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Guest Occupation: Civility Analyst Etiquette Coach
Guest Biography:

Karen has been guiding clients to success since 2001.  She is certified to teach and educate clients in etiquette and civility practices.  Her expertise stems from owning and operating a multi - million dollar waste hauling firm for 10+ years.  Her extensive knowledge in marketing and sales coupled with her etiquette training allows her to offer top notch training to clients.

Karen, known as the "CT Etiquette Expert", is the most sought after speaker on etiquette and civility topics.  Her ability to connect with her audience through her injection of humor and wit keeps participants engaged and thirsting for more.

When not teaching or speaking, Karen can be found on local t.v. affiliates including Fox, CBS, ABC and NBC in CT imparting her etiquette expertise. She is also a regular on the Massachusetts morning show, Mass Appeal on WWLP.   

Karen enjoys residing in the beautiful Litchfield Hills of Connecticut with her husband Ken, 3 children and exceptionally well mannered black lab Ruger.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Founder Walden Three Project
Guest Biography:

JIMMY WALTER was born in Tampa, Florida in 1947 and is unmarried with no children.

Mr. Walter has extensive experience in starting and operating small businesses and broad knowledge in finance and financial markets. He is skilled in writing and computer science and widely read in psychology, economics, behavior management, religion, and philosophy.

Mr. Walter founded the Life Skills Foundation in an effort to help people in lower socio-economic situations, of which those incarcerated and on welfare are a significant and problematic part.   Mr. Walter works for no salary and has provided  $2,000,000 for converting the  “Vital Issues Project” to a non-profit basis.

He is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Tampa, Institute for Ethics and Meaning, Democratic National Committee, Florida Democratic Party, Social Democrats of America, Social Democrats, USA, Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC), Museum of Modern Art (NYC), WEDU Foundation, WUSF TV Foundation, WUSF Radio Foundation, and the American Mensa Association,

Mr. Walter is a humanitarian whose basic philosophy is stoicism in its manifestation of Rational-Emotive-Behaviorism Theory. He enjoys aerobics, hiking, dancing, theater, symphonies, writing prose and poetry, reading, 70's and 80's pop music, traveling, skiing, flying, skin and scuba diving.


The Walden Three Project has developed an engineering of a super-efficient, car-free, sustainable city that uses extensive recycling, permaculture, and integrated, co-generation, pollution-free factories to manufacture most of what its citizens consume. The project is based upon ideas from many different disciplines, which have been time-tested. The city is built with proven technology available today.

Anything that saves labor and resources makes us richer as a whole. Our engineering model is apolitical. It is just a labor and resource saving device. It frees them for whatever the political-economic body wants. Our model allows political systems to maximize their available labor and resources. Thus the underlying basis of economics: conservation. There is no need to "take" from the rich to solve our economic problems. This is a common economic fallacy. In fact, the rich will profit and benefit greatly from what we propose here.

Libertarians, socialists, objectivists, communists, fascists, capitalists, or a combination of economic systems can use our hypothetical city-factory-machine. Libertarians or objectivists could float such a city in international waters free of all governments and "freeloaders" (see abandoned novel - New Hong Kong). Communists and far left socialists can use it to eliminate capitalists. One of our plans is built from mud and starts in a prison (see current novel in progress: Walden Three).

While there is no one solution for everyone, most need and prefer some group's economic and political compromise. Our compromise has "radical", "middle-american", "conservative", "liberal", "capitalist", "socialist", "religious", "atheist" and other components. Anything that must be pure, must fail. A world wide system must allow for all.

Please comment. We invite you to play with the model. Please correct us. Give us your insights and add to it. Use what you like. Everything we create is free and without copyright. Why are we doing this? Selfishness! The founder, chief benefactor, and CEO of Walden Three realizes he does not need any more material things. He finds more money and things to take care of boring, while helping and seeing people change for the better is fun. A material thing can only give you a good feeling and has a cost. A spiritual act or gift returns a better feeling and, on average, a profit -- usually the beneficiary will return the favor or pass it along, which eventually comes back to the giver with a profit. Money is a merely a symbol, open to interpretation. Feelings are real. A better world to live in produces a cornucopia of good feelings, a huge profit.

Updated 7/13/11 .


The city recycles “waste” energy from its factories and electric generation plant by piping steam to heat air and water for businesses and homes throughout the city. This is the same method used by factory towns of old New England. Steam is also used to power absorption refrigeration for cooling of buildings, the same basic process used in propane-powered refrigerators in motor homes. Thus, the city is heated and cooled essentially for free (there is the cost of piping, maintenance, etc.) and the electricity normally used by cities for heating and cooling is saved, more than quadrupling efficiencies of today’s public utilities. Electric power required for motors, engines, electronics, etc. is generated with combined-cycle gas-turbine technology fueled by synthesis gas made by converting biomass and organic waste materials in a plasma gasification unit.

Transportation and Freight:

Standardized packaging and a collection system designed for long-term use and convenience maximizes recycling efforts. There are no automobiles or trucks within the city though there are rental companies on its perimeter. Recycling, freight delivery, and personal transport is streamlined with a computerized, luxurious, and extensive mass transit system. Transportation needs are further minimized by home offices, video conferencing rooms, and super high-speed Internet facilities.

Health Care:

Insurance, as well as supplemental programs like Medicaid, would not be needed because Walden Three considers healthcare, from cradle to grave for all conditions, a necessity. Instead of taxing businesses, the city provides and manages healthcare through its community service system.

Hospitals would be available for serious procedures like surgery, however, the emphasis would be on nursing stations located in each building and at-home care. Using the city’s Cybernet, which would have the latest, reliable medical information and remote observation and data collection, nurses and physicians would make initial evaluations. Nursing stations are located in each building for more thorough initial examinations and scheduled exams by physicians.

In sum, Walden Three provides quality care to every citizen, not sub-standard care that views each person as a group of risk factors or ‘the best care [your limited] money can buy.’


Education and training from pre-school to post-graduate is free. The school system is based on the student’s worthwhile, realistic life goals which they set for themselves with the aid of counselors. The life goals are made relevant to the person's age. Of course, those goal will mature as the child matures. If a child wants to be a fireman, the teacher says, “Okay, we will start training you to be a fireman, but to be a fireman you’ll have to know all about gases, heat energy, combustion, etc. To learn that, you’ll need to know math, reading, etc.” Thus, school would be more personal, exciting, and useful. From the beginning, children are not schooled in classrooms, but at home using programmed, computerized learning systems. The theory they learn on the computers is combined with skill training learned by participating in running the city, where it is safe for them.

Employment, Avocation, & Leisure:

Every individual can have a job that he or she enjoys, for life. The members of the community work at jobs running the city, their community service in return for the “free” items the city provides. Since the city produces the majority of what citizens consume, all citizens are guaranteed employment. Because of the huge increase in efficiency brought by rational planning and technology that minimizes waste, the citizens need only to work a small part of today’s work week. Their much increased free time can be spent starting a new business, working for someone else, with their family, on artistic endeavors, sports, education, travel, or whatever they desire. Moreover, working together to run the community builds a bond and an understanding of the city's problems and advantages among the citizens. With the citizens’ working knowledge, continuous improvements to the city come naturally.


We conclude that the solution lies in a mixed economy, an intelligent combination of capitalism and socialism tended by people who receive incentives based on the quality of their work, the best of each system. In fact, every country uses a mixed economy. All families from the beginning of time have shared work, rewards, and facilities among the family, a socialism system. Social Security, education for all children, child abuse laws, protection of the environment, work safety regulations, etc--all elements of socialism--would be preserved. Every citizen is guaranteed health care, education, food, clothing, housing and utilities in return for their part-time labor running the city.

No Taxes: The Walden Three Project has no sales, income, property, tangible, or intangible taxes, nor fees. People who want non-residential locations pay a fixed rent (no percentage over-rides or escalation) to offset construction costs and maintenance. The city fosters new businesses by providing online support and efficient customer service that waits on you, not you waiting on them. Citizens can apply for an available “bricks and mortar” business location, or pay for the construction of a new one using materials produced locally at cost. Each apartment and business complex has a state-of-the-art office support complex for printing, copying, etc., as well as secretarial services, meeting rooms, and catering facilities. Designers, engineers, inventors, machinists, sample-makers, factories, artists, and writers are connected online. Thus the city assists businesses in turning new, important ideas and inventions into reality.

Since needs, by definition, must be met, the city is the single supplier providing citizens with all utilities, waste processing, transportation, and housing in return for the citizens’ community service time without the unnecessary costs of promotion, duplication of facilities, accounting, legal assistance, etc. The city maximizes service by redirecting this previously wasted labor towards improving the quality of its products or services. The system rewards those that do their job well with vigorous, positive feedback, social prerogatives, and reduced work time. The cybernation of services (computers and high speed internet in every home and business) combined with ample staffing reduces wait time to a minimum.

Life Skills, Philosophy, Psychology:

The city guides people to set realistic and worthwhile life goals. Part of a realistic goal is a realistic plan to achieve it. The school and socialization systems train citizens in Rational Emotive Behavior Theory [REBT], the modern, scientific combination of Stoicism and Epicureanism. This teaches rational acceptance of life and one’s self, and how to control emotions, preventing or correcting emotional and thinking problems early.

The city improves behavior by helping people find and set practical life goals. They are then trained to reward themselves as they accomplish short-term goals to that end.

Law/Crime Prevention:

George Washington said, "The firmest pillar of democracy is the true administration of justice." Note that he said justice, not law. Recall that it was illegal to be a Jew during the Nazi rule of Germany.

The city's civil law system is based on giving "value for value received" using bona fide [good faith] contracts, not "let the buyer beware" in which the clever defraud the average. When a person enters into a contract, it should be with confidence that the legal outcome will be fair. The legal system is streamlined with legal aids staffed sufficiently to give everyone fast, equal legal protection.

Since everyone is provided with necessities, crime would be greatly reduced, the remainder of crime would largely be caused by mental problems. Mothers and fathers would never have to steal to feed or take care of their babies.

The city’s solution to preventing crime is the same as a small town or village: Watchful eyes--everyone knows what is happening. All public areas are viewable from any computer terminal, open-access video observation, so anyone in the city can see through any public camera at any time. However, there will not be cameras in areas where there is an expectation of privacy: dressing rooms, public restrooms, at home, or in the car. The system allows a parent to "follow" their child to the playground or school room and report any bullying or accidents to the authorities for immediate attention. Parents can watch what their children are being taught and how they are handled by their teachers. All of the city’s government buildings, bureaus, and meetings would be viewable at all times, true “government in the sunshine“.

The system interrupts anti-social behavior at its start, swiftly, without revenge. The city's socialization (corrections) system does not lock up one disturbed individual with three others in an eight-by-ten foot room for decades and expect them to come out knowing how to get along with normal people. Rather, the city assigns police officers and councilors that stay with the troubled or violent individuals at all times during their socialization, physically and electronically, until the offenders can control their emotions and function well in society.

Thus, the criminal system will be swift and sure, but never harsh. As behaviorist B. F. Skinner discovered, punishment is a poor teacher, a last resort. Skinner’s experiments proved the certainty of the reward or punishment determines its effectiveness, unless the punishment is so brutal it damages the subject for life. If someone gets away with something ten times, they have been rewarded ten times. If police then get lucky and catch him or her, whether they punish that person or not, the net effect is ten rewards and one punishment, a net reinforcement of the unwanted behavior. The offender knows the punishment is a fluke, and is not likely to happen again for some time. However, if the person gets punished and the reward taken back each and every time, that person will stop the unwanted behavior quickly.


We have observed that all the major religions have a universal message: Love and help each other. Acceptance, mercy, and meaningful work are prerequisites to happiness. There is no wealth without happiness.

Walden Three is a work in progress. We invite criticism, comments, improvements, and suggestions. The burden of proof is upon us.

Anti-war campaign

Walter had been opposed to the Vietnam War, a source of contention with his father, but had not used his money to act on his convictions. On February 27, 2003, Walter spent US$125,000 to take out a full-page advertisement in the New York Times attacking Secretary of State Colin Powell's justification for the impending 2003 invasion of Iraq. It was headlined "Powell Lied?" describing Powell's February 5, 2003 speech to the United Nations Security Council—the New York Times insisted on adding the question mark. Walter took out similar advertisements in English and Spanish in local newspapers in Santa Barbara, California, where he was living. His stance was unpopular; posters he attached to his house were torn down, and a rock was put through his car's window. Walter did not repeat the advertisement.

Walter also created a "Chicken-Hawk-In-Chief" design mocking George W. Bush which he put on t-shirts, sweatshirts, and a full costume. In May 2004, a Williamstown, Vermont middle school student gained national attention when he wore the t-shirt and was required to cover parts of the design depicting Bush drinking and snorting cocaine. On August 30, 2006, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the school was wrong to censor the shirt, and on June 29, 2007 the US Supreme Court rejected an appeal, allowing that ruling to stand.

Reopen 9/11 campaign

Walter began a series of advertisements about the September 11, 2001 attacks in October 2004, which included full page ads in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, and 30 second cable television spots on CNN, Fox News, and ESPN. They implied that no plane flew in to The Pentagon, and that 7 World Trade Center was brought down by internal explosives. They called for a new investigation into what happened on September 11, and referred viewers to the website conjunction with the campaign, Walter sponsored an October 2004 Zogby poll, which found that 66% of New York City residents wanted a fuller investigation of the events of September 11.

Walter's theory is that the hijacked planes were replaced by remote controlled drones that were crashed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, while the buildings were brought down by preset explosives,to create a pretext for the war in Afghanistan and 2003 invasion of Iraq. At the web site, Walter offered a US$10,000 reward for a mathematical proof of how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed from the fire and impact, the way the 9/11 Commission said.By 2005, the reward had grown to $1,000,000 for proof that explosives were not used in the collapse of the World Trade Center.

On November 10, and November 11, 2004, Walter appeared on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360°, where he debated journalist Gerald Posner about the claims made by the campaign. On May 9, 2005, Walter was featured on the "Conspiracy Theories" episode of Showtime cable television program Penn & Teller: Bullshit!,

As of December 2004, Walter estimated the total cost of the campaign at more than $3 million; by December 2005 it rose to $5.5 million.

In May 2005, Walter financed European tours of speaking engagements for William Rodriguez and his lawyer in the Rodriguez v. Bush lawsuit, Philip Berg. Rodriguez claims that he saved hundreds of people in the World Trade Center who were trapped behind locked fire escape doors.

In 2006, Walter traveled to Malaysia with Rodriguez, appearing at a conference with Michael Collins Piper. Rodriguez and Walter also traveled to Venezuela.

Confronting the Evidence

Walter produced a video documentary called Confronting the Evidence in 2005 and distributed over 300,000 free copies on DVD, including one to every household in Tony Blair's Sedgefield constituency.Confronting the Evidence was broadcast on Italian Rai Tre television on September 24, 2006 at 9:00 p.m., during the Report program.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science
Guest Occupation: Lebanese-Armenian Singer, Music Composer, and Global Right Activist
Guest Biography:

INTRO: Peter Jam (Jambazian) is a Lebanese-Armenian independent artist, global rights activist, singer, music composer, creative thinker, motivational speaker and inspirational world traveler for peace and justice, born in the midst of the Lebanese civil war in Beirut.

PASSION FOR MUSIC: His passion for music and art appeared in his teenage years, despite growing up in a modest family during difficult times, he studied and experienced a wide variety of music styles from Oriental Arabic to Armenian traditional, and pop to blues/rock and metal. Peter began by specializing in guitar styles, and continued his studies to become a multi instrumentalist. At a young age Peter became a music teacher and band trainer. Peter Jam is now a musical composer/arranger and has created a unique musical genre, which is a mix of alternative and easy listening rock with 60’s and ethnic Armenian sensation.

CREATIVE ACTIVISM: Influenced by all these music styles, and inspired by his experiences as a peace, environmental, human/civil and animal rights activist, which include “Europe Peace Tour” (singing the peace song “If You Want” in more than 20 countries across Europe and filming it), numerous appearances in festivals and the media (TV, Radio, newspaper, magazines) between Lebanon, Armenia, Europe and USA, he initiated projects holding the messages of Love, Peace, and Unity through motivational speeches empowered by meditative simplified philosophies.

SPIRITUAL DEEPNESS: Peter Jam has moved beyond music and does speeches in places like UNESCO Palace in Beirut, UN complex (parliament) in Vienna and the UN headquarters in NYC. Also he is writing a book which is a spiritual intellectual view of his inner-self about the biggest issues and subjects in the world such as, views on Love, Peace, Freedom, Life, Time, Relationships etc… diving deep into history, religions, politics and humanity, showing his personal understanding, creating an inspiration to the readers to think different and act different for a better self and better world.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Peter Jam speaks, reads and writes in 4 different languages, English, Armenian, Arabic & Turkish. Utilizing his cultural and musical backgrounds, he also writes music for films. He shows this extraordinary enlightenment in a new CD compilation which includes songs in some of the languages he speaks, using musical instruments from diverse cultures too (New album ‘Universality’ released Summer/Autumn 2014) embracing those cultures and sending messages throughout the world.

THE WILL FOR CHANGE: Peter actively supports and cooperates with several organizations around the world, from human rights including civil rights, women and children’s rights to animal rights and environmental activism. Peter got recognized from renowned Organizations and always looks forward to be the inspiring hand that is always ready to clap, creating new bridges for better present and future, upholding all the organizations and individuals that believe in the Power of Will to Change.

His project is entitled “Positive message through the power of Music, Art and Speech”

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, Music, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Channel, Psychic, Counselor
Guest Biography:

Will is a gifted individual who has profoundly touched and changed people's lives for over thirty years.

He has a BA Degree in Psychology with practical training in Addiction Counseling as well as Group Therapy and individual counseling.

Further to this, he has developed a therapeutic approach to doing deep-level counseling that involves working with the subconscious as well as connecting with the High Self spiritual aspect of one’s Being. He calls this method Trinary Regression Therapy, which also involves the understanding and knowledge of other lives and their impact on the individual’s present life. Trinary Regression Therapy takes one’s focus away from the Binary programming and opens doors to one’s spiritual, multi-dimensional Being. Will has had great success using Trinary Regression Therapy as a way to understand and address deep-seated issues and traumas. These issues include such things as Satanic Ritual Abuse, Relationship Issues, Abundance and Worthiness Issues and Alien Abductions.

Will has a natural gift to lead his clients on a deep inner journey of self-discovery and self-healing. His approach is innovative, cutting-edge and powerful in its impact, while at the same time is compassionate and sensitive. Using his wealth of experience in deep spiritual matters, Will is able to journey with his clients into the inner realms and thus is able to assist them on their personal inner quests.

Because of his keen interest in metaphysics, Will has also developed, to a high degree, his intuitive and psychic abilities. As a result, he became a professional Tarot Reader, working at international levels. This developed into the capacity to channel the high force of consciousness known as Cosmic Awareness, a role he has served exclusively for the last ten years.

Cosmic Awareness is the Force of Consciousness that spoke through Edgar Cayce, and who speaks again today through Will Berlinghof as Planet Earth and Humanity go through these critical transformative times.

Will has gained insight, awareness, wisdom and knowledge of current events and how hidden agendas are at work to affect Humanity. He is able to synergise disparate information to bring forth new awareness of how things are linked, to have a clear discernment of what is really happening with world events. Thus he is well-suited to the role of commentator, addressing and discussing world issues, and bringing an understanding of the circumstances of these times, how it all comes together and what it means for Humanity. He is able to project a broader and deeper perspective of what is truly going down.

Due to his continued dedication and his own journey of self-discovery, Will is well-equipped to stand as one who can help make sense of this paradigm and how to best navigate the issues facing Humanity. His diligence has earned him international repute and clients from around the world and he presents himself for further service as Humanity and Gaia move through this exciting and challenging transformation.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Personal Development, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Healer, Shaman, QHHT Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Elizabeth is a Shaman, Spiritual Healer, Author, Reiki Master Teacher,
Master Healer of Shamballa 13D Multi-Dimensional Healing,
Certified QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Practitioner,
Certified in the Art and Science of Clinical Hypnosis, Certified NLP Practitioner,
Certified Biofeedback Specialist.
Elizabeth is a Teacher of Healers; a gifted Visionary with a unique ability to create
Wellness and Joy with each person she works with.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Clinical Sexologist, Sex Coach and Sexual Health Educator
Guest Biography:

As a Clinical Sexologist, Dr. Renee Lanctot believes that sex can be fun for both partners in any relationship. Whether you are after your first orgasm or looking for a deeper and more meaningful sexual experience, she has the information and the “tricks” to help you get there.

Dr. Renee Lanctot obtained a Doctorate degree in Human Sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. As a Sexual Health Educator, she has presented sexual health education seminars to a variety of audiences. She is frequently interviewed by different radio stations and quoted in magazine and newspaper articles.

Dr. Renee Lanctot can help you with your sexual needs and issues either by Skype or at her office. For more information, visit her website at:!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: Mystic Warrior, Author, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Edwin Harkness Spina is an award-winning author, speaker and mystic. He is the author of Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed, and the developer of Energy Center Clearing, a methodology created to align, balance and center individuals moving through these tumultuous times. He specializes in connecting people to their highest SELF, leading to greater intuition, clarity and joy.

Before becoming a master healer, Ed went through an extreme metamorphosis. After graduating with a BSE degree in math and computer science from Tufts University, Ed began writing systems software for a computer manufacturer. He went on to receive an MBA from the University of Chicago with concentrations in finance and marketing. After graduating, he worked with various venture capital firms, and started several technology-based companies in the sports and music industries.

Stressed out from his entrepreneurial ventures, Ed rented a video from Blockbuster that promised to help him relax and, curiously, help him recall his past lives.

To Ed’s surprise, the video changed his life, as he was able to recall a past life in substantial detail. Thus began his 20+ year study of mysticism, metaphysics, energy healing and all things spiritual. The earnestness with which he desired to understand how the universe truly worked drew the attention of his first mentor. Through this relationship, Ed uncovered gifts his scientific mind would not have thought possible. After a few months, his primary means of communication with his mentor was telepathic.

Ed continued his studies with long term mystics and cutting-edge energy healers, when he met his second mentor, a Near Death Experiencer who worked with Ed to raise his energy to new levels.

After years of study and preparation, Ed combined his love of mysticism with his love of entrepreneurship and wrote his first book, Mystic Warrior, which won the Independent Publisher Book Award for Visionary Fiction and a Nautilus Silver Book Award for Fiction.

He has since written Mystic Secrets Revealed, contributed to the bestseller 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life and created CDs and audio books entitled: Total Love Immersion, Escaping the Matrix, Enlightened Relationships and Travel to Enlightenment.

Ed lives in Los Angeles, CA. He lectures around the world and offers Energy Clearings in person and remotely. His company, Higher Dimension Publishing, publishes books, CDs and videos that entertain, enlighten and educate readers in both the fiction and nonfiction areas.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Inspirator, Author, Holistic Energetic Consultant
Guest Biography:

I'm Josien Zegers. I 'm an Inspirer, Author, Holistic Energetic Consultant, a messenger, Connector and Bridge Builder.

From my heart, I like to share my talents with others around me. It gives me great pleasure to meet you! To go along 'on the road' and inspire you to open new doors! To visualize new possibilities for you!

My specialty is to your "keys" to reach that inspire you, so that you fully stand on your own Inner Power!

Guest Category: Music, Philosophy, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Meditation, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive, Variety