricia Bokowski

My MISSION: Inspire, Style & Motivate the Masses!

I've been interviewed a few times before on the radio and once on a cable TV channel.  I love inspiring people to feel and look their best. I've done some public speaking, and I have a lot to talk about!

United States

Patricia is known for her winning smile, genuine charm, and ease at working with her clients. She is friendly and an utmost professional.  After a successful shopping trip with Patricia, her clients walk away with fabulous new clothes, fashion tips and a shot of inspiration. Patricia has a proven talent for easily and effectively handling challenging tasks and requests, and is always eager to assist wherever possible.  She excels at problem-solving and creative thinking. She is a true leader and knows how to motivate people.

John Stewart and Margaret Shetz

John Stewart and Margaret (Maggie) Shetz are a husband and wife team who founded Intuitive Consultants in 2010. They approach intuition from a scientific perspective. As seekers of knowledge, they are perpetual students and explorers of the unknown. They have a love for learning and a deep interest in human consciousness. John and Maggie especially enjoy assisting people to make positive changes in their lives.

Maggie and John have been interviewed by several National talk radio programs and their successful work has appeared in newsprint articles.

Maggie is a Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) and owner of Lancaster Hypnotherapy LLC., where she assists clients to achieve their highest creative potentials and guides them to overcome emotional, mental or behavioral challenges. She also provides Past Life Regression to enable clients to explore details of a possible past lives. She is also a member of American Mensa.

John is an advanced practitioner of Controlled Remote Viewing, (CRV) which is a US military style of intuitive intelligence gathering developed during the Cold War. CRV helps clients to locate lost pets, valuables, people and forecasts future events. The International Remote Viewers Association (IRVA) has recognized Intuitive Consultants for their outstanding work in the field of CRV.

John and Maggie perform clairvoyant readings as a team, combining their individual perspectives and offering insights into personal issues such as finances, relationships, family, career, health and spiritual growth. They also offer Psychic Development Classes, Lectures and Psychic parties.


John Stewart and Margaret (Maggie) Shetz are a husband and wife team who founded Intuitive Consultants in 2010. They approach intuition from a scientific perspective. As seekers of knowledge, they are perpetual students and explorers of the unknown. They have a love for learning and a deep interest in human consciousness. John and Maggie especially enjoy assisting people to make positive changes in their lives.

Meg Beeler

Meg Beeler, internationally known Shamanic Guide, author, Energy Alchemy expert, and founder of Earth Caretakers, translates ancient wisdom into potent practices for connecting with the powers of nature, spirit, and the universe.

Meg weaves shamanic practice, energy-shifting tools, ancient prophesy, and meditations for changing consciousness into her interviews and conversations. She wants you to experience the joy, connection, and power that come from expanding your relationship with the Earth and the Cosmos.  


Meg Beeler, Shamanic Guide, expertly weaves her Energy Alchemy™ and Shamanic Meditation to guide seekers into joyful connection, soul healing, and luminous presence. She is the author of Living in the Heart of the Universe: Expanding Your Relationship with Earth and the Cosmos. A lifelong explorer of wholeness and consciousness, Meg traveled the world in search of traditional and shamanic wisdom. She’s been to the high mountains of the Andes and Himalayas, the savannahs of Africa, and the jungles of the Amazon. In each place she has discovered and put into practice the joy, connection and power she shares with you through her work. Meg translates this ancient wisdom into potent practices for connecting with the power of nature and the cosmos. She is founder of Earth Caretakers, dedicated to bringing to life our collective dream of a more beautiful world. She lives and teaches on Sonoma Mountain in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Ellena Lynn Lieberman

In The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation, Ellena Lynn Lieberman reveals through her loving mastery of spirit, how you can actualize the Divine Force of your full potential. When everything you manifest draws from the authentic adoration and grace that is the ultimate transmission of your life and you are aware of this orchestration physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually, you are totally in abundance. 

The book lays the spiritual foundation for dynamic manifestation in every facet of life with exceptional clarity. Using step by step processes and principles, you elevate the frequency of your being into the positive, loving force of the supernal or Divine Heart. From this new inner state, you form your world filled with the illumination of the inner Creator. Your physical life now becomes the parable for the beauty and richness of elevated awareness. Within this state of grace you lift your debts, including the financial, and vivify your universe with blessings.


With steadfast commitment, Ellena Lynn Lieberman has devoted 26 years inspiring others to realize inner growth through the transformational process of accessing The Akashic Records. She is the author of “The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation As Received Through the Akashic Records.” Her sensitivity to internal spiritual forces that shape all physical reality has afforded her widespread public notice.  She has appeared on national and local broadcast media throughout North and South America. Ellena has personally taught and mentored several generations of teachers through her Akashic Records classes. Since that time, a number of authors and institutes have developed from the early classes she taught throughout the USA, Argentina, and Curacao (Dutch Antilles.) As a trained vocalist and actress, she places great emphasis on centering in the creative power surging from The Divine.  Her true artistry lies in awakening others to the magnitude of the gifts held within the sanctity of the heart.

Ellena is a founding member of Akashic Records Consultants International. She has been written up in “USA Today” and “The Pioneer Press” a division of “The Chicago Sun Times.” She has appeared on television on Canal Infinito, hosted by the famous investigative reporter Horatio Embon, in Argentina, which aired throughout South America and Miami, interviewed for “Un Mismo” Magazine in Argentina as well as the new age journal “Star People for Ascension” in Japan. She has had repeat interviews on many radio shows in the States such as “The Enrichment Hour” hosted by Mike Schwager on Sedona Talk Radio co-featuring author Thomas Moore. She was honoured to be a featured guest speaker at Chicago IANDS/iSEE (International Association for the Study of Near Death/Exceptional Experiences), an organization featuring authors and producers such as John St. Augustine, Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show. Rob McConnell interviews her on the provocative “X-Zone Radio Show,” as well as Anthony Brice on his show “Six Degrees” on Law of Attraction radio. Ellena was invited to speak on “The Temple of Health” radio show hosted by famous reconstructive surgeon Dr. Susan Kolb.  On Transformation Talk Radio Network, Ellena was interviewed by the fog city psychic, Karen Henry on “Out of the Fog,” as well as being heard on “Creative Consciousness Radio Show” hosted by Cabrini Greco.

Ellena has been a presenter and guest speaker for the annual conference of Akashic Records Consultants International for many years as well as other spiritual and religious organizations.

Ellena was honoured to be interviewed on the former “Dialogues with the Masters Series” by Chris and Janet Attwood, New York Times bestselling authors of The Passion Test. Ellena was a featured guest speaker at The Sisterhood Summit with Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and a star in The Secret, Janet Attwood, author of the best seller, The Passion Test, Debra Halperin-Poneman, bestselling author of Chicken Soup of the American Idol Soul.  Ellena’s work is showcased in Marci’s new international best-seller, Love For No Reason.

In The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation, she reveals through her loving mastery of spirit, how you can actualize the Divine Force of your full potential.  “When everything you manifest draws from the authentic adoration and grace that is the ultimate transmission of your life and you are aware of this orchestration physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually, you are totally in abundance.” The book has now received rave endorsements by Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times best-selling author, Janet Attwood, New York Times bestselling author, and Debra Halperin-Poneman, best selling co-author with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.

Simultaneously with her spiritual calling, Ellena has created and performs a concert series “A Golden Treasury of Vintage Songs” in Florida, Chicago, and New York. Trained in classical voice and acting, she is noted for her warm engaging stage presence, professionalism, and rich Soprano voice.

The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation As Received by the Akashic Records
Amy Toy

Interview Me! I've had TWO Near Death Experiences (NDE)


My name is Amy Toy; Intuitive Counselor, Past Life Regression Therapist, Integrated Energy Therapy® Practitioner, Angelic Healer, Oracle Reader, Psychic Medium, Reiki Healer, and Radio Show Host.

I have been doing readings and corresponding with the angelic realm for over 30 years, and very adept at channeling angelic energy in a healing. I've had clear cognition of connecting to source energy since the age of three, and by fourteen I was proficient with tarot readings. My connection to the Divine was further heightened by not one, but TWO Near Death Experiences (NDE).

The second NDE re-opened my transcendental gifts. However, I suppressed these spiritual gifts because it was ingrained in me, that it was evil and not from the God. Later in life I discovered through my life's journey and soul searching that religion is used to bring us closer to ourselves, purpose, and Source. It was during my profound second NDE, I recognized that I was truly surrounded by God’s messengers; the Angels. From that point forward I harnessed my power enhancing my super natural gifts, and continually expend my knowledge through connecting with the angelic realm.

I consider it nothing less than an honor and a privilege to help those in need, have no doubt this is my very purpose in life. It gladdens my heart to be of service to those individuals from all walks of life! I have a unique way of looking at things, which enables me to understand any problems or issues that you may be currently facing, and to work with you towards finding a resolution that is in harmony with the greater good for all concerned.

I have many psychic gifts to help you on your path! Included but not limited to: Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairgustance, Empathic, Mediumship, Healer, Dream Interpretater, Pet Psychic and of course her very special connection to the Angelic realm. From time to time, I utilize the tarot and/or Angel cards to help you gain further clarity and understanding in any of life.

Let's connect and schedule a date for me to be on your show.