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Guest Name
Sai Maa
Her Holiness Poojya Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi, Healer, Spiritual Master, Teacher, Writer, Speaker, Doctor, Spiritualist, Author, Naturopath
Guest Occupation
Healer, Spiritual Master, Teacher, Writer, Speaker, Doctor, Spiritualist, Author, Naturopath
Guest Biography

Sai Maa is a master spiritual luminary with a mission of global enlightenment through practical spirituality and personal transformation, eliminating the pain and suffering of humanity.

S ai Maa was born on the island of Mauritius, a country known for its ecumenical embrace of all religions and spiritual traditions. This spirit of openness and acceptance helped shape Sai Maa's universal message of love and compassion. At an early age Sai Maa exhibited esoteric healing powers, which would blossom as her mission unfolded.

At age 21 she moved to France and, soon thereafter, married a research scientist and became the mother of two children. While educating her children, Sai Maa created a thriving therapy practice by merging her energetic healing powers with Western therapeutic knowledge. She was also active in politics, serving on the Bordeaux City Council, and helping to reform health care in the European Union on behalf of the French government. During this period, she underwent a transformative experience when she met Sathya Sai Baba, a highly revered spiritual leader and world teacher. She became his life-long devoted disciple, and an active supporter of his humanitarian work.

Even with a successful career and joyful family life, Sai Maa knew by the grace of her guru and through dedicated spiritual practice that she was on this planet for a greater purpose. When her children were teenagers, she decided to step beyond traditional family roles, career and politics to dedicate her life to uplifting humanity by bringing forth its conscious evolution.

When Sai Maa began her mission, she made it clear that she did not want to cultivate followers, rather she wished to create spiritual masters, capable of transforming the planet as embodiments of light and divine love in action. She has since become known throughout the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and India as a powerful energetic healer and spiritual master.

Sai Maa educates through transformational workshops, conference calls, writings, recordings, online programs and powerful tools and technologies. She encourages daily spiritual practice and self-discipline. She tours the world, teaching and speaking on a wide range of spiritual, social and psychological topics. Her educational work includes programs to help people realize and express their power as "ambassadors of light" and creators of the future for themselves and for humanity.

Sai Maa founded Humanity In Unity, a non-profit organization, to support her humanitarian work that includes projects to provide food, clothing, clean water and medical care to children and families, and to support widows and orphans. Since then, more than 50 centers have formed around the world to support this work.

Sai Maa holds a PhD in Spirituality from the Open International University and is certified in naturopathic, homeopathic and osteopathic therapies. She has published two books, Petals of Grace: Essential Teachings for Self-Mastery and Points of Light, and has recorded numerous CDs and DVDs that share her wisdom and practical teachings for personal and planetary transformation.