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Guest Occupation: Rabbi/Human Rights Activist
Guest Biography:

RABBI BRANT ROSEN has been a congregational rabbi since 1992 and has served the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (JRC) in Evanston, IL for the past 17 years. A long-time activist for peace, social justice and human rights, he has traveled on delegations to such countries as Israel/Palestine, the former Soviet Union, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Iran. A graduate of UCLA and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Brant is a past President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association and is the co-founder and co-chairperson of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council.

Brant's writings appear regularly in his two blogs, Shalom Rav and Yedid Nefesh, and his book Wrestling in the Daylight was published in 2012. He is the recipient of several awards, including AFSC Chicago’s “Inspiration for Hope Award” in 2010, for his activism on behalf of peace and justice in the Middle East. He was also honored by Newsweek magazine in 2008 as one of the Top 25 Pulpit Rabbis in America.

Chicago’s Rebel Rabbi Standing with Palestinians: “We Must Stand with the Oppressed and Call Out the Oppressor”

An Interview with Brant Rosen


If you’ve heard of Rabbi Brant Rosen, chances are that you know about his vocal and principled stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rosen has been on a personal journey ever since Israel’s 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead, the brutality of which compelled him to question his beliefs about the State of Israel and Zionism. Much of this journey unfolded in public as Rosen courageously wrote about his evolving views on Israel/Palestine in his well-read blog, Shalom Rav. These blog posts and some of the responses to them formed the basis for his 2012 book “Wrestling in the Daylight: A Rabbi’s Path To Palestinian Solidarity.”Rosen is the founder of the Jewish Voice For Peace Rabbinical Council and for 17 years he was the Rabbi of the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in Evanston. He stepped down from this pulpit in September and took a position as the Midwest Regional Director of the American Friends Service Committee. On July 5th, he announced the founding of a new community called Tzedek Chicago. I contacted Rabbi Rosen earlier this week to learn more about his politics, identity, and new community.

When did unquestioning support for the State of Israel become a centerpiece of Jewish identity in the United States? Why did this happen?

Israel became a centerpiece of Jewish identity following the trauma of the Holocaust – an identity which became more or less solidified following Israel’s military victory in the Six Day War. In retrospect, it is staggering to contemplate how quickly and thoroughly this new narrative has taken hold of the Jewish community. In a nutshell, it is a narrative that teaches that the traumas of the past will inevitably become our future unless the Jewish people embrace the ways of empire, nationalism and militarism. I do believe that this narrative is in many ways a betrayal of a central narrative that has sustained the Jewish people for centuries: the story of a people born out of the ashes of a Temple destroyed by the world’s mightiest empire – who responded by creating a tradition rooted in an allegiance to a Power yet greater than any human power.

We have integrated this new narrative so thoroughly that we rarely stop to consider its implications. There are so many examples I could point to; to cite but one simple instance: virtually every synagogue in America has a US and Israeli flag on either side of the Aron Kodesh [the cabinet in a Synagogue where the Torah scrolls are kept].In other words, in our most sacred Jewish spaces, we are literally bowing down to physical symbols of national power. This is a powerful demonstration of how completely this new narrative has taken hold of post-Holocaust Jewish identity. To my my mind, it is nothing short of idolatry – and our inability to recognize it as such shows just how deeply we have bought into a religious mindset that radically values physical/military power over spiritual power.

What does solidarity with the Palestinian people mean to you?

By standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people, I believe I am fulfilling one of the central spiritual directives of my religious tradition – namely that we must stand with the oppressed and call out the oppressor. It’s really that simple. Now of course, I’m not so naïve as to deny the enormous complexities that are raised when Jews stand in solidarity with Palestinians. I know full well that in the eyes of many in my community, standing in solidarity with Palestinians is a profoundly transgressive act.

Since so many frame this issue as a binary conflict between “us and them,” to stand in solidarity with Palestinians must mean that I am choosing not to stand with my own people. I reject this binary meme in no uncertain terms. I believe to my core that standing with the Palestinians is one of the most Jewish things I can do. In the end, my solidarity is not with Palestinians alone but with all who have suffered from prejudice, oppression and structural racism. Needless to say, this has historically included Jews as well. So in the end, I view solidarity as an act that defies “zero sum attitudes.” It is ultimately an act of love that will ensure a future of dignity and security for all.

How do you respond to people who claim that the BDS Movement is antisemitic?

I defy anyone to read the 2005 Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions and explain to me how it is rooted in anything other than values of equality and international human rights – and it is certainly not anti-Semitic to hold Israel to these standards. There is nothing anti-Semitic in the three essential goals of BDS: namely, an end to the occupation, equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel and a recognition of the Palestinian right of return. And there is certainly nothing anti-Semitic about the time honored nonviolent means by which the BDS movement seeks these ends.

Now I know there are those who claim that the “double standard” created by BDS is somehow anti-Semitic; in other words of all the odious regimes in the world, why is Israel being singled out for this treatment? This claim utterly misunderstands the nature of the BDS call – and of the nature of solidarity itself. The BDS call was a call that came from Palestinians themselves. It comes from a myriad of Palestinian civil society organizations and institutions that are asking the international community to give popular support to their cause. The BDS call was not initiated by campus organizers, Protestant church groups, or international solidarity organizations. On the contrary, these groups have made the decision, in many cases after considerable deliberation, to respond to the Palestinian call for support and solidarity. So the real question, it seems to me, is not “What about all these other horrible countries?” but rather: “In the face of international political inaction to solve this unjust situation, the Palestinians have put out a call and are asking for our support and solidarity. Do we believe their call is worth responding to or not?”

In September you announced that you would be stepping down from your pulpit at the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in Evanston. What precipitated this move?

I made the decision to resign from JRC because my activism on the issue of Israel-Palestine had created too much stress for my congregation – and for me as well. For the past several years, I have become a increasingly high profile Palestine solidarity activist and we had been doing our best to manage this complicated reality for many years.  To their credit, JRC’s congregational leadership consistently and courageously supported my right and responsibility to speak my conscience on this issue even when most of them did not agree with me politically. In the end, however, I think my activism was just too painful for some members of my congregation. Last year, they became more vocal and organized in expressing their upset – and the atmosphere soon became so intolerable that it became impossible for me to do my job any more. I want to stress that my decision to leave was mine and mine alone. It was not easy for me to leave a congregation to which I had been devoted and that had been home to me and my family for almost twenty years. But if I’m truly honest with myself, I don’t know that it could have ended any other way, given the circumstances.

Do you have any regrets about leaving?

I have great sadness about leaving JRC, but no regrets. Given my current path, I don’t think it would be fair to the congregation – or to me – for me to remain there. While it was a traumatic break for us, I have incredible fondness for the congregation and its members and am proud of what we were able to accomplish there. I wish them nothing but the best.

What is Tzedek Chicago?

Tzedek Chicago is an avowedly non-Zionist congregation rooted in core values of spiritual openness, anti-racism, universalism and solidarity with the oppressed. It is a conscious attempt to create a Jewish spiritual community that celebrates Judaism as a global diaspora-based spiritual peoplehood. I will be serving as its rabbi part time while continuing to work in my full time capacity at AFSC.

Most liberal congregations describe themselves with words such as “open,” “inclusive,” and “welcoming.” Although it might sound odd to say, Tzedek Chicago is really not an inclusive community. We’re an intentional community rooted in very specific values.  We’re not for everyone and we don’t pretend to be.

At this point in my career, I’m not interested in creating another liberal Jewish congregation. There are plenty of them out there and some of them do wonderful, creative, important work. However, over the years I’ve increasingly met people who seek Jewish community but are kept at bay from congregational life because Zionism and support for the State of Israel assumes such a prominent role in virtually every American synagogue. I’m meeting more and more Jews who have no interest at all in enrolling their children in a religious school that considers a personal connection with the State of Israel to be a core Jewish educational value. Quite frankly, many Jews – particularly younger generations of Jews – are asking what this over-militarized ethnic nation state has to do with their Jewish identity.

Now for those who do place a high value on Israel and Zionism, there are a myriad of synagogues to choose from. But for those who do not, there really are no choices at all to speak of. Tzedek Chicago really is an attempt to create a Jewish congregational community for those whose Judaism is not dependent upon identification with Jewish nation-statism. And by extension for those who seek a Judaism rooted in sacred values of such as nonviolence, anti-racism and universalism.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Best Selling Author
Guest Biography:

Susan Shumsky is an exciting, enlightening guest who has been featured in more than 675 media venues, including Woman's World magazine, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Los Angeles Times, "Coast to Coast AM" with George Noory, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, and "Weird or What?" with William Shatner. She was featured in the film "3 Magic Words."

The 66-year old adventurer (who claims meditation keeps her young) has distinguished herself by her striking successes through living life on her own terms through her own inner truths. Daughter of a surgeon, this genius-IQ, straight-A student left her conservative home in 1966 for the infamous hippie mecca, Haight-Ashbury.

After learning to meditate while attending art college, she found herself on the riverbanks of the Ganges in India, where Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, famous guru of the Beatles and of Deepak Chopra, personally trained her to teach yoga and meditation.

For 22 years Dr. Shumsky lived in Maharishi's ashrams (residential learning institutions) in remote, secluded areas of the Himalayan Mountains of India, the Swiss Alps, and the Heartland of America. She served on Maharishi's personal staff for seven of those years. In the ashram, she often meditated up to 20 hours a day, never emerging from her room up to 8 weeks at a time. She often practiced continuous silence, not speaking to anyone for up to 4 months. She fasted up to 2 months at a time and practiced complete celibacy for decades. After leaving the ashram in 1989, she spent another 24 years studying New Thought and metaphysics. For 20 years Dr. Shumsky was a successful jewelry designer for New York diamond jewelry manufacturers.

After receiving a Doctor of Divinity degree from Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, founded by Dr. Peter V. Meyer of San Diego, Dr. Shumsky began teaching her own unique form of meditation and spiritual healing. Dr. Shumsky is the founder of Divine Revelation®, a complete technology for contacting the divine presence and listening to the inner voice. Divine Revelation is not a theoretical practice, but a proven, time-tested system that has worked for tens of thousands of students worldwide.

Dr. Shumsky, best-selling author, pioneer in the field of personal development, and foremost spirituality expert, is a highly acclaimed, successful professional speaker and workshop leader who is highly respected in the spiritual community. Foremost authority in spirituality, meditation, and prayer, she has written several books teaching her own unique forms of meditation, prayer, and spiritual healing:

1. Divine Revelation, top-ten selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, in its 19th continuous year of printing with Simon & Schuster, also published in German, Spanish, Russian, and in India.

2. Exploring Meditation, published by Career Press, also in India by two different publishers.

3. Exploring Chakras, published by Career Press, also in India and Russian. COVR award winner.

4. Exploring Auras, published by Career Press, also in Russian, Japanese, Dutch, and in India.

5. Miracle Prayer, published by Random House Celestial Arts, a One Spirit Book Club selection, COVR award winner.

6. How to Hear the Voice of God, published by Career Press. ReaderViews Award winner, Avatar Award winner.

7. Ascension, published by Career Press, also in French, Italian, and Romanian. #1 best seller. COVR award winner.

8. Instant Healing, published by Career Press, #1 best seller, and International best seller.

9. The Power of Auras, published by Career Press, also in French.

10. The Power of Chakras, published by Career Press, also in French.

11. Awaken Your Third Eye, published by Career Press.

Dr. Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. Since 1970 she has traveled and taught meditation, self-development, and intuition to students in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, the Far East. Plus, through the Internet, her reach has spread worldwide. A skilled lecturer, teacher, healer, counselor, and prayer therapist, she has authored dozens of seminars and classes and published many audio and video workshops.

Dr. Shumsky was not born with any supernormal faculties but developed her expertise through decades of patient daily study and practice. Having walked the path herself, she can guide others along their path. All of Dr. Shumsky's years of research into consciousness and inner exploration have gone into Divine Revelation, which can significantly reduce many pitfalls in a seeker's quest for inner truth and greatly shorten the time required for the inner pathway to the divine.

Dr. Shumsky has always danced to a different drummer. One of her most intriguing qualities is her total dedication. Since 1989 she has traveled extensively and continually, alone, in her trailer, van, or motor home. Her life on the open road takes her from truck stops and rest stops in the USA, to the mysteries of the Himalayas, the Andes, the Nile, Greek Isles, Easter Island, Down Under, pyramids of Guatemala and Mexico, sacred sites of Europe, mosques of Istambul, and exotic temples of India. She is a spiritual road warrior/ adventurer/ gypsy/ mystic/ yogi/ guru/ enlightening speaker.

Dr. Shumsky now continues her constant travels, teaching workshops, seminars, and retreats worldwide and appearing on radio, television, and in print. She leads spiritual retreats to remote places in the US, tours to sacred sites around the globe, and spiritual conferences and cruises. In 2001, 2007, 2010, and 2013, Dr. Shumsky conceived, produced and led tours to the Maha Kumbh Mela in India, the largest gathering in history--a spiritual festival on the banks of the Ganges in India. This event was attended by such luminaries as the Dalai Lama, Paul McCartney, Pierce Brosnan, and Madonna, as well as 100 million pilgrims from all over the world.

Your audience will receive many new, uplifting ideas from any conversation with her. Her life is imaginatively lived. Her projects offer creative participation and profound inspiration. Her focus and direction are on the leading edge of humanity's collective horizon. Her perspective is refreshing, awakening, alive, fun, and compassionate.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Religion, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Pilot
Guest Biography:

CAPTAIN RUSS WITTENBERG - U.S. Air Force – Is a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. Retired commercial pilot. Flew for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years. Aircraft flown: Boeing 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. 30,000+ total hours flown. Had previously flown the actual two United Airlines aircraft that were hijacked on 9/11 (Flight 93, which impacted in Pennsylvania, and Flight 175, the second plane to hit the WTC).

Article: "'The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total B.S.' Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77 could have 'descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 270 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon's first floor wall.'

'For a guy to just jump into the cockpit and fly like an ace is impossible,' said Wittenberg, recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737s through 767s, it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying."

Audio Interview 9/16/04: "[Flight 77] could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won't go that fast if you start pulling those high G maneuvers at those bank angles. To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous."

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Public Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Aboriginal Elder
Guest Biography:

Bilawara Lee is an Elder of the Larrakia Nation of Darwin Northern Territory, Australia, Her name Bilawara means the red tailed black cockatoo: an ancestral spirit being that brings about change.

She is acknowledged and respected as a healer and teacher of the ancient wisdoms of Aboriginal Spirituality and Healing. She is the Australian Aboriginal representative on the International Indigenous Grandmothers Council, the Wisdom Keepers of the Worlds Ancient Sacred Knowledge and currently works as an Elder on Campus for the Flinders University’s Northern Territory Medical Program. Bilawara is an Authorised Marriage Celebrant and is the sole owner operator of Dirila [Dreamtime] Ceremonies.  

Bilawara is a faculty member of the Casa de La Luna Institute in the USA and travels nationally and internationally to conduct workshop and ceremonies. Bilawara is a published International author with two books Star Dreaming and Healing from the Dilly Bag.

Bilawara life is completely dedicated to helping us discover the wholeness and boundless beauty within our spirits and hearts, and travels nationally and internationally to conduct special life-changing workshops and ceremonies.

As a Grandmother of the oldest, continues surviving cultures on Earth, Bilawara will share with you wisdoms from the Ancestors for your spiritual journey to the stars.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Professional Boxer
Guest Biography:
Xavier Martinez is a Professional Boxer, at just 17 years old.  Martinez has been training with Ray Woods since he was 7 years old.  He has over 60 Amateur bouts, and just recently won his first Professional fight.  Martinez was Nationally Ranked in both 2013 and 2014, number 4 & 3 respectively.  Martinez lives in Sacramento, California.
Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Associate Professor of Literacy Education at Elmira College
Guest Biography:

Please allow me to introduce myself.  I am a former elementary school teacher and currently work as a teacher educator at Elmira College where I am employed as an Associate Professor of Literacy Education.  I formerly worked for six years at Arkansas State University within the Department of Education teaching undergraduate and graduate reading courses.

My years as an elementary school teacher were spent in Mississippi.  My first teaching job was in Philadelphia, located in Neshoba County — a place infamous for the murders of three civil rights workers during Freedom Summer of 1964.  The movie, “Mississippi Burning” chronicles the murders of James Chaney, Micky Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman and while the movie veers from some of the factual details, it does capture the spirit of this time of racism and hate.  I am not a native of Mississippi and was captivated by this small southern town, its history, and how it viewed civil rights.  As a school teacher in Philadelphia I couldn’t help but see connections between the town’s history and its citizens, public schools in general, and education policy.  Thus began a career devoted to examining the intersections between the civic lives of people and education policy at the local, state, and federal levels.

My decision to pursue a career as a literacy scholar and educator was a natural extension of my professional practice.  Literacy education has become of one the most politicized areas in education, as made evident by the “Reading Wars” that culminated in No Child Left Behind and Reading First policies.  Corporate entities have been well poised over the decades to take advantage of the reading debates with commercial, scripted, “teacher proof” products that guarantee success for schools and teachers who implement them “with fidelity.”  My dissertation research while earning my Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at Mississippi State University focused on expert teachers in Mississippi attempting to use one of these commercial programs while teaching children in some of the poorest and low performing schools in Mississippi.  This research demonstrated the problems associated with these types of programs and how they, in fact, diminish the role of teachers in literacy instruction and can negatively impact students.  Most importantly, I found that teaching children living in impoverished communities, whether rural or inner-city, requires much more than a program.  requires teachers with big hearts, expert knowledge, and an understanding of the impact of poverty on academic achievement.  As one teacher poignantly told me, “I’m trying to teach these children to read and they’re trying to survive.”  I published my findings in the journal Literacy  in an article entitled “Commercial Reading Programmes as the Solution for Children Living in Poverty” in 2010.  This research was nominated by the United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) for literacy research of the year.

I’ve learned over the years that one cannot examine the impact of poverty and other social issues on education without looking at the history of education reform.  The intersections between race, poverty, and economic policies are profound and undeniable.  I began reading about economist Milton Friedman’s free market ideas a number of years ago when examining the use of his voucher concept to maintain a segregated school system in the south.  I became aware that while he is often acknowledged as the father of the voucher movement, scholars often do not sufficiently examine the magnitude of his ideas on education policy in general.  In our current education reform era, driven by the Common Core and RTTT policies, while the American public is clamoring to understand how our country ended up with the current set of corporate-driven education reform policies, I felt compelled to try to answer questions that had been at the forefront of my research for a number of years:  How is it that Republicans, devoted to small government and diminished federal government intervention in education, became the party that expanded the role of the federal government beyond all imagination with NCLB?   And how is it that those same federal education policies were then embraced — and extended even further — by Democrats?  On the surface this doesn’t make sense.

My book The Origins of the Common CoreHow the Free Market Became Public Education Policy is the culmination of my research.  I felt at times like I was deciphering hieroglyphics and trying to find  a Rosetta Stone of current education policy to help me  understand the language of the conservatives, the supposedly liberal Democrats, the business community, and those engaged in systemic public education reform.  The bond among these groups, it turned out, has been an allegiance to free market economic theory.   I was left, after writing the book, with an uneasy feeling about which party I could trust to do the right thing when it comes to our nation’s public schools.  Both parties have been involved in creating what seems like the “wild west” in public education where the emphasis is on making a buck and not on educating our children.  It’s been an uneasy story to write about.  There are no political heroes when it comes to our nation’s public school systems.  While education policy makers may have had good intentions, they have overwhelmingly yielded to those who envision education as a free market in which huge profits can be made.  As a result, it is our nation’s children who are suffering.  This is a tragedy now unfolding before our very eyes!

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Teacher
Guest Biography:

Peggy Robertson has taught kindergarten, first, second, fourth, fifth and sixth grade, beginning her career in Missouri and continuing in Kansas, for a total of ten years.

She was hired by Richard C. Owen Publishers in 2001 to serve as a Learning Network Coordinator and spent the next three years training teacher leaders and administrators in educational theory and practice in the state of Colorado, as well as around the country during the summer months.

In 2004 she was hired as the Literacy Coordinator by the Adams 50 School District in Westminster, Colorado. While working in Adams 50 she mentored teachers and administrators and supported them in the writing and implementation of school development plans.

She earned her master’s degree in English as a Second Language at Southeast Missouri State University. She currently is an instructional coach at an elementary school and devotes the rest of her time to her work at United Opt Out National. Contact Peggy at or 720-810-5593.

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Performance Artist/Astrologer
Guest Biography:

ROSIE CUTTER is an international performance artist and astrologer. Studying astrology and medicine for 14 years, she came upon the Destiny Card system while living on the island of Kauai, Hi.  

Our common day playing cards weren't actually used for playing games until very recently, they are actually the origins of the Tarot and are one of the oldest systems of astrology on the planet.  Every day has a card, and every card has deep layers of meaning. 


Incorporating numerology and astrology,  Rosie found her true self through the system, as an award-winning musician and reader.  The system has truly opened her eyes to the realization that all forms of life are interconnected through ancient patterns.  If we merely stop to take the time and reflect, we can see the patterns of energy that affect us and how to use these uncontrollable forces in our world in  a positive way.   

Since the discovery of Destiny Cards Rosie has traveled the world far and wide to places like Brazil, Ibiza, Hawaii, and all over America doing thousands of readings and sharing her passion for knowledge that helps people navigate this strange world. Rosie offers integrative readings involving Human Design, Astrology, and Destiny Cards, to see a weather forecast of past, present and future events.   She is releasing an upcoming book and weekly card kit with famed Destiny Cards Author Robert Camp in the fall, and is currently working with clients via telephone and internet from her home in Jackson Hole, Wy.

Rosie can be reached at


Facebook: Rosie Cutter

Guest Category: Arts, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics