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Guest Occupation: Author, Nutrition Specialist & Personal Development Counselor
Guest Biography:

“PERSEVERANCE is 100% self-control,” says South African author, Brett Austin, who authored the inspiring book, To All the People of The Planet.

Austin says writing this book was a way he could help change lives of those in need.

Brett Austin is a former plumber and disc jockey.  He is a father, author, nutrition specialist, and personal development coach.  "I try to share my miraculous weight-loss and transformation story at workshops, talks and festivals."

“I guess I’m a different kind of plumber now. I help my humankind to clear their inner pipes and live more miraculously healthy lives with God,” he said.

“I got a massive wake-up call as my health was deteriorating and I could see two potential paths my life would take - one I'd carry on as I was, grossly overweight and unhealthy, and not live beyond 40, or I'd transform my life and live into my eighties, writing numerous books, which would support millions of others to also live greater lives for good too.”

Austin said that as a child, he always knew by 40 he would be traveling the world however, he never knew how, he just knew he would be.

He said his role model is Bob Proctor because of his motivational speaking and exceptional knowledge.

Describing himself as “transformed”, Austin said his proudest achievement is losing 65kgs and transforming his life.

“My book, To All The People of The Planet, is a personal transformation story, and a guide packed with tips, tools and even menus to give people access to how I lost 45kgs in 18 weeks and a total of 65kgs, without dieting. I felt there are many people who would benefit from my story and I wanted to share how I started this way of life three years ago, and how I lost, and kept the weight off.”

His message to the youth of today and other aspiring writers is to persevere.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Lifelong Contactee, Telepath, Galactic Messenger, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Judy Carroll was born in Queensland, AU, in 1952. Her family background is Creole, English, and Romany (Gypsy). She left school to become a professional Flamenco dancer, following in the footsteps of her grandmother, who was a dancer and clairvoyant medium in the Romany tradition. Judy feels that this background helped her to assimilate the encounters she's had with Grey ETs since early childhood. Sixty years of these ongoing and at times fully conscious encounters has given her a deep insight into this phenomenon that is happening to many thousands of people world-wide.

The ET Visitors advised her to meditate so as to facilitate easier telepathic communication, and to study Tai Chi and natural healing. In 2011, Judy attended a meeting on an ET ship that involved a discussion on the past and present situation on Earth, including the hijacking of the planet many millennia ago. In light of this, she wrote a book on the ET history of Earth, the hijacking of the planet by a rebel force and the subsequent manipulation of scriptural accounts of events that took place in the distant past.

She has written three books; Human by day, Zeta by Night, the Zeta Message, and her new book which is just out, The Extraterrestrial Message.

Guest Category: Literature, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Experiencer, MILAB, Author, NDE, Contactee, Clairvoyant, Spiritual Development Coach
Guest Biography:

Tana Newberry survived a near death experience in 2002. In that moment she realized the ability to channel, saving her life and ultimately changing it forever. Soon after, Tana became passionate about sharing her psychic gifts. 

​Much of her work currently takes place in Benicia, California, which is close to Bay Area. She offers Psychic ET Experiencer Readings, Tarot Readings, Crystal Readings, Crystal-Reiki Healings and Sound Vibrational Healings. She teaches a multitude of Psychic Development classes helping Contactees, Experiencers and Spiritual Seekers to identify and cultivate their Psy abilities. Her trainings exploring telepathic communication, automatic writing, receiving clairvoyant images and receiving conscious state ‘downloads’ of information, among other methods.

Tana's extraterrestrial contact goes as far back as childhood, but memories and new experiences only started to surface around the time she began using her psychic abilities and had her first UFO sighting. Her ET involvement centers around the production of Hybrid children as she recalls 10 years of experiences which include conception, gestation and retrieval.  She also identifies as a MILAB experiencer. 

Tana is involved in the Ufology Community, now attending and sharing her projects at conferences. She can be found teaching, presenting and conducting one-on-one Psychic ET Experiencer Readings. Sessions are conducted using her ET Experiencer Oracle Deck ​which Tana co-authored with Miesha Johnston.The divination deck is dedicated to the topic of Ufology and extraterrestrial contact. When used, it both validates encounters and clarifies details about personal experiences. Contact agendas are represented as well as ET species and Galactic Planets of Origin.

​In addition to her psychic work, Tana currently leads UFO Nightwatch Encounters in the Bay Area, California and on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. UFO Nightwatch Encounters features tours with military grade night-vision goggles, so you can enjoy your own personal UFO sightings!

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Spiritual, Tarot & Other Cards, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Host and Lead Investigator for Amazon Prime's new Paranormal Television Series Paranormal Journey Into the unknown
Guest Biography:

Gavin Kelly, Host and Lead Investigator for Amazon Prime's new Paranormal Television Series. "Paranormal Journey:Into the unknown. I've been in the paranormal field for 4 years now, joined by my Researcher and Historian Paula Purcell  we are called the Phantasmic Ghost Hunters.  Paula and I have been on FM Radio as well as numerous Internet Radio Broadcasts Nation wide. We're are going to be on TV shows starting this year, Morning shows, News Channels, and of course in the Newspapers. Being invited to Comic Cons and Paracons to be speakers is a wonderful opportunity for Paula and myself. Im the camera man searching for truth along with Paula whom is a historian thst loves to dig into the past as we search with guests and others to find the real truths on locations all over the USA.

Locations we have been to: St Alban's, Old South Pittsburgh, Ohio Reformatory, Waverly , Monroe House and much more


Guest Category: Entertainment, Paranormal, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Publisher, Writer, Musician
Guest Biography:

Kris Millegan is a publisher, writer and musician. After first working in 1999 with author/investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker in producing, Barry and the 'boys': The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History, Kris started TrineDay in 2000 as a vehicle to get suppressed books wider circulation. With no shortage of spiked materials, TrineDay has grown to over 40 volumes in print, and has succeeded in achieving a wider distribution for suppressed works. The current catalogue can be viewed at Kris edited and is an author of Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society. He is a prolific songwriter with two songs in National Lampoon's Last Resort, and plays ground harp with the Normal Bean Band. Kris lives in Oregon, USA.

Kris was born in Washington D.C. while his father, Lloyd S. Millegan, was working for the government. Lloyd became involved in intelligence in 1936 as an exchange student to the University of Shanghai. Lloyd left Shanghai a week before the Japanese bombed in 1937, went to Vladivostok and then on the Trans-Siberian via Moscow to Vienna. He then toured parts of Europe, ending up at the 1937 World Council of Churches Conference at Oxford meeting with Dulles.

After graduation in 1939, Lloyd went back to D.C., soon working for OSS in the basement of the Library of Congress under Archibald MaclIesh. He was assigned the Philippine desk, then in 1943 he was "sheepdipped" into the Army, given two weeks of medic training and put into G-2, and on MacArthur's staff. With orders to report back to Washington, and to collect multiple copies of all printed matter in the occupied Philippines. He was assigned as personal and private secretary to Dr. Joseph Hayden, who later died, with Millegan taking his place, and running guerillas in the Philippines. Lloyd became very close to the guerillas, went into Manilla before the Japanese left and "sequestered" puppet-government and Japanese documents before the troops arrived. He was sued later by the Japanese government for theft for these actions, it was dismissed. He received a Legion of Merit for those actions. He also worked with the guerillas in setting up diplomatic relations with Washington.

These activities were soon shut down by MacArthur and friends. The story is told best in, "Betrayal of the Philippines" by Hernado Abaya, which Millegan edited. Because of these activities, MacArthur and Willoughby moved to get Millegan out of there, bringing in Ed Lansdale. Millegan was moved to R&A for the invasion of Japan, then later between V-J and muster he was given a special assignment: write a report about the Japanese use of opium and heroin before and during the war. He met with the Soongs and others in China.

After the war, he went back to D.C. was involved in a couple of "alphas," and then was with the CIA at it's beginning. His last overt job in 1950, was as Branch Chief Head of East Asia Analysis Office. He then went covert, becoming a "businessman" in Indonesia for several years, before returning home. He then was "employed" in various jobs, then in 1956 he was an author writing a book that never was published. To do research on this book, he traveled extensively in East Asia, meeting with Lansdale in Vietnam. After his return, things changed, the family was moving, first to Rochester, NY, then Rochester MN, then didn't move, but the family farm in Fairfax had been sold, so they moved to another house in Fairfax.

Lloyd Millegan was working a newspaper ad salesmen, then all of sudden, he became the vice-president of a college in Nashville,TN. In about two years, 1959, something happened, the president of the college quit, Lloyd was offered the presidency, he resigned also. He moved the whole family across the country, and became a college student, and soon was teaching junior high school. Later in 1969 he told his son, Kris that he had quit the CIA in 1959, and spoke to Kris of some things that he didn't understand, but sparked an interest in the subject, CIA-Drugs.


Mission Statement:

TrineDay is a small publishing house that arose as a response to the consistent refusal of the corporate press to publish many interesting, well-researched and well-written books with but one key “defect”: a challenge to official history that would tend to rock the boat of America’s corporate “culture.” TrineDay believes in our Constitution and our common right of Free Speech. 

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Political Consultant/Author
Guest Biography:
About Roger Stone

Roger Stone pundit and legendary American Republican political consultant who has played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to Donald J. Trump.

Roger Stone is the subject of the smash hit Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone and serves as a political commentator for InfoWars.

Stone is the author of The Man Who Killed Kennedy - the Case Against LBJ (Skyhorse). Stone is also the author of Tricky Dick, a broader look at the rise and fall and rise and fall and final comeback of Richard Milhouse Nixon, the Bush Crime Family, an inside look at that corrupt American dynasty, the Clinton's War on Women, the definitive work on the shocking crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and The Making of the President 2016 - how Donald Trump orchestrated a revolution.

A friend an advisor to Donald Trump for over 30 years Roger Stone urged Donald Trump to seek the Presidency as early as 1988 and again in 2000, 2016 and finally 2016.

Stone has also chronicled men's fashion for the New York Times and the Daily Caller. His annual "Ten Best and Worst Dressed" list has been featured on the Daily Caller and StoneOnStyle since 2009. Stone serves as Men's Style Correspondent for the Daily Caller as well as hosting the War Room on InfoWars five days a week.

A Goldwater zealot in grade-school after a neighbor gave him Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative, Stone was elected Young Republican National Chairman in 1977.

Stone was appointed Chairman of Youth for Nixon for Connecticut by Gov. John Davis Lodge who would become Stone's mentor. Stone was the youngest member of the staff in President Richard Nixon's re-election camping in 1972, the notorious CREEP - Committee for the Re-Election of the President. At CREEP Stone would fall under the tutelage of the legendary Murray Chotiner, Nixon's early campaign manager and the inventor of negative campaign advertising and tactics. In 1973 Stone went to work for Senator Bob Dole as a staff assistant and travel aide.

In 1976 Stone was named by Senator Paul Laxalt as National Director of Youth for Reagan, a division of Governor Ronald Reagan's 1976 Presidential campaign. In 1978, Stone co-founded the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) where he is credited with developing the negative campaign into an art form and pioneering the modern use of negative campaign advertising which Mr. Stone calls "comparative, educational, not negative."

Starting in 1979, Stone served as Regional Political Director for Governor Reagan's 1980 campaign for President handling New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, his native State. Stone became known for his expertise and strategies for motivating and winning ethnic and Catholic voters. Stone went on to serve in the same capacity in Reagan's 1984 reelection campaign adding responsibility for Pennsylvania and Ohio to the states Stone managed in 1980. He also served as a Senior Consultant for California for President George H. W. Bush's campaign. Bush beat Dukakis by 1% in the Golden State.

In 2000 Stone is credited with the hard-ball tactics which resulted in closing down the Miami-Dade Presidential recount. Stone is credited in HBO's recent movie, "Recount 2000" with fomenting the so-called "Brooks Brothers Riot" in which a Republican mob swarmed the recount demanding a shutdown while thousands of Cuban-Americans marched outside the Courthouse demanding the same thing.

Mr. Stone would later regret his support for the Bushs and opposed the war in Iraq.

The New York Times and Miami Herald reported it was Mr. Stone who first tipped of the FBI to Governor Eliot Spitzer's use of prostitutes.

Stone has worked for pro-American political parties in Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. He is consulted regularly on communications and corporate and public relations strategy by fortune 500 ECO's and pro-democracy foreign leaders.

Stone endorsed former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson for President before switching his registration from Republican to the Libertarian Party. Stone rejoined the Republican party with the nomination and election of Donald Trump in 2016.

Stone has been profiled in the Weekly Standard, The New Yorker, and the Miami Herald. Mr. Stone has written for, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, The New York Times Op Ed page and for, Breitbart, the FOX Opinion page and has appeared recently on FOX News and CNN.


Rules to live by from the master of political dark arts, as seen in the award-winning documentary Get Me Roger Stone

New York Times Best selling Author Roger Stone is a freedom fighter to his admirers, or a dirty trickster to his detractors. The flamboyant, outrageous, articulate, and extraordinarily well-dressed operative and pundit lays out Stone’s Rules—the maxims that have governed his legendary career as a campaign operative for four American presidents, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. But Stone’s Rules is far more than a political guide book.

As a raconteur, pundit, prognosticator, and battle-scarred veteran of America’s political wars, Roger Stone shares his lessons on punking liberals and playing the media, gives an inside look at his push to legalize marijuana, details how much “linen” to show at the cuff of an impeccably-cut suit, lays out how and why LBJ orchestrated the murder of JFK, and reveals how to make the truly great marinara sauce that is the foundation of Stone’s legendary Sunday Gravy.

Along the way, Stone dishes on the “cloak and dagger” nitty-gritty that has guided his own successes and occasional defeats, culminating in the election of the candidate he first pushed for the presidency in 1988, Donald J. Trump.

Needless to say this dapper, pungent commentator gives us the lowdown on ‘Fake News”, alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election, Wikileaks and Julian Assange, all controversies swirling in the media today.

First revealed in the Weekly Standard by Matt Labash and commemorated by CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin, the blunt, pointed, and real-world practical Stone’s Rules were immortalized in the Netflix smash hit documentary Get Me Roger Stone—part Machiavelli’s The Prince, part Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, all brought together with a highly-entertaining blend of culinary and sartorial advice from the Jedi Master of politicaldark arts.

From “Attack, attack, attack!” inspired by Winston Churchill, to “Three can keep a secret, if two are dead,” taken from the wall of mob boss Carlos Marcello’s headquarters, to Stone’s own: “It is better to be infamous than to never have been famous at all,” Roger Stone shares with the world all that he’s learned from his decades of political jujitsu and life as a maven of high-style. From rules for campaign management to the how-to’s of an internet mobilization campaign to advice on custom tailoring to the ingredients for the perfect martini from Dick Nixon’s (no-longer-) secret recipe, Stone has fashioned the truest operating manual for anyone navigating the rough-and-tumble of business, finance, politics, social engagement, family affairs, and life itself.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Health & Fitness Expert, TV Spokesperson, CEO of SpinGym
Guest Biography:

Award-Winning TV host, Author, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, One of the World's Leading Health & Wellness experts (National Fitness Hall of Fame inductee). Forbes was voted the "Top 20 Most inspiring People on Television" through her roles as a sought-after spokesperson, broadcast journalist and Success/Results Coach to celebrities, sales teams & CEOs. As a motivational keynote speaker - she's affectionally called "The Female Tony Robbins." Forbes Riley has created a trusted brand name for herself.

Touring the globe from Colleges and Sales Meetings to Boardrooms and Global Skypes, she is a dynamic Motivational Speaker and role models for the Success of Women in Business.

My career includes countless tv shows/movies. Visit to see a plethora of acting & hosting credits on Broadway, TV series, movies and along the way I discovered my true gift of communication - live events, comedy at Laugh Factory , infomercials (179 to date w/ dozen best TV Presenter awards), & live home shopping (QVC & HSN).

Launching Forbes Factor Live and The Billionaire Business Academy with a goal to inspire others to their greatness. A trusted brand that extends beyond SpinGym, Forbes Flawless, my books & courses - EVERYTHING we do at Forbes Riley Media is designed to enroll YOU into YOUR life, 10x YOUR business and level-up YOUR health - getting you to live & feel better about yourself. Its our daily mission.

Extensive experience in front & behind camera working on direct and traditional marketing campaigns. Production, product development & marketing strategies including housewares, weight loss, fitness and lifestyle design products.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Psychic / Intuitive Mentor, Hypnotist, Magician, Mentalist & Speaker
Guest Biography:

David Lion is a gifted young man in whose specialty is helping people find their way and reconnect to their soul essence.

He specializes in helping purpose-driven people who are willing to make changes in their lives by helping them become clear on their blockages and by tapping them more deeply into their deepest desires, truths, power and potential.

While he was always intuitive and spiritually connected in his own way, he didn’t always know it. For him, he thought, “this is how everybody is”.

He spent a good portion of his life dedicated to the arts of magic and hypnosis, passionate about inspiring others and demonstrating the impossible. At the time, his only desire was to make people feel good and inspire possibility.

Little did he expect, magic would take him on a journey that would awaken secrets and gifts inside of him that he never thought possible.

On 1/11/2012, David met his first mentor, a man named Alex.

Seeing David’s purpose and potential, he took him under his wing to help further awaken his intuitive gifts and abilities.

After nearly 4 years of intensive and often rigorous training, David began to evolve from student to master - rediscovering the abilities that he had as a child, but that he had long forgotten about.

He simply called this discovery “Magic”

At that moment, it became clear to him that his higher purpose was to reconnect others to their “magic” and to make magic normal again - like he believes it was in ancient times.

Through his mastery of the mind and expertise as a mentor, David has already awakened and re-aligned thousands of souls, both synchronistically and through the way in which he creates his living. However, what brings us here to these words is that he has recently been feeling himself very strongly called to step out of the underground world and take his teachings to the masses.

In this new chapter, David wishes not only to help the spiritually open get more in sync with their soul selves and abilities, but to help mentor the current and future spiritual teachers and leaders of the world with the hopes of ushering in a new age of spirituality.

One where magic is natural and happiness is more common. All through sharing the wisdom and messages he’s been receiving of the new wave to come.

What’s unique about David’s methods is that his teachings are extremely grounded and practical. No previous knowledge of spirituality is necessarily required as his approach is what he refers to as “no fluff”.

What we personally found so appealing about David’s ways are his emphasis on the necessity of fun. This offers a whole new twist in spirituality that will not only unlock more of the human/spiritual potential, but allows us to break away from the old modalities of the mind and the idea of spiritual practice being so “serious”.

It is with this in mind that we would like to introduce you to our son.

He is a special boy, as are the rest of you, and so we ask that you treat him well and as one of your own.

We look forward to the journey that you will all usher in together.

In light, love and happiness.

We wish you well,


Find David on:

Facebook | Instagram 


Guest Category: Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive