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Guest Occupation: Dr Mark Debrincat The Good News DoctorWith over 27 years of experience in the natural health profession, Dr. Mark is an expert in personalizing your natural therapy health solutions to optimize your health and wellness.
Guest Biography:
Dr Mark Debrincat The Good News Doctor With over 27 years of experience in the natural health profession, Dr. Mark is an expert in personalizing your natural therapy health solutions to optimize your health and wellness .
"Having personally broken through all of the barriers that held me down, I’ve now regained my life’s purpose to help those being held back by their health and give them the GOOD NEWS that there are options and healing beyond what they may have been told."
Healthfully yours,


Dr. Mark DeBrincat

The Good News Doctor

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Facebook: @drmarkdebrincat 

Instagram: @drmarkdebrincat
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: CEO and Founder of Cybercrime Support Network
Guest Biography:

To address the needs of individuals and small businesses impacted by cybercrime, Kristin Judge founded the nonprofit Cybercrime Support Network (CSN) and works with corporations, federal, state and local law enforcement and consumer protection agencies. As an international thought leader, Kristin has contributed to the World Economic Forum “Partnership Against Cybercrime,” DEMOS, “The Great Cyber Surrender: How police and governments abandon cybercrime victims,” and Third Way’s, “A Roadmap to Strengthen US Cyber Enforcement: Where Do We Go From Here?” and is called on by media outlets like Time Magazine, VOX, SC Magazine and Government Technology to share the latest on cybercrime impacts. Kristin was named an SC Media “Women in IT Security Influencer” and “Women of Influence” by the Executive Women’s Forum. She is an international speaker, sharing cybersecurity best practices and cybercrime impacts with elected officials, businesses and consumers and authored the LinkedIn course, “Cybersecurity for Small and Medium Businesses: Essential Training.”

Guest Category: Business, Education, Military, News, Politics & Government, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Technology
Guest Occupation: Senior Policy Advisor
Guest Biography:

Senator Mary Landrieu served in the United States Senate for three terms, first elected in 1996.  As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee – and then, ultimately, as Chair of that Committee – she passed several important pieces of legislation; most notably the landmark Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA); the Israel American Energy Alliance; and the RESTORE Act – the single largest federal investment in the Gulf Coast in US history.

She also served on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Appropriations Committee, and chaired the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. In her role as Chair of the Small Business Committee, she was the lead sponsor of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which helped to create and retain over 650,000 American jobs.

During her time in the Senate, Landrieu was known for her bipartisan approach to addressing national challenges and for her passionate advocacy for her home state of Louisiana, particularly in the aftermaths of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Prior to serving in the U.S. Senate, she served in the Louisiana State Legislature from 1979 – 1987.  For eight years, she successfully championed causes related to women and children, flood protection, and education reform. In 1987, she was elected State Treasurer and served with distinction for two terms. Strong fiscal management, pension fund diversification, debt limitation, and the creation of the first-ever municipal investment fund (now valued at over $2 billion) are some of her noteworthy accomplishments.

Senator Landrieu serves on the Board of Directors of CenturyLink, the second largest US communications provider to global enterprise customers.  In the non-profit space, she serves on the boards of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools; Resources for the Future; and chairs the Board of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (which represents over 150 Members of Congress who work in a bipartisan fashion, supporting and finding families for orphan children here in the US and around the world).

She graduated from Louisiana State University and is married to Frank Snellings, an attorney and real estate broker in Washington, DC. They have two grown children and one grandchild.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: CEO - GIC - Global Inbound Closers, 2X Author
Guest Biography:

Essential Growth Through The Pain of Abuse:  The Rise of Tristan Bliss

As a child Tristan grew up with alcoholism and violence. Violence her mother endured and she and her siblings witnessed, as well as violence, emotional and mental abuse from her mother toward her and her siblings. She has now turned around a series of custody battles, court cases and fleeing for safety to founding GIC - Global Inbound Closers, creating a way for overtaxed entrepreneurs to access trained Sales Teams to service their inbound calls and for women to have an income source which allows them the freedom to make the best choices for their life and their family, with financial freedom.

"This behavior was a common thread in my life in my own relationships in various ways that was directed at me into my adult years.

The end came in 2018 when my ex-husband mentally and psychologically tormented myself and my children to the point that I reacted in violence against him and lost everything, including my son. It was a battle for two years to finally have my son back in my care. The emotional and mental battle that ensued was relentless. Dealing with courts, custody and pleading for someone to finally listen to me, paid off. I refused to surrender to narcissistic abuse and having my child used as a pawn in a game.


So I directed all my efforts on rebuilding my life and re-establishing myself after losing everything and being close to homelessness. The turning point happened in August of 2020 when I was finally able to have my son back with me and we started to rebuild a new life that was honest, healthy and loving.

On December 4th, 2020 GIC was born. And my quest to help other women living in the same circumstances became a reality."

Now the Author of  2 books: "Financial Feathers From Heaven: Rebound from Trauma to Personal & Financial ABUNDANCE!" and "Your Childhood Zillionaire", Tristan is building out her vision to serve clients while creating financial freedom for women, as the Founder of GIC-Global Inbound Closers.

To connect with Tristan, reach out here:

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH, combines “science with possibility”
Guest Biography:

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal expert, and consciousness teacher. Her extensive client list includes the world’s most talented healers and, for the past 25 years, she has worked on thousands of people globally. Dr. Kimberly was born with the ability to remote view, see people's auras and was highly intuitive. While still in college, she helped police on many occasions. Finding she had a natural affinity with herbs, she worked as an herbalist and went on to create and distribute her own line of herbal organic products internationally. During this time, her personal practice expanded to multiple clinics throughout Columbus. Driven by an inner knowing that her healing work could be made quicker, more affordable, and amplified using technology, Dr. Kimberly consulted with an esteemed neurosurgeon to create naturopathic healing frequencies. Her ground-breaking program Frequency Master™ teaches how to master frequencies in your life, while it trains healers to use her own unique and successful methods.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: English vocalist, songwriter, and painter best known as the lead singer of progressive rock band Renaissance since 1971.
Guest Biography:

Exclusive Interview


A N N I E 


Symphonic Rock Legends

Renaissance feat. Annie Haslam

Release their “50th Anniversary – Ashes are Burning

– an Anthology – Live in Concert

with The Renaissance Chamber Orchestra”

and featuring special guest Jim McCarty!

 Renaissance is a band with a rich history unique unto themselves as progressive rock pioneers who rose from the ashes of the seminal UK rock band, The Yardbirds. Acclaimed for their unique blending of progressive rock with classical and symphonic influences, the band’s career has now spanned fifty years spearheaded by the five-octave voice of Annie Haslam and the masterful songwriting skills of Michael Dunford. They are widely considered to be the band that most successfully and routinely utilized the sound of a full orchestra in their recordings.

The band has toured throughout the world and has performed at Carnegie Hall with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and additionally at the Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Chorale Society. Renaissance had a top ten hit in the UK with their song “Northern Lights” that still demands airplay to this day.

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 Renaissance the 50th Anniversary: Ashes Are Burning

- An Anthology Live In Concert (2CD+DVD+Bluray)

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For more information






Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Former UK, Ireland Sports Podiatrist, Podcaster & medical practice growth consultant
Guest Biography:

I graduated from the London Foot Hospital and School of Podiatric Medicine part of UCL in 1992 and worked in both the UK and Ireland as a Musculoskeletal Podiatrist.

After growing and then selling my own business in Ireland, from one to seven locations,  and to high six figures in revenue – I  now help others build healthcare businesses in Europe, the UK,  in the US, South Africa, Australia and the Middle East.


I now help clinic owners all over the world to get more cash pay patients using tried and tested solutions. Helping private practice owners just like you, to grow your practices and get  more patients,  that stay pay and refer for a lifetime. Using effective marketing and efficient practice management skills.By working directly with you to establish plans and put techniques and  strategies into place, to better market yourself and manage your practice  to achieve your goals. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Canadian Independant Beachbody Health & Fitness Coach & member of frequent guest Forbes Riley’s “Inner Circle”
Guest Biography:

I am a stroke (major neurological event) survivor, they still do not know exactly what happened or why. This “event” put me in bed for 7 years (5 full time), I was told that I would never walk or talk properly, and I would never work again.

I no longer recognized the woman looking back at me in the mirror, not body, mind, heart, or soul. I was already struggling before this happened, I suffer from constant chronic pain from bone and joint issues and fibromyalgia, chronic headaches, and bipolar, all of which were magnified during this. The weight gain from being in bed all those years did not help things either, I was over 300 lbs.

I will wholeheartedly admit that for a while I resigned myself to the idea that I would never really do anything ever again. My brain and my body were now my enemies. My goals, my dreams… were never going to happen.

Due to my past, I already considered myself a survivor, a warrior; my mantra was that nothing could keep me down for long. I refused to let this be any different…

I started studying nutrition for healing from my bed, I became obsessed with what I needed to eat to heal my brain and my body. And so, after about 5 years in bed full time, my journey (my fight) back to me began…

I changed the way I thought about food completely and I changed my diet to heal, including vitamin-packed smoothies every morning.

One day, while researching, I came across an ad (thank you Google!!) for a “superfoods” shake, it had so much of what I was trying to get into my body to heal and so much more at a fraction of the cost of what I was spending on my morning smoothie routine. The “superfoods” shakes were part of a complete health & fitness program that also came with an option of having a health & fitness coaching business; it was exactly what I needed at the time.

I will never say that the shakes were a miracle cure, I am not cured however, I do think that they saved me. The vitamins, the minerals, the nutrients, the superfoods… they fed my brain and body what was necessary to start the healing process, gave me energy, and cut down how much food my body needed. The program also included a ton of information on nutrition and eating right.

I could not do the fitness part of the program in the beginning, but I did have them playing on my TV 24/7, to inspire me. In my first months in this program, I would get up to go to the bathroom and do 30 seconds of the workout video, on my way back to bed I did another 30 seconds... and then I dropped into my bed exhausted and in pain. In year two I was averaging 2-5 minutes at a time a few more times a day.

As part of my healthy new life goals, I decided that I wanted a garden and as I transitioned from year two to year three of my journey, I made it happen. Everyone told me to start small, a few beds; I never do anything small and my garden that year was 14 raised beds. I brought everything I needed in by the bag and mixed the soil by hand, planted, weeded, and harvested mostly by myself; it was painstaking, and I paid for it, but it was so worth it. The next year I added another 13 beds to my garden for a total of 27.

It was during this time that my financial situation changed, I could no longer afford my shakes. I did not have the self-esteem, confidence, or results I needed to be a successful health and fitness coach and I left the company. I did still have my workout programs and my nutrition plan but I was still in bed the majority of this time.

The next year my youngest daughter got a job in a factory that made car parts, she called me on her break the first day and said “Mom, they have free coffee!”. My response “I am in!”. I was frustrated with everything in my life; I was barely surviving financially, I decided that even though I was still having issues walking (when this all started I could only do about 20 steps) and still having cognitive issues, that I could not live like this anymore. I was going back to work.

And so, I went to work at a factory making car parts, on my feet 8 hours a day in heavy work boots on concrete floors; averaging 15,000 steps a day, 6 or 7 days a week. By the time I got home most days, I fell into my bed sobbing in agony; I was pushing myself way past my limits every single day.

Now in year 7 of my journey (my fight) back to me, I would love to say that I am healed, no longer suffering from pain or any lasting effects of the stroke, but I cannot. I am still in constant pain and I still have cognitive issues including memory and learning issues. I also started having idiopathic seizures in the last year.


I am now back with the company that kick-started this journey into high gear for me, back on my “superfoods” shakes, working out daily, using my determination, passion, and the tools and programs I used, to coach other women and help them achieve their health and fitness goals. The obvious signs of what I have been through are not apparent, most of the time you cannot even tell I am in pain.

The most amazing part of all of this is that in my strength and determination I have found my true calling in life and I am working towards transitioning into “whole” life coaching. I love helping women go after and reach their health and fitness goals but so much of the time, as I found out with myself, there are often much deeper limitations to not being able to reach goals. For me, it was 75% mindset, 20% nutrition, and 5% fitness. I want to change mindsets and impact the lives of women on whole other levels. Through my adversity, I have found my strengths, my passion, my purpose.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety