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Guest Name
Trina Markandu Bawden-Smith
Trina Markandu Bawden-Smith
Guest Occupation
Yoga Instructor, Spiritual Couselor, Personal Development Professional, Event Manager, Social Activist
Guest Biography

Trina Markandu Bawden-Smith is a trailblazer in the fields of Yoga and spiritual and personal development. Trina is passionate about connecting people, building communities, changing lives and raising consciousness.

Trina is the creative heart of Enlightened Events. Through Enlightened Events, she offers life-changing, pioneering events. Trina hosts Australia’s premier yoga therapy conference, now in its fifth year and conducts in demand, world class Yoga therapy training. Her visionary event, Divine Feminine offers timeless wisdom for the modern woman through a deeper understanding of the ancient mysteries of womanhood. People talk about her events for years after they have finished and often tell her that her events changed their life. 

She has worked with internationally respected Yoga teachers, mindfulness experts, Tantra teachers, mind-body medicine specialists and scientists. These include Judith Hanson Lasater, Donna Farhi and the world’s most prolific Yoga researcher, Dr. Shirley Telles, as well as, women’s health pioneer and mind-body spirit expert, Dr. Christine Page.

She has worked with top Australian doctors and scientists including wellness pioneer, Professor Marc Cohen, and mind-body medicine and mindfulness expert, Dr. Craig Hassed. Also, wellness pioneer and inspirational speaker and author, Petrea King. And leading Australian Yoga teachers and therapists, including Simon Borg-Olivier, Australia’s most famous Yoga celebrity; Eve Grzybowski, Australian Yoga legend; Leigh Blashki, former President of Yoga Australia and international Yoga therapy pioneer; Annette Loudon, Australia’s leading Yoga and cancer expert; Michael de Manincor, leading Yoga teacher trainer; Sal Flynn, mindfulness expert and leading Yoga therapy trainer. And Australia’s leading Tantric teacher, Diane Riley.

She has had an interest in finding ‘the meaning of life’ since she was a teenager. Trina has taught yoga all around Sydney, was a social justice activist in her youth and has qualifications in international relations, yoga, ayurveda and event management.