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Guest Name
Frances Pavich
Frances Pavich
Guest Occupation
Owner of Amigo Bobs Organics
Guest Biography

I am the Owner of Amigo Bob's Organics. My involvement in the organic farming movement started with my family, Pavich Family Farms in the mid 70’s.  We were the early pioneers in the organic farming business. Since then I have gone on to develop my own company, Franny’s Organic (an organic raisin company) started in 2002, and recently am an owner/founder in Amigo Bob’s Organic (an organic soil nutrient and fertilizer company).

My passion has always been centered around food, farming and healthy lifestyles. My formal education is in Clinical Psychology, which provided me the tools to work with different people on many levels helping them understand the message of what holistic healthy living means. My informal education began on the farm. I have always been a Gardener - I love growing my own food, and I love teaching others to grow their own food and prepare it in a tasty way.!

I have been a speaker on Organic Farming and healthy lifestyles at many events: National Native American Business Conference, Health Food Forms, and various Governmental forums for Agricultural and Alternative Energy to name a few.


Elsie Maio (not verified)

25 April 2018

Wow! THE Frances Pavich talking about organic gardening! She is such a distinguished businesswoman and down to earth passionista who walks her talk. Looking forward to the podcast.