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Guest Name
Abigail Mensah-Bonsu
Abigail Mensah-Bonsu
Guest Occupation
Elevated Consciousness and Feminine Embodiment Coach, Founder of the Moon Goddess Academy
Guest Biography

Hello Beautiful Light!

My name is Abigail Mensah-Bonsu.

I am an Elevated Consciousness and Feminine Embodiment Coach, Multidimensional Healer, #1 Bestselling Author, host of the Sovereign divinity podcast, and founder of the Moon Goddess Academy and Goddess circles.

I am a mother, journal and pen lover, tea lover, a twin flame, book lover, very spiritual yet very grounded, logical yet heart-centered.

I walk the middle way, the beauty way, the way of the rose, the path of Queens and Highpriestesses. 

I am a Starseed here to anchor my light codes to raise the frequency of the planet and create a new way of living, being, and loving that is in alignment with your true unlimited ever-expanding divine self.

I am a Catalyst for Expansion pioneering the birth and activation of “New Ways of Being” into this realm. I lovingly and powerfully serve to remind you of what you really are beyond the limitations that you are currently perceiving so that you can remember your Higher Self, your divine power and gifts, your Infinite Self, and your Infinite capacity to choose.

I work with women who are ready to cultivate and embody their divine essence, fortify their inner Solitude so they can create their soul-aligned life with ease. I work with women who are ready to Embody and Express their highest and Best selves, be heard and seen, and Amplify their success. I do this through Coaching, Group classes, Quantum energy healing, DNA Activations, Soul Alignment, Energetic Clearings, Meditations, etc.

I work deeply and richly with the goddess in EVERYthing I do. I help facilitate powerful transformations in my clients by inspiring, activating, and empowering them to step into their power, awaken their sacredness, build and strengthen their spiritual fortitude, and co-create with the divine to manifest the life and love they desire with ease and grace. 

I earned my Bachelor of Science in pre-med and Psychology and a Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese medicine. I studied in the Practical Spirituality Mystery School where I was initiated as a Spiritual Alchemist, a Kabbalist, a Ritual Master, a Shaman, a High priestess as well as the arts of Healing on a spiritual level. I continued my higher wisdom studies with the 13moon Mystery School deepening in the Divine Feminine Priestess Lineage. 

I combine all the teachings and initiations I have been blessed with to help you return to your wholeness by bridging the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, bringing your body back to its original balance and teaching you about the magnificent healing capabilities of your sacred body.  I Awaken and Empower my clients to their power center, their womb, and teach them how to live a passionate, empowered, juicy and Aligned Life. 

As a Twin Flame united with my beloved Twin Flame, it is my mission to guide Twin Flames to each other as well as to guide them on the path of Unionship.

In this Twin Flame energy, I am also able to help you find your beloved and bring you back to the unconditional love of the divine that you are.   

I Am a woman of many tools and this gives me the ability to guide and mentor you on all levels of your being; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and help you break down the hidden blocks and illusions that are preventing you from living and expressing the best version of yourself and creating your heaven on earth.

I am an Awakener, Activator, a Shakti goddess, a cosmic mover, a shamanic shaker, here to awaken you to your truth, your greatest and highest self and destiny.