Christopher Vasey is a naturopath and author living in Chamby-Montreux, Switzerland.He studied at a naturopathy school in Paris under the supervision of P.V. Marchesseau and Alain Rousseaux.
In 1979 he started his own practice. Alongside his therapeutic work, he continued his formation by studying the works of famous naturopaths such as Dr. Paul Carton, Herbert Shelton, Robert Masson, R. Jackson, Kneipp, etc. In 1981, he organized his own introductory courses to naturopathy and started teaching in various health-oriented associations (natural medicine therapists, staff of health shops …)
From 1988 onwards, his many books on natural medicine have been published by Editions Jouvence, Geneva, Switzerland. Part of these books are now available in English, published by Inner Traditions, Vermont, USA. Among others "The Acid alkaline Diet", "The Naturopathic Way", "Optimal Detox"...
Some of Christopher Vasey's books are also available in other languages, such as German, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese …
Since 1994 he has also written books on spiritual themes. Available in English: "The Secret of the blood" and "Gnomes, Elves, Nixies … a worldwide knowledge".
Christopher Vasey gives lectures regularly in Europe (Switzerland, France, Scandinavia, Iceland …), in the USA and Canada. He takes part in Book Fairs and natural medicine exhibitions, as well in radio programs. He writes for several
nature- and health-oriented magazines and for spiritual publications, among others the "GrailWorld".