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Guest Occupation: Parent, Education Activist, Possible Candidate for New Britian CT BOE
Guest Biography:

My name is Aggie Kurzyna and I am running for the New Britain Board of Education. I am a parent, a grandparent and a lifelong New Britain resident who cares deeply about my community. I am taking the leap to run for a seat on the BOE as I have found education advocacy is my life’s purpose and passion.

For too many years, New Britain parents have struggled with trusting the New Britain school district.  My mission once on the board of education will be to rebuild the trust between parents, students and the school district. Clearly, if families and schools are to form partnerships that work, there must first be a foundation of mutual trust, confidence, and respect.

Students will need more than just good teachers and smaller class sizes to meet the challenges of tomorrow. For students to get the most out of school, we need to promote a partnership between parents, community leaders, and schools. Only through partnerships can our schools keep improving and stay on the right track. In my opinion, the biggest single dilemma in local education today is making significant decisions about schools without genuinely accepting input from parents and community members. This demoralizes and discourages those who are most actively involved in our city’s schools.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a first generation Polish American, born and raised in New Britain. My parents emigrated here in 1973. My significant other, Gerry Benitez, is Puerto Rican, which makes our children Polorican. Gerry and I have been together for 15 years.

I was a high school dropout who worked diligently to get my GED and college degree and have established an 18 year career in Project Management. In addition to my job as a Project Manager, I also chair a mentoring program at my place of employment. Now in its 30th year, the program provides an opportunity for students in grades 3-8 from the Fred D.Wish Elementary School in Hartford to spend time with a caring adult in the business community.

I am a parent and a woman with a diverse background that has been through many life experiences which have brought me to where I am today. I am a passionate, caring person who wants to work with other compassionate and focused people to bring about meaningful and sustainable changes to this community. The amount of heart I possess for this work is clearly displayed in the amount of research, time, and energy I give to the many issues that must be addressed.

For over five years I have dedicated nearly all my free time to advocating for an equitable and quality education for ALL children. I've worked hard with many other passionate people to bring concerns to light and look for solutions.

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family
Guest Occupation: Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur, Innovator, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Ed McCabe, “Mr. OxygenTM” is a best selling author and writer in the innovative health area. His best-selling book Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease has recently been followed by the new hit Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Therapy for Our Polluted World. He has lectured worldwide for 18 years, and has been honored as the recipient of international awards. He was the first and only person in history to create mass public awareness of the existence and benefits of active oxygen therapies. Mr. McCabe has made over 1,800 media appearances in radio and television, including the Maury Povich show. Mr. McCabe holds a degree in Educational Media from the University of Massachusetts. He is an investigative journalist and leading international author, lecturer, and promoter of oxygen therapies. His ongoing involvement with advanced healing modalities encompasses a span of over 25 years. He solely focused upon oxygen therapies as a research journalist during 18 years of intensive study, investigation, experimentation, interviews, and travel.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: Consultant, Blogger, Talk show Host
Guest Biography:

Truth, Education, Conversation, Action ,co -host from American Freedom Watch Radio and more...

Karen Schoen, originally from New York, currently resides in the Florida panhandle. I am a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and now devotes my time speaking, blogging and writing. Karen travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
I have a Bachelors Degree in Education, minor in History and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where I was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is my specialty. I am one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development.) 
 I write for blogs, newsletters, agenda21today, americaismyname and karenschoen, newswithviews to name a few. I am also a contributor for watchdogwire,  American Patriot News.
I co-host my radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio, on Blog Talk Radio and you will find many videos
I head the team of AgEnders, dedicated to educating Americans about UN Agenda 21 which calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrinating Americans into global governance. The Regime uses environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property, family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core (Limited Learning for Life long Labor are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice.
As a promoter of  project Feed the Beast No More and , Constitutional Accountability Coalition. We focus on being proactive not reactive. 
I ran for office FL State REP Dist 5. I have testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions. In addition to being a founder of the AgEnders, am a Director of Panhandle Patriots, and a founding member of Florida Citizens Coalition.
I believe in Truth, Education, Conversation, Action. 2015 is the year of Action. The corruption and cronyism in state government is as bad as in the Federal Govt. Should you need a speaker on any Sustainable Development issue, Property Rights or Common Core contact Karen.
Phone Res: 850-773-2415
Phone Cell: 954-864-0530
Phone Buss: 850-397-4442
Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Musician, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Joseph Carringer is a professional didgeridoo musician and sound therapist. In his sound therapy practice he uses concert class didgeridoos, combining Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian and organ theory with Ayurvedic Chakra philosophies creating a unique and powerful therapeutic sound healing experience. Joseph has been playing an Australian Aboriginal didgeridoo for over 15 years, using it as a deep meditative tool in his personal shamanic journey as well as a therapeutic instrument for his clients.

Joseph presents and performs both nationally and internationally on mind/body connection and the effects of didgeridoo sound therapy for the purposes of clearing energetic and emotional stagnation within the energetic body to wellness and healthy life style seekers, as well as to medical and holistic professionals.

After doing extensive research, Joseph opened his harmonic therapy practice to the New England Seacoast communities in January of 2004. Since the fall of 2005, Joseph has offered yearly classes for the Maine Medical CAM programs and the University of Southern Maine’s CAM programs, and presents at the University of New Hampshire and New England College. Joseph also volunteered at Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME on R-1 (cardiac) and Pediatric floor.

Joseph has been on the internationally known author and psychic medium, John Holland’s Hayhouse Radio show several times as well as opened musically for many of John’s events. He was also a guest speaker at John’s Chakra-Healing class at Kripalu Center for Yoga presenting his Didgeridoo Chakra Clearing Workshop.

Joseph began performing musically with the didgeridoo in 1997 with blues and jazz acts and later moved on to playing live breath percussion to electronic dance music with DJs. Currently he is performing and producing music with Josh Harris (major label remix producer and former music director/keyboardist for Seal) in a club/world fusion electronica group called Table Syndicate.

It is Joseph’s goal to help people realign their bodies’ natural rhythms on a cellular level through harmonic therapy. He believes that through this work, people can achieve a greater sense of natural health and open doors for a higher sense of creativity and consciousness. He feels a deep natural connection with the healing of our planet and ourselves and has a variety of CD’s for sale.

Joseph also spent nearly a decade in the hemp-based apparel industry as both a manufacturer and activist.

Guest Category: Education, Medicine, Music, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Success Strategist and Founder/CEO of Visionaries University
Guest Biography:

Jeanine Just

Visionary Success Strategist and

Founder/CEO of Visionaries University

Jeanine Just has been pioneering success strategies from the ‘inside-out’ since 1984. Her work has been lauded by a large variety of visionary leaders, managers, innovators, community builders, corporate refugees and the new category of paradigm shifters, cultural creatives, edge-walkers, authentic entrepreneurs, conscious capitalists and ‘soulutionaries’.

As an advocate for conscientious self-growth principles that turn dreams into reality, Jeanine has become well known globally through the Internet and locally with her seminars in California. Or as the Los Angeles Times said about Jeanine, "She's a trailblazer ... a catalyst for change." 

On this episode of Cosmic LOVE, we’ll be discussing Jeanine’s views on the big shift in The Field of Earth’s energies, the frequency shift that is accelerating conscious evolution with inevitable ‘side-effects’ for those who are stuck in negativity. See Jeanine’s recent article, 40 Energy Shift Symptoms, Clues & Warning Signs, to be aware and prepare.

It helps to understand why people are feeling so tired, confused, depressed and sick at heart about their lives and the world at large. More important is what you can do about it, the attitude that trumps aptitude for a higher ‘altitude’ that sees the larger terrain of opportunity amidst problems.

The more that we are part of the solution to the problems of others, the more we ultimately succeed personally and collectively.

So welcome a good check up from the neck up

with Jeanine Just on Cosmic LOVE.

Christopher Rudy, Host of Cosmic LOVE

PS: See also ‘Signs of the Times’

(with 23 infographics)

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Sports Talk Host/Writer
Guest Biography:
Jim Moore is apart of Danny, Dave, & Moore on 710 ESPN Seattle.  Moore was a long time sports writer at the Seattle P-I. 
Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Writer, Visionary, Founder of the All Solar Research Vessel Project and The NUPresentation Foundation
Guest Biography:


We are FreeBeings of RealLight.  We are not political, religious, spiritual or with any of the KEK Systems of this planet.  We do not look to the invented gods of Worshiping and PrayPaying, nor to the Authoritarians and their Rules, Regulations and Restrictions.  

We stand with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides & The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.  We are not looking for followers and we do not have a membership nor Reptilian Temples.  You have to Be a Real RiskTaker to Stand With US.  We are the Sun Shining with The Whole of Life.  We are Reporting The RealNews, which is not a criticism, but merely more of a warning to those who have been Deceived by the Ruling Deceptors.  

If you want to stay Astrally TapLined with your Reptilian presidents, popes, queens and kings, masters and gurus, that is Your Choice and right to do so.  We are providing a Real Warning as to what is really taking place on earth Now.     Our RealAdventure is Waking UP Now and Becoming MoreAware with The ALLNatural Environment that Supports ALL of US! 

You can Join US!

Join 'The Porpoisee Club' for 'YOUR OCEANS!’

Duane Lee Heppner / DUANE THE GREAT WRITER is the Founder of The ALLSolar Research Vessel Project and The NUPresentation Foundation, which is a WorldWide WakeUp for Everyone. This is for 'YOUR OCEANS' and ALL that entails - The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US.  We provide RealGuidance and RealEducation like no one else!


"We Are Real"

ALLSolar Research Vessel ~ An Introduction
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Pets and Animals, Politics & Government, Access Consciousness, Technology, Free Energy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Host/Producer/Reporter
Guest Biography:
Courtney Maye is a Host/Producer/Reporter for Oklahoma Horizon.  Maye was a Reporter at the 2015 Global Basketball Summer League.  She loves sports, and took Sports Media at Oklahoma State University.  When she's not hosting Oklahoma Horizon, you can find Maye rooting on the OSU Cowboys, or the Oklahoma City Thunder!
Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College