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Guest Occupation: Channels Zorra of Hollow Earth
Guest Biography:

Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force.

Billie Faye Woodard Story | Zorra of Hollow Earth.

Col. Billie Faye Woodard (ret.) and his twin sister, Zuria, were born in the Inner Earth, and brought to the outer Earth on September 18, 1951. They were both born with exceptional abilities, including the ability to speak an ancient Lemurian language. Both Billie and his sister were born with both male and female organs, and were hermaphrodites, but over the years Billie has become more masculine and today he has become very strong and speaks with a masculine voice.

His exceptional abilities and intelligence led him to a rapid rise in the military, and during the late 1960s, he rose to the rank of Colonel, and became the base commander of Area 51. During his time there, he took a shuttle craft from the base to visit his parents in the Inner Earth. He is in touch with his parents now and visits the Inner Earth frequently.

In these interviews, I talk with Billie Faye and his father Zorra from the Hollow Earth, who speaks through Billie. Zorra gives important messages to humanity from the Inner Earth and the beautiful bright future for all of us!

Billie Faye Woodard (Zaraya)

My father, Zorra, is a Hollow Earth scientist who has made 150,000 trips around the sun. My sister and myself are originally from the Hollow Earth. Our true parents and family live in Hollow Earth. When our adopted father took us in his adopted children we spoke a language unknown to any surface culture. 

One of the remarkable thing that makes Billie different from us here on the surface is that unlike us he does not have a blood type.  His blood is different.  It seems the composition of his blood is more advanced in the sense that any virus and or bacteria that was tested in the laboratory of the US Military could not infect his blood.  Instead the virus and the bacteria died for some unknown reason when mixed with own his blood on a petri dish; and this was observed by doctors with their own microscope.  Billie also does not have any fingerprints.  All of his fingers does not have any skin threads that we associate as "human fingerprints".   And the other thing, Billie has two  hearts operating simultaneously. 

Zorra appeared and helped his child remember the past and get him back in line to what his original mission for coming to the surface.  Zorra used his own aeroship to come to the surface but for us we call it UFO. 

At the age of 12, while walking through a field of corn with another friend I had a paranormal experience. I was taken into a UFO vehicle and transported into the Inner Earth. Here, I lived for 6 months among the Hollow Earth residents. 

You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the Military Service, at that time when I disappeared, then to mysteriously return in 6 months. It was due to this experience that I believe my Father made certain that I was engaged under his wing at the Pentagon and later directed to serve at Area 51. 

I am not the biological offspring of my father, but an adopted child as was my sister. My sister and I were separated when she was put in the hands of the "secret government" for observation. They were trying to find the source of her paranormal abilities.  When she became aware of their plans to take her life to perform a research autopsy, she sent a telepathic call to Hollow Earth and on her next "airing" on the surface, was swift;ly picked up by one of the aero ships.  I was able to combat their negativity with my mind, which is stronger, and survived their attacks. 

My father, Zorra, is a Hollow Earth scientist who has made 150,000 trips around the sun. My sister and myself are originally from the Hollow Earth. Our true parents and family live in Hollow Earth. When our adoption father took us in as adopted children we spoke a language unknown to any surface culture. 

I have an unknown blood type. I have never had a disease of any kind. My blood has been medically examined and destroys all viral infection when combined with other blood samples in a lab setting. 

For more information please read:

Guest Category: Entertainment, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Spanish Interpreter, English Language Assistant, Resource Assistant, substitute teacher
Guest Biography:

Teresita Landin (Spanish Interpreter)

Ms. Landin has been working at Woodland Star for the past two years as an English Language Assistant, Resource Assistant and substitute teacher. In addition to continuing with her EL and Resource work, she will be teaching Kindergarten and third grade Spanish. She has been a parent in our community for the past four years and brings a deep multi-cultural understanding to her teaching and to our community. Ms. Landin earned her Bachelors degree in Science and Elementary Education from Pacific Union College in Angwin, CA

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Global Director and Ambassador of EMOTO PEACE PROJECT
Guest Biography:

Everything is vibration. Vibration is energy and information. Water absorbs all vibration. It is mainstream science that water has memory and transmits information. Our consciousness, thoughts, emotions, words, actions are vibration which affects water. As both human body and surface of the earth are almost 70% water , they affect our life, health, environment and ultimately the Mother Earth. Water shows in its crystaline structures how powerful our consciousness is and shows how we can live so that we can be healthy, happy, harmonious, and so can Mother Earth as well.

Ambassador and Global Director of the Emoto Peace Project, Michiko continues the work and legacy of Dr Emoto, whose aim was to give 650 million free copies of the children’s book “Message from Water,” containing water crystal photos, showing that water has consciousness and memory, and that by raising our vibration, the world will become a harmonious and peaceful place based on Love and Gratitude.

Michiko Hayashi is the Ambassador, Global Director and Lecturer of the Emoto Peace Project HQ in Japan and in America. Born in Japan, Michiko is the daughter of a chief Buddhist priest, from whom she learned to be humble, honest, diligent, and kind. In 2004, she began working as an administrative personal assistant to Dr. Masaru Emoto, water researcher and author of many books, “Message from Water”, “The Hidden Messages in Water”, “The Secret Life of Water”, “The True Power of Water”. 

In 2005, Dr. Emoto declared the Emoto Peace Project (EPP) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in order to make the whole world a harmonious and peaceful place based on Love and Gratitude, and he announced that he would give 650 million children’s books of “Message from Water” free of charge to all children on earth. He was the founder of the Emoto Peace Project, pioneer of HADO (vibration), researcher of water, and author.

His personal assistant for over 10 years, Michiko worked with Dr. Emoto until he passed away on 17th October, 2014 at the young age of 71. Michiko is the successor of Dr Emoto’s legacy and the Emoto Peace project, she gives lectures and Presentations to adults and children around the world, on Emoto’s revolutionary findings that our thoughts and words have a direct effect on water, through crystal formation – and she also plays an important role in many ongoing water crystal projects. She is the successor of his legacy. 

She is the author of more than 10 books on English as well as translator of books from English into Japanese.

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Thank you so much. 

Free Gift: The Message From Water – Free books for children translated in 30 different languages

by Dr Masaru Emoto.

Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: American Football Player
Guest Biography:

Douglas "Doug" Dutch is a 2004 Watkins Award Honoree, He graduated from Gonzaga High School in Washington, DC.  Doug was a 3 sport scholar athlete.  He played offense, defense, and special teams in high school which caused all the major college programs to become interested in offering him a scholarship for his athletic skills.  However, Doug was also an extraordinary scholar who was passionate about getting the best grades in all his classes.  He could have chosen to attend an Ivy League School on an academic scholarship.  Nonetheless, Doug chose to attend the University of Michigan to play football.  Doug graduated and was able to live the ultimate dream and come back to DC and play football for the Washington Football Team and the Baltimore Ravens.   

Guest Category: Education, K-12, Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Advanced Placement Government & Politics teacher
Guest Biography:

As an Advanced Placement Government & Politics teacher since 2001, Jeff Foster became well-known through his involvement after the February 14, 2018,massacre at Marjory Stoneman DouglasHigh School in Parkland, Florida.After the tragedy that occurred at his school, killing 17 students and faculty and injuring 17 others, many of Jeff’s students credited him with giving them the tools they used to activate the “Never Again” movement and the March For Our Lives. Foster was instrumental in organizing meetings trips to Tallahassee and Washington, DC which iswhy Scholastic approached himto writehis book, For Which We Stand: How Our Government Works and WhyIt Matters.Jeff continuesto motivate and inspire his students to become active participants in government. He believes that one person can make a difference, no matter their age.With the political climate that has been brewing over the last several years, the transition of power, and the insurrection, it’s become even more important for kids to understand our government: where it came from, how it works and how we can bring aboutchange. In the words of Jeff Foster, “If you don’t participate, you can’t complain.”The book answers questions about the Constitution, the different branches of the government, the Electoral College and the various responsibilities of city, state and federal governments. And it does it in a way that’s fun and easy for readers young and oldto understand.Foster’s book covers a myriad of topics ranging from the capitol insurrection to the need for more extensive civics education in schools.“I always felt like I had a good nonpartisan voice, and I think one of the skills I have as a teacher is not only being able to relate directly to the kids but impart knowledge on them to where they’re looking at things from all sides,” said Foster, “and that’s sortof what you get with the book.”A Coral Springs native, Foster attended J.P. Taravella High School and then graduated from Florida State University. But it wasn’t until discovering a 9-to-5 job wasn’t for him that he decided to try his hand at teaching.He went back to school to take masters-level classes for his teaching certification, and in his mid-20s, after substituting at Coral Springs High School, Foster was hired to teach social studies at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.Jeff Foster is a lifelong Floridian and currently resides in Lake Worth with his wife Loren and their two young daughters, Lilly and Luciana.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Arizona State Chair for the CRNC
Guest Biography:

Arizona State Chair for the CRNC.


Guest Category: Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: NBA player and Men’s Head Basketball Coach
Guest Biography:


Tyrone Nesby was born and grew up in Cairo Illinois in which His basketball career began while playing basketball as a high school freshman at Cairo High School. During Tyrone’s High School Junior Year, He made the All-State First Team and was named Player of the year for Southern Illinoisan. Other high School accomplishments include; I.B.C.A.-All Southern Illinoisan, 3rd in Balloting-Mr. Basketball in Illinois, Illinois Slam Dunk Champion–Class A, All-State Tourney-First Team.

Tyrone played two seasons at Vincennes University between (1994-1996), over the next two years Tyrone was recruited by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) REBELS in which he played at UNLV between (1996-1998). During his two year tenure at UNLV, Tyrone made an imminent impact by leading UNLV in scoring at each of his two seasons with averages of 16.5 and 15.8 points per game. The 6-foot-6 inch forward scored 1,050 points to rank 33rd on the all-time UNLV scoring list.

After graduating from UNLV with a Bachelors of Arts in Criminal Justice in 1998, Tyrone played in Europe for the Sioux Falls Skyforce (1998-1999). After playing a year in Europe, Tyrone came to the United States in 1999 and played with the Los Angeles Clippers (1999-2000), He moved on to play with the Washington Wizards (2000-2002) in which he had the opportunity of playing alongside one of the greatest basketball players of all time, Michael Jordan during those two years.

After 2002, Tyrone returned back to playing with the Continental basketball league, in which below are a brief summary of his professional basketball career history from 2002-2007;

2002-2003 Olympia Larissa

2003-2004 Metis Varese

2004 Reflex, Belgrade

2004-2005 Lietuvos rytas Vilnuis

2006-2007 Las Vegas Venom

Tyrone Nesby was brought to the Wizards by Jordan, Jordan himself pushed for the trade that sent center Cherokee Parks to the Clippers for small forward Tyrone Nesby. Nesby was perfectly cut from the Wizards’ mold. Michael Jordan said I loved watching Richard Hamilton slither off screens, and I was fast becoming a fan of Courtney Alexander and Tyrone Nesby. “Washington Post” Tyrone has been coaching AAU basketball for over 10 years and is currently coaching as the Men’s Head Basketball Coach for Muhlenberg High school in PA.

In Tyrone’s two year tenure with the “Muhls” Tyrone has been able to lead his boys high school athletic team to breaking multiple historical basketball records, such as the breaking the schools 3-point shooting scoring record in over 29 years, leading the team in districts to the finals and advancing to state, making it through to the second round. Tyrone is actively seeking to pursue his basketball goal of becoming a collegiate basketball coach. Tyrone’s reputation as a creative and experienced basketball player and mentor can be an attribute to any collegiate organization to attract top talent.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational, Society and Culture, Sports & Recreation
Guest Biography:


ILana was the youngest child, born into a very traditional Jewish home where music played a major part in her home life. She has been songwriting & singing since early childhood & was already on TV with her first original composition at Age 11 where she became a finalist on a televised Arts Programme on LWT.

She released her debut album My Little Tree by raising £15k funds on the pioneering crowdfunding site, Slice The Pie, where she was voted the Most Popular Unsigned UK Act. She devotes her time to her music & helping artists develop to become self sufficient, inspired by her own journey.

Whilst always an artist at heart, Ilana stepped away from the spotlight to take on a position at Sony Music as the Artist Relations Exec where she worked with Established International Recording Artist & Bands on the Sony roster. This paved the way to nearly 2 decades of work in the Entertainment Industry where she continued to work with Talent in various roles responsible for Artists Promotion, Live Performances & Events and Brand Endorsements & Partnerships. 

Inspired by her own journey as an artist and the challenges she experienced, Ilana turned her focus to coaching emerging talent & providing platforms for artists to showcase. The personal connections Ilana made & multifaceted skills she learnt gave her the back bone to help create an artist hub & build an artist community that has now become one of the leading London based underground communities for New Talent.

A popular fixture on the London scene, Ilana was behind the launches & production to signification prestigious live music events & boutique members clubs & speakeasies across London. She also got termed “the FlashMob Queen” as she led several successful Flash events for brands & charities. 

After years within the industry and experience working with some of the biggest Tycoons in the Music Industry in the UK including Vince Power Rob Hallet, Ilana decided to take a leap of faith and follow her artistic vision to focus on her own musical endeavours whilst also developing her independent projects that really inspired her: Sessions58 & The Coach House.

Her debut album, “My Little Tree”, is fuelled by her zest for life and inspired by encounters and connections. The signature centrepiece “I Choose Life” co-written with Kevin Mark Trail from The Streets, says it all “i take the make believe and i make real life…” 

Ilana’s life is really like that in a fairytale. After separation Ilana moved in to secret coach house which you would enter via a Garage door and into a secret garden which she decorated to look like somethings from Alice In Wonderland. She now lives as a Guardian protecting a Victorian Mansion in North London where she has her own recording facilities & has decorated to look like something of a mix of Narnia & Cinderella.

The much anticipated forthcoming album maintains the same themes of innocent wonder, empowerment & it feels nostalgic taking you back in time. She has written and collaborated with may artists & producers around the world & aims to release her forthcoming project early Spring 2018.

Her captivating & distinctive sultry vocal tone has been used by Waves Audio to demonstrate their Abbey Road Reverb Plugins, Andrew Scheps Parallel Plug Ins and at NAMM.

She became an Artist Ambassador for Harman International – JBL and AKG where she is currently producing her own series of Pop Up Gigs in Enchanting Spaces.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music