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Guest Occupation: Nutritional Counseling, Microscopy, Anti-Aging and Bio-Energetic Technology
Guest Biography:


Rhonda Donahue, PhD, specializes in Nutritional Counseling, Microscopy, Anti-Aging and Bio-Energetic Technology. She is respected in the Health Field both in Alternative and Allopathic Medicine and strives towards excellence and professionalism in the Health Industry. She encourages individuals to lead a healthier lifestyle in the areas of Nutrition, Emotional Health, and Physical and Spiritual Healing. She is a member of the prestigious Anti-Aging 4 Medicine. Rhonda has a Bachelors degree in Nutrition and a Masters degree in Metaphysical Science. Rhonda is determined to help individuals gain knowledge and insight into finding ones own potential and finding balance in life and health.

Learn More About Our Guest Rhonda Donahue, Ph.D. and Her Book, “The Pollution Inside You!”

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help
Guest Occupation: 17 year old R&B singer songwriter producer
Guest Biography:

Oliver Mac is a 17 year old R&B singer/songwriter/producer. He was raised in Leeds, England and his time is now split between the UK and LA. He also plays piano and guitar.

Musical influences:
Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Justin Timberlake, Sammy Davis Jnr, Usher and Bob Marley amongst many more.

Music style:
Oliver has a distinctive sound culminated from a deep bass/baritone mellow tone coupled with a strong falsetto. He is what many people describe as ‘the unexpected!’ fulfilling a niche in the music industry.
Oliver was offered a recording contract in October 2014 in LA but decided to decline the offer due to advice from his music lawyer.

He currently has gigs arranged in 2015, dates and venues will follow.

Family Background:
Oliver Mac is the youngest of three children, he has a sister Natasha and a brother Christian. His parents encouraged the whole family to sing and as a family they sang regularly in the home. Oliver showed a particular interest and appeared to have a natural gift for singing.

Although Oliver Mac has been raised in England he is of Scottish heritage and of royal decent his ancestor being King Kenneth MacAlpin of Scotland, the first King of Scotland. The family have their own crest and tartan.
At the age of 9 Oliver performed his first solo performance singing ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ This was the first of many more solo and group performances.

At the age of 13 he won several local entertainment competitions. He also taught himself to dance specifically body popping.
He acted as an extra in a regional television soap ‘Waterloo Road’ and had a large acting part in a Timo Maas video ‘College 84’.
Also at the age of 13 his voice began to break and his vocal range changed from the equivalent of a soprano to a baritone/bass over a period of two years. At the age of 15 he taught himself how to play the guitar and started to play the piano. At 16 he taught himself other dance styles to complete his performance repertoire.

He began posting 15 second singing clips on Instagram and soon learned that the majority of his fans were American girls although as his voice was so deep and unlike many other well known male singers his fan based also consisted of young and old appreciating his deep voice and equally impressive falsetto range. After completing high school achieving 9 GCSE’s he was accepted into the prestigious Leeds College of Music.

However in August 2014 he was spotted on instagram by an American talent scout and him and his family were flown to LA. In this time he worked with music writers such as Fall out boy ‘Centuries’ writer Raja Kumari and top Hollywood producers and technicians.

Meeting and working with Hollywood celebrities such as Kyle Massey (who also rapped on one of one of his tracks) Akon and many others.

During this time in America during recording sessions in many different recording studios and with a diverse team of producers he learned the basics of producing and began writing and producing his own R&B tracks.

After declining the Hollywood recording and management contracts he returned to the UK and wrote and produced a number of compositions and met with music managers and promoters to get his music heard by the masses.
His time is now split between the two Countries as he undertakes music videos and continues his relationships with key people in the music industry.

His passion and self belief are key drivers for his music. In Oliver’s words ‘Music is my everything’. His mission is to inspire people to always follow their dreams and he hopes to spread positivity through his music. His unique sound allows him to be instantly identifiable when listening to his music.

Prepare yourselves for a new music evolution in Oliver Mac!

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Singer, Songwriter and Dancer
Guest Biography:

Ellie Soufi

Things you should know about me: I’m a singer/songwriter and have been dancing all my life. I’m Inspired by Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Jessie J, The 1975, John Legend and Christina Perri. Jennifer Lawrence is my idol because she’s so grounded and down to earth, she’s also comfortable in her own skin, which I look up to a lot! I love playing the piano and I write my own songs! I’m in love with the color red. I’m British and proud of it. I used to live in England but now I live in California! The weather is nice here but the food in England is to die for! Quotes inspire me and I really enjoy reading books! I have a brother and a sister! My cousin completes me, although she lives on the other side of the world were still inseparable! I love December because it reminds my of home and I love the cold! I really enjoy getting all comfy, cozy and drinking a cup of tea! I really want to travel the world and purse music because I really love experiencing different cultures! I don’t like junk food I would prefer a salad over ice cream any day! My favorite subject is English because it really helps me with song writing.

I was born April 9,1998 I would say I’m an old soul because I enjoy listening to vinyl’s and taking pictures on a Polaroid camera, you call it hipster but I prefer to say that I was born in the wrong generation. I’m very artsy I love making things with my hands I’m also a very visual person and I don’t take myself to seriously because that would be silly!:) I also don’t let words or other people bring me don’t because I’m going to be myself no matter what!:) I was raised in a small village called Doncaster, I had a great childhood we got up to mischievous things but it was still the best! In this life my best friends are my fans they brighten my day an inspire me too be the best I can be! I just love anything and everything to do with music I love learning new things especially new instruments! I feel like I was born to do this because it is what I love❤ I also believe everything happens for a reason! Music is the one thing that keeps my going, when I write my own songs and pour my heart into them its one of the best feelings in the world and it shows me that this is what I was made to do!

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Musicians/Health Lifestyle Consultant
Guest Biography:

Our guests today are Musicians Dave Norwoods and Dov, who have recorded together as the Band Tribal Tree.

Dov and Dave have performed live at the LA Conscious Life Expo, and the Placerita Nature Center. In addition, they were the featured live musical guests at The Prepare for Change West LA Events held at the Sooky Goldman Nature Center, as well as the Kirtan in the Valley.

Dave Norwoods has traveled the Globe and is known as Travelin’ Dave. He recently returned from a prolonged journey through South America and Mexico. In this interview he shares stories from the trip as well as insights on using food as medicine, and tips on healing and longevity utilizing simple cleanses to detoxify the body and by eating healthy foods. Find him on Facebook.

Dov is a composer, singer, songwriter, artist and violinist whose music brings messages of planetary harmony and environmental stewardship. His Cd’s can be found at

His Videos are up at
the earth harmony channel on youtube

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Education, Music, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure, Variety
Guest Occupation: Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's
Guest Biography:

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public.

Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams. 

Simon's Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America.  During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen.  Simon's Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain's appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950's and early 1960's .

Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him.  However an event in 2013 was to be a game changer, when Simon was invited by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK.  This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon's story by them.

Simon has assisted a growing number of people who have come forward from Illuminati families/bloodlines - where they have suffered torture and trauma, many from MILAB situations.  Simon is able to re-integrate any alternate personalities that the individual may have, remove any Jinn/demonic possession and "de-activate" any suicide programmes placed in the person. 

On a lighter note Simon also does Soul readings, where in most cases is able to identify the individuals soul/star family background.  A reasonable fee is charged for these services - Simon is offering a nearly unique service and places the highest value on client confidentiality - having helped people from many countries and from widely differing backgrounds, from college students to employees of the Rothschild's. Simon understands the critical nature of his de-programming/healing/soul reading work and the support that his clients need.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Paranormal, UFOs, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Biography:

Dr. John Ryan is a certified specialist Medical Doctor in Diagnostic Imaging at a tertiary level care hospital, university professor, author and speaker. He has worked for over 20 years in both traditional and energy based healing paradigms, and led countless seminars on emerging topics in healing and consciousness.

Dr. John’s life was transformed by a series of mystical and synchronous events through which he was destined to discover the validity of the spiritual, energy and consciousness basis of life, and it’s potential to support human healing. This led him through a personal “spiritual awakening” and a deep transpersonal awareness of what one needs to understand as they begin and sustain a journey of healing and spiritual awakening.

In recent years, his work has led him to the mystical threshold of the quantum basis of DNA, its integral connection to the human spirit, and the potential of this awakening knowledge to support the healing of humanity. He loves to bring this esoteric information down to earth - so anyone and everyone can access and benefit from the knowledge and experience that is available in this awakening time.

He is the pioneer of Unity Field Healing; a new “quantum” based healing process based on conscious activation of the DNA quantum field to support healing and personal evolution.

When not working and writing – he loves nature, adventure, learning, travelling, spending quality time with his family and friends – and, yes, adoring his great dane Miah!

He is author of two books - The Missing Pill (2014), which explores the rise of Energy Medicine and Conscious Biospiritual Transformation, and Harp of the One Heart (2013) - a collection of sacred poems.

Guest Occupation: Yoga Instructor, Spiritual Couselor, Personal Development Professional, Event Manager, Social Activist
Guest Biography:

Trina Markandu Bawden-Smith is a trailblazer in the fields of Yoga and spiritual and personal development. Trina is passionate about connecting people, building communities, changing lives and raising consciousness.

Trina is the creative heart of Enlightened Events. Through Enlightened Events, she offers life-changing, pioneering events. Trina hosts Australia’s premier yoga therapy conference, now in its fifth year and conducts in demand, world class Yoga therapy training. Her visionary event, Divine Feminine offers timeless wisdom for the modern woman through a deeper understanding of the ancient mysteries of womanhood. People talk about her events for years after they have finished and often tell her that her events changed their life. 

She has worked with internationally respected Yoga teachers, mindfulness experts, Tantra teachers, mind-body medicine specialists and scientists. These include Judith Hanson Lasater, Donna Farhi and the world’s most prolific Yoga researcher, Dr. Shirley Telles, as well as, women’s health pioneer and mind-body spirit expert, Dr. Christine Page.

She has worked with top Australian doctors and scientists including wellness pioneer, Professor Marc Cohen, and mind-body medicine and mindfulness expert, Dr. Craig Hassed. Also, wellness pioneer and inspirational speaker and author, Petrea King. And leading Australian Yoga teachers and therapists, including Simon Borg-Olivier, Australia’s most famous Yoga celebrity; Eve Grzybowski, Australian Yoga legend; Leigh Blashki, former President of Yoga Australia and international Yoga therapy pioneer; Annette Loudon, Australia’s leading Yoga and cancer expert; Michael de Manincor, leading Yoga teacher trainer; Sal Flynn, mindfulness expert and leading Yoga therapy trainer. And Australia’s leading Tantric teacher, Diane Riley.

She has had an interest in finding ‘the meaning of life’ since she was a teenager. Trina has taught yoga all around Sydney, was a social justice activist in her youth and has qualifications in international relations, yoga, ayurveda and event management.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Consultant
Guest Biography:

Jay literally lives on The Other Side while here in body, easily accessing what he needs in the 2nd dimension, as he's part of it.  He sees and communicates with all Spirit and sees all energy. He helps people understand what actually exists in multiple dimensions. He goes into people's brains and changes their pineal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands making their metaphysical abilities stronger, more powerful. Spiritual Energy has few limitations. It's evolution time and everyone is changing, like it or not. He just makes it happen quicker. As he says, you have no idea how awesome and important you are.

He introduced Star Essenite to the world. Its energy is so strong that the FBI and Homeland Security came by his house and asked for a piece. They wanted to test it.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Paranormal, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Animal & Plant Communications, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive