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Guest Occupation: Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
Guest Biography:

Tamara Adilman Counselling and Consulting for over 20 years in Vancouver B.C.

Specialist in Relationship/Marriage Therapy and Individual Counselling

"The Journey is the Destination"

- Unknown

I have been a relationship therapist and individual counsellor since I began my career over 20 years ago. I have committed my working life to helping people discover what it truly means to be who they are and help them identify how they want to live their life. I help clients find a more positive and loving way to be in relationship with each other because I believe relationships have the power to transform the lives of couples, adult family members and individuals.


As a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist with Advanced Clinician Status a Workshop Presenter and Certified Imago Consultant /Supervisor I have worked with hundreds of couples and individuals. What I experience is that Imago therapy teaches couples a NEW WAY TO LOVE.

It teaches partners practical skills based on positive proven methods that work. Clients love this approach because it offers them new skills to change old behaviour patterns. Couples and family members learn how to calm their reactions towards each other, lessen conflict and find a deeper understanding so they can restore their connection to each other.

Guest Occupation: Expert Witness,
Guest Biography:

HARRY A. MILMAN is a PhD consulting toxicologist and expert witness and president of He has assisted as an expert in over 250 civil and criminal cases involving drug overdoses, pharmacy errors, exposure to toxic chemicals and carcinogens, and assaults. He is often quoted in newspaper and magazine articles and has appeared as a toxicology expert on television news broadcasts. Prior to becoming an expert witness, Dr. Milman was a scientist at the US National Cancer Institute, NIH, and a senior toxicologist at the US Environmental Protection Agency. He has published five scientific books including the widely acclaimed Handbook of Carcinogen Testing and over seventy research papers. A Death at Camp David is his first novel. He lives in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Politics & Government, Science
Guest Occupation: Owner of Life Enhancement Services, Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Show Host, Speaker, Reiki Prectitioner and Personal Trainer
Guest Biography:

Glenn Ambrose is the owner of Life Enhancement Services, a holistic company based on the belief that happiness & fulfillment are there for you to have and is attainable by anyone.  He is a Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Host of the Podcast: "Life, Lessons, & Laughter with Glenn Ambrose", Inspirational Speaker, Reiki Practitioner and Personal Trainer.  Combining his coaching skills with his finely tuned style of getting to the heart of the matter, he inspires the change that is necessary for truly successful living.

Guest Category: Love & Relationships, Philosophy, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Meditation
Guest Occupation: UFO Researcher
Guest Biography:

Piotr Cielebiaś has created a surprisingly interesting and detailed account of UFO cases in Poland. I love his title of “UFOs over Poland” since I have written a book called “UFOs over Pennsylvania” and I also do a talk show called “UFOs over Pittsburgh”. I agree that there is a link of lore to modern UFO cases, Ufologists need funding for their research and not all of the best cases took place 70 years ago. It was interesting to learn that Poland’s first flying disk case occurred in 1922 and that 22% of Poland’s population was killed by the Nazi’s. There is an underlying theme in this book of UFOs and/or the paranormal.

This book is full of remarkable cases and photos. Who knew of the 1959 Polish Roswell case of a small craft plunging into the water, emitting a red liquid and the coast guard finding a humanoid with more than ten fingers? We in the U.S. think that UFOs mostly occur here and are ignorant of the rich UFO history abroad; especially in “haunted” Eastern Europe where much folklore originated. It is also interesting that the Gray alien abduction is a U.S. phenomenon where as in Poland; they tend to be dark hooded figures much like in the early days of U.S. UFO reports. Although many UFO groups were formed in Poland, there is no official reporting agency for UFOs. In the U.S., MUFON does the job that the air force claims they do not do and Polish Ufologists can start their own MUFON chapter if they wish to. 

It was interesting to read that when Poland joined NATO in 1999, the UFO subject became taboo. The government followed western protocols to debunk and ridicule cases and witnesses. I believe part of the agreement to obtain U.S. foreign aid and cooperation includes following U.S. policy on the handling of UFOs. It was also interesting to learn that the U.S. operates “Gitmo” type prisons on Polish soil and that Poland had more than 400 UFO cases from 1978-1989. Many of these cases involved green aliens or green clothed aliens and that many Polish scientists believed these were actually Russian experiments and technology. The chapter on pilot cases contained encounters of trying to shoot them down and instructions to report the case to their superior, follow safety protocol and not to speak to the media. Silence may be driven by the fact that the UFOs were not hostile and publicly reporting the case would entail having to thoroughly investigate each case. Similar conclusions were drawn in the U.S. in the early years of Project Blue Book although that opinion has changed over the past twenty years as the alien seems to have also changed, evolved or been replaced by a more aggressive type.

Other chapters included evidence of mass sightings, space dwarves, hot spots, flying humanoids, a fisherman that was paralyzed, morphing craft and semitransparent triangular craft. Chapter 14 was particularly interesting regarding UFOs that cannot be photographed. Some of these craft appear to be out of the range of human awareness and electronic surveillance. 

Many Polish Ufologists seek answers in John Keel and Jacque Vallee books who concluded that UFOs are real but not from space. Many of the anomalous cases presented in this book appear to be a missing link between UFOs and the paranormal. UFO encounters can make you see things that did not occur. No two cases are the same and the search for the UFO seems to go well beyond ETs from space in nuts and bolt craft. 

I highly recommend this book for the quality of the cases presented and the unique view of UFOs over Poland.

John Ventre is a MUFON multi State Director and has appeared in numerous TV shows like “Hangar 1: The UFO Files”.

UFOS OVER POLAND – The Land of High Strangeness is on sale now via AMAZON

Guest Category: Cosmology, Education Technology, World News, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychic & Intuitive, Free Energy, Theory & Conspiracy, Variety
Guest Occupation: Singer,Songwriter,Musician,Collaboration
Guest Biography:



Magic Dick, the legendary harmonica player for Boston’s legendary J. Geils Band has recently partnered up with guitar and vocal sensation, Shun Ng, to create one of the most dynamic musical acts to come out of Boston in a long time. The music is soulful blues, rockin’ yet thoughtful and performed by arguably two of the top musicians at their respective instruments. Since 1969, Magic Dick has toured the world playing and blowing away clubs and stadiums with the J. Geils Band. He explains the formation of the duo:

“From the moment I first heard Shun Ng’s CD “Funky Thumb Stuff” I knew that a manifest musical collaboration was about to happen. Shun’s sound simply made me feel very alive and induced in me a synchronous alignment of musical DNA as if it was his intention as well as mine all along! I helped it along by asking his manager, Ralph Jaccodine to introduce us at his office. A long and enlightening conversation happened on that day of our first meeting and now we are a duo and I couldn’t be more delighted.”


Shun Ng was born in Chicago, raised in Singapore now based out of Boston. At 24 years old, he is already an international star, a soulful, world-class guitarist, vocalist, and electric performer who in a short period of time, has caught the attention of the top players in the music world including Quincy Jones who said: “When you see Shun Ng, you won’t believe your eyes nor your ears – he belies all stereotypes, all premonitions. I was simply blown away by both his soul and his science – his creativity and his uniqueness is astounding.”

“In this collaboration with Magic Dick,” Shun says, “we wanted to make music in a way that no one had quite done before while remaining grounded in our roots. Magic Dick brings a powerhouse attack with ferocious precision and a killer groove to this duo. I have great respect for him, he has seemingly done it all, but is still constantly trying to push the boundaries of music and chase the best in himself, a true artist. To be working with a true Boston legend is a real privilege.”

Guest Category: Arts, Music, News, TV & Film
Guest Biography:

Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D. is known widely in both the psychoanalytic and holistic health communities. Her first spa, La Casa Resort Spa, established in 1986 in the Puerto Rican rain forest, was one of the earliest spas in this country. As a result of her prescience, Dr. Goldberg is recognized as being a leader in the spa industry, continuously in the forefront of advances in holistic health.

In order to make her work accessible to more people, Dr. Goldberg was persuaded by her resort guests to open a NYC facility. In 1993 Dr. Goldberg opened La Casa Day Spa in the flatiron district of NYC.  La Casa Day Spa is no ordinary spa. As well as traditional treatments such as massages, body wraps and facials, it emphasizes detoxification. It promotes the notion that the integrity of the colon is essential to health, and provides services for colon detoxification. As well, it brings elements of the ocean to its urban location by housing a floatation chamber. Dr Goldberg has developed and trademarked an innovative treatment of underwater massage in the floatation chamber, called flossage.

In 2000, Dr. Goldberg was invited by the Board of Directors of the 92nd Street Y in New York City to continue her important work at their facility. In April, 2001, she opened InSPArations, the day spa at the 92nd Street Y. There, the coherent organizing principle of both therapies and products is 5 elements healing. As well, ever at the forefront of effective therapies, Dr. Goldberg developed and trademarked yet another treatment. Cellusage is an effective treatment for cellulite, and incorporates techniques of myofascial release, deep tissue massage, exfoliation and wrapping.

Dr. Goldberg’s spas have attracted such diverse celebrities as Julia Roberts, Debra Winger, Marla Maples, Michael Flatley and Judd Hirsch, as well as several notable sports figures.

As well as being involved in the spa industry, Dr. Goldberg is a practicing psychoanalyst and writer. As a psychoanalyst, she has served and continues to serve on several faculties, including the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, The Institute for the Study of Violence, Greenwich University and City University of New York. Dr. Goldberg has specialized in working with cancer patients and has successfully integrated her psychoanalytic work with the field of holistic health. She has worked with many cancer patients who have defied the odds and attribute their cure to their work with her.

As one of the most prolific living writers in the field of psychoanalysis, Jane G. Goldberg Ph.D. has authored six books: The Dark Side of  Love, (Tarcher/Putnam, 1993, 1994 PB); Deceits of the Mind (and their effects on the body), (Transaction Publishers, 1991); Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer Patients, (Free Press, 1981, 1991 PB by Transaction Pub.), InSPArations: If You Can Do it at a Spa, You Can Do it at Home (InSPArations Inc, New York, New York, 2006), Princess Diana: Modern-Day Moon-Goddess – A Psychoanalytical and Mythological Look at Diana Spencer’s Life, Marriage and Death (Sea Raven Press, 2008) and Because People are Dying: The Story of a Rock, an Apple and Cancer (Sea Raven Press; Spring Hill, Tennessee, 2009). 2014 will see the long-awaited release of The Inner Lives of Mothers (And Every Daughter’s Search For a Separate Self).

Dr. Goldberg is recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities in the fields of psychological oncology and mind/body health. As such, she is a frequent speaker at conventions and conferences nation-wide, both professional and lay. As well, she has published numerous scholarly articles. She is consulted and quoted often by popular magazines and newspapers as an “expert” on relationships and mind/body health, including such diverse publications as The New York Times Magazine, New York Observer, Crain’s, Daily News, Vegetarian Times, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, Allure, Self, Cancer Forum, Women’s Wear Daily, Natural Living, Delicious, The Times Picayune, The Mainliner, Greater Washington Senior Beacon, Weight Watchers, Bride, First for Women and dozens others.

Dr. Goldberg has made appearances on many notable talk television shows, including The Donahue Show, Sally Jesse Raphael, Jane Whitney, Rikki Lake, the Maury Povich Show, the Morton Downy Show, Maureen O’Boyle and more. She was such a popular guest that she is still called to make appearances and has appeared several times on most shows. In addition, she has been interviewed on both radio and television news shows across the nation, including National Public Radio.

In 1994, Dr. Goldberg was named “Most Admired Woman of the Decade” by the American Biographical Institute. She is listed in Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who of Women, International Who’s Who of Professional and Business Women, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in American Writers, International Who’s Who in Medicine.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Personal Development, Science
Guest Occupation: UFO Experiencer, Contactee, Near Death Experiencer
Guest Biography:

Seth Levine is a UFO experiencer and contactee.  He has had many interactions with otherworldly beings including Arcturians, Pleiadians, Orions, Andromedans and Syrians. From E.T's, to Ascended Masters, to sightings of crafts, he has had a wide range of experiences.  He talks about these experiences and the messages he has received on his YouTube Channel where he has also posted some of his footage of the crafts he has seen.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Cosmology, Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: The conduit for SiO
Guest Biography:

The Matrix of Sandra

Though my generic ‘label’ in this time/space reality is Sandra, it would perhaps be more fitting to introduce myself as “an aspect of you.” This is one of the tenets of SiO and indeed, is one of the key tenets at this juncture in our evolution.

You see, who I am is irrelevant. It is who I am to YOU that is all that is relevant. And in fact, if you were not reading this, I as Sandra, would not exist. In quantum fact, even as you read this, I don’t exist. Only the words you are reading about someone called Sandra actually exist.

I realize this can be hard to grasp so, for those who would like to know a little bit about my third dimensional (3d) experience, how I came to this Knowing and why I am here, I am happy to share my journey. I understand that human existence, at this point in our evolution, is such that the mind still has a ‘need’ to be satisfied before it will risk delving into unexplored territory. In other words, there must be some sort of credibility and reasoning that will satisfy the human mind (or the humind as I often call it) before an individual will allow them self to explore something unfamiliar. For something as unknown, foreign and even strange as the multi-dimensional work of SiO, the mind’s need to rationalize is even more heightened.

I get that. I accept that. It is with this understanding that I offer the following ‘background’ information on my physical expression in this time/space reality.

I am identified as Sandra Kyrzakos. I am a vehicle for the ‘in-body-meant’ of a stream of Knowing, previously called SHIfT into NOW, that permeated my being through an awakening process that culminated in 2008. As I flexed my consciousness muscle, I grew in my ability to allow even more light to come through and expanded my Knowing accordingly. As I expanded so did SHIfT into NOW, eventually transforming and maturing into SHIfT into ONE.

I intentionally use the word in-body-meant (spelled that way) because this Knowing is not something that is separate from me. In other words, I do not ‘receive’ this information. Instead, I awaken to it. I expand into it. I Know it. It is innate within me and is as natural to me as breathing. It is who I am on all levels, layers and aspects of my expression rolled into this time/space reality.

Not only is this who I am on all levels, layers and aspects of my expression in this time/space reality, it is also who you are too. You just may not have awakened to this realization, and hence accessed this information, yet.

My reason for incarnating at this time in human evolution is to bring an end to ALL suffering and raise humanity’s vibration by awakening us to the Truth of who we really ARE, and our place in the Cosmos.

So how did I become the conduit for SiO? As agreed to by the collective consciousness of which we all chose to be a part, I accepted the role to represent the vehicle of expression through which SHIfT into ONE has become manifest. This choice was made before I incarnated. Then, at the age of 44, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place as I started recalling, experiencing and understanding why my life happened the way it did (ie the course of major events and circumstances that served to trigger Knowing but were stored in various aspects of my being until I was sufficiently able to unlock and comprehend this information from a multi-dimensional perspective as well as to physically incorporate the energetic and molecular changes into my body). This was my awakening, which I describe as travelling beyond this time/space reality where my Higher Self (and Beyond) dwells, understanding through Knowing, why I incarnated and then coming back into my 3rd dimensional existence to become the embodiment of this information in this reality.

However, even though I, Sandra, act as the human portal for this information, SiO is not mine. It does not belong to me because, in reality, there is no ‘I’ or ‘me’ or ‘you’ for anything to belong to. It does not belong to anyone or anything. It just is. It just exists. The same can be said for anything on this planet (although capitalism would have us perceive things otherwise).

The information is a Light language that originates directly from Source. It does not come from books, videos or other teachings on this planet. In other words, the information is Pure. And it will only come through one person. That person just happens to be me. This is paramount to maintaining the integrity and Purity of the information. This is the only way the information will not be compromised or diluted in anyway as there is no room for interpretation ….. or misinterpretation to suit special-interest, ego, greed or power-over-others – driven agendas. As soon as there is more than one person who claims to be receiving the same information, you now open it up to interpretation and corruption. This will not be allowed with this information. The vibration of SiO will not allow for it. This is Absolute. Further, those who are of the power-over-others self-serving agenda know they can’t touch this. They can’t even get close to it because their frequency is too low.

Everything I speak about in SiO I have personally experienced both in and out of my vehicle. This is because I have access to my multi-dimensional Self and can tap into whatever Knowing and whatever emotional experience I need to in any given moment. I am also aware of myself as a living hollow-gram. I am the embodiment (vibration) of it. Therefore, I can ‘glitch’ in and out of various realities in a nano-second. I can also be in more than one reality at a time (ie this is part of the applied quantum physics I mentioned earlier). I am whatever each aspect of me needs me to be in any given moment. Though it can be dizzying at times, I have, for the most part, trained myself to be able to manage it.

I Serve those who are ready to transcend this reality alongside earth to become the NEW Human on the NEW Earth. I can promise you one thing: this is for real …. if …. you are ready for it. Are you one of the Ready Ones?

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual