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Guest Occupation: Photographer, artist, author
Guest Biography:

By most standards, I would consider my life as quite normal, perhaps like yours. I was born in upstate New York near Syracuse in the town of Canastota. I was born on 11/11/1948, and much later I learned that the numbers 11/11 were a sign of the angels. I would later come to see that the number 11 seemed to be evident everywhere in my life. Who would believe numbers would influence your life? I can now say that I believe that they do.

I came to northern California with my parents in 1965 and finished high school, and graduated from a nearby state college in 1970. I met my wife Carol and we were married on 8/29/1970. We are still together after all these years. By the way, I met Carol on a summer day as I drove by the front of her house. Funny, her house was 11 houses down on the same side of the street as mine! I soon was working in the discipline that consumed my life—that of a city planner. For 18 years, I worked long hours as a city planner for a local government. In 1989, I left that position and career to set up my planning consulting business which has lasted for over 20 years.

Until 2/9/01, everything was quite normal. That was to change that day. At about noon, I was driving in my Jeep alone on Highway 65, a four lane expressway, when a loud firm male voice called out to me inside the vehicle, SLOW TO 35. I was going 60mph in the fast lane, and I immediately slowed to 35. I learned long ago to follow my intuition. This voice was a real one—not in my mind! Within 30 seconds, a car with three young men rapidly passed me and came up to a traffic signal that was showing “green”. Instead of going through the intersection, the car stopped at the green light and then made a left perpendicular turn and stopped fully broadside in my traffic lane. I had no other alternative but to hit their car which resulted in a major accident. Both cars were demolished but we all walked away with our injuries which did not cause hospitalization. The Highway Patrolman at the scene said that if I had been going 60 instead of 35, I would certainly be dead. I did have some injuries to my chest and legs that needed healing. Amazingly, I had cheated death this time—only because the voice gave specific direction and I listened and followed. What would you do if you heard such a voice in your car? Would you have ignored it or chose to follow its direction? And what would you have thought about such an incident.

This accident started me on a path of exploration and adventure which resulted in a huge change in  my wife Carol’s and my lives. It started immediately when I began seeing some health professionals in acupuncture and massage to help with my injuries. These people and the people and events that I experienced over the next many years have led me to question everything about our existence and my role in that existence. In essence, I discovered the “meaning of life” for me, or you might say “my purpose in life”. I learned very quickly to follow the physical and mental messages that came to me. I also started seeing psychic professionals such as astrologers, intuitives, psychics, tarot card readers, you name it, I did it. I needed to know who and why that voice was in my car, and why I was subsequently getting all these strange messages. And why I was saved from certain death. All of these people that I met on this adventure were saying the same thing about me—that my life was about to change in a major way. At the time I felt that this did not sound right since I was happy in my life. I had a great job and a great wife and companion. Why would I want to change all that?

Soon, Carol and I would encounter strange incidents. We would be awakened in the early morning hours by our bedroom lights going on and off for no reason, even when some lights were not even plugged in. Our bed would be shaken violently side to side. Put yourself in our place—how would you deal with such crazy things happening and yet you could not see who or what was doing these things? We learned that these were meant to wake me up and in that state of half awake and half asleep, I started having visions in a waking state—not dreams. These visions were short but happened several times a week. They included seeing places, seeing people that I had no knowledge of, seeing people dressed in clothes of decades long ago, being told to go to a certain place, and more particularly seeing images of angels. I was being communicated with—but by who and why? What would you do if such messages came to you frequently in the middle of the night? Would or could you ignore them? Would you act on them?

The first angel vision was astounding, particularly since I really did not believe in their real existence. I felt that they were like mythical creatures, like Roman and Greek Gods, or dragons or fairies. This first angel vision was so clear that I could see each feather of the wings, see the clothes, the sword, the horse that he was sitting on. Soon thereafter, I went to Borders Books to find a book on angels. As I opened the book to a page in the center, by chance I found a picture of the angel. It was virtually identical to my vision of the angel. And it was no ordinary angel—it was the powerful Archangel Michael depicted on his horse with his sword. I felt that he wanted me to know of him—to confirm his existence.

By 2005, the messages were so strong and getting stronger each night. I went to a very highly respected psychic in my area for a first reading. Her name was Linda Schooler. She said that the energy was strong for me to travel extensively, first to the Southwest and then internationally. I said this could not be true since I worked so much and didnt have the time or even the interest in such travel. Within 6 months, Carol and I were traveling to Los Angeles, to Palm Springs, to New Mexico, and to Arizona. Linda was right! Later in 2007, we went to Peru, and in 2008 to England and France, to Hawaii, and then in December 2008 to Egypt. Linda was right again—this time about the international travel! All of these travels were not planned or expected. They seemed to happen for various reasons such as being invited by friends to visit or to join a sacred sites tour. For example, we went to Peru with new friends we had made in Palm Springs. We went to Egypt with another new friend on a tour. It was like these people were being sent to us to lure us to go, or to make the trip safe, fun, or easy. As it turns out, Linda was so right. How could she have predicted this so precisely? And what was the purpose to all these trips. This really opened me up to the psychic abilities and gifts of some people.

I saw Linda again just a month before we went to Peru. She said this time that I would paint soon after I got back from Peru. I said, this cannot be true. I last painted in kindergarten and I was nearly 59. I said this has to be wrong. She responded by saying the energy was so strong that she was absolutely certain of this prediction. Well, 2 weeks after Peru, I was walking down the street in my local area when a strong craving to paint came within my stomach area. It was like a craving for food. I immediately went to the closest art store and bought art supplies that I did not know anything about. I started painting that night. It immediately became an obsession. Carol was stunned that I would paint. Now I paint without any training whatsoever and have shows, events, etc. See the Art section of this website to see samples of my art work.

I have now been painting for several years without any classes or training. My paintings are selling. I am having art shows and my art is shown in many businesses. I simply cannot believe what has happened. Clearly, this art I am creating seems like channeled energy. Sometimes my hand goes where it wants, not where I want it. And every 3-4 months, the art style seems to change to something different or new. And I just love all of this creativity that has come into my life through art. But how could Linda be so accurate about my future in painting? And what is the real purpose for me painting?

Another amazing incident happened in the Spring of 2008 on our trip to England and France. Just before the trip, I checked with my two best psychic friends, Linda and Francie Marie, and they both, independently, saw Carol and I seeing a Stargate in France. They said it would be guarded by two angels but to honor it. They did not know what it would look like. But then it happened. Near the end of our trip, we went to St. Malo, France, a beautiful small town resort along the English Channel with a wonderful wide beach area. As we got out of our taxi, there it appeared. First, a series of clouds that were angelic in form appeared, then one with a human body form with its arm and hand and finger pointing down in the sky to the Stargate. Then we saw it…the Stargate appeared over some of the buildings along the coast—an amazing pyramid cloud that looked so unique I could not take my eyes off of it. At that moment it felt like time stopped! People walking past me didn’t look up to see it, despite it being very large in the sky and seeing me looking up taking pictures. A truly memorable event. If you were to see something like this, how would it affect your life, and your beliefs? What would you do?

Later that Spring in 2008, Carol and I went to Sedona, Arizona. What was to happen to us there was something that could have never been thought possible! During our trip we walked a labyrinth located at the St. Andrews Church. It was a big labyrinth and it took some time to walk it. As we finished, suddenly the sky filled with clouds. We looked overhead, and there it was—an angel figure shown to us in the clouds. I fortunately had my camera and took many photographs. At last, I really had the confirmation of the angels that I had been experiencing since 2001. Little did I know then it would be the cover of my first book, “Journey to the Clouds”.

After we got back from Egypt in December 2008, I got another type of craving. This time to write books. It, in fact ,happened on December 21st when I awoke to this need. This craving resulted in my first book called A Journey to the Clouds—Messages from the Sky. This book is about messages being given to us in the form of clouds. The whole book was completed and printed in 6 months which is very fast. The angels woke me every night at 2 or 3am and pushed me to work on it and complete it as soon as possible. The angels would not allow me to sleep unless I worked several hours each morning. After this book was done, the angels immediately pushed me to do the second book “Faces of the Universe—Sacred Images”, which also was done in 6 months. In my opinion, one purpose for these books being created appears to be to “slow us down” and awaken us so that we may contemplate and appreciate our world and all the visible and invisible life that is within it. The other purpose is for us to make sure we preserve and enhance our beautiful planet through “LOVE” of ourselves and all other life forms. After all we have experienced over the years, we feel it is important to share our information with you through creation of this website and our books.

Guest Category: Self Help, Spiritual, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive, Variety
Guest Occupation: CE-5 First Contact Trainer
Guest Biography:

Martyn Ellis is the Founding Director of the Centre for Research & Policy on Extraterrestrial Relations (CeRPER), an independent, non-profit organisation registered in England and Wales engaged in extraterrestrial contact, research and training, encouraging a non-harmful, non-prejudicial contact with extraterrestrial visitors to Earth.  Consequently, the philosophy and fundamental principles supporting peaceful diplomatic human initiated contact, are upheld by CeRPER and reasserted to continue that approach through the promotion of the UK CE-5 Diplomat Training Program. Orientated towards a rational non-anthropocentric understanding of the ETi [Extraterrestrial Intelligence] subject, CeRPER also encourages a synthesis of empiricism and spiritual understanding as a necessary component for successful celestial/ETi contact and communication which to date, empiricism alone, has failed to achieve.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Biography:

Earlene : I recall that my first conscious memory of this phenomenon as a young girl in the sixth grade in Wichita Kansas. An assignment had been given to us to write an essay on any subject that we chose.  Back in 1966, we had were encyclopedias to do our research from, and they were housed in our school library. Our class made a trip to the library, and began looking through all the encyclopedias. As I was flipping through the encyclopedia looking for a subject for my essay, I came across a black-and-white picture of what at the time was called a flying saucer. I was simply mesmerized by it. I stared and stared at it, contemplating whether there could really be life on other planets that is here visiting us.

The years passed, and in my twenties, I gravitated to books on developing higher consciousness, channeling, and spiritual growth - and stories of people who claimed they had been taken by alien beings. I read everything I could get my hands on. I began to believe that there was a conspiracy by our government to keep this information from the public based on my earlier readings of government investigations like Project Grudge and Project Bluebook.

In retrospect, I now believe that my first experience in that school library had an indelible subconscious affect on me, because my fascination would grow and grow through the subsequent years. Little did I know how much my own personal life would become intertwined in this phenomenon as my sister began to have interactions with non-human beings. There’s an old spiritual, called Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now, and that’s how I feel when it comes to this phenomenon. It’s been a fascinating journey, and one that I am proud to be a part of. 

Shurlene : Unlike my sister, I held a passing interest on the subject. Certainly, like others, I wondered about life on other planets and about other experiences but never thought that it would ever be something I would personally experience. I was busy raising a family and really didn’t concern myself with such thoughts too often.

Occasionally, my sister would share something she had read, but that was the extent of my involvement - until it happened to me. Since my first experience interacting with extraterrestrials, my life has taken on a new facet and I am thrilled to be in a position to share our story. My sister, based on her self-taught expertise on the subject has helped me so much over the years to come to grips with the experiences and to integrate them into my life in a meaningful way.

We both realize we have our perfect roles to play in the continuing, unfolding events of what may well be mankind’s greatest story yet to tell.


Guest Category: UFOs, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Tantra Teacher
Guest Biography:

Martina Hughes is the founder and creator of Tantric Blossoming. Tantric Blossoming has been actively supporting thousands of men and women to transform using heart-opening tantric practices for over ten years. 

Tantra is about self-love in action.  Tantra teaches a person to live with an open heart and authentically say yes to yourself.  Tantra is a way of learning how to use sexual energy for improved health, vitality, and well-being.  It works from the inside out!  And as your inner sexual energy increases, you can also enhance your relationships and sexual connections with others.

Martina’s journey with Tantra has been the catalyst for great transformation.  She is deeply inspired and passionate about spreading this message, so that others may benefit from the gifts of tantra. 

Martina shares heartfelt wisdom with compassion.  She understands that many of our greatest challenges are in the areas of love, sex and relationships.  Learning to live an embodied life embracing our love and sexual energy (as fuel) is the first and most important step.

Martina has a unique gift for feeling and seeing into the heart of the dynamics at play in a person’s life.   She is able to sense how to coach and support people in moving forward, creating a new and fulfilling path for them.

Martina holds a deep space of loving openness and receptivity, whilst also bringing direction and clarity.   She works to create a vulnerable and powerful balancing of the masculine and feminine gifts in working with others.

Tantric Blossoming focuses on making the practices and information shared, relevant to men and women in their everyday lives.  Martina offers sessions, workshops, retreats and training for men, women, singles and couples.  These events use a combination of breathwork, bodywork, feminine / masculine embodiment, meditation and sexual energy practices to restore inner connection in the body. 

Tantric blossoming allows each man and woman the opportunity to reveal deeper layers of their own unique essence through tantric practices. It’s full of potential for greater truth and clarity.  This approach is designed to create a life with less conditioning and a greater sense of knowing oneself from the inside out.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Christopher Vasey is a naturopath and author living in Chamby-Montreux, Switzerland.He studied at a naturopathy school in Paris under the supervision of P.V. Marchesseau and Alain Rousseaux.

In 1979 he started his own practice. Alongside his therapeutic work, he continued his formation by studying the works of famous naturopaths such as Dr. Paul Carton, Herbert Shelton, Robert Masson, R. Jackson, Kneipp, etc. In 1981, he organized his own introductory courses to naturopathy and started teaching in various health-oriented associations (natural medicine therapists, staff of health shops …)

From 1988 onwards, his many books on natural medicine have been published by Editions Jouvence, Geneva, Switzerland. Part of these books are now available in English, published by Inner Traditions, Vermont, USA. Among others "The Acid alkaline Diet", "The Naturopathic Way", "Optimal Detox"...

Some of Christopher Vasey's books are also available in other languages, such as German, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese …

Since 1994 he has also written books on spiritual themes. Available in English: "The Secret of the blood" and "Gnomes, Elves, Nixies … a worldwide knowledge".

Christopher Vasey gives lectures regularly in Europe (Switzerland, France, Scandinavia, Iceland …), in the USA and Canada. He takes part in Book Fairs and natural medicine exhibitions, as well in radio programs. He writes for several
nature- and health-oriented magazines and for spiritual publications, among others the "GrailWorld".

Guest Occupation: Qi Gong Master
Guest Biography:

Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as "Woody" to friends and family. As a student of various traditions he as received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name means "has no enemies". Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an "h". Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable "Dhi" and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

As a part of his comprehensive training, he worked in the immunology department at South Shore Hospital in Miami Beach Florida.  He has a degree in Oriental Medicine and is also State licensed and nationally board certified as an Acupuncture Physician.

In China, Dr. Wu Dhi was afforded the privilege of studying under many of today’s living masters of Chinese Medicine. He has extensive experience working and training in the medical, spiritual and martial Qi Gong disciplines (Chinese Energetic Medicine). He is presently completing his doctoral degree in Medical Qi Gong, under the direction of Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, one of the few internationally recognized non-Chinese Grand Masters of Medical Qi Gong therapies.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been practicing and teaching an integration of Ancient Eastern and Modern Western healing practices for the greater portion of his professional career. Through seminars, public speaking, and direct practice, he continues to inspire and guide professional health practitioners in the United States and abroad who are just now realizing the value of utilizing Traditional Chinese and Alternative Therapies.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Yoga, Motivational, Meditation
Guest Occupation: M.D. in Private Practice working with Professional Men having Relationship Problems
Guest Biography:

Laura F. Dabney, MD wants to live in a world where people with emotional problems are treated with dignity and respect and not as pharmaceutical experiments or parts of an assembly line.

As a relationship expert who specializes in professional men with relationship problems, she’s been showcased as a regular weekly co-host on the Hampton Roads local radio show WPTE Relationship 911,  featured as a guest on Alice Radio, Chicago, Ill, highlighted as a regular blogger for Hampton Roads Women’s Magazine and pegged as a regular admissions interviewer at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

When she’s not devoting time to helping professional men be as successful in their personal lives as they are in their business lives, you can find her slinging paint on canvases in her art studio, schussing down a mountain or hanging with her husband and two boys (young men really) at their favorite sushi bar.

Her first (and quite possibly the world’s first) book on the unique difficulties professional men face in long-term relationships is due to hit the shelves later this year. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Clinical Psychologist with Weight Loss Clients
Guest Biography:

My first guest, Dr. Katie Rickel, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in weight management and health behavior modification. Dr. Rickel graduated summa cum laude from Duke University with a B.S. in Psychology. She earned her M.S. and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Florida. Following this, Dr. Rickel completed a clinical internship in Health Psychology – specializing in obesity – at Duke University Medical Center where she was trained in the management of chronic pain, behavioral weight loss and surgical interventions for obesity. Dr. Rickel’s research has been presented at numerous professional conferences and has been published in scientific journals and peer-reviewed publications. She has also been featured on The Doctor Oz show and on local news and radio media.  Additionally, Dr. Rickel has been quoted in Women’s Health magazine, Health magazine, the Huffington Post, Yahoo! Health, and

Dr. Rickel serves as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Structure House – a residential weight loss facility in Durham, North Carolina – where she provides clinical services and develops novel program enhancements. Most recently, she created a specialized program to treat binge eating disorder as well as a behavioral pain management program. She also developed a series of courses to educate and coach family members of overweight and obese individuals. In addition, Dr. Rickel strives to reach those individuals who cannot attend Structure House’s residential program in person. To that end, she has written a self-guided weight management workbook, “Structured for Life ®: 28 Day Weight Loss Action Plan” and has assisted in the creation of an online version of the Structure House treatment program.  In her spare time, Dr. Rickel is passionate about fitness and enjoys challenging herself in the areas of weight lifting, indoor cycling, and yoga.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help