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Guest Occupation: Teacher, Wellness Expert and Coach, Public Speaker, Founder of the Educate A Cure Organization
Guest Biography:

Jenevieve Fisher was a Radiation Oncology Therapist, and after suffering HODGKINS LYMPHOMA, when the Lord called out to her in the middle of a radiation therapy, she learned and teaches that our body is a TEMPLE and that God gives us all that we need to heal; and that life is not about what we do but what God is able to accomplish through us.

Jenevieve has been working with children and adults with cancer and all other forms of disease and is available for coaching, private and public; is a speaker and a teacher and through her newsletter and educates people on how to have health for life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Renouned Master Astrologer, Shepherd of Star Wisdom, Aquarian Sage, Visionary & Wizard, Soul Whisperer, and Author to the world
Guest Biography:

Renouned Master Astrologer, Shepherd of Star Wisdom, Aquarian Sage, Visionary & Wizard, Soul Whisperer,  and Author to the world.

Star Genesis has evolved out of a life long quest of William Lonsdale. The 1960’s gave vivid experience of an alternative culture that couldn’t be held back any longer. As it broke out all over, William rode this wave into breakaway groups on fire with the desperate edge of the times. Astrology soon gave its cosmic coordinates to this wild destiny journey to awaken inside a future world.

We were looking for the Age of Aquaria. As we pressed toward the new age, we realized we were traveling through the last strands of an old time. Astrology led William deep and far. The deep was into star magic moving under and through my being. The far was into all the spiritual and esoteric movements emerging in the 1970’s. Hitching to communes on the west coast, learning spiritual scientific disciplines in the New York area, and aligning with evolutionary currents was the path marked by the Living Spirit.

Eventually Sara came along. She was hungry for the very material William was immersed in. When William and Sara joined forces in the Sana Cruz Mountains it really felt like home. Friends gathered; the star work flourshied. We were reviving our spirits and wondering if we could do something much bigger than this.

Tragedy would be the test and the doorway. Sara developed breast cancer and could not shake it. She plunged into a do or die self-quickening of facing her karma and freeing her soul. William was with her all the way. After two years the cancer spread. Everybody gathered. Sara gifted us all with her spirit of regeneration. Her death was not the end. It was a sparkling new beginning. Sara became Theanna through death with further names and phases to follow.

William became Ellias.

Guest Category: Literature, Spiritual, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Divination
Guest Occupation: Author of "Elder Rage," Television Executive, Caregiver
Guest Biography:

Jacqueline Marcell was a television executive, but she barely survived as a fulltime caregiver to her (once-adoring) ‘challenging’ elderly father and sweet mother, both with Alzheimer’s which went undiagnosed for over a year. But after fighting through the medical system, endless tears, and depleting her parents’ life savings and much of her own, she solved the crisis medically, behaviorally, socially, legally, financially and emotionally.

Passion to save others (especially from elder abuse) resulted in her bestselling book, Elder Rage, a Book of the Month Club selection receiving 400+ 5 star Amazon reviews, hundreds of articles and radio & television interviews, media including TODAY, CNN, AARP Bulletin cover story, Woman’s Day, and hundreds of keynotes including to the California Governor’s Conference, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and Florida House of Representatives.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Founding Memeber of GrandCare Sytems, Social Media and Non-Traditional Guerilla Marketing, National Public Speaker, Founding Member and Director of AgeTek Alliance Board, Creator and Host of Aging and Technology Webinars
Guest Biography:

Laura Mitchell is a founding member of GrandCare Systems. A significant part of her role was to bring the product to market in 2006 through the development of a nation-wide distribution network, while receiving brand recognition throughout the industry. Laura specializes in Social Media and non-traditional, guerilla marketing. She was a 2011 recipient of the Flame Award for Excellence in Lead-ership and Innovation from Silicon Valley’s What’s Next Innovation Awards. Laura speaks throughout the country on digital home health, mitigating hospital readmissions using technology, social media and go-to-market strategies in the aging industry. She was featured by Forbes for her social media strategies and has authored various magazine articles on the digital health market and go-to-market strategy. She speaks throughout the country, educating on the digital health industry. Venues include the AARP National Convention, AHIMA, NAHB, Connected Health Symposium, ASA, CEDIA, CEA Industry Forum, CES, etc. She is a founding member and serves as a Director on the AgeTek Alliance board, is a key organizer for the EHX and CEDIA Future Home Pavilions and Educational Tracks, and in 2008, created (and still hosts) the industry-wide, Aging and Technology webinars. Laura is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Madison and lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two little boys and two dogs.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Medicine, Technology
Guest Occupation: Filmmaker of movie SIRIUS and one of the leaders of the CSETI program, founded by Steven Greer
Guest Biography:

Amardeep "Arm" Kaleka is the director and J.D. Seraphine is the lead producer of Sirius, an eye opening and globally awakening documentary designed to help us understand that there are friendly and enlightened extra-terrestrials who wish to see us succeed as a species with, for example, free energy technology that the Government has kept a lid on, keeping the public in the dark. This movie will premiere in Los Angeles on Earth Day, April 22, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. What we have learned from them about energy propulsion can bring us to a new era, but those in power have suppressed this information in order to keep us at their mercy. It is time for you to know... and this documentary will let you in.

Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is working with Emmy and his team at Neverending Light Productions to produce one of the most significant films of our time.

This film exposes the greatest story never told:The Earth has been visited by people from other worlds who are not malicious, but in fact concerned for the future of humanity. A cabal of military, industrial and financial interests have kept this contact and what we have learned from it secret for over 60 years. Their secrecy is meant to suppress the knowledge that can liberate the world from the yoke of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power and replace the current world order with one of New Energy and true Freedom.

Plot Outline: I. The first section of the film will share the vast scope of evidence that ET's exist, from official government documents, high-level witness testimony and audio and visual evidence. Disclosure and CSETI have the largest library of never before seen footage gathered over 20 years of study. II. Next, we interview a group of brilliant scientists who aim to expose long-held secret technologies

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Co-founders of, Founder of the Global CE-5 ET Contact Initiative, Founder of The People's Disclosure Movement, Hollis is a clairvoyant and featured in the film documentary Sirius
Guest Biography:

Kosta Makreas and Hollis Polk co-founded  the online ETLetsTalk Community  with 17,000 members in 100+ countries.  ETLetsTalk teaches everyday people to make their personal contact with benevolent Star People, many of whom are visiting our planet at this time. 

Kosta Makreas: As a young man Kosta became fascinated with the mysteries of the Universe – teaching himself astrology, meditation, astronomy and reading widely about extraterrestrial UFOs, comparative religion, spirituality, Atlantis, and many other metaphysical topics.  He earned his B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University and went on to enjoy a broad and successful career as a software consultant to many Silicon Valley companies.

His life-long quest to satisfy his deep interest in world peace & positive planetary transformation compels him to create & sponsor projects that empower others.  “Envision A New America”, “The Great Invocation Video Project”, “The Disclosure Project Prayer/Meditation Group”, “Spirit of Goodwill” and “The Global CE-5 ET Contact” Initiative, are some of the incredible projects he’s helped manifest from ideas to powerful realities.

Kosta believes that we are living in a unique, challenging, and wonderful point in history as we transition to a new mode of enlightened and spiritual living where planetary peace reigns between Humanity and all life forms on and off Earth.

Hollis Polk has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Princeton and an MBA from Harvard.

Career-wise, Hollis excelled at computer consulting for one of the premier accounting firms in the country; management of a major retail company; real estate; and restaurant management.  She put her analytical skills to work every day puzzling through complicated problems.  But she knew there was more than rational thought.

Hollis tuned into her psychic abilities and learned how to use them more effectively, first at Heartsong School of Expanded Perception, where she developed her clairvoyance (the ability to see psychically) and clairaudience (the ability to hear psychically).  Hollis learned NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) to help understand and work with her clients.  She finds it incredibly useful in helping people make the changes they want, quickly and permanently, and create lives they love. Hollis also became a hypnotherapist.  

Most other psychics, who don’t have this hypnotherapist training, are not aware of their clients’ openness, and have unintentionally hurt them.  Hollis knows this because she has ‘fixed’ a number of dangerous psychic readings from other psychics, often years later, when the client is in a lot of emotional pain.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Psychic medium and animal communicator
Guest Biography:

Psychic medium and animal communicator Jacqui LeBeau lives her life with passion. Everything is fascinating! In addition to being a children's author, her other passions include her family and dogs, gardening, cooking, painting and graphic design. She is a Reiki Master and has studied several other healing modalities, including Eric Pearl's Reconnection. She has taken courses in Healing Touch for Animals as well.

Guest Category: Psychic & Intuitive, Spiritual, Animal & Plant Communications, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Founder and President of the Anniue Appleseed Project, Public Speaker, Autho, Consumer Advocate
Guest Biography:

Ann was diagnosed with (breast) cancer in January 1993. She explored alternative therapies and started a study group in New York City. From summaries of the 60 or so meetings this group held, Ann posted a website in June 1999 under the name The Annie Appleseed Project. It is now a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation serving 90,000 people monthly via the Internet.

Ann has attended several hundred scientific, medical, research and advocacy meetings since 1995. She and other volunteers gather information and it is disseminated via the website and talks that Ann gives around the country.

Ann’s been featured in magazines, interviewed on the radio and TV, and is the author of one published paper “Patient Perspectives: Barriers to Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies Create Problems for Patients and Survivors”, Integrative Cancer Therapies 6(3); 2007 pp.297-300, as well as numerous articles. She’s presented at many meetings around the US and abroad, including Canada, India (2006) and Brazil (2007) and Japan (2010), Greece (2011), (Spain and Portugal 2011). She speaks out, speaks up and speaks about the issues people with any type of cancer really care about. As an independent advocate (63% of Annie Appleseed Project funds come directly from donations of $100 or less), Ann has the ability to say things most people can or will not say. She’s raised questions about the environment, drug approvals, LGBT issues, research methodologies and much more.

She served on many panels and is Florida Field Coordinator for the National Breast Cancer, a member of the Society for Integrative Oncology, was on Susan G. Komen for the Cure LGBT National Advisory Council, etc. Ann is a 2004 graduate of Food as Medicine and CancerGuides. She is the Consumer advocate on the Adverse Effects Methods Group, Cochrane Collaboration, and a member of CUE – Consumers United for Evidence-based Healthcare, reviewing monthly. Ann served with a panel examining Comparative Effectiveness Research for Complementary/Integrative Medicine, and was invited to the Patient Advocate Forum in October 2010 to discuss clinical trial issues. Ann recently reviewed for PCORI – Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

Ann speaks to various cancer groups including ovarian, prostate, mesothelioma, lung, breast and others. She finds valuable natural strategies for everyone at every stage of disease.

The Annie Appleseed Project will host it 8th Annual Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Cancer educational conference in March 2014 in West Palm Beach, FL. The group also cosponsors one-day educational seminars around the country.

Guest Category: Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Medicine, Science, Self Help