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Guest Name
Cynthia Dougherty
Cynthia Dougherty
Guest Occupation
PhD, CEO/ Mastermind Performance Coach, Author, Cannabis advocate, TED Speaker
Guest Biography

What is your first thought when you are faced with an unexpected change or obstacle in your Life? Do you feel frazzled and anxious often? We hold ourselves to unrealistic standards of perfection and then we judge ourselves when we don’t live up to them. But we are not supposed to be perfect. Let's get you back to calm. Turning feelings into words can help us process and overcome adversity.

Perfection is not possible. But TRANSFORMATION is. All of us have the capacity to change, learn and grow. No matter what the circumstances. Your mindset shapes your YOUR brain. When it comes to your business, you and your employees’ ability to adjust to change, no matter how big or small, will affect your business, productivity and your bottom line.

I have over 25 years of experience combining Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Resilience Training into effective Mind Tools to help individuals and corporations Thrive and Survive our unpredictable world. I have developed the concept of “MindPowerment" to establish a life of living in a grounded state so you become your own “rock” – having the steady foundation you need to not only survive but thrive in life and business.

To facilitate #MindPowerment, I offer grounding practices and training to both individuals and corporations to assist in:

• Managing work and achieving goals, while maintaining Life Balance, Focus, Clarity and Joy.

• Unblocking, Recharging and Revitalizing your mindset.

• Mindset Training, understanding your brain, how to process and handle your actions and reactions.

• Rewiring your brain for success.

• Empower your corporation by building a collective resilience.

Author of “Lost, Found, & Rewired: Mind Tools that Shift You From Stressed and Frazzled to Calm and Vital” I educate people on how the brain works and how you can get it to work for you.

