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Guest Name
Bilawara Lee
Author and Aboriginal Elder Bilawara Lee
Guest Occupation
Author, Public Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Aboriginal Elder
Guest Biography

Bilawara Lee is an Elder of the Larrakia Nation of Darwin Northern Territory, Australia, Her name Bilawara means the red tailed black cockatoo: an ancestral spirit being that brings about change.

She is acknowledged and respected as a healer and teacher of the ancient wisdoms of Aboriginal Spirituality and Healing. She is the Australian Aboriginal representative on the International Indigenous Grandmothers Council, the Wisdom Keepers of the Worlds Ancient Sacred Knowledge and currently works as an Elder on Campus for the Flinders University’s Northern Territory Medical Program. Bilawara is an Authorised Marriage Celebrant and is the sole owner operator of Dirila [Dreamtime] Ceremonies.  

Bilawara is a faculty member of the Casa de La Luna Institute in the USA and travels nationally and internationally to conduct workshop and ceremonies. Bilawara is a published International author with two books Star Dreaming and Healing from the Dilly Bag.

Bilawara life is completely dedicated to helping us discover the wholeness and boundless beauty within our spirits and hearts, and travels nationally and internationally to conduct special life-changing workshops and ceremonies.

As a Grandmother of the oldest, continues surviving cultures on Earth, Bilawara will share with you wisdoms from the Ancestors for your spiritual journey to the stars.