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Guest Occupation: Victoria composes transcendental music, is an author and is co-founder of the EarthSky People movement, catalyzing change and providing resources for a new social paradigm centered on regenerative living skills.
Guest Biography:

Victoria Vives Khuong is a champion of truth and consciousness. Her diverse and colorful history gives her a unique perspective and keen ability to connect with people from all walks of life and also pierce the confounding veils of ambiguity and misdirection that are so frequently employed by the powers that be. Raised in the ghettos of Spain, as a multi-ethnic child, by a single mother, Victoria grew from her experiences with poverty, racism, sexual harassment, congenital problems and social stigma only to achieve high level of health as well as success in the entertainment industry. In the midst of a series of severe life trials culminating in a near death experience, a spontaneous kundalini awakening, and involvement with occult societies while exploring metaphysics, healing and martial arts, she left her old life in Spain to forge a new one in the United States. With minimal English-speaking skills, no money, and no family to help her, Victoria hustled her way off the streets of Hollywood with brute determination. Through a series of profound learning experiences, she discovered her true calling as a herald of truth. Victoria now focuses her energies on sovereignty, disclosure, exopolitics, and truth through her radio show EarthSky People Radio. She composes transcendental music, is an author and is co-founder of the EarthSky People movement, catalyzing change and providing resources for a new social paradigm centered on regenerative living skills. Victoria has also rediscovered the “missing link” in truth seeking via ancestral wisdom and the art of direct revelation through shamanic practices in the Zulu and Cross Cultural lineages as well as a connection with her Star Families and their invitation to partake in an Intergalactic society.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Mentor, coach and consultant, and owner of Spiritual Athletics
Guest Biography:

Jaron Banks is a mentor, coach and consultant, and owner of Spiritual Athletics.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Using logic, rhetoric and humor to push back the bounds of ignorance one conversation at a time.

Guest Category: Entertainment, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Communications Director Colorado Rising Action
Guest Biography:


Lindsey grew up in Boulder and has 10 years of communications and public relations experience, and has worked for nonprofit organizations, diplomatic office, and political offices on the local, state and federal levels. Prior to joining Colorado Rising Action, Lindsey was the communications director for the Montana Legislature’s Republican leadership, working directly under the Speaker of the House. She also served as the state press secretary for Montana’s U.S. Senator Steve Daines. Lindsey attended the University of Colorado – Boulder and Quinnipiac University. She lives in Highlands Ranch with her fiance.


Colorado Rising Action is focused on holding liberal groups and their special interest networks accountable and advancing conservative principles. We’re fighting for limited government, lowering taxes, fighting government over-regulation that stifles freedom, free enterprise, a strong national security, and shaping the public policy debate in the Centennial State.

Guest Category: News, Philosophy, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: PhD, CEO/ Mastermind Performance Coach, Author, Cannabis advocate, TED Speaker
Guest Biography:

What is your first thought when you are faced with an unexpected change or obstacle in your Life? Do you feel frazzled and anxious often? We hold ourselves to unrealistic standards of perfection and then we judge ourselves when we don’t live up to them. But we are not supposed to be perfect. Let's get you back to calm. Turning feelings into words can help us process and overcome adversity.

Perfection is not possible. But TRANSFORMATION is. All of us have the capacity to change, learn and grow. No matter what the circumstances. Your mindset shapes your YOUR brain. When it comes to your business, you and your employees’ ability to adjust to change, no matter how big or small, will affect your business, productivity and your bottom line.

I have over 25 years of experience combining Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Resilience Training into effective Mind Tools to help individuals and corporations Thrive and Survive our unpredictable world. I have developed the concept of “MindPowerment" to establish a life of living in a grounded state so you become your own “rock” – having the steady foundation you need to not only survive but thrive in life and business.

To facilitate #MindPowerment, I offer grounding practices and training to both individuals and corporations to assist in:

• Managing work and achieving goals, while maintaining Life Balance, Focus, Clarity and Joy.

• Unblocking, Recharging and Revitalizing your mindset.

• Mindset Training, understanding your brain, how to process and handle your actions and reactions.

• Rewiring your brain for success.

• Empower your corporation by building a collective resilience.

Author of “Lost, Found, & Rewired: Mind Tools that Shift You From Stressed and Frazzled to Calm and Vital” I educate people on how the brain works and how you can get it to work for you.



Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: CEO
Guest Biography:

The KEY to success is Your commitment to do the work. The TRICK to success is what you work on.

“IT” Won’t Happen

Unless YOU Step Up!”

Context versus Content. My skill lies in ensuring you are operating at your peak, the best possible version of you so as you can honour the commitment you have made to yourself and Be the leader you were born to be.

With 35 years of senior leadership positions operating around the globe backed with an MBA in Leadership, Strategic Management and International Business I have your back and I know what it takes to push you to a new level.

Clients include Norcross Press, Roxcel, Oracle, Velocity Group, amongst others.
Guest Category: Business, Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, News, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Business Owner
Guest Biography:

Pip Meecham from ProjectBox is a systemisation specialist with a love for all things systems, technology, processes and workflows. She’s a self-confessed geek and has earned the nickname ‘Faster than Google’ by her peers. She looks at the HOW in your business - how you do the things you do, then translates that to ensure your processes and workflows are optimised for efficiency and effectiveness, implementing tools and technology to help streamline your operations, with operating procedures that help you scale and build a business that can work without you.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: multi-instrumentalist, performer and compose
Guest Biography:


Marshall Lefferts has been a student of Nature since the age of five when he made his first trip to a remote cabin in the deep wilds of the Adirondack Mountains with his parents and brothers. Fifty-five years later, he still goes to that cabin and listens intently to what Nature wishes to teach him, and much of what is shared in this book has come from those magical and insightful experiences. He also began studying music at the age of eight and is now a multi-instrumentalist, performer and composer.

In his first year of college in 1978, following a spontaneous epiphany of awakening, he began studying the martial art of Aikido and became inspired by the writings of R. Buckminster Fuller, having the good fortune of meeting Bucky the following year. Veering away from traditional academia into the indigenous education of the great Universe-ity, Marshall has traversed an unconventional path in service to the bigger picture of what’s going on here on planet Earth during this time of critical transition.

Along the way he became a Producer of media projects, starting with Star Trek CD-ROMs in the early 1990’s, then co-producing a short film about Mars Pathfinder for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. In 1998, he met Barbara Marx Hubbard and subsequently became Co-Director of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution from 1999-2004, launching in 2000. During these same years he produced internet media projects for the Buckminster Fuller Institute, then located in Santa Barbara, CA, where he was living. From 2005-2009 he lived on the Big Island of Hawaii, immersing in the study of “pod consciousness” with the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins, and composing, recording and producing a collaborative album of original music, called Mystery of Souls.

Marshall is a Board Member of the Resonance Science Foundation (serving as President from 2006 to 2019), as well as co-designer, writer and producer of the Resonance Academy, launched in 2014, for which he continues to serve as an Adjunct Faculty. From 2007 to 2012, Marshall served as Associate Producer for the documentary film, Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?, which is now the most widely viewed independent documentary film, and is collaborating again with the Thrive team as Co-Director of Visual Effects and Post-Production Supervisor for Thrive II: This Is What It Takes! (coming in 2020).

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Sound Healing, Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Spiritual