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Benjamin Davis Jr

My 3 books are currently rising in sales and interest to readers in the UFU Abduction and Military interaction with ET's and Top Secret Programs exposed with actual US PATENTS and FOIA de-classified reports., along with my personnel files during my Army enlistment at the end of the Vietnam War. After 42 years of documenting and researching related stories, I decided to write the true story of my involvement with benevolent ET help to reacquire a DEW from the Army R&D department as the 'Incident at Fort Polk' ensued and making this author a Targeted Individual for life.


This author was born in Madison, Florida, on March 14, 1955 and the only son of a former WWII, US Navy Frogman (SEAL). Educated in Creative Writing Degree at Full Sail University (2010-2012), studied web design and computer programming for 2 years at Daytona State College (before name change DBCC), and a graduate of Leon High School in Tallahassee, Florida, that he studied architecture for 3 years with a 4.0 GPA, was a 3 time letterman in track and field and played on the Class 4A State Championship Finals game in football.

After graduating, enrolling at TCC studying math and basic courses and dropped out, then getting a letter from the Selective Service Act notifying of his draft (#4) selection. Ben then avoided the draft by going to the Army recruiter station, was tested and sent to Jacksonville for physical exam, then 30 days later enlisted as a volunteer into the US Army and sent to Basic and AIT training as a 12B20 Combat Engineer, then stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana, under the 5th Infantry Division, 1st Brigade, 7th Combat Engineers unit.

For finding out the TRUTH about the SECRET programs, Secret Space Programs (SSP’s), Nano-sized Biological Mind Control Weapons, NSA/CIA NWO Agendas, Remote, Wireless, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind Controlled “takedown” Program, IS exposed here... “Invisible" to every human on the planet!

It's About Time: Incident at Fort Polk
Laura Baxter

Do You Have any “Divas” in Your Life?

You are not alone! Divas and other difficult people rob us of precious time and energy. They make us feel small and insecure. They cause conflicts, frustration, anger, and even fear. 

In a world where having productive relationships and effective communication means the difference between success and absolute failure, you need tools that will help you remain calm, confident, and focused on the task at hand, so that you accomplish your goals -- regardless of any conflict that may be going on around you. 

Laura Baxter’s new book Dealing with Divas and Other Difficult Personalities helps you do just that. It gives you the tools you need to remain calm, centered, and focused when you are dealing with difficult people, and it gives the tools you need to better communicate so that you reach your goals with success.


Laura Baxter, opera singer and performance coach, has studied the effects of the voice and body on non-verbal communication and leadership for over 25 years with a focus on Presence. She brings this experience together to help her clients perform and communicate better. In addition to her many stage performances, Laura was the singing voice of Faye Dunaway in the feature film The Handmade’s Tale. A recipient of the prestigious Louis Sudler Award for the Arts at Emory University, Laura is coauthor of several German books, and her new book Dealing with Divas and other Difficult Personalities: A Mindful Approach to Improving Relationships in Your Business or Organization will be released June 2017!

Darleen Mama Miller

The Wisdom Evolution --- or WE


One of my favorite philosophies of life was stated in a quote by Yoganonda---It states; "You must not let your life run in the ordinary way.  Do something that no one else has done; something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you."

Growing up as an only child, I lived in a 3 generational family sharing moments of joy, grief in the complications of war, economic adversity and disappointment.  This was an accepted norm of life.

I found myself in a caregiving role with mother and grandparents. Excellence in sports and academics were my escape at that time.   Church services every Sunday created my foundation about religion and spirituality.  Many times, I fell asleep in the pews of the church but that was also a normal expectation of the times for me.

In my fantasies, I would dream about stage performances, being a concert pianist, and creating activities for  entertaining my active imagination.    

However, as luck would have it, my caregiving responsibilities  continued throughout my lifetime with my aging grandparents, mother, husband and 3 children as well as fulfilling my teaching degree.  It seemed I never had time to stop and smell the roses---just for me.   However, after my husband's bout with a 12 year illness of Cancer and diabetes ended, I created a workbook  designed to nurture and support the broad  category of Caregivers.  

This is only the tip of the iceberg.  My life's experiences have all been stepping stones to a greater self awareness of my creative choices.

Jason Quitt

A graduate of the Institute of Energy Wellness, and a student of Algonquin Shamanism, Jason has been training and working with many teachers, shamans, and traditional healers from around the world.

Jason is also the author and teacher of “Egyptian Postures of Power” & “The Yosef Codes” methods of personal healing and practice.  As a channeller of universal and dimensional energies of healing, Jason combines these methods and modalities of energy medicine, shamanism, and dowsing to assist those on their own personal paths of healing and enlightenment.

Jason is currently working on Tesla Magazine, TeslaMania Exposition & The Healing Field Documentary.

Jason Quitt

A graduate of the Institute of Energy Wellness, and a student of Algonquin Shamanism, Jason has been training and working with many teachers, shamans, and traditional healers from around the world.

Jason is also the author and teacher of “Egyptian Postures of Power” & “The Yosef Codes” methods of personal healing and practice.  As a channeller of universal and dimensional energies of healing, Jason combines these methods and modalities of energy medicine, shamanism, and dowsing to assist those on their own personal paths of healing and enlightenment.

Jason is currently working on Tesla Magazine, TeslaMania Exposition & The Healing Field Documentary.

Irene Keene

I handle publicity for author/philosopher Benedict Beckeld, Ph.D. Dr. Beckeld is in the final stage of completing the manuscript of his next work, The Hatred of Home: A Brief Analysis of Western Oikophobia. I believe your listeners would be interested in how oikophobia is relevant to current events nationally, and worldwide.

The Hatred of Home, according to Dr. Beckeld, "is primarily a work of political philosophy, but also contains material that concerns history, sociology, and ancient and modern literature. It explores the term oikophobia, that tendency, very common today, of disparagement of one's own culture. Examining this idea, especially widespread among intellectuals and the young, leads to a look at how Western civilizations and cultures develop, from rather naïve and self-promoting beginnings to a state of self-loathing and decline."
Recently, Dr. Beckeld was heard on the Nothing Off Limits podcast in which he discussed a variety of topics;
Meanwhile, Dr. Beckeld can also talk about his most recent book, Art & Aesthetics: a Promenade ab Homine (Lux Classic), featuring essays that examine, via a philosophical prism, modern art and artists, architecture, and aesthetic education. His other forthcoming work is Kalahari Singing, a memoir about his 2012 experience as a volunteer teacher in Otjombinde, Namibia, living in a small village with the Herero tribe in the Kalahari Desert. Here are possible talking points about these two titles:
Art & Aesthetics
-  Why my collaborator and I decided to combine philosophy with music (using the old to create the new)
- The development of music since antiquity and why the peak of Western music has come and gone
- Why architecture is the only art form that will always be well and dynamic
- How young creative persons must learn to use past achievements without being slaves to them
- The lack of coherent artistic movements through social fragmentation
- The academic-scientific approach to literature and how science cannot understand the artistic in any meaningful way
- The meaning of "ab homine" (in the subtitle), as opposed to "ad hominem"
- The triumph of "interactive-analytical" over "authoritarian-memorative" education, while in fact we need a balance between the two 
- The history of perspectivism and its unfortunate triumph over any objective truth
Kalahari Singing
- the framework and main story arc of my memoir Kalahari Singing (perhaps without spoilers about the end)
- the customs and current situation of the Herero tribe, with whom I lived
- the tragic history of that tribe, which included being a victim of what was arguably the 20th century's first genocide (at the hands of the Germans)
- the educational problems and severe levels of corporal punishment holding students back
- the nature of volunteering in the developing world
- the narcissism of Western volunteers
- how a sometimes exaggerated sense of political correctness renders a lot of useful aid impossible
- the misappropriation of small-scale financial donations to local schools
- the flora and especially amazing African fauna of the area
- the attitude of the locals to wild animals (often more hostile than that of conservationists)   

A native of Sweden, Dr. Beckeld, 37, received his education in the United States and abroad. His Ph.D. is in Philosophy and Classics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany; he later taught those subjects while working as a professor at the American University of Paris. He has published books and articles on philosophical and socio-cultural issues, and has appeared on radio and television as an expert panelist. In addition to writing Dr. Beckeld, who resides in New York, is a noted expert in Ancient Greek and Roman culture, and European culture. Fluent in seven languages, he is a fitness enthusiast, and plays the violin.

Lisa Barnett

From Questioning to Knowing:

73 Prayers to Transform Your Life

By Lisa Barnett

The Guardians of the Akashic Records Offer Prayers Imbued With Source Energy To Quickly Transform Whatever is Holding You Back in Life

Dear BBS Host:

When Lisa Barnett wrote The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records, she knew that she had an instant success on her hands. Rocketing to bestseller, it helped people to understand that there is a universal archive of our infinite soul’s journey through the millennia and the dimensions. Furthermore, it can be accessed to understand and help course-correct in this lifetime.

Barnett, the internationally renowned founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, has been teaching people how to connect with the Akashic Masters for many years. But she also spent 10 years as a prayer practitioner at the Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, guiding people to the right prayers to seek intervention for specific issues in their lives.

So, was it any surprise when the Akashic Beings of Light metaphorically tapped Barnett on the shoulder and asked her to bring forth a series of powerful, Source-imbued prayers that help people turn their lives around? Indeed they did! And that’s how From Questioning to Knowing: 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life was born. 

With a foreword from Jack Canfield, this book provides illumination for those seeking to end pain, suffering, financial strain and the feeling of being trapped in their own lives – and to take a leap forward into a new state of being. Notes Canfield, “It’s no accident, but rather divine timing, that Lisa has written this book now, when so many have unanswered questions. By simply reading a prayer, every page of his book can transform you effortlessly from where you are to where you feel loved and supported.”

Here’s how the Akashic Beings of Light expressed it through Barnett: “When your readers chose to say a prayer, they are connecting to us...They will energetically access their soul’s library...receiving guidance from us as the divine messengers. We are here to guide and help humanity remember the truth of their infinite souls. We are here to support you in releasing old beliefs or karma stuck outside of time (from previous lives) blocking your progress or to understand more about your soul purposes and gifts.”

Barnett thus covers a great deal of territory in this book. Interlaced with explanations of how and why the information in the Akashic records can impact your life today, specific stories of how these prayers changed the lives of her clients, and how her own gift of inter-dimensional connection evolved out of her pain and searching, From Questioning to Knowing, provides the answers to the questions that--until now--have not been answerable—why you are stuck where you are and how to move forward, grow, expand and be happy.

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more. There are also prayers for healing from Abuse, Dysfunctional Family Relationships, Physical Pain/Illness and one specifically for Cancer.

Along the way, Barnett addresses:

How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light

The influence ancestral lineage may have on you

The way to unblock chakras using prayer

How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive

To interview Lisa Barnett on From Questioning to Knowing and the gift of these prayers from the Akashic Masters, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Lisa Barnett has devoted her life as a divine channel to help people connect to their divinity and receive the soul guidance they are searching for to heal and transform their lives. She has spent more than ten years as a Religious Science Certified Practitioner, R.S.c.P., where she offered healing prayer treatment to the congregations and served as vice president on the board of directors at Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living in California.

Lisa is the internationally recognized bestselling author of "The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records" and her newest book “From Questioning to Knowing – 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life”.  She is also the founder and head teacher of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, an internationally recognized school where students can learn to access their soul wisdom and guidance from their personal Akashic Records along with numerous healing tools, meditation, and prayer systems. The school has thousands of students worldwide with dozens of certified consultants and teachers.

Lisa has more than twenty-five years of experience in the spiritual healing forum and is a master of many healing modalities. Her specialty is empowering individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, health, and ease by helping them align with their soul path, understand their soul contracts, and complete their karma and vows.

She has developed many amazing programs to help ordinary people experience lasting transformation, including ten written and auditory courses, dozens of meditations, and she offers frequent webinars to teach people around the world how to access their Akashic Record.  The goal of all of these programs and books is to share the tools and prayers from the Akashic Records to help her clients and students at a soul level create the life their hearts and souls desire.

Bernadette Di Gabriele

Beliefs are a large part of our reality. Have you ever felt unworthy of love, success, or happiness? Have you ever wondered why you have repeated negative thought or behavior patterns? 

The interesting thing about some beliefs is that they carry over from one life to the next. This is how family curses and genetic imbalances travel from one generation to another. The good news is there is a way to break the cycle, and I can help. 

In my eyes there are no limits, our potential is infinite, and our destiny is ours to design. Guiding individuals toward embracing their truths, discovering their passions, and living a balanced happy life is what I am here to do. 


Autumn is my favorite time of year; perhaps that is because I was born into a big family, living in a small, upstate New York town, during this fabulous season. I am number six of seven children and ironically, I am now a mother of eight amazingly unique individuals. I love to write, teach, speak, inspire, motivate, and create. For me there are no limits, our potential is infinite, and our destiny is ours to design. Guiding individuals toward embracing their truths, discovering their passions, and living a balanced happy life is what I am here to do. Hello, I am Bernadette Di Gabriele and it is a great pleasure to meet you.

To begin, I grew up in a strict catholic home and realized early on that structured religion was not for me. It was in my mid-teen years that I had the chance to venture out and discover other religious mindsets. In my early twenties, I decided to dedicate myself to Christianity, moved to a small Tennessee town, and became an ordained Spiritual Teacher under the Church of God. During this time, I co-partnered a business heading the departments of Human Resources and Operations, while singing in and co-pastoring at a small church - where my primary focus was relationship enhancement, family services and youth counseling.

Still feeling unsettled about my spiritual beliefs, I began researching deeper into other philosophies and quickly became intrigued by the diversities and similarities I had discovered. I was now in my late twenties, finding myself at a major crossroad. Feeling desperate and trapped in a life of falsities, instability and uncertainty, I stumbled upon a spiritual weekend intensive that impacted my life so significantly that I had no choice but to make effective, necessary changes. I allowed my mind to embrace the idea of universal energies, I opened myself up to accept my gifts and passions, and I embarked on a new journey set to understand and grow what I knew was innate to me.

Through my studies, I have realized that there are very few absolutes, however, those that exist are irrefutable. I particularly enjoy working with one of these rarities, as I find discovering its power and ability invigorating. What is this captivating absolute, you ask? The answer is energy. Being a Usui Reiki Master and Theta Energy Practitioner, I tap into the power of this phenomenon in order to help others restore balance in their lives; ultimately creating happiness.

Today, my path of discovery has brought me to a place where my heartfelt desire is to assist others in achieving their goals, both personally and professionally. My recipe, well, I take my experience, passion and divine impartations, then I combine those elements with my behavioral science, communications, and, spiritual education and background. Adding these components together equals valuable guidance for individuals toward realizing and reaching their highest potential. Together we can make discoveries that will forever impact your life, setting you on a path to design your destiny one intention at a time. 

keith long

Casey Anthony during her trial for capital murder in Orlando, Florida.           

George Anthony pondering the prosecution case against his daughter, Casey. 

“Sex Abuse Victim in America:

Prosecuted by the Justice System, Shunned by the Culture”

We All Made Her “The Most Hated Woman in America”

I can’t say why I was attracted to the televised trial of the most hated woman in America in 2011. It may have been because every time I turned on the television or checked my Twitter feed, she was there in front of me. There were 600 media outlets credentialed by the court covering the trial. The Miami Herald, and Washington Post live-streamed courtroom video, in an all-out effort to grab market share away from HLN’s gavel-to-gavel coverage. I have to say, despite multiple apps available, I followed the trial on HLN, led by Nancy Grace. Nancy’s audience totaled the most viewers watching to learn the jury’s decision {5.2 million}. Fox attracted 3 million, CNN had 2.3 million, and MSNBC registered nearly 1 million.

There was a lot of stuff being reported in the media to generate that kind of interest. Casey Anthony’s demeanor during the trial called up photographs that were carried all over the country picturing her having a blast at a nightclub just a few days after witnessing the death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee. She never reported Caylee’s death, and her own mother eventually had to call police to report Caylee missing. After her arrest, the twenty-two-year-old single mom lied to police about where she worked when her daughter disappeared, and she insisted to investigators that a fictitious nanny kidnapped her deceased daughter. I was among the throng watching coverage of the five-month search for her daughter, while she repeatedly insisted Caylee was alive. I was glued to the TV when news broke that Caylee’s body was discovered just blocks from her home. Jeff Ashton, the assistant prosecutor, seemed to understate the obvious when he said simply, “If a mother doesn’t report the death of her child, she must be guilty.”

By the time her trial started in Orlando, the courtroom had already rivaled nearby Disney World as a tourist destination. The 50 public seats in the courtroom’s balcony were the hottest tickets in town. Visitors literally fought one another for seats to watch what Time magazine had already headlined as the “social media trial of the century.” There were occasional comparisons in the press to another “trial of the century,” the OJ trial, as the only comparable criminal trial in memory to generate as much public interest. Fair to say, it seemed apparent that not one of the millions of trial watchers, myself included, gave any thought to the likelihood of a “not guilty” outcome for Casey Anthony.

Quite literally, all the talk I heard about the trial seemed to believe the outcome was already known. Mid-trial, Time magazine invited readers to visualize her execution: “Virtually no one doubts that Anthony was involved in her child’s death,” then added, “but if you see murder in Casey Anthony’s big brown eyes during a live feed of her trial, you can tell all the world how delectable you will find her execution.” The court of public opinion anticipated a slam dunk guilty decision, followed by an all but certain death penalty for the Tot Mom, Casey Anthony.

The jury of twelve took barely a single day to make their decision. The moment after the verdict was announced, Kim Kardashian squeezed 140 characters into her tweet and spoke for virtually everyone, “What!!!???!!!! Casey Anthony found not guilty!!!! I am speechless!!!”

News of the jury’s inexplicable decision to acquit Casey Anthony was the largest shared virtual experience up to that time, as the nation was transfixed with Twitter feeds and Facebook posts which spread the news instantly. The media post mortems of the case were reflected in public statements issued by the trial judge and prosecutor. Judge Belvin Perry said, “I was surprised, shocked and in disbelief at reading the verdict. There was sufficient evidence to sustain a verdict of murder in the first degree in this case.“ Jeff Ashton, the deflated assistant prosecutor faced the cameras with his team and said, “The acquittal was the work of a jury that didn’t believe Casey deserved any punishment. But they gave a lot of thought and discussion about what movies they wanted to see.”

My investigative journalist’s antennae went up on the first day of the trial. Now with the trial over, I was ready to move on with other important stories that fuel the interest of journalists like me. I did have a lingering question about the trial: “OK, who did the jury think killed Caylee?” I watched an interview with the jury foreman who told a national television audience that the jury had considerable discussions surrounding that very question: If it wasn’t Casey, who was the killer of Caylee? I found it disconcerting that the only alternative person of interest who raised serious suspicions for the jury was George, Casey’s admittedly “bad actor” father.

Her parents were already on a lot of people’s radar screen. For one thing, many found it more than a little odd that George was the state’s chief witness against his daughter, and he testified in a way that seemed to delight in assuring her conviction; it seemed to many he relished a death sentence for his own daughter. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, was also a prosecution witness, and in the opinion of many, she committed perjury on the stand. She and George sat together and watched the trial as partners. It did appear their sentiment for the outcome was the same as the public’s, and the prosecutors. It caught my attention that both parents seemed willing contributors to a likely death sentence for their twenty-something daughter.

I thought, wow, there must be some really bad stuff in their daughter’s background to justify parents’ betrayal of their own flesh and blood. Who killed Caylee Anthony? I couldn’t help myself, this is like, what I do.

I took a deep dive into the trial record from the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Orlando. In a few words, my investigation found that prosecutors had more evidence pointing to Casey’s father, George, than to the single-mom they charged with the murder of two-year-old, Caylee. They also had overwhelming evidence that Casey’s mother, Cindy, misled investigators to avoid raising suspicions about what went on in the Anthony home behind closed doors.

As I moved deeper through the trial record, what I uncovered blew my mind. No one who followed the trial on television or in the press could have expected what I found in the first pass through the record of witness interviews. There were statements to prosecutors from family friends that Casey was sexually abused by her father, George, beginning when she was eight-years-old. Prosecutors were put on notice about conflicts in the family over the paternity of Caylee, and suspicions were directed toward George as Caylee’s father.

There were nine court-appointed forensic psychologists who evaluated the accused murderer of Caylee. Casey told them flat out, “I didn’t kill Caylee.” The record shows those experts shared notes amongst themselves and reached a consensus that the defendant was truthful in her description of George’s role in Caylee’s death. Their MMPI, TSI {trauma symptom inventory} and a myriad of background information from authoritative sources led them to determine that she was a good mother. Their testing excluded any probability of malingering {lying}. One psychologist, Dr. Harry Krop, was asked for his professional opinion by Dr. Drew Pinsky on his national TV show, and the Florida psychologist told Dr. Drew that his professional conclusion was that Casey Anthony wasn’t capable of harming her daughter. Another forensic psychiatrist was deposed by the two lead prosecutors just before trial, who asked him directly if he had any doubts about her believability when Casey Anthony named George as responsible for Caylee’s death, and that it was George who threw her body in woods, just a block or so from his home. The court-appointed forensic psychiatrist answered, “I have no reason to not believe her.”

I myself talked with another lead psychiatrist on background for literally an entire day {he evaluated her for over 100 hours just before the trial}, and his opinion was that all the evidence from his interviews and evaluations pointed toward Casey as a loving and protective mother, the same conclusion as the other forensic psychologists.  Perhaps it is my training from the investigative side of journalism, as opposed to the opinion side, but I was open-minded to the conclusions of the experts that Casey Anthony’s behavior after witnessing her daughter’s death could be more about denial, than guilt. As information from the trial record confirmed that the only other possible suspect in the murder of Caylee was George, it occurred to me that the cumulative evidence prosecutors had was that Casey indeed witnessed Caylee’s murder by her father.  If it was true that George sexually abused Casey for ten years, could the reason for the murder of two-year-old Caylee be George’s fear that Caylee was his child?

Cindy {a pediatric RN} and George both denied their daughter was pregnant when she was in her eighth month and quite conspicuously carrying Caylee. Prosecutors composed a time line that raised suspicions about George as soon as Caylee was born. Fears about who was Caylee’s father seemed to tear the family apart. George stole $40,000 from Cindy’s IRA savings account weeks after his granddaughter’s birth, which he immediately lost in online gambling. He fled the home and filed for divorce from Cindy before Caylee was three months old. He told investigators the reason for his theft and split was because of an “issue” he had with Casey, and he couldn’t deal with it anymore. In other words, his tension from living with Casey and her daughter, Caylee, was so great, he had to flee his marriage of twenty-seven years, and live with his elderly parents. He then attempted suicide. Meanwhile, prosecutors continued to accumulate witness statements that pointed toward their case-in-chief’s lead witness {George} as the killer. One witness prosecutors interviewed told them that George actually confessed that he was responsible for Caylee’s death, and he cried about it. George then lied to investigators about that witness and his gambling.

Bottom line, the trial record of information that prosecutors had was nothing like the evidence they presented at trial, and not even close to the narrative gobbled up in the court of public opinion, which largely not only expected, but early on, demanded that the most hated woman in America be judged guilty and then summarily executed by the state of Florida. Jesus Christ, I ultimately could reach no other conclusion than every bit of information from the trial record supported the jury’s acquittal of Casey and their strong suspicion of George as a pedophile and perpetrator of infanticide.

At this point, I talked to other journalists who followed the trial and found several who were as uncomfortable with the runaway social media narrative of the Casey Anthony trial as I was. Barry Sussman left the Washington Post after supervising Woodward and Bernstein in the Watergate series, and he was now leading Harvard’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism. Barry said to me he thought the coverage of the trial was a media circus, and he invited me to write an article for Nieman’s Media Watchdog about the trial’s coverage. Overnight, my article got the most response in Nieman’s history.

I found Howie Kurtz, who was then at CNN’s Reliable Sources. Kurtz expressed his opinion of the coverage this way: “I refused to join the media frenzy after two-year-old Caylee was killed. The tone of the coverage was Casey Anthony must be guilty.” Jeff Toobin, who covered the OJ Simpson trial, and was now also at CNN, said, “The news media was very unfair to Casey Anthony, it is something we should all discuss.”

Pretty much, as an investigative journalist, what I do is investigate primary source materials, like trial records. In my investigation of news stories, I often wrestle with burdens acquired from an open mind. My operating principle is always to balance the narrative. Sussman, Toobin, Kurtz and myself all saw something in the press narrative of the trial that cried out for a closer look, and a balancing narrative.

Reports of sexual abuse by George in the Anthony family became impossible to ignore. Evidence of a cover up by George’s wife, Cindy, accumulated to the point that she appeared more likely than not to be lying to investigators. I continued to be nagged by the thought that Casey Anthony’s behavior was about denial of her daughter’s murder by an abusive father. Her statements of denial that her daughter was actually dead, and then her made up stories to investigators about what happened, seemed to me more like coping mechanisms, than covering up a crime. Her denial was the only thing she had going for her that allowed her to function after witnessing the murder of her child by her own father, who by the way, abused her horribly.

The most incriminating evidence against the defendant, at the end of the day, narrowed down to her behavior “after” she witnessed Caylee’s murder. Her behavior and those denials were interpreted by everybody as hiding her daughter’s death because she was guilty. The trial record, statements by psychiatrists, and my own extended conversation with one of the court-appointed psychologists, forced me to consider the possibility that Casey’s denial of her daughter’s death came from a different place: denial because witnessing the death of her child was too painful, especially if her daughter’s death was not accidental, but rather an act of unspeakable murder by a father who abused her beginning when she was in the third grade.

In the cable and digital world that I inhabit, news of the Casey Anthony acquittal soon gave way to other criminal news stories. Trayvon Martin in Florida was one, and there were others I worked on. Then one night, I heard a CNN legal analyst, Sunny Hostin, talking with Anderson Cooper about parental abuse and her experience with spouses of child abusers who protect their husbands. She was asked by Anderson about her experience with families where fathers sexually abused their daughters. Sunny recalled the many cases she tried as a federal prosecutor when mothers blamed their children for their husband’s abuse. Jerry Sandusky’s wife, Dottie Sandusky, comes to mind.  Sunny said what Sandusky’s wife did was quite common. “I had people sitting in my office, mothers turning against their own children saying their child-victims were lying. And I’ve got to tell you, when I prosecuted cases, it’s still a very unpopular position, I wanted to go after the mothers because these are witnesses to sex abuse.  They’re enablers. They’re putting their children in danger, and I think they’re partly responsible.” Her statement drew me back to the specter of George and Cindy Anthony cooperating with prosecutors and working together for the same outcome: to wait for the jury to do the inevitable and order the execution of their daughter by the state of Florida, and it seemed to them: the sooner the better.

Investigative journalism is a journey. The best stories write themselves. Eventually, my reporting on the acquittal of Casey Anthony led me toward an unbelievable conclusion: Her jury of twelve peers was right! Casey Anthony is innocent. We all made her the most hated woman in America, and we were all wrong.

United States

Credentials: Business Consultant – Solving Problems on a Low Budget                                           

Advisor to the executive board for a national business mentoring non-profit. Responsibilities: executive steering committee; business mentoring oversight; executive instruction programs.  {60,000 clients yearly}

Keith’s niche: one-on-one direct mentoring of business owners across a broad range of entrepreneurial issues. His specialty is developing strategic solutions without spending a lot of money. Keith is well-connected to the business community nationally. His programs are presented at Eckerd College, Stetson College of Law, St. Petersburg College, Keiser university. His initiatives have played a leading role in rebranding the SCORE message.

Startup business and entrepreneur strategic consulting

Client response:

I just wanted to say thank you for the counseling session on 3/14/17. Your encouragement to network and suggestions to move around the obstacles is really paying off already and its only been a week. My visionary meeting is scheduled for this Saturday afternoon and I will keep you posted. I am really excited about getting this project off the ground as its been something that I've wanted to do for many years! Thanks again,

Best regards, Leanne Scalli

Advanced Developmental Psychometrist at Johns Hopkins, All Children's Hospital

Keith hosts a Florida Bar CLE program for public defenders, state attorneys, law professors, trial attorneys, and law students. He is connected to high profile, nationally prominent attorneys and trial consultants {he also consults with the Innocence Project in Washington DC}. His legal analysis is in demand throughout the US. For example, he is a sought after analyst for televised trials like the Casey Anthony trial and OJ Simpson. He has collaborated with major law firm principals from Australia to St. Louis, Mo.

CLE {continuing legal education} for attorneys. 2016 programs: Stetson College of Law.

"Mr. Long, I cannot thank you enough for your time and generosity to allow the Innocence Initiative the opportunity to present last night's programming. I certainly hope this is the beginning of a continuing collaboration between yourself and our university. It has been a privilege and thoroughly thought provoking experience. Warmest regards," Stetson University College of Law {Innocence Project -- host}.

Carlos J. Martinez

Miami-Dade Public Defender’s Office of Professionalism and Instruction

Dear Mr. Long:

I would like to express my gratitude for the training presentation you made to the attorneys of this office.

The presentation was very favorably received and greatly appreciated.

Once again, thank you.


Carlos J. Martinez

Public Defender

Bay County Bar Association                                                     

Bay County Bar Assn. President

Dear Keith:

The pleasure is mine.  By far, that was the best program the Bar Association had in years.  

I would love to read more of your work.  Is there a website I can visit to purchase?

Talk with you soon.

Devin Collier

Asst. State Attorney 14th Judicial Circuit

Financial markets                                                             

Finra Series 3 Certification; 5 years’ experience as an international investment account manager, responsible for 8 figure account trading balances. Keith has also collaborated with urban development business leaders associated with Rutgers University and Chicago urban development projects. He works with CEO’s of major businesses including large insurance companies, major restaurant chains, investment bankers {M&A’s}, and other influencers in the business space.                            

Life, Health, Annuity, licensed

Formerly enrolled AFLAC agency                                                       

University of Florida Innovation and Entrepreneurship program

{Agile team concept modeling startup business}                              

C-Suite research for a broad range of business solutions. Recent 2016 clients have involved Greenbelt property zoning {for building code exemptions}, 3D printing innovations, immigration law, patent research in association with court litigation, FCC import certification for RF {radio frequency} products made in China, international trade treaties {BIT’s}, expert witness clients in med mal, etc. 

Keith collaborates {helps write} with principals to publish their books on business, the law, investment banking, and personal stories. His own book won international endorsements from CEO’s of major international banks and investment institutions. 

Keith professionalizes books for publication on Amazon and with institutional publishers.

Keith won the Society of Professional Journalists 2016 award as their top journalist {shared with Atlanta Journal-Constitution}. One of his articles is published online at Harvard’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism 

Professional Recommendations:

Keith works with a leading jury and trial consultant who says this: "Keith is 2nd to none as a journalist. He is a top-notch journalist who is not afraid to tell the truth."  Dr. Amy Singer {trial consultant for OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, Jack Kevorkian, others}.

{China-based business importer of electronics into US} Research Project Date 12/14/2016

“Keith did my research project regarding US compliance requirements with a clear and detailed report answering all the listed questions I had. Communication and accuracy of the answers were perfect, I will definitively call him for help more often

CF Jackson

Change is good. Why? ABC, CBS, and NBC are no longer the dictators of what is distributed and syndicated on televison. There game changer is the streaming media player. Approximately, 37% of households have at least one streaming media player. The leader is Roku, with 13+ million active viewers in comparison to Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Google Chrome.

Let's discuss how the game changer for entrepreneurs, small to midsize business can distribute their content on TV in a way they can reach viewers through the United States, Canada, South America to the United Kingdom.


Originally from St. Petersburg, Florida, Ms. Jackson graduated from Georgia Southern University with a degree in Criminal Justice and now resides Atlanta. For the past 15 years she has flourished in Atlanta, writing and consulting others how to discover their talents and reaching their business goals.

In 2005, C.F. discovered the power of the internet, where she began studying on how to use it for marketing and promoting her suspense novel Won't Be Denied.

Her novel Won't Be Denied became a mantra for many for taking action in life. Her internet web presence is everywhere, and she has been published in Entrepreneur Magazine, Find Your Why and Fly: The Ultimate Success Factor, Atlanta Creative Loafing, and others.

C.F. Jackson has also been interviewed on The Sumter Television Show, The Louie Jones Show, Millionaire Monday Series by John Di Lemme and Atlanta’s WVEE (V-103 FM), to name a few. While on the other hand she has interviewed some great individuals herself, such as, actor, comedian, producer Sherri Shepherd, NFL Linebacker Demario Davis of the Cleveland Browns to Tony Simmons recent contestant of the American Grit on Fox.

Today, "the entrepreneur inside" has set out to create a way for many entrepreneurs to independent artists to take advantage of the large market of available TV viewers who now have access to her television network iDefine TV. Ms. Jackson's main goal is to enrich, educate and entertain her viewers, while providing the perfect vehicle for entrepreneurs, independent artists to consultants to build credibility, authority and brand awareness. Why? Because everyone deserves to on television.