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Guest Occupation: Nuclear Physicis, Author, Lecturer, Ufologist
Guest Biography:

Nuclear Physicist-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications.

He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expanded new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is co-author with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill’s niece) of a book in 2007: Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. The City of Fredericton, New Brunswick, declared August 27, 2007, Stanton Friedman Day. His book Flying Saucers and Science was published in June 2008 and is in its 3rd printing. His newest book, also co-authored with Kathleen Marden, is Science Was Wrong released in June 2010.

He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects of ufology including Roswell, Majestic 12, The Betty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map work, analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace case, crashed saucers, and flying saucer technology. He has spoken at more MUFON Symposia than anyone else.

Stanton T. Friedman is a dual citizen of the USA and Canada.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Science
Guest Occupation: Author, Researcher, Lecturer, Investigative Journalist, Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

Lynne McTaggart is a best-selling author, researcher and lecturer whose work has rightly been described as “a bridge between science and spirituality”.

For the past 20 years she has been researching medicine and its shortcomings, and quantum physics and what this means for you and the world we live in.

The result has been best-selling books:

  • The Field
  • The Intention Experiment
  • What Doctors Don't Tell You

Lynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author, and a sought-after public speaker whose talks and workshops have transformed the lives of the thousands around the world who have heard her.

She is also an accomplished broadcaster, who has appeared on many national tv and radio shows, including Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra shows.

The hallmark of her work is exhaustive research that produces science-based discoveries in the worlds of science, spirituality and health.

  • She edits the monthly health journal What Doctors Don't Tell You
  • And was also the editor of the 48-lesson partwork, Living The Field, perhaps the most definitive work yet to bridge the worlds of physics and spirituality in its 768 pages.

She was born in the USA and now lives in London, UK, with her publisher husband, Bryan, and their two children, and pet dog Ollie.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Lawyer, Developer, Engineer
Guest Biography:

Frank Seifert is co-developer of MatchMatrix, a powerful Internet system that provides the core ingredient that no other player in the relationship game has "the ability to predict a truly compatible partner. Frank heads San Diego-based, but unlike his counterparts at other online dating services, he is not a psychologist. He was a lawyer and his MatchMatrix co-developer an engineer. Their credentials for developing the MatchMatrix system were their personal experiences" a combined five failed marriages that made them take a hard look at what was NOT working in their relationships.

  • goes straight to the heart of a relationship without any subjective information from either person
  • uses no extensive questionnaires
  • reveals the four core personality traits and how they align for each person in EVERY type of relationship
  • calculates attractions to determine if what someone feels as "chemistry" is truly reliable or merely a false attraction
Guest Category: Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Author, Medium, Medical Intuitive, Psychic Investigator, Angel Communicator, Spirit Medium, Futurist
Guest Biography:

• Celebrity Psychic Michelle Whitedove is the FIRST legitimate psychic to prove her supernatural abilities by being tested on Television. Filmed under the strict FCC guidelines to guarantee authenticity, Lifetime TV named her “America’s #1 Psychic” awarding her this title of distinction after she won "America's Psychic Challenge", a competitive reality TV program where she proved her supernatural abilities. (Watch the videos)

• Recently Whitedove was featured in the HBO Documentary: “No One Dies in Lily Dale” a film that showcases her gifts. As an expert in her field, she has been featured on some of North America's most conservative shows; NBC’s TODAY Show interviewed by Matt Lauer, ABC TV's "190 North", CBS News, FOX News,WGN SuperStation Morning News, PBS TV's "View Points", CTV News, “Breakfast TV” Canada,the Alan Colmes show, and NPR to discuss the reality of psychic abilities and after death communication.

• Naturally gifted since childhood, Michelle has many God given talents. These abilities enable her to connect with her Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides to give clear and accurate information about Personal Issues, World Events, and the Future. She has a 98% accuracy rate with her readings.

• As a CLAIRVOYANT (clear seeing) Michelle receives visions of people, places, things, and of the past, present & future, she is CLAIRAUDIENT (clear hearing) listening to messages from the other side, CLAIRSENTIENT (psychic senses of smelling, tasting, and feeling) , as an EMPATH she takes on the sensations of the physical and emotional states of being.

• Michelle's ability as a SPIRIT-MEDIUM is astounding and contacting departed loved ones is a rare gift. With one foot in the spirit realm and one on the earth plane, she is able to see and converse with spirits that have crossed to the other side. These souls communicate telepathically through feelings and pictures. No words exist which can describe the intensity of this communication. This direct connection helps many people put closure to relationships, healing their hearts by knowing that our soul is eternal and our loved ones do indeed survive death.

• Channeling Information from the Universe, Michelle must raise her vibration to connect with the high frequencies of spirit. She is able to relay angelic teachings to improve the quality of our lives and to gain knowledge for personal growth. She is a truly gifted teacher, revealing through conscious actions specific steps to expand our soul's growth and fulfill one's personal destiny. As a CHANNEL, Whitedove actively communicates with the Angel Kingdom. As a Past Life Detective, she channels information about your soul migration. As a professional Reincarnationist she accesses the Book of Life to conduct Past Life readings.

• As a HEALTH INTUITIVE*, Michelle can see into the physical body and advise her client to seek appropriate medical help. Spiritual and Physical Healing is a gift Michelle uses when spirit calls her to do so. As an intuitive healer she is able to see the physical or emotional problems within the persons being. Through prayer, her compassion towards the sick opens a healing force from the heavens, causing many patients to release pain and suffering.

• Using all of her gifts, as a PSYCHIC DETECTIVE Michelle can help to solve crimes, disappearances, and mysteries. She is able to give previously unknown information by creating a “Psychic Profile” to help investigators and relatives unravel the truth about events that occurred.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Author, Editor, Systems Philosopher, Researcher, Scientist, Economist, Integral Theorist, Speaker, Professor, Concert Pianist
Guest Biography:

Prof. Dr. Ervin Laszlo, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, was born 1932 in Budapest, Hungary, founder and President of the Club of Budapest, was one of the first representatives in the area of systems philosophy and general theory of evolution. He published more than 70 books translated into as many as 18 languages. In the course of his long academic career as a professor for philosophy, systems philosophy and future sciences, he worked in teaching and research at a variety of reputable universities in the US, Europe, and the Far East. Laszlo publishes a quarterly scientific journal (WORLD FUTURES: The Journal of General Evolution) and a corresponding book series. He also edited a four-volume encyclopedia. Over 400 articles were published in newspapers and magazines worldwide, including the US, Europe, Japan, and China. His titles and distinctions include a Ph.D. in "Lettres et Sciences Humaines" from the Sorbonne in Paris, an "Artist Diploma" from the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest, an honorary medal from the Kyung Hee University in Seoul, the title of honorary doctor in economic sciences of the Turku School of Economics and Business in Finland, as well as the title of honorary doctor in the area of human sciences of the Saybrook Institute in San Francisco. Together with his Finnish-born wife Carita he presently lives in a 400 years old converted farmhouse in Tuscany in the Pisa area.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Investigator
Guest Biography:

David Icke (pronounced "Ike") is a former Professional Soccer player, journalist, network anchorman with the BBC, spokesman in the 1980's for the British Green Party, and since 1990 a full time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world. Many have dubbed Icke as the "most controversial speaker" on the planet. They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the thousands to hear him speak all over the world. He is the author of 16 books and among them are: And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix, Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster ~ why the official story of 9/11 is a monumental lie, and his latest book, Tales from the Time Loop - The most comprehensive exposé of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free. David's words are designed to inspire all of us to be who we really are, to fling open the door of the mental prison we build for ourselves and to walk into the light of freedom.

Guest Category: News, Paranormal, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Mother, Author, Actress
Guest Biography:

Jacklyn Zeman does it all! Mother - Actress - Author. Now after more than 4,000 episodes as nurse ‘Bobbie Spencer’ Chief Surgical RN on ABC’s “General Hospital”, she has become one of the most visible and likeable actresses on network television. A true contemporary, a role model to millions of daytime viewers Jacklyn received critical acclaim for her starring role in “Montana Crossroads,” an ABC After school Special, and took a break from her busy “General Hospital” schedule to co-star as a lawyer in ABC’s Comedy Movie for Television, “Jury Duty.” She has guested on “Chicago Hope,” “Mike Hammer,” “Love, American Style,” “Fantasy,” “Sledgehammer” and “Madd TV.” Industry honors and awards over the years include four Daytime Emmy nominations, including one for Outstanding Lead Actress in 1998, a Soap Opera Digest Award and the Hollywood International Favorite Actress Award.

Guest Category: Self Help, Spiritual