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Guest Occupation: Sports Podiatrist, Author, Orthotics creator- marathoner- “The Running Doctor”
Guest Biography:

Dr. Robert Weiss is a foot and ankle surgeon who is a graduate of the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, and residency trained at The James C. Giuffre Medical Center (formerly St. Luke's & Children's medical center) in Philadelphia, PA.  Dr. Weiss is a known columnist and has written hundreds of articles on sports medicine related injuries, for The Norwalk Hour, The Hersam Acorn Press, The Westport News, and the Darien News Review.  He is a veteran of 35 marathons and is know to many as "The Running Doctor." 

Dr. Weiss is an inventor who holds 2 U.S. patents for a foot support system/orthotics which stabilizes the foot and ankle and helps as it relates to knee, hip, and lower back symptoms.  He is past chief of foot and ankle surgery at the former St. Joseph's Hospital in Stamford and on the staff at Stamford Hospital and Norwalk Hospital.

Dr. Robert F. Weiss suffered as a young man from serious foot and knee problems. He has made it his life's work to use the opportunity to engage in a healthy range of activities.

He has spent over 25 years in research development and clinical testing of a patented, high-tech, biomechanical orthotic for aiding with walking, and general foot comfort.  With the help of the patented product he went on to complete 35 marathons.

His orthotic treatment is directed to correct structural deficiency and muscular imbalance.  A prescribed orthotic device serves to control motion and position of the leg during locomotion.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Council member of wise council of Elders
Guest Biography:

Eloise Charet - Bear Clan

Eloise Charet-Calles, Bear Clan of Turtle-Island, was born May 20, 1951, in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec and grew up primarily in Montreal and on the family farm in Montebello, Quebec, the third eldest of ten children.

Eloise's up-bringing led her to seek a life of humanitarian service working in Mexico with local street children and in Morocco teaching the children of nomadic shepherds.

In 1974, Eloise and her sister Anna opened and directed "Canada House"- an orphanage in war torn Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Their work succeeded in enabling the successful airlift and placement of 80 Cambodian and Vietnamese. children to waiting families in Canada and the U.S. “We refused to leave without our babies and drew world attention to our cause. We stood by our motherly instincts and survived incredible tragedies to save the seed of a generation that was wiped out in Cambodia.”

From 1976-78, Eloise continued her work as a volunteer with several orphanages in Dacca, Bangladesh eventually returning to British Columbia, Canada.“I had a gardening/landscaping business in Vancouver, B.C. until my marriage broke up; then I had a huge garage sale and departed for Kathmandu.”

In 1986 Eloise and her children left Canada for Nepal, where she helped coordinate the production of the book Erosion and Sedimentation in the Nepal Himalaya, for which Dr. Galay won the "Canadian Engineer of the Year" award in 1988. During her time in Nepal, Eloise established a local restaurant, organized a soup kitchen and undertook home care for several handicapped orphans from Mother Theresa's Sister of Charity Foundation.

Returning to Canada in 1988, she lived at the family farm in Quebec and continued her interest in herbal medicine, health, nutrition and the raising of her five children. In 1990, she moved her family back to British Columbia and finally settled in the Kootenays.

Eloise helped to organize a cooperative store for cedar basket weavers in the small village of New Denver, located on Slocan Lake in the West Kootenays. On July 22, 1997 she hung up her apron and stood on the Old Sandon Road in New Denver, where she was arrested and chose to spend the next 55 days fasting in the maximum security Detention Centre for Women in Burnaby, B.C. rather than sign the undertaking assuring her compliance. “I was presented with a petition signed by every woman in jail in support of their sister Eloise and her cause for water. It was one of the most touching moments of my life. Throughout the court process I realized that corporations had more rights to water than the people.”

Eloise began the Cross-Canada WaterWalk on May 8, 1998 at Mile 0 of the Trans-Canada Highway in Victoria, British Columbia. In early June 1998, she took a break from walking to receive the Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition medal, presented by the Governor General of British Columbia and walked into Ottawa with her fellow waterwalkers on October 2nd, 1998.

“I discovered how tainted our water was and witnessed the suffering of many communities. In Winnipeg, the heart of Turtle-Island, I crossed paths with Bear Grandfather, who was sent by the Bear Grandmothers from the East to walk from Montreal to Vancouver for water. We both followed the red road, the path of legends. We both were cleansed in many sweats across the nation, and the water blessing ceremonies became more intense. Two Bear Grandmothers stood at the entrance to Ottawa with big braids of sweet grass to honour the WaterWalk pilgrimage. She is Bear Clan and as mothers, grandmothers they are very protective of the next generation and all generations to come.

Beginning in November 1999, Eloise stood outside for three cold months in front of the Nelson court house with her trans-Canada water samples, attempting to draw attention to our Canadian water crisis during the federal election campaign which was then taking place. She assisted with the creation of many local markets enabling small businesses to sell their products.

In 2003, she was arrested at the Smallwood Creek blockade in Winlaw. She made an appeal from her Bear Clan status to preserve our watersheds and pressed for community eco-logging, part of her evidence being her water samples.

From the year 2000 on, Eloise has taught cedar and other fibre collecting and weaving, claiming that we can get as much money in baskets from a tree as can be gotten in boards. She has worked alongside loggers throughout the Kootenays when gathering cedar bark, in the hopes of encouraging cable logging and more trans-formative industry in our area. She also travels to schools, first nations meetings and conferences to speak for water, demonstrating her water samples and talking about her experiences. Along with a small group of people, she stopped the herbicide spraying in our clearcuts, prevented a power project from destroying three drainage up the Duncan, stood with the Sinixte people on Perry Ridge. She was also candidate for Mayor in Victoria.

In the fall of 2005, Eloise held a roadblock in the Incomapleux with Henry Hutter for two weeks until the police arrived for arrest. Both Eloise and Henry stepped aside and let workers through, but maintained their position as an information camp. The very next day, a rock cliff slid onto a bridge and blocked the road, forcing all loggers to evacuate the valley. The Incomapleux was preserved another year. Pope and Talbot, the company involved, is suing Eloise and Henry.

In 2012, Eloise wrote a book on Cambodia called ‘Never without our children’ which has been translated into French and she was flown to Cambodia to be in a documentary aired on television.

In the following years, she has been teaching aboriginal studies in many schools, from basket weaving to food and medicine as well as trying to save the toads at Summit Lake. She has volunteered for many community events and remains as always devoted to small local business and caring for the environment.

“It’s hard to imagine that in these modern civilized times, we, the little people, are being branded as criminals and almost terrorist by the State. Good governance is equal to the quality of water given to all our children and that means pure, natural, clean water, not tainted and bleached as we are witnessing today. To pervert water and convince everybody that it is healthy is morally wrong. To legally permit any industry to destroy watersheds and to allow corporations to pollute the environment is a sin. Profit and business must never rule over life. Managing nature is the arrogance of all time. Our indigenous roots teach us that we are a small piece of this immense web of life and we must learn to respect all life as we should respect one another and Leave a Living Legacy for future generations.”

Guest Category: Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Online Marketing Strategist, Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker
Guest Biography:

Kathleen Gage is the "no-nonsense, common sense" online marketing strategist, speaker, author and owner of Power Up for Profits. Kathleen's clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice.

As an early adopter of online marketing, Kathleen is known for cutting through the fluff and helping people leave their sob stories behind so they can stop focusing on the past and start looking towards the future. She speaks and teaches about what she believes are the core elements of a successful life: accountability, integrity, honesty, and living with passion and hope.

Although Kathleen is recognized as a top leader in her field, this wasn't always the case. Kathleen made choices in her teens and early twenties that took her from a comfortable middle-class upbringing to a life of homelessness and being unemployable.


Kathleen Gage rose above seemingly insurmountable odds to become an award winning business owner, bestselling author, Internet sales and marketing trainer, and award winning keynote speaker.

With more than thirty years of experience in sales, marketing, management, public relations, and promotions, Kathleen has consulted with and trained organizations such as the U.S. Marine Corps, Novus Corporation, and AT&T. She has acted in leadership and advisory capacities for many organizations, including being past president of the National Speakers Association Utah Chapter, past vice-chair and marketing chair for the Central Region Council for the Department of Workforce Services of Utah, and a member of the legislative council for the American Cancer Society of Utah.

Kathleen has written dozens of information products and books, has hundreds of interviews to her credit, and is a highly skilled, inspirational keynote speaker. Her mission is to help people understand that their business is merely a means to get their message out to the world. She teaches that it's not just about what you do, but the reasons behind why you do it.

One of her most profound life changes was when, at the age of 64, Kathleen became a 100% plant based/vegan lifestylist, realizing that what she consumed directly impacted her ability to live the healthiest life possible. Since then, Kathleen received her certificate of completion in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell University.

Kathleen believes in shattering stereotypes and refuses to settle for the status quo. She participated in her first full marathon at the age of 61, her first sprint triathlon at 64 and is now an avid runner who participates in races of varying distances. Kathleen will be the first to say, "I'm not a fast runner, just a stubborn and passionate ole' lady who refuses to act my age."

She is on a mission to raise awareness about how a whole food, plant-based lifestyle is not only a very healthy way to eat, it is also compassionate to animals and the environment. Kathleen loves working with those who are open to the possibility of what plant-based eating can do for them and their bottom-line (both the one they sit on and the one that reflects their revenues).




Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Legendary Producer/Composer/Performer/Recently Produced Jon Anderson's '1000 Hands Chapter One'
Guest Biography:


Michael Franklin

Shares New Tribute To John Lennon

A Few Words About “John Lennon: A Day In His Life”

by Gregory Paul Martin

- Son of The Beatles Producer Sir George Martin

Exclusive Interview

People from all walks of life have been affected by the music of The Beatles. They gave the world inspiration and happiness in almost everything they did. On October 9, the 80th anniversary of his birth, a new music video will be released honoring John Lennon – “John Lennon: A Day In His Life”, Grammy- nominated American producer, Michael Franklin, and Beatles animator, Alvaro Ortega teaming up to create it.

The spark of Lennon’s tribute began when Franklin awoke from a dream in which he dreamt of the Lennon song, “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” while hearing John’s voice singing “A Day In The Life”. Amazed by the similarity between the two songs’ chord sequences and lyrics, Franklin hurriedly put this combination to the piano, the next night, another similar dream awakening him again – this time the baroque piano solo bridge sped up to sound like a harpsichord dashed off by my father, Sir George Martin, for John’s song, “In My Life” from Rubber Soul while The Beatles were on a lunch break.

“John Lennon: A Day In His Life” is Franklin’s montage of some of the most memorable moments we love from The Beatles songs, John’s vocals superimposed over a cleverly stitched together visual collage, the tribute based on an original score from the “Sergeant Pepper” album.

Franklin said, “I realized the same chord progressions are in ‘Eleanor Rigby’, as well as other Beatles songs. It was quite a surprise, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what The Beatles did. I dove right in, exploring other Beatles song bites. The music production took about three weeks to research, edit, and arrange.”

After completion of the tribute track, it was time to synchronize the video. Franklin had been aware of Ortega’s unique animations of The Beatles for several years, skillfully editing on his laptop previous bit and pieces of Ortega’s work, demonstrating to him what could be done, reaching out to Ortega in Spain, Ortega happily agreeing, the rest now history.

A tribute to John Lennon. A new music video. “A Day In His Life”. This unique musical and visual tribute has been created with deep, heartfelt loving care for one of the greatest musicians of all time.

Gregory Paul Martin - 10/06/2020

Michael Franklin, a Grammy Nominated musician and producer has worked performing producing for myriad of legendary musicians. As a musician with Brian Wilson, Paul McCartney, Joe Walsh, Bruce Hornsby, Members of The Rolling Stones, Yes, Toto, The Moody Blues and many others. As a music director for television, Hard Rock Live, Wolfman Jack TV Show, NBC, CBS Comcast and concert specials. As a record producer Reggae Tribute, Larry Coryell, Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman, Pat Travers, Blues Image, Patrick Moraz and many others.   

His most recent production, the highly acclaimed album with Jon Anderson of Yes, “1000 Hands Chapter One”, released worldwide, on Blue Elan Records,(

He is currently in production on a new album for Robby Steinhardt, the original vocalist, and violinist for the band Kansas.

Alvaro Ortega, recognized worldwide for his popular BEATOONS, an animated series, has parodied the Fab Four in cartoons have been enjoyed my millions for many years in video and in print worldwide.


For more information about

Michael Franklin


Alvaro Ortega

Purchase Yes Legend Jon Anderson’s release

‘1000 Hands’

chapter one



Michael Franklin


Guest Category: Arts, Business, Entertainment, Music, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Heavy Metal Guitarist/Songwriter/Founder and lead Guitarist of W.A.S.P.
Guest Biography:

Cleopatra Entertainment Secures North American and UK Distribution Rights 


Chris Holmes Documentary Film


The Story of Legendary Heavy Metal Guitarist

Chris Holmes


Chris Holmes is an American heavy metal guitarist and songwriter. Holmes started his musical career in the Pasadena, California area in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He is best known as the lead guitarist of heavy metal band W.A.S.P. Together with Blackie Lawless and Randy Piper he was one of the founding members of the band. Holmes was a member of W.A.S.P. first from 1983 to 1990, and again from 1996 to 2001.

Written and Directed by French filmmakers Antoine de Montremy and Laurent Hart …MEAN MAN: The Story of Chris Holmes was a project that was born in 2014 after they had an opportunity to meet and direct Holmes in a music video for the Holmes-penned song “Let It Roar” in Cannes, France. At that time, the former W.A.S.P. guitarist had more or less disappeared from the music scene, leaving his home in the U.S. to seek a new beginning with his wife Sarah in France. Not content with merely directing a music video for the re-born Holmes, de Montremy pursued his bigger dream of writing and directing a documentary film about this iconic metal guitar legend and for the next several years shadowed him throughout Europe while filming everything from band rehearsals, to recording sessions to live performances.

By creatively combining archival footage, interviews with past and present band members and musical peers, family members and childhood friends – interspersed with beautifully filmed concert performances of Holmes’ current solo band – Director de Montremy skillfully portrays the story of an iconic guitar player who has lived a life of extreme highs and lows. After losing the publishing rights of his own songs and combatting dangerous addictions, the legendary W.A.S.P. guitarist is shown starting over from scratch while living at his mother-in-law’s in Cannes, France as he puts together with his wife a brand new band and a brand new musical role as not only the main guitarist, but now as the actual lead singer of this newly-born musical project aptly named MEAN MAN.  

Cleopatra Entertainment’s plans for release include a stand-alone DVD Home Entertainment version and a Blu Ray version chock full of bonus goodies not available on the Digital VOD version which will follow the DVD and Blu Ray Release this November, just in time for the Holidays. A U.S. west coast Theatrical premier is being discussed as well, pending the revision and/or relaxation of the current local State Government’s restrictions on movie theaters operating during the Covid pandemic. 


For more information








Watch the Mean Man trailer:

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music, News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist with Dokken/Dio and currently with Classic Rock Legends Foreigner
Guest Biography:

J E F F    P I L S O N 




The band is raising money for the crew and their families by selling some cool limited-edition vintage and current Foreigner merchandise items, along with various items donated by some of the band’s sponsors and vendors, via the Foreigner website. 





Jeff Pilson is currently the bassist for Foreigner. He joined the band in 2004. He produced Foreigner’s 2005 CD, “Live in ’05,” as well as tracks off of their “No End in Sight” CD in 2008.

Pilson was a member of heavy metal bands Dokken, Dio and MSG. He also formed his own progressive metal group called War and Peace in 1989, releasing three albums: 1993’s “Time Capsule,” 2000’s “Light at the End of the Tunnel” and 2004’s “The Walls Have Eyes.” He also worked with his ex-Dokken band mate, guitarist George Lynch in a two-member group called Lynch/Pilson, which in 2003 released the critically acclaimed “Wicked Underground” in 2003 where Pilson also handled lead vocal duties.

Although he is known primarily for his work as a bass guitarist, Pilson also plays guitar and keyboards.

Jeff Pilson is also an actor, having appeared in the movie Rock Star, 2001. Pilson played bassist Jorgen, of the fictional band Steel Dragon. The film also featured performances by musicians such as Zakk Wylde, Jason Bonham, Myles Kennedy, Brian Vander Ark, Blas Elias and Nick Catanese. He also played in the film’s soundtrack and served as Musical Director for the film.

Guitar-shredding virtuoso George Lynch has reteamed with former Dokken bandmate Jeff Pilson for a set of new studio recordings that turn pop music classics into powerful metal anthems! The two have previously made metal magic together as a duo on the 2003 album Wicked Underground, which was recently reissued on vinyl, as well as with other projects such as T&N and The End Machine. But this new batch of recordings, entitled appropriately enough Heavy Hitters, stands apart not only for its outstanding roster of players and vocalists including head Bulletboy Marq Torien, Fishbone’s Angelo Moore, Kansas native Wil Martin (Earshot) and drummer Brian Tichy (Whitesnake/Ozzy) but for the jaw-dropping song selection. If you’ve ever wondered what an amped-up, full-throttle version of Carole King’s “I Feel The Earth Move” or Prince’s “Kiss” or Oasis’ “Champagne Supernova” or Madonna’s “Music,” then this is the album for you!

As a special treat, the band has released the first single from the album – a powerful rendition of Duran Duran’s “Ordinary World” – featuring Martin on vocals, offering just a small taste of what’s in store.

Stream the single:

HEAVY HITTERS will be available on both CD in a deluxe digipak and on limited edition colored vinyl starting December 18, courtesy of Deadline Music, a subsidiary of Cleopatra Records, Inc.!

Order the album:

The band Foreigner is raising money for the crew and their families by selling some cool limited-edition vintage and current Foreigner merchandise items, along with various items donated by some of the band’s sponsors and vendors, via the Foreigner website.  They are also accepting donations on the site.

You can use the link below to the band’s site to find out more about the fundraiser in addition to being able to access Foreigner audio and visual materials including approved hi res photos, bio, video, logos and Foreigner live tracks.

Official site of Foreigner

For more information about



Official Jeff Pilson Blog


George Lynch Official website

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: CEO @ VKTRY Performance Carbon Insoles
Guest Biography:

Steve Wasik, CEO @ VKTRY Performance Carbon Insoles got his BS in marketing at the University of Connecticut and his MBA at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.  He says VKTRY is looking into marketing other types of athletic equipment in the future and plans to introduce a "Silver Series" version of VKs that will be less expensive that the original "Gold Series".

Backed by 10 years of research, VKTRY is the world's first high performance insole, scientifically proven to help athletes run faster, jump higher and train smarter. The unique, patented design is made from aerospace-grade carbon fiber and was originally developed for the USA Olympic Bobsled team to help with explosive starts. Now, the product is being used across virtually all sports and by all levels of athletes ... from Olympic gold medalists to weekend warriors.


Guest Category: Games & Hobbies, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Hip Hop artist
Guest Biography:

Dee is an American hip hop artist  who hails from los Angeles California. She started her career as the 3rd member of an rnb/pop/hiphop group. Dee started her solo career in the late 2000's and is working on a new album set to be released in 2021.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Comedy, Entertainment, Music, Society and Culture, TV & Film