Greetings Divine Ones!
Have you ever read Marianne Williamson's piece "Our Deepest Fear" before? If you haven't, please read it now. It is short, yet very powerful. I believe it calls for us to look within ourselves to face our fears and be our best. Not the easiest thing in the world to do. And makes most of us very uncomfortable.
Greetings Divine Ones!
Today we will be talking about Essential Oils.
Greetings Divine Ones,
Today we will be discussing the self and the collective self.
Greetings Divine Ones!
This week we would like to talk more about our shifting earth.
Greetings Divine Ones!
In case you missed our introductory column last week, I am pleased to introduce SisterTalk here at BSS Radio. I am Rose. My sister, Rayla, and I are delighted to become a part of this wonderful group, as their new columnists.
Today we will be discussing the shifting of the planet Earth and what we all can do to assist in the shift.
A simple article of clothing left on, rather than off, can create a fantasy of nobleman and gentry lady, of aggressive or submissive. How about leather boots and a riding crop? Can you almost smell the horses and leather! What if we role-play? We can be anyone and this can create an adrenaline rush that is quite memorable. Our sexual experiences should become memorable, and wouldn’t it be great if we could always be craving the next new thing we can try. Why not? Do we worry what others will think? Are there people we can share these desires with?
Greetings Divine Ones,
I would like to take a moment to introduce you to SisterTalk by Rose and Rayla at BSS Radio. We are biological sisters who met in 2008, at the ages of 48 and 53. Rayla is five years old than I am. Due to circumstances beyond control of our mother, my sister was separated from my mother prior to my birth.
How to deal with the fear.
Four A’s: Acknowledgement, Acceptance, Appreciation, Actualizationi
Whether we are conscious of it or not, much of our lives are driven by fear. Not only do those fears run us, but they deprive us and others of the fullness of our authentic being--the love we are.
These four steps can enable you to beging the process of liberating yourself from these fears.