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Guest Occupation: Speaker, Author, nutritionist, healthcare advocate, fundraiser, celebrity radio host
Guest Biography:

Chef Sharynne Frazer is a nutritionist, natural and oral healthcare advocate, fundraiser, and celebrity radio host in Las Vegas. Also a speaker and Barnes & Noble #1 best-selling author, She is a Brand Ambassador for the American Heart Association, and is the first non-physician board member to be named to their Multi-Social Task Force in 2015. Mixing restorative medicine practices with her 40+ years of experience empowering audiences, Chef Sharynne teaches others how to overcome their ailments with strategic lifestyle decisions and constructive prosperity. As a culinary specialist, she has offered countless individuals the skills to incorporate small changes in their diets that lead to enormous benefits for health and general wellbeing.

Chef Sharynne is the host of Vita-Myr’s Healthy Living Radio Show in Las Vegas, a Beasley Broadcast Group station. On her show, listeners learn helpful tips that educate and promote sound oral health and wellness practices. Instrumental in the teaching and promotion of the raw food movement, over a decade ago, She has since taken on the task of propagating an area of wellness that has been long neglected by many — Oral Health. The Surgeon General has declared oral health our nation’s #1 healthcare crisis; this neglect particularly affects children and seniors. Statistically, over 85% of the American population has some level of oral health problems that has gone unnoticed. Poor oral health is a contributing factor that leads to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, eczema, HIV and other ailments. Poor oral health is a silent killer! Chef Sharynne herself has been a long-time sufferer of periodontal disease for over 45 years. She has spent over a quarter of million dollars in dental care over a lifetime. After many years of pain, she has found the answer to this deadly disease and wishes to share it with you!

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Guest Category: Literature, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, News
Guest Occupation: Educator, Holistic Health Advocate
Guest Biography:

Tonya McLaughlin is a Seer and a vessel of Intuitive Healing. "It is Ke Akua, It is Creator and the Universal Energy. I am merely the hands and vehicle for the Love to Shine through"

She is listening to your body and seeing your authentic soul self. The true you starts to emerge from under all the layers of programming and false notions. Transformation occurs at a cellular level and outwards. Through the Divine, she drops a pebble of Love sending ripples of transmutation and Light into all the areas that were before plugged.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Expert in Leadership and Management
Guest Biography:

Mark Villareal is a bestselling author, public speaker, business coach and expert guest on talk shows.  Villareal has won numerous business awards throughout his 35 years of business; he has been awarded the most outstanding franchise location in his industry of over 260 locations worldwide. He helps business leaders succeed by assisting employees and managers reach their next level of success. Mark has an innate ability to quickly identify high-potential individuals. He mentors clients through professional development plans and focused coaching. Mark has assisted in developing consultative sales executives, managers, and business leaders, through a unique vision that businesses as well as leadership, is effective with a foundation of right values and principles. He believes that humility is a strength and that the best leaders continue to pay it forward.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Teacher and Education Activist
Guest Biography:

Aixa Rodriguez is a Bronx born and bred educator. A passion for working with kids who grew up like her, brought her into teaching. She attended Fordham as an undergraduate and for graduate school. She is a founder of Bronx Educators United for Justice, and a resident big mouth on Twitter and Facebook.

Her goal is to wake up parents, teachers, and students in the Bronx to the systematic disenfranchisement and exploitation they are under, and the intersectional relationships of the social justice issues people are concerned with.

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: MetaPhysician, VisionAries, Imagineer
Guest Biography:

Christos Lightweaver is the author of

 Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age,

  a free online e-book for a limited time.

  Global humanity is now on the cusp of

  the Aquarian Age of Freedom-in-Love

  with a high state of social conscience.

“If the shadows appear to be getting darker,

it’s because the light that casts them is

getting brighter.”
~ Daniel Pinchbeck

Since the last show on Cosmic LOVE,

Christos has authored two articles:

Understanding the 'Deep State' of Things


The Global Crisis and Opportunity Now

 Global civilization is in a healing crisis like a cancer

   in the body politic. Have no illusion about this crisis.

   We're now on the brink of global economic reset and

   WWIII... or global economic reset and a golden age.

The reset is now happening for good reasons, but

deeply entrenched opposition wants war powers to

continue making war for profit and power over ‘US’

United Sovereigns of Earth.

This is the global crisis now being decided for

  fear or faith, war or peace, austerity or prosperity,

 and tragedy or triumph. IT'S THAT IMPORTANT!

Tune in for insight and outlook that

understands the overview vision of

The Emerging Blueprint.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, Medicine, News, Politics & Government, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: conscious channel and author
Guest Biography:

As a conscious channel for over 15 years, Jean Logan, uses her gifts to bring in glyphs, symbols, and healing messages to assist humanity in the elevation of consciousness. Her unique ability has assisted thousands of people all over the world with healing their emotional and physical issues.  Jean is the author of the international best sellers Unlocking the Power of GlyphsSacred Symbols of LightSymbols of the Dawn and Sacred Symbols Healing Cards. All profits from the sale of the books and cards are used to assist homeless children. Dr. Jean Logan is an ordained minister, has a doctorate in Nutritional Healing and has an extensive knowledge of many types of energy healing.  Now in over 70 countries, her manuals are available through and Barnes and Nobel; printed or eBooks

Guest Category: History, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Mercury Free Dentist
Guest Biography:

Dr. Michael Olmstead is an honors graduate of the University of Southern California School of Dentistry. He has been referenced in professional journals, and has written many consumer oriented articles. He has also been interviewed extensively on radio and television.

He chose to focus his practice skills to achieve comprehensive and cosmetic dental care in a gentle, patient oriented environment. He has an extensive background in full mouth reconstruction, implantology, and restoration using dental implants. For the last 27 years, Dr. Olmstead practiced and promoted Mercury Free dental care using biocompatible dental materials. He has extensive knowledge relating to the effects that dental materials have on overall health.

He provides knowledge and clarification which will help you make an informed decision about the direction you would like to take with your dental health. Dr. Olmstead is able to effectively communicate practical knowledge you can use to help solve your dental issues. Dr. Olmstead can also provide education about dental home care.

He is licensed to practice dentistry in California, New Zealand, and eligible by reciprocal agreement in over 44 other states, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga.

He is also a certified Maharishi AyurVedic health practitioner focusing on patient-centered, rather than disease-centered solutions. This includes personalized, dietary, and nutritional solutions using natural, integrative health protocols.

He is certified by the American Heart Association as an Instructor of CPR as well as a provider of Advanced Cardiac Life Support. He is a member of the New Zealand Dental Association as well as the U.S. Dental Assistant National Board.

Dr. Olmstead has developed and patented a therapeutic, organic toothpaste. (release date TBD) 

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Rock Paper Scissors Founder
Guest Biography:

Kristal Clark, founder of Rock Paper Scissors, is a vibrant entrepreneur who actively pursues positive change in the community prompted by her passion for people. This Portland native approaches life with vision, sophistication and confidence that inspires everyone she meets. As a licensed Real Estate agent and esthetician, Kristal exercises proficient communication and provides excellence in serving people. Although, she finds fulfillment in acts of service, she is most enriched by encouraging people from all walks of life. More than likely, you’ll find her at one of the largest Celebrate Recovery(CR) programs in Tacoma meeting, greeting and giving hope to everyone who walks through the door. This has become a venue for her values: promoting self-esteem and re-igniting self-worth in those who have experienced a loss of dignity and purpose. 

When it comes to a cause with the magnitude of one of the largest epidemics striking society, both locally and globally, Kristal has taken a solid stance of confronting this plague of Sexual abuse and Human Trafficking head on! Not only has she shed light on this dark practice of exploitation in our neighborhoods through fund raising, education and entrepreneurial enterprises, she has joined a team of leaders engaging in awareness campaigns to wake up our cities to hope and help for those being exploited through human trafficking. Kristal truly believes that fearful men and women have been silenced for much too long and Rock Paper Scissors (RPS), Kristal's newly founded organization, specializes in supporting those who have been physically, mentally and emotionally abused through providing a safe place to share, heal and spread awareness. Her walk is far greater than her talk as she challenges people with this theme 

"We can't do anything about the past, but we sure can do something about the future."

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development