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Guest Occupation: Researcher, Writer, Author, Ufologist
Guest Biography:

UFO researcher and author Ann Druffel dates her interest in the UFO question from 1945 when, as a schoolgirl, she viewed a bright yellowish object, very high in clear blue skies over Long Beach, California. She and her mother, Aileen Walsh McElroy, watched the object as it slowly traveled westerly. After about an hour and one-half, having traveled about 30 degrees from the NNE to the NNW, it then released 15-20 smaller shiny objects, which took varying paths out and away from the main object. Years later, it was determined that this sighting occurred at about the same time the first experimental atom bomb was exploded in New Mexico.

Interested in earth mysteries of all kinds, Druffel has researched various aspects of the UFO question and investigated reports of all kinds since 1957. She was one of the first investigators for NICAP, remaining with that organization from April 1957 to 1973. During the NICAP years she became acquainted with the renowned atmospheric physicist, Dr. James E. McDonald, and participated with him in several UFO cases during his six years of UFO research. After NICAP was destroyed by subversive agents from the FBI and CIA who had secretly penetrated into the higher realms of NICAP, Druffel joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) with which she is still actively associated as investigator, frequent contributor to their journals and other official capacities. She also joined the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and contributes articles on California sightings and other UFO subjects to IUR (International UFO Reporter). She was a U. S. consultant and regular contributor for the British research journal FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR) through 2004.

She has authored six books and numerous articles for newsstand magazines on UFOs and other earth mysteries and has contributed 190+ articles and columns for top UFO journals in the field. One of her recent books, FIRESTORM!: DR. JAMES E. McDONALD's FIGHT FOR UFO SCIENCE, published in July 2003 by "Wild Flower Press/Granite Publications", re-introduced the phenomenal UFO research and amazing results of prestigious atmospheric physicist, James E. McDonald, to the world. The astounding gains McDonald made, during his public work in the UFO field between 1966 and 1971, today give us undeniable evidence that the scientifically-oriented approach is necessary to solve the UFO problem. It details how McDonald made great strides in convincing the Scientific Community at large that UFOs were a real phenomenon which was being neglected by Science and also how he apparently was at the verge of breaking through the government coverup. Tragically, McDonald's breakthroughs were unexpectedly cut short in 1971 when he died an apparent suicide, but FIRESTORM! relives his work and methods which, if put into effect today in the UFO field, could perhaps bring about a solution.

Her book, HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, published in August 1998 by Random House/Three Rivers Press is also available nationwide on, on other websites and on a POD basis from the publisher and in bookstores. It presents many true accounts, drawn from her present database of 120 "resisters", which demonstrate how nine simple mental and physical techniques can drive away these harassing creatures. If these creatures do, in fact, exist at any level of reality, perhaps they are "posing" as occupants from physical UFOs. Druffel has continued research into this field, as more techniques surface and as more is learned about personality traits of resisters as opposed to non-resisters. The book was also written for all members of the American public who are interested in various aspects of the UFO question but who are tired of hearing that the human race is at the mercy of aliens. In general, as regards UFOs, Druffel hypothesizes that the so-called "UFO phenomenon" is actually two separate phenomena. Like James McDonald, she favors the extraterrestrial hypothesis to explain UFOs seen from a distance, in which no contact or only minimal contact occurs between the witnesses and craft/occupants. From the weight of evidence, she is convinced that reports by credible witnesses of seemingly metallic, physical aeroforms which are detected on radar, chased by jet pilots, and photographed by verifiably honest witnesses constitute a serious scientific question which has been neglected by the Scientific Establishment and that secrecy imposed on the subject by the US Government is unjust and illogical.

On the other hand, Druffel considers so-called abduction-scenarios to be separate phenomena from the possibly extraterrestrial UFOs. Since most abduction scenarios take place in altered states of consciousness she doubts the physical reality of so-called genetic manipulation, missing fetuses, alien-military cooperation and "alien implants" associated with abduction scenarios, due to the lack of solid scientific proof. The widespread knowledge, shared by most abduction researchers, that this phenomenon itself demonstrates deceptive components leads her to hypothesize that so called "abducting UFO aliens" are posing as actual UFO occupants from physical UFOs. Concurrent with this is the growing evidence that many abduction reports are caused, at least in part, by a combination of:

1. telepathic leakage during hypnosis between witnesses and hypnotist/researchers; and/or
2. psychological and emotional needs of the individuals concerned.

However, she accepts the possibility that many abduction scenarios may be real in some type of "altered reality", especially those reported by undeniably rational, honest, and productive individuals. She accepts the possibility that such witnesses may be interacting with interdimensional beings which delight in harassing, deceptive, and assaulting unsuspecting human beings, often in a sexual manner. The orders of creation described in Celtic accounts (known as Sidhe), in the Muslim KORAN (known as jinns), in various European sources (known as incubi), by numerous names in Native American tribal cultures and in similar accounts from numerous world cultures "paraphysical creatures" are reported to act in intrusive ways very similar to our present so-called alien abductors. These orders of creation are described in historical and philosophical works, as well as in folklore down through the millenia as (1) having the ability to shape-shift at will; (2) entering our Space-Time temporarily from their own space-time continuum(s); (3) sexually harassing their victims and performing other harmful mischief and (4) appearing in various forms and "clothing" consistent with their victims' own cultural backgrounds.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Physician, Educator, Producer, Writer, Director, Consultant, Actress, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Dr. Lynne Kitei is an internationally acclaimed physician and health educator who pushed aside her successful medical career to pursue The Phoenix Lights book and internationally award-winning Documentary project. She was leading the cutting edge era of early disease detection and prevention as Chief Clinical Consultant of the Imaging-Prevention-Wellness Center at the world renowned Arizona Heart Institute in Phoenix, Arizona until coming forward, after seven years of anonymity, as a key witness to the historic and still unexplained mass sighting throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997

Dr. Lynne graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Secondary Science Education, with minors in Communication and Voice from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. 1970 and an MD Degree from Temple University School of Medicine 1974. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Medical College of Pennsylvania.

Before her medical training, Dr. Lynne appeared in over 30 featured and starring roles in professional musical comedies including Alice in Wonderland with Sherman Hemsley, Oklahoma starring Gordon MacRae, Guys & DDolls starring Betty Grable, and understudied for Barbara Eden in The Sound of Music. She also played the role of "Florence Arizona" in the 20th Century box office hit Raising Arizona starring Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter, Frances McDormand, and John Goodman.

Dr. Lynne has been called the "woman pioneer" of medical communications in TV Guide after creating and producing innovative TV News health reports for NBC in Philadelphia in 1976. Since that time, Dr. Lynne has dedicated over 30 years to global public awareness, wellness, and health education. She has appeared as the resident health reporter for NBC affiliates in Philadelphia and Phoenix, and has been featured on USA Cable, FOX TV News, FOX in the Morning with Mike & Juliette, ABC, CNN and CBS affiliates, Comcast, NBC Japan, MSNBC, Dateline NBC, National Geographic TV, The Travel Channel, and the History Channel.

As the producer, writer, and director of the "You Make It!" health video and workbook curriculum series, Dr. Lynne has been recognized with the Telly Bronze Award in 1995, the National Education Film & Video Festival Silver Apple Award in 1994, the New York International Film Festival Finalist Award in 1992, and 1993, and many others. She worked under the auspices of the Arizona Community Foundation for 20 years to help fund and distribute her revolutionary prevention/education programs to schools, churches, youth groups and libraries throughout Arizona. Just Say KNOW to AIDS, Just Say KNOW To Drugs, Teen Pregnancy... Children Having Children and Drugs Don't Make IT! are currently being distributed worldwide by Discovery Education.

Dr. Lynne's innovative and renowned endeavors have been featured in publications including TV Guide Magazine, New Dawn Magazine, Runner Magazine, Physician's Management Magazine, Phoenix Magazine, UFO Magazine, National News Network, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Spirit Guide, L.A. Times Magazine, East Valley Tribune, What is Enlightenment Magazine, National UFO Magazine, Paradise Magazine, Brazil's Revista UFO Magazine, Open Minds Magazine, and numerous Arizona Republic Newspaper articles. She has also been recognized in the "Who's Who of American Women" and was chosen as Woman of the Year in Pennsylvania.

Dr. Lynne has been a keynote speaker at the University of Arizona Tucson Medical Center with Dr. John Mack, Bay Area UFO Conference, Hollywood National UFO Conference, Borders Book Tour, Barnes & Noble Book Tours, Washington D.C. X-Conference, MUFON International Symposium Denver, CO, Cosmic International Conference, Italy, Glendale, AZ City Hall, Paradise Valley Community College Performing Arts Centre, Arizona State University Physical Science Auditorium, ASU Anthropology Museum Exhibit, Atlantic Coast UFO Conference, Trump Plaza, Atlantic City , N.J., Tri-City Prep H.S., UCLA Skype interview, International Institute of Human Sciences, Montreal, Canada, CSETI Conference Rio Rico, AZ, Scottsdale's Harkins Shea Cinema - sold out screenings and presentations.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Activist, Computer Technician, Writer, Researcher
Guest Biography:

I am nothing more than a patriotic American that is doing whatever I can to further the cause of democracy, the rule of law, and am extremely concerned in regard the slow creep of “soft fascism” that has been destroying America’s middle-class.

I am currently disabled, have a background in Sales, Sales Management, and am an A+ Certified Computer technician. I am not a professional writer and have been teaching myself  through trial and error. I have written Part One of an autobiography that has been read by several people who state they couldn’t put it down and two of those individuals have tried in vain to get it published. If I can ever find the time to rewrite the entire piece, I have been assured that it will likely be published, however, with our political climate in constant uproar, I believe that independent writer’s must apply themselves to provide information to the general public that our corrupt, corporate Mainstream News Media refuses to publish.

This site is dedicated to a young college woman who was a Republican as well as her entire family. Despite their party affiliation, their values and especially my friend in particular changed my life and perspective on politics and life in general – and because of the urging of said friend that I could possibly be instrumental in furthering the cause of Civil Rights and our Justice System, this site exists as it does today.

This site is dedicated to her – and she will always remain in my heart as an individual whose friendship and inspiration, along with her family, has made all of this possible. There has to be a special place in heaven waiting for this woman if such a place exists, and to her, I owe a debt that may be impossible to repay.

Footnote: I write in a style that I believe is appropriate in today’s world where we can’t trust the Mainstream News Media, and rather than concentrating on one article alone, which may or may not receive the exposure and emphasis it should, I prefer to meld several relevant stories together, that each taken alone may not expose the entire situation, but when taken-in as a whole, tend to give the reader a better understanding of the subject. One article or story alone does not represent the “Big Picture” – but when several are effectively tied-together it often reveals a trend or broader view of the subject matter that is important to completely understand any given situation.

In the past few months, our traffic has exploded. Over the past five years, I have spent countless hours studying earthquakes and volcanoes. Unfortunately, I keep this site alive with a take home income from Social Security of $829.00 per month. We desperately need a Webmaster. Even though I am a retired computer technician, building web sites was not part of my expertise.  This site has never come close to breaking even through our advertising and I am constantly busy with the day to day duties of maintaining the site.  To date, our donations over a five year period are less than $100.00.  We welcome donations and will soon be installing a “Donate Here” function for the site. Any monies we receive will be used to enhance the site, and if possible, a once-a-month hire to take care of the many tasks which are involved in maintaining a high-speed site. Ultimately, our goal is to concentrate on research and writing; for the time being, most of my time is spent attempting to get this site up to par and I’m a long way away from accomplishing that goal. My Sister is also disabled, and her total income per month to care for two children is only $480.00,  so in addition to keeping this site up and running, I also provide a home and whatever else I can for my sister and her two children. When I write about the challenges our battered economy poses to those whom are financially challenged, it’s often through personal experience and hardship. I often rely on real time experiences to give me the insight and fortitude to write with passion and resolve on issues that are affecting far too many millions of Americans.

William Cormier writes for opednews, an internet only media site that has grown to become one of the highest traffic news sites in America, reaching more traffic, according to, than all but thirty largest daily newspapers in the US. William Cormier is one of the 500+ liberal pundits who, each month, are published in what has become one of the top five Liberal/progressive media sites in the US.

Guest Category: Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Lawyer, Activist, Public Official, Attorney General, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

William Ramsey Clark (born December 18, 1927) is an American lawyer, activist and former public official. He worked for the U.S. Department of Justice, which included service as United States Attorney General from 1967 to 1969, under President Lyndon B. Johnson. He supervised the drafting and played an important role in the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Civil Rights Act of 1968. Since leaving public office Clark has led many progressive activism campaigns, including opposition to the War on Terror, and he has offered legal defense to controversial figures such as Charles Taylor, Slobodan Milošević and Saddam Hussein.

Admitted to the bar in 1951, Ramsey Clark practiced law in Dallas. After serving in the federal government as assistant attorney general in charge of the lands division (1961-65), deputy attorney general (1965-66), and acting attorney general (Oct., 1966-Feb., 1967), he was appointed by President Johnson to succeed Nicholas Katzenbach as attorney general. Clark proved to be a vigorous defender of civil liberties and civil rights; he opposed the use of government wiretaps and initiated the first Northern school desegregation case. After leaving the government, he taught law and later became active in the anti-Vietnam War movement, visiting North Vietnam in 1972. In 1974 he was the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate from New York but was defeated by Jacob Javits ; he also failed in a second Senate run in 1976.

Guest Category: News, World News, Politics & Government, National, World
Guest Occupation: Futurist, Lecturer, Author, Lawyer, Counselor, Judge, Teacher, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Alfred Lambremont Webre is a futurist whose book EXOPOLITICS founded the science of intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse and expresses a positive timeline for Earth. Alfred's 1974 book THE AGE OF CATACLYSM integrates Earth Sciences and the psychic remote viewing of Edgar Cayce of a global coastal event and expresses the catastrophic timeline for Earth.  

Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) [] educating about life on Mars.  A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas.  Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), and is a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.

Alfred is Director and a Faculty member of ExoUniversity, a non-profit educational entity for continuing online education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics.


EXOPOLITICS.COM: "Relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse"

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Director, Protestor, Humanitarian, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Debra Sweet is the Director of World Can’t Wait, initiated in 2005 to “drive out the Bush regime” by repudiating its program, forcing it from office through a mass, independent movement and reversing the direction it had launched.  Based in New York City, she leads World Can’t Wait in its continuing efforts to stop the crimes of our government, including the unjust occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture and detention codes, as well as reversing the fascist direction of U.S. society, from the surveillance state to the criminalization of abortion and immigrants.  She has worked with abortion providers for twenty-five years, organizing community support and helping them withstand anti-abortion violence.  Since the age of 19, when she confronted Richard Nixon during a face-to-face meeting and told him to stop the war in Vietnam, she has been a leader in the opposition to U.S. wars and invasions.  Debra says, “Stop thinking like an American, and start thinking about humanity!”

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Non-Profit
Guest Occupation: Healer, Spiritual Master, Teacher, Writer, Speaker, Doctor, Spiritualist, Author, Naturopath
Guest Biography:

Sai Maa is a master spiritual luminary with a mission of global enlightenment through practical spirituality and personal transformation, eliminating the pain and suffering of humanity.

S ai Maa was born on the island of Mauritius, a country known for its ecumenical embrace of all religions and spiritual traditions. This spirit of openness and acceptance helped shape Sai Maa's universal message of love and compassion. At an early age Sai Maa exhibited esoteric healing powers, which would blossom as her mission unfolded.

At age 21 she moved to France and, soon thereafter, married a research scientist and became the mother of two children. While educating her children, Sai Maa created a thriving therapy practice by merging her energetic healing powers with Western therapeutic knowledge. She was also active in politics, serving on the Bordeaux City Council, and helping to reform health care in the European Union on behalf of the French government. During this period, she underwent a transformative experience when she met Sathya Sai Baba, a highly revered spiritual leader and world teacher. She became his life-long devoted disciple, and an active supporter of his humanitarian work.

Even with a successful career and joyful family life, Sai Maa knew by the grace of her guru and through dedicated spiritual practice that she was on this planet for a greater purpose. When her children were teenagers, she decided to step beyond traditional family roles, career and politics to dedicate her life to uplifting humanity by bringing forth its conscious evolution.

When Sai Maa began her mission, she made it clear that she did not want to cultivate followers, rather she wished to create spiritual masters, capable of transforming the planet as embodiments of light and divine love in action. She has since become known throughout the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and India as a powerful energetic healer and spiritual master.

Sai Maa educates through transformational workshops, conference calls, writings, recordings, online programs and powerful tools and technologies. She encourages daily spiritual practice and self-discipline. She tours the world, teaching and speaking on a wide range of spiritual, social and psychological topics. Her educational work includes programs to help people realize and express their power as "ambassadors of light" and creators of the future for themselves and for humanity.

Sai Maa founded Humanity In Unity, a non-profit organization, to support her humanitarian work that includes projects to provide food, clothing, clean water and medical care to children and families, and to support widows and orphans. Since then, more than 50 centers have formed around the world to support this work.

Sai Maa holds a PhD in Spirituality from the Open International University and is certified in naturopathic, homeopathic and osteopathic therapies. She has published two books, Petals of Grace: Essential Teachings for Self-Mastery and Points of Light, and has recorded numerous CDs and DVDs that share her wisdom and practical teachings for personal and planetary transformation.


Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, Medicine, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Singer
Guest Biography:

You can hear it all, should you choose to listen carefully with the eyes of your soul. My voice is translucent, sharing with you a part of my life that I have lived... Just silence for a moment the constant tumult of this chaotic life and allow yourself to vibrate from deep within... That's why I am here" ...

There often comes a time in someone's life when they receive the sudden realization that they have been living their life under the pretense of others. A Canadian born songstress, now living in New Hampshire, Amethyste has only recently taken that leap of faith on the directional path she truly believes is the expression of the pure essence of her own soul. Amethyste's music has its own derivative source and meaning for her, but is delivered to the listener in such a lucid dream where one is swept into her emotional vocals and drifts into their own translation of her ethereal creations.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music