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Guest Occupation: litigation attorney, coach, speaker, podcast host
Guest Biography:

Kristin Maxwell is a transformational speaker, consultant, and coach who guides entrepreneurs and executives to overcome even lifelong patterns of limiting beliefs, so they can operate at their full potential and accelerate business success.  Kristin's specialty is taking down the harmful mind chatter that causes burnout and blocks entrepreneurs from operating at their full potential. Kristin also hosts the Your SuperPowered Mind podcast, where she uses her decades of experience as a litigation attorney and seeker of personal growth to share practical, actionable strategies individuals can use to get out of their heads -- out of anxiety, stress, insecurity and perfectionism -- and make lasting change in their lives.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Owner of Amigo Bobs Organics
Guest Biography:

I am the Owner of Amigo Bob's Organics. My involvement in the organic farming movement started with my family, Pavich Family Farms in the mid 70’s.  We were the early pioneers in the organic farming business. Since then I have gone on to develop my own company, Franny’s Organic (an organic raisin company) started in 2002, and recently am an owner/founder in Amigo Bob’s Organic (an organic soil nutrient and fertilizer company).

My passion has always been centered around food, farming and healthy lifestyles. My formal education is in Clinical Psychology, which provided me the tools to work with different people on many levels helping them understand the message of what holistic healthy living means. My informal education began on the farm. I have always been a Gardener - I love growing my own food, and I love teaching others to grow their own food and prepare it in a tasty way.!

I have been a speaker on Organic Farming and healthy lifestyles at many events: National Native American Business Conference, Health Food Forms, and various Governmental forums for Agricultural and Alternative Energy to name a few.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Pets and Animals, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Sports Performance Consultant and Mental Trainer, Author
Guest Biography:

Robert B Andrews - The Institute of Sports Performance

Robert Andrews works with Olympic, professional, college, high school and junior high school athletes, and attended the Beijing and London Olympics where he worked with USA and international athletes. He works with minor and major league baseball players and MLB All Stars. Robert helps athletes achieve peak levels of performance by integrating sports performance tools to increase mental and emotional toughness.

His area of specialization is helping injured athletes overcome the mental and emotional impact of sports related injuries and teaches the mental keys to peak performance in baseball.

He has worked with Olympic Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalist, Olympic teams, athletes, and hopefuls; helped USA athletes win 13 medals, including 7 Gold Medals at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Also work with World Champions, NFL All Pros and MLB All Stars, NBA players, NBA All Stars, Heisman Trophy winners, Ray Guy Award finalist, NCAA All Americans & Champions, State Champions, All State athletes, college, high school and junior high athletes. Attended London Olympic Games. Worked with USA and International athletes in gymnastics, trampoline, and track and field. Worked with U. S. A. Men's Gymnastics at 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Key note speaker at 2017 Navy Seal Foundation Impact Summit.

Robert implemented a cutting edge model for treating the mental and emotional impact of sports related injuries. This process accelerates the recovery process dramatically. Athletes return to play confident and free of the fear of re-injury. Especially effective with ACL injuries, Tommy John recovery, broken ankles, and concussions. Seeing athletes before surgery is critically helpful.

He was the Lead sports performance consultant for U.S.A. Men's national and world gymnastics team and national, world, and Olympic team coaches as they prepared for the 2012 London Olympics. Also worked with USA Trampoline in preparation for the London Olympics. Worked with top track and field sprinters and other top track and field athletes. Their times have improved dramatically by implementing mental skills training into workout and competition regiments.

Helps college football players prepare for the NFL Combine. Evaluates talent for the NBA Combine and Draft.

Specialties: - Helping athletes reach their peak potential and reach new levels of performance

- Assist injured athletes in over-coming the mental and emotional blocks that limit their confident return to play after injury-Help organizations create a positive winning culture.

Author of 'Champion's Mental Edge: Turning Winners into Champions' on Amazon.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: President, Stafford House Books, Inc, Author and Founder of Kids' Yoga Day
Guest Biography:

Teresa Anne Power, the founder of Kids’ Yoga Day, is an internationally recognized expert on children’s yoga and the author of the bestselling book The ABCs of Yoga for Kids. Her book has been translated into 4 languages and is the recipient of multiple awards. Teresa has taught yoga to thousands of children, and has spoken at numerous libraries, schools, bookstores, yoga studios and school conferences across the United States. She has appeared on both local and national television and radio, and has been featured in/on Sirius XM, Fox News, Good Morning Arizona,,, Parenting Special Needs Magazine, USA Today Magazine, Girls World Magazine, Green Child Magazine, Yogi Times, and more. She was also KNX-AM “Hero of the Week”, honoring her dedication to helping yoga become accessible to children all over the world. She also writes articles about children’s health and fitness on and the Pali Post, teaches Children’s Yoga Training Workshops, and volunteers her yoga expertise at Let’s Move West LA, SOS Mentor, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Children’s Bureau, Connections for Children, Pathways, and The Neighborhood Youth Association. Teresa also sits on the board of the National Math Foundation.  A graduate of University of Southern California, she earned her J.D. from Pepperdine University School of Law, and completed a yoga training program with Indigo Yoga. For more information, please visit Teresa’s website at  Teresa is available for workshops, speaking engagements and instruction.



Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Leadership Coach and Author
Guest Biography:

Before my coaching practice, I spent more than twenty years as a public health dentist, researcher and academician. I’ve held numerous leadership positions including  an endowed professor and department chair.

After my own experiences dealing with a variety of leadership styles, I became interested in learning more about what makes an effective and inspiring leader. On this path, I uncovered a great deal about myself and what was involved to be an effective and inspiring leader. I decided to take what I learned to help others understand themselves more fully.

I work with individuals who want to live authentic and fulfilling lives and who are committed to understanding themselves, their behaviors and reactions. I believe that everyone has inherent leadership potential whether they are leaders in organizations, within their families or in their relationships. One of the most important attributes of a successful leader is self-awareness.

Guest Category: Love & Relationships, Personal Development, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Award-winning keynote speaker and author
Guest Biography:


“Peggy O’Neill is the messenger and the message. She exemplifies walking tall!” so spouts FedEx co-founder, Frank Maguire. Peggy is an award-winning keynote speaker and author. For over thirteen years, she has inspired powerful positive change in corporate and women’s groups across the US with her unforgettable, dynamic, and humorous keynote speeches and trainings.

Coming from the field of psychotherapy, and drawing from her extra-ordinary experiences triumphing over the many trials- being a little person living in a big world- Peggy lends her expertise in the areas of personal empowerment, celebrating diversity and enhancing professional performance.

Peggy has presented to over 100,000 people in organizations such as FEMA, Chase Bank, Diversity Works, Texaco, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Lucent Technologies, Ball Aerospace, Lockhead Martin and many others.

Peggy has authored two books: Walking Tall: Overcoming Inner Smallness, No Matter What Size You Are, and Little Squarehead, an illustrated children’s book. Featured on the cover of Speaker Magazine, Peggy is also a contributing teacher in the films The Opus, and Tapping the Source. Additionally, Peggy serves young students, offering anti-bullying and self-esteem programs.

Happily, Peggy brings real solutions to audience members and their hosting organizations. She celebrates her daily life in Ojai, CA, a small town near Santa Barbara.

“We’ve had the nation’s top speakers. Your delivery and message for this audience surpasses them all!” – K. Druck, Founder, Jenna Druck Foundation

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Plays Violoncello and is a celebrated soloist and chamber music artist
Guest Biography:


John Walz – violoncello is a celebrated soloist and chamber music artist, known for his dazzling virtuosity and elegant musicianship. A student of the legendary French cellist, Pierre Fournier, he has appeared as soloist with more than 150 symphony orchestras on 4 continents.
His performances of 25 different concertos include both standard showcases and rarities like Martinu’s Concerto #1 and William Schuman’s Song of Orfeus. 

In 1979, Mr. Walz, along with pianist Edith Orloff, founded the Pacific Trio. Now performing with violinist Roger Wilkie, this renowned ensemble has played more than 900 concerts throughout North America and Europe. In addition to his solo and chamber music duties, he is currently the principal cellist with the Los Angeles Opera, a position he previously held for 20 years with the Long Beach Symphony.

His ever expanding discography includes recordings of the concertos by Dvorak, Haydn, Shostakovich, Bloch, Martinu, Vivaldi, and trios by Brahms, Dvorak, Smetana, and the newly released Pacific Trio CD featuring Beethoven’s Triple Concerto and Archduke Trio.
He is on the faculty of the Idyllwild Arts Summer Program and Academy.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Viola artist and Director of the Guemes Island Chamber Music Series
Guest Biography:


Karie Prescott – viola, began her studies in Bellevue, WA, with Richard Skerlong.  She is a graduate of The Curtis Institute of Music and the University of Michigan, where she studied with Karen Tuttle, Michael Tree, and Donald McInnes.  Chamber music performances have taken her throughout Europe and North America, including two “Music from Marlboro” tours and as the violist for Mikhail Baryshnikov’s White Oak Dance Project. 
A member of the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra since 1991, she has frequently played in orchestras accompanying Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti.  She also records soundtracks for motion pictures and TV shows.  Formerly professor of viola and chamber music at Pepperdine University for twelve years, she also taught at Pacific Lutheran University and Tacoma Community College.
She is the founder and director of the Guemes Island Chamber Music Series, which gave its first performance in 2007.
Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music