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Guest Occupation: Elevated Consciousness and Feminine Embodiment Coach, Founder of the Moon Goddess Academy
Guest Biography:

Hello Beautiful Light!

My name is Abigail Mensah-Bonsu.

I am an Elevated Consciousness and Feminine Embodiment Coach, Multidimensional Healer, #1 Bestselling Author, host of the Sovereign divinity podcast, and founder of the Moon Goddess Academy and Goddess circles.

I am a mother, journal and pen lover, tea lover, a twin flame, book lover, very spiritual yet very grounded, logical yet heart-centered.

I walk the middle way, the beauty way, the way of the rose, the path of Queens and Highpriestesses. 

I am a Starseed here to anchor my light codes to raise the frequency of the planet and create a new way of living, being, and loving that is in alignment with your true unlimited ever-expanding divine self.

I am a Catalyst for Expansion pioneering the birth and activation of “New Ways of Being” into this realm. I lovingly and powerfully serve to remind you of what you really are beyond the limitations that you are currently perceiving so that you can remember your Higher Self, your divine power and gifts, your Infinite Self, and your Infinite capacity to choose.

I work with women who are ready to cultivate and embody their divine essence, fortify their inner Solitude so they can create their soul-aligned life with ease. I work with women who are ready to Embody and Express their highest and Best selves, be heard and seen, and Amplify their success. I do this through Coaching, Group classes, Quantum energy healing, DNA Activations, Soul Alignment, Energetic Clearings, Meditations, etc.

I work deeply and richly with the goddess in EVERYthing I do. I help facilitate powerful transformations in my clients by inspiring, activating, and empowering them to step into their power, awaken their sacredness, build and strengthen their spiritual fortitude, and co-create with the divine to manifest the life and love they desire with ease and grace. 

I earned my Bachelor of Science in pre-med and Psychology and a Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese medicine. I studied in the Practical Spirituality Mystery School where I was initiated as a Spiritual Alchemist, a Kabbalist, a Ritual Master, a Shaman, a High priestess as well as the arts of Healing on a spiritual level. I continued my higher wisdom studies with the 13moon Mystery School deepening in the Divine Feminine Priestess Lineage. 

I combine all the teachings and initiations I have been blessed with to help you return to your wholeness by bridging the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, bringing your body back to its original balance and teaching you about the magnificent healing capabilities of your sacred body.  I Awaken and Empower my clients to their power center, their womb, and teach them how to live a passionate, empowered, juicy and Aligned Life. 

As a Twin Flame united with my beloved Twin Flame, it is my mission to guide Twin Flames to each other as well as to guide them on the path of Unionship.

In this Twin Flame energy, I am also able to help you find your beloved and bring you back to the unconditional love of the divine that you are.   

I Am a woman of many tools and this gives me the ability to guide and mentor you on all levels of your being; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and help you break down the hidden blocks and illusions that are preventing you from living and expressing the best version of yourself and creating your heaven on earth.

I am an Awakener, Activator, a Shakti goddess, a cosmic mover, a shamanic shaker, here to awaken you to your truth, your greatest and highest self and destiny.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Self-Love advocate, business and brand strategist
Guest Biography:

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

I am a Self-Love advocate, business and brand strategist, known by many as The Brave Branding and Business Queen!

I'm the founder of the Brave Self-Love Movement that started with me writing The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual and has grown into an international movement of amazing action-taking female entrepreneurs who are brave, smart, sensitive and way too special to fit the traditional A to Z business mold.

I'm help entrepreneur grow their business making money doing what they love the most - by loving all of themselves. My clients are done with generic courses. They want a personalized approach where they are the center of attention. 

I am a personal brand, marketing, communication and design Expert, an Art Historian, Certified Transformational Coach and Counselor who lives and works on an old farm in the North of the Netherlands.

I’ve got a 25 + year corporate track record in the field of International Culture, Arts & Design and as consultant and manager with Big Brands like KLM, ING Banking, the European Union and the Red Cross and small idealistic brands.

I know the online business world like the back of my hand and I'm sort of a new media freak - I can make websites and code with my eyes closed.

I'm an introverted catalyst, a loud-mouthed introvert. A Highly Sensitive Person who happens to be a very intuitive empath. A multi-racial woman of color. A buyer of way-too-many art supplies and books, a quick-witted, very smart creator, and very often the Odd-One-Out.

Yay to all the Pink Sheep! We are often the ones who bring change, insight and transformation.

I love opera with bad endings, Jasmin tea… and art (with a passion!) chocolate, books, drawing, red lipstick, long philosophic talks, laughter attacks and shoes.

Guest Category: Business, Courses & Training
Guest Occupation: UK based electronic songwriter
Guest Biography:

Micci Lou

UK based electronic songwriter.  Micci programs, arranges, engineers, produces and masters the She's Got Claws albums and other releases at Chameleon Studios (UK).

Micci loves to create fractured beats and synth hooks. These inspire her to add her poignant lyrics and dulcet tones to the tracks.


Her latest album release, ​Doppelgänger, has overdriven bass, courtesy of Chris O-Ten from her previous band. In addition to this, Andy McCluskey (OMD) jumped on board to produce two songs on this album, with his nephew, Cameron McCluskey, creating a remix as the bonus track.  

​Influentially she draws her inspirations from her broad spectrum of musical taste.  From the beautiful songs and soundscapes created by the French band AIR to the edgy electronic punk attitude of The Prodigy, NIN, Chemical Brothers and Gary Numan.  

Micci also loves rock and indie artists who love to experiment with electronics within their sound, such as Muse, The Wombats and David Bowie.


​She believes that having an open mind towards many styles, will inspire you to create new genres and add to the progress of music. 

"A howling of classic Brit early 80s electronica"

Electronic Sound Magazine

"An intriguing album concept that boasts classic synthpop with more baroque pop elements"

The Electricity Club

Tweet:  @shesgotclaws

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Firearms expert, instructor, retired Chief of police, talk show host
Guest Biography:

Rich Wyatt moved to Colorado in 1981 to attend Gunsmithing School. Rich has 22 years in law enforcement and 25 years experience in firearms training, retiring as Chief of Police in Alma, Colorado. Rich first attended Jeff Coopers Orange Gunsite Ranch in 1987 and after instructing with Col. Jeff Cooper for several years was certified as one of only six Master Instructors by the Col. Rich is also certified by the NRA the P.O.S.T. board and the FBI. He is certified by most major manufactures of firearms as an armorer. He has taught thousands of students in both law enforcement and the private sector. He also had the honor of traveling and hunting Africa with Col. Jeff Cooper. Rich is also the host of Spike TV's Don't be a Victim series Practical Tactical.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: singer and songwriting duo
Guest Biography:


A singer/songwriting duo inspired by the traditional folk and country music scene of the 50s and 60s, Hallie Hostetter and William Worden combine forces to carry the torch of storytelling through song.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, Inventor, e-commerce expert, speaker
Guest Biography:


During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Shahin’s family had to escape to survive and ended up finally migrating to Los Angeles, Ca. At 15 years old Shaahin left home with nothing but the clothes on his back and created over a BILLION dollars in revenue by inventing the legendary smart drug known as HERBAL ECSTACY. 

These childhood experiences had a major impact on his perspective of freedom, hard work and entrepreneurship. Later Shaahin went on to invent Digital Vaporization (the forerunner to today’s vapes) and start a number of successful businesses with a couple of notable failures. 

Today, he is the Founder and CEO of Accelerated Intelligence, Inc. a major Amazon FBA seller with millions in sales, the lead coach at Amazon Mastery where he teaches entrepreneurs how to CRUSH IT! on the Amazon platform and an active YouTube creator.

Shaahin is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in e-commerce,  Amazon and the internet. He is described as the “Willy Wonka Of Generation X” by the London Observer and Newsweek and is one of the most forward thinkers in business – with his Amazon Mastery Course he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early on the Amazon platform to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. 

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Marketing, Management, Education, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Lisa has been featured in broadcast media, numerous podcasts and online events, regularly appearing on ABC Network News in New York as a business correspondent.
Guest Biography:

This episode features how time works so you can control time for yourself. My guest is Lisa Broderick who earned a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from Duke. She is a Transcendental Meditation (TM) Sidha, attended the Monroe Institute for the exploration of expanded states of consciousness, and studied imagery and dream reading at the American Institute for Mental Imagery with noted author and teacher of Western spirituality Dr. Gerald Epstein for fifteen years. She currently runs a business consultancy based in New York City that helps socially conscious entrepreneurs manifest their creativity and energy.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Artist Musician
Guest Biography:


“Like all of you, I am too a soul who came here on this fascinating earthly journey to gain more awareness of myself through a new perspective based on polarity. My heart and my imagination are the navigation tools. As I progress into the physical experience directed by the voice of my heart and by the synchronicities of life, I increase my ability to discern what is resonating from what is not and I become more and more aware of what I already am “

Marco Missinato

I have always silently loved all the people I have met so far in my life, whatever role they were playing,  the good, the bad, or the ugly.

This is because I see wonderful souls in everyone, only temporarily wrapped in sleep that gives them the opportunity to have experiences that in an awakened state would not be possible.

When we eliminate judgment, we find wonderful beauty in all of this.

It is this love that I have felt for humanity since I was a child that inspired me to embrace the creative process of life.

I am therefore a soul and an artist.

Through music, photography and words I crystallize and share my feeling and the awareness that is constantly expanding out of it as I progress in this wonderful journey within the human operating system.

The intent is simply to evolve (remember) and, in this evolution, to be supportive in the awakening process that is unfolding during the intense transition that humanity is experiencing in this delicate moment of its journey.

It is through creativity that I constantly stimulate new awareness in myself.

Then, through the sharing of my creation, I offer, to those who wish it, a way of feeling life from a different point of view and, through it, I extend an invitation to consider the possibility that there is much more in us of what our current human experience has led us to believe.

Each of us plays a fundamental role within the universal creative process and brings with it a unique and indispensable frequency for existence and for everything that is part of the Source itself.

Therefore, I sincerely hope to inspire those who feel a resonance with my offering to embrace their uniqueness and their most intrinsic truth in order to trigger and ignite the recognition of that divinity that resides in each of us, opening the soul to a higher level of conscience and personal freedom.

“I know that you are magical, that you are an extraordinary being. I know inside you there is a great strength and that you have come here on Earth to use this force to become even more extraordinary and, as a reflection of this,transform the world around you, support nature, help humanity and dance free with life. Man and my travel companion, I believe in you … and I love humanity.”

Marco Missinato

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music